Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 183 Counter-devourment

Who are you? Why do you occupy my master's body?

The old witch reluctantly looked at the person in front of her who was no longer the Dark Lord. She didn't expect that he was so careless, or was the enemy too cunning? The Dark Lord's body was actually taken over by him.

However, what the hell is unlucky. The Dark Lord just woke up from tens of thousands of years of slumber. Although he has a powerful aura, his strength and strength have not been completely recovered at all.

Tell me, how can you deal with such an evil being like Ming?

Moreover, he actually swallowed Ming into his stomach. Isn't this just adding fuel to his own flames, asking for trouble, and dying in idleness?

Fortunately, now, the body is actually occupied by Ming. Maybe the Dark Lord will never exist, and all he has is just a part of Ming's body.

You must know that Ming has the ability of cell armor. Not only can he put armor on himself, but he also has a new ability after the cell armor upgrades and evolves, which is cell assimilation.

Obviously the body of the Dark Lord is occupied by Hades, and it is also occupied by the ability of the Cell Armor. Now the heart may have been assimilated by the Cell Armor. After all, the most important part of the Abyss Demon is not the brain, but the heart in the body.

Who am I? Haha...Aren't you funny? The Dark Lord sneered, You old woman, you are really disgusting. You are still slutty at your age? This body is actually your master, then I Now you are your new master, so why are there so many questions and questions?

What...sure must have done it on purpose.!

Listening to the tone of the Dark Lord, the old witch felt that the insect creature that the Dark Lord had swallowed before was probably swallowed on purpose. She had been a little confused about this before, but she didn't think much about it. Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before everything happened. The bad guys are here, and the enemy will eventually succeed.

You want to die now? I got important news from the memory of the Dark Lord. I heard that you are the ancestor of the fish elf clan, and your clan is actually in the sixth abyss. Haha, this is really Coincidence...? Is the kid destined to be exterminated?

Ming said lightly, because the Dark Lord's body has been almost assimilated by him. After a while and a half, the super powerful Abyss Lord who roamed more than 500 floors of the Invincible Abyss 20,000 years ago will have all the information, The power, power, and even the proper abyss level may be his.

Master, I was wrong!

The old witch, who was in tangle, finally recognized Ming as her master. After all, she still had a race here, so she could only seek perfection in this way. If she continued to resist, she might really be killed, and even her own race would cease to exist.

Okay, now you go out first, I don't want anyone to disturb me, not even the insect queen outside, do you understand?

Ming Ming didn't want the Queen of Blades to come in and mess with him until now. After all, he hadn't completely integrated yet. If the Queen of Blades was jealous that he suddenly had such a powerful power, she might get there and kill him, or even swallow up all the Dark Lord's power.

Yes Master!

After receiving Ming's order, the old witch pushed out with her broken arm.

How's it going? Where is the person I want?

At this time, the Queen of Blades, who had been waiting outside, saw the old witch suddenly appear in front of him. Of course, he also saw that the old witch had broken an arm. It seemed that the Dark Lord should be exposed, but why was the Queen of Blades exposed? Don't know yet.

Go back to the Queen, the Dark Lord will bring out the person you want soon!

Oh? What happened to your hand? Queen of Blades asked tentatively.

But the old witch didn't answer and remained enchanted.

But the Queen of Blades has no patience.

Why haven't you come out yet? Do you want me to go in and get someone? Then you don't have to exist! The Queen of Blades was furious, and the bone spurs on her back had appeared in front of the old witch. As long as the old witch dared to move, she would be killed. The Queen of Blades pierces the body.

Queen, spare your life. She will come out soon. I dare to guarantee my entire family that the people you need will appear intact and will not be harmed at all. How dare the old witch resist? But he didn't dare to disobey Ming's order, so he could only bring out his entire clan to make a guarantee with the Queen of Blades.

Oh, your whole clan? You've aged like this, and you still have the whole clan? The Queen of Blades laughed when she heard this. This kind of creature also has clansmen. Is this really a joke?

Yes Queen, my people are on the sixth level of the abyss, but due to special reasons, I have been sleeping for more than 20,000 years. The old witch did not dare to resist, so she could only continue, making the Queen of Blades believe in her even more.

Sixth level? Hahaha... This place is now ruled by the Great Mistress's abyss lord. I'm afraid your tribe has been eaten up by her. What kind of tribesmen can you give me as a guarantee? Are you lying to me? The Queen of Blades said with a sneer.

Besides, what qualifications does the other party have to guarantee it?

She, the Queen of Blades, is planning to break into the 500-plus layers of the abyss this time. Even if the aura just now was very powerful and seemed to be the abyss lord below the 500-plus layers of the abyss, she is not afraid of becoming an enemy first. Continue to invade into the abyss.

Queen, I can feel that my people are still there, so I can assure you, please believe me once! The old witch can sense that her people are still there, after all, the sea of ​​​​underworld has thousands of connections with her. There are countless connections, and her mount seems to be still alive today after 20,000 years.

Another thing is that in the sixth abyss, there are only a few abyss barriers between the second abyss, which is not too far away, so she feels that her induction is correct.

Oh, then what is your target? Queen of Blades asked, but in fact, you can't see any racial characteristics from the old witch in front of you. She is too old, and she doesn't know what to do after living such a long time. Take care of it, it's really...

Back to the Queen, she is from the Nether Sea Fish Elf clan!

Huh? Is it them? Ha, there really is some connection, but I will believe you this time. Once the Queen of Blades heard that it was the fish elves, she no longer embarrassed the old witch in front of her.

I remember that thousands of years ago, during the battle with the Great Mistress, the fish elves did not obey the Great Mistress's orders and attacked the Queen of Blades. From that point on, the Queen of Blades gave the old witch in front of her some face today.

But, if I give you a few more minutes, if you haven't seen the person I want to see, I will destroy your entire clan. You should know how powerful I am. No one in these upper abyss layers can stop me. I!

Yes, yes, your Lady Queen... After hearing this, the old witch shuddered and kept thanking her.


Not long after, Ming had fully accepted the power of the Dark Lord and appeared in front of the Queen of Blades.

Of course, Ming is now in body mode and does not show the appearance of the Dark Lord in front of the Queen of Blades, but there is no doubt that Ming's strength has been greatly improved, and even the Queen of Blades feels threatening.

Master, you finally come out. My dear, I have been waiting for you outside! When the old witch saw Ming coming out, she knew that this was the appearance of her current master, because it was this insect creature that they swept away before.

Why, how did your strength improve so quickly? Queen of Blades asked suspiciously, it was really unbelievable.

Well... I just got a little chance. A man who calls himself the Dark Lord doesn't have much strength. He only relies on his breath to scare people. In the end, he was defeated in my hands. I swallowed him up. I didn't expect that his strength would be so strong. It’s improved a lot. Haha...

Ming smiled as he spoke, pretending to be very happy in front of the Queen of Blades.

Oh? So that's why this old witch followed you? Queen of Blades asked.

Yeah, I thought he was helpful, so I kept her! Ming nodded.

Well, I thought you were killed, but now that you have become so powerful, there should be no problem in the two or three hundred levels of the abyss, so I will no longer promise you any insurance to avoid trouble, and you stay here There’s nothing going on here, why not go back to where you should be as soon as possible!”

At this time, the Queen of Blades suddenly said this to Ming. She didn't know what it meant, but Ming was confused.

Let's have some fun first. It won't be too late for me to leave after you occupy the Sixth Level Abyss!

Ming said he didn’t want to leave yet, so what are you talking about? You have to devour it first and restore your other body.

Because of the existence of the Dark Lord, if his strength is restored well, Ming feels that with his methods, he can still go to the abyss level where the Dark Lord once was.

If possible, Ming wouldn't mind directly taking back the abyss level as the Dark Lord, temporarily ruling the fifth and fifth levels of the abyss, becoming the new abyss lord, and then returning to the interstellar world without any delay.

But at this moment, a group of elves appeared in this abyss. Because they were led by the huge Kunpeng, the lineup could not call the wind and rain all the way, and the clouds were rolling.

Oh? It seems that your tribe has arrived to deal with me?

At this moment, the first thing to be discovered was the Queen of Blades. After all, the abyss had been occupied by her bugs, and her bug vision was everywhere. Of course, when Ming disappeared before, she did not get the vision. After all, the abyss had not yet been conquered. The sea of ​​insects covered it.

Yes, queen, but they are not here to deal with you. The old witch naturally sent a message immediately, telling them not to take action, lest they suffer disaster. After all, the master will definitely not be in front of this queen. , protect his entire clan.

Hmph, it's so good. It's best not to let them appear in front of me, otherwise my Zerg will destroy everything in its path! How could the Queen of Blades not know this? That mighty army, a behemoth thousands of miles away, was ordered by the Great Mistress to attack her Queen of Blades?

It’s just that I have been warned by this ancestor, otherwise it would have become a fact!

Haha... That's why I went to their sea of ​​​​underworld to play. My Zerg seems to be lacking the genes of the Kunpeng family. It's time to find some genes!

At this time, Ming suddenly said, because Ming wants to find a chance to leave normally and smoothly, and then find a chance to restore the Dark Lord's powerful strength and do what he should do!

It's up to you. Anyway, you have enough strength now, but it's best not to block it, otherwise one day, I will let your Zerg race be destroyed by mine!

This was the Queen of Blades' last warning to Ming. After all, the Queen of Blades began not to trust Ming very much after Ming swallowed the power of the Dark Lord, and even became wary of Ming everywhere.

Don't worry, next time I lead the Zerg, I will have to rely on you to protect me. How can I make any small moves? We are all the lives of the Zerg. There are so many enemies in the abyss, shouldn't we be more united? Borrow each other's strength To intimidate other powerful abyss lords, isn't it? Ming smiled, but the Queen of Blades was really sensitive, and she never believed what he said before.

Then Ming took the old witch away from the Queen of Blades and went directly to the abyss of the sixth level. Of course, if possible, Ming would not mind getting rid of the Great Mistress to supplement the Dark Lord's strength recovery.

Ah, he is really our ancestor!

Master, I have been waiting for you for more than 20,000 years, and you are finally back!

When they arrived at the front, there were already thousands of fish elves in the sky, waiting for their ancestor.

Is it you? Why is it you?

Unexpectedly, among this huge group of fish elves, there was a dark elf who recognized Ming. She shouted directly and unceremoniously, seemingly with some hatred.


At this time, when the old witch saw that someone dared to speak to her master like this, she slapped her face on the spot, causing the dark elf to vomit blood and fly away.

Where does this race come from? How dare you be so presumptuous in front of me? Do you know this is my master? The old witch saw that the dark elf flying out was obviously not a member of her race, and she didn't know. How did you get to such a status?

Ancestor, atone for your sins!

Soon, a middle-aged fish elf knelt out.

Ancestor makes atonement. That is my humble maid. I will discipline her more in the future. I will discipline her more!

But the old witch ignored it and looked at Ming.

Master, how to deal with it, as long as you give the order, I will deal with it.

Bring her here. Ming looked at the dark elf, hehe, isn't this the dark elf king that he met in the interstellar? You must know that the Rubik's Cube was discovered in the country she abandoned, but she didn't expect this guy to come here.

Yes, Master! The old witch quickly brought the dark elf over.

It's really fate. You're not dead yet, haha... What do you think I should do with you now? Ming looked at her indifferently.

Are you Pluto? I can't escape your clutches after all. I accept my fate and let you do whatever you want! This dark elf felt that he was really unlucky. He thought that Pluto was just a servant next to his ancestor. After all, Ting Yu The elves say that the ancestors are very powerful. In fact, they can feel it based on the strength of this clan, and Ming Na is the king in the abyss?

Instead, it was reversed, so this is called bad luck!

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