Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 182 Powerful Power

Several fish elves left the great mistress's kingdom of thousands of eyes.

Hmph, it's really a damn lord. For his own revenge plan, he wants to drag me and the whole clan to be buried with him.

Among them, the old man snorted coldly, feeling disgusted with the actions of the great mistress.

Although they belong to this abyss, the fish elves, due to other reasons, have not completely surrendered to the rule of the Great Mistress, so they still have to resist when it is time to resist, but they cannot go too far. The great mistress wishes, otherwise the disaster will still happen.

Elder, now that the Dark Lord has been resurrected, what if the ancestors of our clan are also resurrected, is it possible?

A young fish elf said, as if he was still hoping that their ancestor was still alive. In this case, I am afraid that their fish elf clan will be able to rule this abyss in an instant. Will they be afraid of the Great Mistress? Just kill him and feed him to the fish in the underworld.

Well, it's been too long. Our ancestor was indeed taken away by the Dark Lord back then. But tens of thousands of years have passed. Who can guarantee that our ancestor is still alive? So I only dared to talk about it at the time, but I didn't dare Definitely, and that’s why the great mistress doesn’t dare to let us be completely destroyed!” The old man sighed and replied.

However, if their ancestor is really still alive, he will be the first to ask his ancestor to attack the Great Mistress and rule the abyss territory ruled by the Great Mistress.

Hmph, but we still have to send someone to investigate this matter. The old man snorted coldly.

By the way, where does the Dark Lord sleep?

This... seems to be in the second abyss!

As it turns out, we will bring enough people. If our ancestor is still alive, the Dark Lord must be protecting her now. By then, we will directly take over for them.

The old man imagined that it was impossible to fight for the Great Mistress. He first found out whether the ancestor was still alive. If he did not attack the Queen of Blades again, it seemed that it would not be too late. But if he was still alive, go to hell with the fight and just go to meet the wind. Ancestor, the time when the great mistress came back was when she knelt down and begged for mercy.

Soon, these fish elves came to the underworld sea.

The Nether Sea is an abyssal ocean. The fish elves' nest is at the bottom of the Nether Sea. There are palaces and countless Nether Sea creatures in it.

At the same time, the mounts under their feet are transformed from Kunpeng in the underworld. These Kunpeng are all black creatures and have always belonged to the fish elves.


Suddenly, in the endless sea of ​​​​underworld, there were countless huge monsters rising and falling. They seemed to come from the bottom of the sea of ​​​​underworld, and after a while they all emerged from the water.

These creatures include strange big fish, but most of them are dark Kunpeng.

All the fish are hundreds of miles in size, and all Kunpengs are thousands of miles in size, but one Kunpeng is particularly big, and it seems to be the ancestor of this group of Kunpengs.

This old Kunpeng is thousands of miles tall, and can also take the form of a human. He is an old man with a white beard, the kind of super old man who seems to have lived for tens of thousands of years.

Originally, old Kunpeng had a high status in the fish elf clan. Among the current fish elf clan, almost no fish elf can mobilize him.

However, this old guy heard that the Dark Lord had awakened from his slumber, so he just got up from the dead pit at the bottom of the sea and shouted to go and see the truth.

Because he also hopes in his heart that the ancestor of the fish elf clan is still alive. He is the ancestor's mount. The feeling of being ridden for thousands of years will never be forgotten.

Get up, break through the abyss barrier, and reach the second level of the abyss!

The strong fish elf began to give orders.

At this time, thousands of fish elves stepped on the backs of one Kun Peng after another. At this moment, those huge Kun Peng directly transformed from fish bodies into fish Kun Peng flying in the sky, with two huge flesh wings.

Whoosh!!! Whoosh!!!!

These winged fish are very fast. At this moment, they are like crazy battleships in the interstellar space, violently rubbing against the space, leading thousands of fish elves to continuously avoid the upper abyss.

Report to... mistress, the fish-men clan seems to be very serious this time, and they actually dispatched the huge Kunpeng that is thousands of miles away.

In the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Eyes, someone was lurking to monitor the movements of the fish elves. They immediately came to meet the Great Mistress and truthfully reported everything they knew.

Very good, it seems they are really afraid that I will completely destroy their entire clan, hahaha...

The bloated and ugly matron shook the fat on her body and laughed.

Blade, Blade, with the fish elves coming out, I think you will be in trouble!

In the eyes of the Great Mistress, the fish elves are not only able to use powerful dark magic, but their mounts, the darkened Kunpeng, all have the ability to devour everything. No matter how many bugs the Queen of Blades has and how many they reproduce, Hurry, facing the crazy devouring of these behemoths, I am afraid that there will be heavy losses.

At that time, the Great Mistress decided to lead all her people in a surprise attack to completely subdue the Queen of Blades who had suffered heavy losses and kill her completely.


The Queen of Blades, who is in the second abyss, is launching an insect nest at this moment, attacking and sweeping away one abyss after another.

Huh? It has a powerful aura!

Suddenly, the Queen of Blades frowned and felt a powerful aura appearing in the abyss.

No, how can such a powerful abyss monster aura exist on this abyssal level?

It's in that direction. It seems to be heading this way. Do you want to pay me more?

The Queen of Blades was still a little stressed because this aura was too terrifying, at least for powerful monsters below the 500th level of the abyss.

At this time, the insects of the Queen of Blades began to stop invading, and they all entered their strongest fighting state.

Soon, the whole abyssal world became dark, and the terrifying demonic energy enveloped the entire world.

Danger, danger, envious and dangerous beings are coming.

I want blood, I want blood, blood!!!!

There was a huge roar in the sky, and the sound came directly towards the Queen of Blades.

Because there were so many bugs that Blade Girl was playing with, she couldn't help but attract the devil with huge blood energy.

Who are you?

The Queen of Blades looked up at the sky and spoke with great force.

Who am I? Who am I? Haha, I want to devour it first, I am very hungry...

Oh? Okay, how about I give you huge blood energy and ten billion Zerg lives?

The Queen of Blades went crazy at this moment and directly gave up the 10 billion lives of her own Zerg race, which was extremely cruel to herself.

With that said, the Queen of Blades directly ordered tens of billions of bugs to fly into the magic cloud layer in the sky and sacrifice tens of billions of bugs.

Ah, it's flesh and blood, delicious flesh and blood!

At this moment, this demon king directly swallowed the ileal blade queen's ten billion insect lives, and I felt a little better.

It's not enough, I want more, I want more, give it to me quickly, or I will swallow you completely. The Demon King in the sky has great demand.

Hmph! How brave are you to deny me the respect of this master? You've eaten more than ten billion lives of my insects, and you still haven't told me who you are?

Suddenly, the Queen of Blades became stronger. Ten billion lives were not sacrificed in vain, but the other party did not answer the question and wanted to continue to devour it. Is there such a thing as time?

What, you dare to resist me? I am the powerful Dark Lord.

Oh? Where do you come from? A creature as powerful as you should come from under the abyss of more than 500 levels. Why do you appear here? Are you here to stop me from attacking the abyss? the Queen of Blades said forcefully.


But suddenly, above the clouds in the sky, the devil hidden among them joined in, seeming to have suffered tremendous torture.

Eh? What's going on? The Blade Queen's perception was very strong, and she actually felt Ming's breath in this moment.

Why is this? Is there a connection between the devil in the dark and Mingyou?

At this time, the Queen of Blades felt that she could no longer sit still and wait for death, and had to enter the clouds to see what was going on?

Stop, the master is eating, don't disturb him, otherwise you will die ugly.

Unexpectedly, when the Queen of Blades rushed towards the clouds, she was blocked by an old witch. The aura of this old witch was also very powerful. At least in this abyss, if ranked according to the strength of the abyss, this old witch should At a location more than two hundred levels into the abyss.

Hmph, you want to stop me?

The Queen of Blades suddenly became cold because she felt Ming's aura more and more. Could it be that Ming suddenly disappeared before because she met the Dark Lord in the clouds? Then the Dark Lord was very hungry and swallowed Ming, who was no match for him, in one bite. Ming had not been completely digested and was struggling inside?

Please stay here well. After the master finishes eating, he will naturally be interested in seeing you and even help you.

Hmph, looking for death!

The Queen of Blades has no time to talk to this old witch.

I saw the Queen of Blades. The insect stings on her back suddenly increased, and she was overwhelmingly killing this old witch who didn't know the heights of the sky.

You must know that the Queen of Blades reached more than 400 levels of the abyss thousands of years ago. Now two thousand years have passed, and her strength has already become so terrifying. How could the old witch in front of her be the opponent of the Queen of Blades?


The old witch suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression, and she couldn't even escape. It seemed that if she ran from that direction, she would be stabbed through her body by these insects, and then she would be seriously injured!

Master, save me, save me!

So, the old witch activated the help function. Now, the only person who can save her is the extremely powerful Dark Lord. But the owner just swallowed a relatively powerful creature. Now that guy is struggling in the belly of the Dark Lord, and no one knows. When will the Dark Lord be able to completely digest that guy?

But in the end, the Dark Lord in the demonic cloud layer did not save the old witch immediately, because he was already feeling very uncomfortable. He felt that the guy in his belly was really like an undead person, jumping around inside, pushing his belly to the ground. What a mess.


Then the old witch screamed, and her body was penetrated by the insect thorns on the Queen of Blades.

Hmph, tell me, have you ever seen a bug creature? Was it swallowed by your master?

The Queen of Blades' bone spurs seemed to have taken root in the old witch's body. The old witch wanted to run away, but she just couldn't. She was very helpless, and she didn't want to die so soon. She had just come out and had been sleeping for tens of thousands of years. , which led to today’s new life.

If you don't answer me honestly, I will immediately absorb everything from you, even your last strength, and you will never be able to be resurrected again.

This is not alarmist, the Queen of Blades is serious, these bone spurs on her body are not ordinary bone spurs.

Therefore, if you look closely, you will find that there are many suckers and barbs on the blood bone spurs, which can swallow the old witch's body, flesh, and even everything at any time.

I said, I said, please let me go first, don't kill me! The old witch felt the terror. Besides, if you tell her the truth, the Dark Lord will not blame her. After all, she has served the Dark Lord for tens of thousands of years. .

Hmph, I don't even dare to run away even if I try to control you.

As the Queen of Blades retracted the insect stinger, she put the old witch down, otherwise she would probably be killed by herself in a while.

There is indeed a bug creature that was swallowed by the big devil. I think the big devil can let it go as long as he is willing.

Oh? Now this master will give you a chance to let your master spit out that insect creature in the shortest possible time, otherwise I will kill you.

As she spoke, the Queen of Blades' bug suddenly rubbed into the old witch's body.

Ah, okay, okay, I'll do it.

The old witch screamed again. Her body wound was already recovering quickly, but she didn't expect it to be penetrated again. She was really unlucky to meet the insect master in front of her today.

Go in, my bone spurs will accompany you, but you'd better not try to resist, otherwise your body will be instantly occupied by these bone spurs. Queen of Blades reminded.

Just like that, the old witch disappeared in front of the Queen of Blades and entered somewhere in the magic cloud layer.


Unexpectedly, after a while, the old witch screamed in the magic cloud layer, seeming to have been greatly hurt.

Master, you, what are you going to do? I am Yulian, I have served Yulian for more than 20,000 years!

After the old witch entered, one of her arms was torn to pieces by the Dark Lord.

At this moment, she looked at the strange Dark Lord in horror. It seemed that the Dark Lord was no longer the Dark Lord he knew before, as if he had become a different person.

She didn't understand what was going on. Why did the Dark Lord, who was fine just now, attack her?

Hahahaha...powerful, powerful.

Suddenly the Dark Lord laughed. It seemed that he was no longer the Dark Lord, but...

Huh? Why is this voice Ming's? What happened? The Queen of Blades was shocked.

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