Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 184 Not happy...

What to do with this dark elf?

Where is the use of Ming? It just changed!

Kill her for me, and even all the people in your clan who are related to her. It's just a bummer!

Ming is not angry and is proud of himself.

Yes Master!

After the old witch returned respectfully, she ordered her people to clean it up and kill all creatures related to the dark elf.

Of course, Munali, a member of the fish elf clan, dares to resist?

This one is the ancestor, and the other is the master of the ancestor. Obviously one is stronger than the other. Otherwise, why would their ancestors be so afraid of this younger creature in front of them?

... ps: I want to say sorry to you book friends who see you here. I have lost my temper, and I am getting worse and worse in writing. I’m sorry to you book friends. To be honest, the monthly manuscript fee is only more than 50 yuan. , the mentality can’t stand it!

I wrote about practicing at the end of this book, and the editor didn’t mind if I started a new book and asked me to write a million words first, so later on I wrote whatever came to my mind...

I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry, thank you for your silent support.

In the sixth level of the abyss, under the sea of ​​darkness.

In a gorgeous palace, Ming is devouring a large amount of blood. These bloods are all caused by Ming. The old witch ordered her people to collect the blood and power of countless creatures in this sea of ​​​​underworld, in order to restore the true power of the Dark Lord. strength.

Master, this is the last one. Ming Hai's life is about to be exhausted! The old witch knelt down and worshiped under Ming Hai and said with great respect.

It's not enough, I need more!

However, Ming is ruthless and will never be so polite when facing these guys. If he cannot satisfy him, then he will sacrifice the lives of the entire fish elf family to provide him with a lot of blood and power.


The old witch wanted to beg Ming to let her people go, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it. Now that she had returned, she would fight for her master first, so that she could not only train her people, but also get a satisfactory harvest.

Master, please wait, I will conquer all the life in this abyss and provide you with more blood power!

Well, you know what's going on. Go ahead. It's best not to keep me waiting for too long. By the way, the great mistress in this abyss must be killed by me!

Ming calmly ordered that the old witch had finally done something that did not require him to remind or worry about, and that he was basically satisfied, so she would keep her tribe for the time being and serve him in the abyss.

After all, before returning to the interstellar world, Ming was planning to go under more than 500 layers of the bottomless abyss to see if there was any chance to return more of the abyss layers that originally belonged to the Dark Lord.

If it could be taken back, how much time would be reduced? How awesome is this?

When the time comes, all you need to do is move all your Zerg to more than 500 levels below the abyss, maybe even formally ally with the Queen of Blades, and then go crazy and fight to your heart's content in the lower abyss. Wouldn't it be the invincible rise of the Zerg? Good time?

Thank you, Master...

The old witch nodded gratefully. Although she felt very aggrieved and unhappy, what could she do? If you can't win the fight yourself, what else can you do?

Someone who can kill the Dark Lord, who knows how invincible and terrifyingly powerful this person is?

You must know that the old witch has been following the Dark Lord for tens of thousands of years and has been fucked every day, but she still has no ability to kill the Dark Lord!

Finally, the old witch led all her tribesmen and the whole army to attack the great mistress in this abyss, and the old and new grudges could be settled together.

Old ancestor, you don't know that in the years since you left, the masters of this abyss have changed several times. The mistress who now occupies this abyss is a super fat woman. She controls this powerful treasure in her hands. It’s called the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Eyes, and among the ten thousand eyes, she is difficult to kill and seems to have countless lives.”

Our fish elf clan, for so many years, fortunately, your mount has been intimidating them, so they don't dare to be too presumptuous with us. However, in recent years, we have been suppressed by her, and even today, our whole clan and the blade were Queen Rush.”

You don't know. I heard that the Queen of Blades was extremely powerful. Three thousand years ago, she single-handedly entered the 400th floor of the abyss. She was chased all the way by the powerful lord of the abyss, but she finally gave up on chasing the Queen of Blades.

The Queen of Blades was attached to this abyss that day. We secretly helped him and provided him with healing elixirs and an environment to hide from.

Originally everything was fine, but when the great mistress of this floor got the news, she was willing to kill the Queen of Blades!

Fortunately, the Queen of Blades had almost recovered from her injuries. When she went out to fight against the Great Mistress, she promised our family that you will be lucky the next time you come to the abyss. I will not do anything to you fish elves. Take action.

In the end, not long after the Queen of Blades went out, she crushed the Great Mistress and chased her. I heard that the Great Mistress almost died. In the end, she escaped back to her kingdom of thousands of eyes to avoid being destroyed by the Queen of Blades!

At this point, more than two thousand years have passed. Unexpectedly, the Queen of Blades led her army and descended into the abyss with force.

Beside the old witch, a group of old and young people kept telling the old witch about the big and small things in recent years.

But they didn't notice that at this moment, their ancestors were sweating profusely.

I went and told my people that they really didn’t realize that the Queen of Insects in the second abyss was so powerful and invincible? One person single-handedly entered more than 400 levels of the abyss.

It's ridiculous. At that time, I thought I was pretty good and dared to say those words in front of her!

It seems that I am really thankful to be alive.

Moreover, if it weren't for the Insect Queen, considering that she was the ancestor of the fish elf clan, she probably wouldn't have survived.

It seemed that in the years since she was no longer around, her subjects had done something that made her happy!

Otherwise, it would be really unbearable, the feeling of dying right after coming out!

Okay, I know all this. In short, don't mess with the Insect Queen. Don't offend her. If she needs anything, you can help her. The Queen of Blades said calmly,

Yes, ancestor!

As for the great mistress, she is no longer alive. The master has already said that no matter what abilities she has, she must be killed once and for all!

Yes, ancestor! Everyone nodded!

By the way, ancestor, who is the master you are talking about? I remember that when you left, you followed the unimaginably powerful Dark Lord. Now that I heard that the Dark Lord has awakened, why is there only the ancestor? Appear?

What about the Dark Lord? Did he go under the abyss? And what is the ability of that creature in our palace? I don’t think he is very strong, so why can’t we resist him?

The only one who can ask such a question is the old witch's mount, this giant Kunpeng. But now this guy has turned into an old man with a long beard. He looks a bit fairy-like, but more of that The seeds are broken and broken, and they don't look like a climate.

Hmph! Never say such words in the future, otherwise you will all die, do you understand? After hearing this, the old witch became furious, scaring everyone on the spot to the point where they were sweating profusely.

It seems that the people sitting in their palace are not ordinary creatures.

He was the one who killed the Dark Lord, and the Queen of Blades you just mentioned had a lot of friendship with him!

The old witch's words were like a depth charge, which immediately made the people around her tremble all over.

What did they hear? What did you hear? What did you hear?

Oh my God, such a powerful figure as the Dark Lord was actually killed. Are you kidding me?

But these words were spoken by their ancestors, so it seems that they must be true.

Yes, ancestor!

A group of people immediately promised their ancestors that they would never dare to doubt Ming again.

After all, if the ancestral master is unhappy, their entire clan’s life may be at risk!


This time you come out, it is also my master's order. You are all brutal, kill all the life in this abyss, and collect all the blood. This is what the master needs in large quantities now. If it is not enough, , you and I both have to become the flesh and blood part he needs!

Yes, don't worry, ancestor!

A group of people nodded after hearing this. Now that their ancestors are personally leading them in the crusade, how can they still be afraid of the lord of this abyss?

No matter how powerful the Mistress is, is she still as powerful as their ancestors? Could it be that the ancestor’s master is still more powerful?

Ancestor, your strength has improved a lot now. The great mistress must be afraid that you will deal with her. She has been hiding it since ancient times.

However, there should be no problem. He has only six levels of the abyss, and his escape is also within these levels. But what is unlucky for her is that the powerful Queen of Blades is crushing her on the upper levels, and we are attacking below. I guess she He will go crazy and sooner or later he will come out and fight for his life!

Humph, that's natural!

At this moment, in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Eyes, the bloated Great Mistress is furious!

Damn, damn, damn, it's all damn a!

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!

Which one of you can come back to me? Why is the old guy real? The current fish elves will definitely come to attack me. What do you think we should do?

There is a threat from that bug named Blade. Now the ancestor of the fish elf clan is back, and those guys clearly did not carry out the tasks I gave them. This is an obvious challenge to me.

The great mistress sitting on the throne was not in the mood to eat some water from the plate and rolled her eyes one by one.

Mother, that's not necessarily the case. We have received news that the ancestor of the fish elf was injured by the Queen of Blades, and may have a grudge against the Queen of Blades. As long as we find an opportunity to win over the ancestor of the fish elf clan, Let’s deal with the gale bugs together, I think your pressure will be reduced, Mistress!”

A demon general below was already dripping with cold sweat, fearing that the mistress would lose control and kill him on the spot.

But fortunately, this guy had a clever mind, and he actually came up with such a delaying strategy, and judging from the look on the face of the mistress after hearing this, she seemed to be very happy.

Come on, it's better now.

Oh, very good, you are indeed my demon general, haha...

Then you made arrangements with me quickly, you know? Give me a chance and arrange for me to meet that old witch, and then I will discuss important matters with you!

However, before the Great Mistress finished speaking, the demon generals below breathed a sigh of relief, and a beholder climbed in hastily.

Mistress, Mistress, that's not good! I'm asking for it!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a beholder rushed in with bad news.

There are really no rules anymore? The mistress was disapproving and yelled immediately.

Tell me, what happened?

Mother, the fish elves have rebelled and are coming to kill you!

Bang! It's really the worst news.

Just now, I thought I could use a plan to unite with the old witch, but I didn't expect to launch a crusade against her so quickly?

Who is leading the team? Is it the old witch? the mistress asked.

Yes, my mistress, you don't know, that old witch is so powerful, we have no power to resist at all when she attacks her! the beholder said.

Damn it, come on, come with me for a while!

The Great Mistress really has no choice. As the Abyss Lord of the Six-Level Abyss, it is impossible to escape without fighting at this moment. If this spreads out, can he still hide in the abyss?

So, the Great Mistress began to mobilize troops and recruit a large number of beholder monsters.

These beholder monsters only have one eye, because they all had one eye eaten by the Great Mistress.

In the end, the two armies faced each other in an abyss and purgatory.

Here the wind howls, the prairie fire burns, and skeletons are everywhere.

Mother, are you aware of your sins? You have become much more arrogant during my absence in the past few years. You dare to attack my Idea tribe members. It seems that you are impatient with life? The old witch looked directly at the opposite side not far away. The great mistress.

It seems there is some misunderstanding? Aren't all your people good? But you, haha, what does this mean? I am the Lord of the Abyss, and I am recognized by the King of the Abyss Lord! The power of the Great Mistress is stronger than the old at this moment The witch is a little weaker.

What do you mean? Isn't this obvious? If I didn't wake up this time, wouldn't you be willing to take all the lives of my people and bury them in the hands of that insect king? The old witch went straight to the point and talked a lot of nonsense. .

However, how can you be the opponent of the Insect Queen? I am not her opponent, let alone you? Do you think you can beat me? The old witch started to show off, and pretending seems to be the norm these days. A trend is either blatantly showing off, or it is invisible all the time.

Yes, you are very powerful, but you are not as powerful as a sword, so how can you deal with me? The eldest mistress was not convinced, and she had to pretend, otherwise she would be looked at as a joke, and would be laughed at by this old lady. The witch was scolded.

He said: Didn't the group of traitors around you tell you? How majestic was that blade more than two thousand years ago? You single-handedly entered more than 400 levels of the abyss, but you couldn't kill me. Now you have the ability How many levels into the abyss have we fought? How can you kill me?

Can't be killed? All things in time have their own relative weaknesses, and all things in time have their enemies. Could it be that you have lived for so many years and don't you know that one thing can destroy another? The old witch sneered.

In order to deal with you, I brought back sewage from the River Styx!

What, you...are you trying to hurt both of us? When the eldest mistress heard this, she became very angry!

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