Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 185 Styx Sewage

It seems that there is no discussion between us?

The bloated, ugly matron gritted her teeth and couldn't stand it anymore. The other party actually kept thinking about killing him. What a nonsense.

How could she survive until now if she killed like this?

Besides, in the abyss, people are shouting every day to kill her, at least a hundred people a day, right? But what about in the end?

Either the assassination failed, or he was killed by her, and then she ate his eyeballs and then cut his body into pieces.

Where is the discussion? You will definitely die!

The old witch is very cold. She will kill this mistress no matter what today. This is what her master has personally ordered. How can she dare to disobey?



The Great Mistress gave an order, and the countless people she led, especially the masters of the beholder clan, fought for her one after another and fought against the mermaid elves.

The old witch didn't dare to fall behind. These little things like soldiers and generals were not enough for her to see, so they were all handed over to her people to fight for her.

Therefore, with the first order, countless fish elves, mounted on the Kunpeng fish, fought against the countless evil troops of the Great Mistress.

Both sides fought, resulting in numerous casualties, and the battlefield continued to expand.

For a time, blood flowed into rivers, corpses were everywhere, the atmosphere surged, the magic cloud turned red, wars were everywhere, screams of pain were everywhere, and various emotions of fighting were everywhere.

There is a killing spree! There are cries of ambition and cries of unwillingness.

In short, the battle between the two sides was extremely fierce...

However, when you look back, you will notice that the fish elves have firmly gained the upper hand!

Why is this? It turns out that one is caused by momentum, and the other is caused by the strength of the strength itself.

The problem of its own strength is because the fish elf clan has the Kunpeng ancestor who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

This bird is so powerful. When it transforms into thousands of miles, it just flaps its wings and flies down three thousand feet. Its power and power are so terrifying. In seconds and minutes, it can deal with the countless evil attacks of the Great Mistress. Dark Troops, causing the deadliest wide-area attacks and tens of thousands of damage.

Of course, Kunpeng is far more terrifying than that. They also possess endless power. They can easily cut off mountains and rivers, and easily destroy all spaces in the abyss. Like a broken mirror, they are constantly destroying this abyss.

Moreover, they also have unimaginable devouring power. With just one mouthful, everything within a radius of thousands of miles can seem to be swallowed forcefully into the invincible world in their belly.

Facing such a powerful Kunpeng, how can a mere weak demon and a mere evil dark force resist?

It was like an egg trying to fight with an iron lump. In the end, it could only compensate for the loss and shattered into puddles.

Moreover, a group of crazy fish elves emerged to collect the corpses, drained all their blood, and prepared all this for the ancestral master.

The other one is...

When the great mistress faced the ancestor of the fish elf clan, she was slapped by the old witch until she vomited blood, and several of her eyeballs suddenly exploded.

Damn it, you are so cruel, you have the ability to follow me, you damn old witch!

The mistress endured the pain all over her body, feeling extremely unconvinced and wanted to ask the old witch to follow her to the kingdom of thousands of eyes.

Hmph! Why not?

The old witch chased after him directly. Even if the opponent escaped to more than a hundred levels of the abyss today, she had the ability to chase him to death, so why wouldn't she dare to follow him?

Not long after, the great mistress fled to her own kingdom of thousands of eyes, and the old witch also chased her to the kingdom of thousands of eyes.

The so-called Kingdom of Ten Thousand Eyes is a huge crystal ball. The crystal ball is covered with countless eyes. Everything seen by these eyes can directly become the perspective of the Great Mistress, which is equivalent to the perspective of the Ten Thousand Eyes. In the Kingdom of Eyes, the Great Mistress has a God-like existence.

Of course, that's not all. In the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Eyes, every eye can become a clone of the Great Mistress and an escape channel for the Great Mistress.

The enemies in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Eyes will be watched, tortured, and confused by countless evil eyes. Those with weak will may be taken advantage of by the Great Mistress and killed instantly.

So to a certain extent, it’s still a pretty scary field.

But don't forget the existence of the old witch. Her current strength can dominate the abyss lord under more than a hundred layers of the abyss.

Moreover, she is the ancestor of the fish elf clan, and she controls a certain amount of dark magic power in her hands. She is not such a good person.

Come on, I'll give you a chance. Use whatever means you have. Otherwise, you won't have any chance when I take action! The old witch came to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Eyes and looked at the people blinking around. The magic eye in his eyes, but as soon as the Great Mistress came in, she disappeared without a trace and seemed to turn into one of the magic eyes.

But the old witch was not worried that she would be attacked. This time she found some sewage from the River Styx in order to deal with the troublesome ability of the Great Mistress.

Old guy, why don't you take your time and feel it first?

I have hundreds and thousands of shells of magic eyes here. Each magic eye is refined with eighteen thousand eye beads. There are also eyeballs of your people in them. Now that you have come in, shouldn't you? Look more?

Suddenly, the erratic voice of the Great Mistress sounded in this kingdom of thousands of eyes.

At this time, the old witch was naturally inferring where the Great Mistress was in the magic eye, but in the end she expressed her powerlessness in her heart, unable to find the existence of the Great Mistress among the hundred and eight thousand magic eyes.

Feel it, I will feel it well, I don't know how long you can endure it!

The old witch absolutely can't, so she will destroy all the magic eyes one by one to destroy the magic eyes. So it's a bit troublesome, but it's the only good way.

Oh? I want to see how much of the sewage you found from the River Styx is there? The great mistress knew what the old witch was going to do next, was it to use the sewage to destroy her evil eyes?

But what is she worried about? She has one hundred and eight thousand magic eyes!

Besides, is sewage that good? Moreover, it is extremely precious. In order to deal with her, is Master really willing to waste time on the Demon Eye?

And even if one of her magic eyes is destroyed, at most, tens of thousands of eyeballs will surge up to create a magic eye.

Huh, in order to kill you, it doesn't matter if I lose some sewage!

The old witch gritted her teeth and said, although sewage is a rare treasure in the world, it is simply a rare thing, but there is no way. In order to complete the master's task, it must be used even if it is precious, otherwise the great mistress cannot be caught. She The old witch wants to be buried with her whole family! Even she herself, despite her screams as a mistress, would be ruthlessly killed in the end.

After all, the master is too powerful, and it doesn't matter whether she is an old witch or not.

As soon as she saw it, a dark ink-like mass appeared in the old witch's hand, floating in her palm. There was not much, only a small wine glass.

But looking at the old witch struggling to control this sewage, you can tell that this sewage is extremely extraordinary.

Well, yes, if there is so much sewage, no one can destroy all the demon eyes in my kingdom of thousands of eyes. But if you control it well, you should be able to destroy tens of thousands of demon eyes when all the sewage is consumed. , then it will be your death!

Hearing how arrogant the mistress in the dark was, the old witch gritted her teeth tightly, feeling very angry.

After all, as the other party said, if all this sewage is consumed, it should be able to deal with half of the magic eyes.

But could it be that simple? Will the old witch be eliminated without any purpose? It must be to use this bit of sewage to destroy one of the evil eyes that transformed into it. This is the main purpose.

At the next moment, I saw a small droplet of sewage suddenly popping out of the old witch's hand. It was so small that it was difficult for ordinary people to see clearly with the naked eye whether it was real, but people like them could see it lightly and clearly.

A drop of sewage popped up, which seemed to contain unimaginable dark power.

However, sewage can contaminate everything in the world. If this small drop of sewage hits a magic eye, it will be very unfortunate.

This eye can never see light. Everything it sees is the existence of darkness, which means that it is completely blind!

Of course, the only one here who is as generous as the old witch is that it is really difficult to understand how to use sewage to deal with an existence like the Great Mistress with countless eyeballs.

Soon, this drop of flying sewage was controlled by the old witch, and she began to speculate that the big mistress was the magic eye.

After some speculation, the old witch launched the sewage missile away.

The power is quite strong. The trajectory of the sewage becomes a dark line, which seems to cut through the abyss space. It feels very strong in penetration and destruction.

Soon, this drop of sewage was projected into a magic eye, and a terrifying scene suddenly occurred.

The magic eye suddenly turned into a puddle of black water, and then disappeared without a trace.

Sure enough, sewage is still powerful. My magic eye was completely in the darkness. It couldn't even resist for a second and was melted into nothingness. I really can't imagine that if this hit me, wouldn't I also cease to exist?

Obviously, the big mistress was not hit. She was still in a certain magic eye, watching every move of the old witch from the perspective of God!

Hmph! Don't be too happy too soon, otherwise I can't find you! The old witch is not evil, and this little bit of sewage would cost tens of thousands of shots.

As a result, the old witch bounced out the sewage one after another, melting the magic eyes one after another.

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, one thousand, but still could not find the magic eye transformed by the Melting Point Mistress.

Hahaha... It's useless. You can't kill me at all. Although I turned into a magic eye, as long as I am in this kingdom of ten thousand eyes, I can instantly switch places among all the magic eyes. Do you think you can still hit me?

The great mistress couldn't help but laugh. Could it be that this old witch has lost her mind after sleeping for tens of thousands of people?

I imagined getting rid of her, but it would take all my magic eyes to force her out.

But now, the great mistress just won't come out, because she will definitely not be able to defeat the old witch if she comes out, so that's all she can do.

And when the sewage in the old witch's hands is used up, wouldn't it be better if she suddenly attacks the old witch?

Why didn't you dedicate such a precious thing to me earlier? To deal with such a cunning species with underground strength, wouldn't it be too much of a waste to use such a treasure? You, you, can't you please touch it? My master?

Unexpectedly, at this time, Ming suddenly shattered the space and appeared directly in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Eyes. Although he was far away in the sea of ​​​​Ming, he was always paying attention to the old witch's every move!

By chance, I saw that the thing in the old witch's hand was so amazing, so why not hurry over? Could it be that we really want the old witch to have a white light of her own?

Tell me, what is this? Why haven't I seen such amazing water droplets in this world before? Ming asked directly, and for the time being he could only control the existence of the Great Mistress.

How did the old witch know that Hades would be coming?

She was so frightened that she immediately knelt down and said, Master, why are you here? I can deal with her and bring her to you!

Hmph! These are not important. Just answer my question and you will be innocent! Ming snorted coldly. This kind of person is the most annoying. He can't understand the point.

Yes, Master, this is the treasure I found in the River Styx. Under the Sea of ​​Styx, there is an undercurrent of the River Styx. I extracted some sewage in it. This sewage is the darkest in the world and can contaminate everything. I have no choice but to deal with the great mistress, so I can't bear to waste such a good treasure on her!

The old witch was very dedicated. If it weren't for completing Ming's mission, how could she be willing to waste it like this?

Okay, okay, give me the rest! Ming reached out for the sewage, but the old witch didn't dare not pick it up and handed it directly to Ming!

Haha... You useless old thing, it seems that you have really lost your mind in sleep. Such a weak creature actually calls his master. Shouldn't your master be the Dark Lord? By the way, where are the others?

The big mistress in the secret, when she saw the person who saw it, she thought, oh, this is not the little guy who is following the Queen of Blades. He is not as powerful as the lady of Blades.

Forget it! If you come here, I will kill you all.

Haha, you want to ask why the Dark Lord is not here? Sorry, he has been killed by me! As for me, not only do I come here for this treasure, but I also want to kill you!

Have you forgotten? These magic eyes of yours do no harm to me. I can control them all without any effort!

What a big joke, can you kill the Dark Lord? Can you kill me? No, it seems that you and this old witch are crazy! They must be crazy, only ghosts believe it, and only dead people believe what you say! Do you think it's ridiculous that strong men are so easy to kill? What's more, it's a super powerful Abyss Lord who once lived on more than 500 levels of the abyss!

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