Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 181 The Dark Lord Awakens

Ming was tricked by the secret big mistress this time, and he didn't know how the big mistress would deal with Ming next.

However, if this happens, the Great Mistress will have two more powerful enemies.

After all, Ming's own strength is not weak, and he has the black void dragon as support.

Especially with the ability to communicate with the abyss, he can leave the abyss level world at any time, and then go to the interstellar to bring reinforcements to carry out terrible revenge on the Great Mistress.

But God's will catches people, and the two guys don't understand each other, so they can only resign themselves to fate. It depends on who is lucky.

This time, the Great Mistress knew that it was the insect Ming, and she did not know what kind of means and abilities she used to take away her magic eye. However, she did not continue to open the magic eye to monitor the Queen of Blades. The speed of all progress at level one.


In her opinion, any creature that dares to challenge the existence of her great mistress must die.

Ming challenged her twice and took away her magic eye.

So before actually fighting the Queen of Blades, she felt that it was better to deal with the insect creature Hades first, in order to eliminate the anger of Yoga in her heart.

Haha, it seems that this time, the great mistress shouldn't be able to do any more magic eyes!

Ming smiled. After all, it would be useless if she tried it again. At worst, she would have eyes all over her body, just like those powerful villains and gods in Naruto, and some kind of Danzo, who would have eyes all over her body. , looks very scary.

Probably not, but if you want to go to other places, you'd better pay attention to your own safety. The Great Mistress is an extremely narrow-minded creature. I guess she has found out that it was you who took away her magic eye. Go, she will use any means to deal with you first.

The Queen of Blades woke up and said, after all, she had fought against the Great Mistress a thousand years ago, and she knew her character very well.

You can deal with me, but she can't kill me. You have also seen my twelve wings. Not only are they as fast as the world, but the power of the twelve wings is the second largest flame in hell. Can the flames of fire enter her body easily?

Ming said seriously, although it was a bit exaggerated. After all, the fastest speed in the world is probably the existence of time. The speed of his twelve wings is also the fastest among the flying materials he has seen so far. , an existence that no one can match.

The power of the Hellfire flames is not exaggerated at all. You must know that when the Queen of Blades was on the eighth level of hell, she felt threatened by these Hellfire flames. Just ask the Great Mistress who once placed it in the hands of the Queen of Blades. , are you not afraid of the power of the underworld flames at all? Or is it because he can kill Ming with one blow?

Giggle, then it's up to you!

The Queen of Blades just smiled and said nothing more. The attack and crushing of the sea of ​​insects must be done by her personally in order to complete a series of devouring sweeps. This may be the power of dominance.

Then Ming disappeared on the spot, exploring everywhere in this abyss, hoping to see if there was anything he was interested in. After all, one was following the Queen of Blades, watching her play Zerg war, and he had nothing to do with it. It's also a very boring thing.

However, now that Ming is exploring this abyss, the most important thing is to find some interesting biological genetic samples, hoping to bring them back to develop the Ming Zerg tribe and genetically produce some invincible insects that can walk sideways in the abyss.

Haha, I guess I can wake up laughing even in my dreams.

Hey, what kind of creature is this?

Ming was in a crack in the abyss and felt a powerful breath of life. It felt like it was threatening his existence. It was really surprising.

But upon closer inspection, it seemed that it was a dark creature from the abyss that had been sleeping for countless thousands of years. It woke up from its slumber under the danger warning from the Queen of Blades.

When it wakes up, it seems to be very hungry and wants to devour a lot of life.


Suddenly, in the dark cracks of the abyss, electric fans thundered, strong winds blew, and a terrifying vortex formed crazily. At the same time, a powerful suction force rushed out, and the target was Ming.

Eat me?

After meditating for a while, I thought, should I run away, or else just pretend to be swallowed up?

Ming felt bored, and at the same time he was very confident about how he could be swallowed. There was a bug in his body, and he was afraid of a hammer.

Come on, let me see what you are.

So Ming didn't make any resistance, and directly followed the devouring force into the dark crack of the abyss.

At the moment of entering, the Queen of Blades, who was far away, suddenly felt that Ming's aura disappeared, and she didn't know what happened.

Did this guy leave the abyss world and return to the interstellar world?

Because this aura disappeared suddenly, the Queen of Blades was really sure that it was not caused by a sneak attack by the Great Mistress. She really had no other ideas than leaving the abyss world and returning to the interstellar world.

After all, in this abyss, the only ones who could threaten his existence were himself and the Great Mistress who stayed in the sixth abyss.


And there was a certain woman in the six-level abyss, who was eating a fresh eyeball in her kingdom of thousands of eyes, when she suddenly took a mouthful of khache, which made her lose her mood instantly.

Could it be that that insect was secretly slandering me? the eldest mistress guessed.

Then the Mistress grinned like a super fat sow.

She is secretly slandering me. It seems that she is afraid of me. It seems that my existence does threaten her! Haha...

Someone, call those fallen fish elves to me!

The Great Mistress is starting to make a difference, but I wonder if the Demon General who was arranged before has captured the insect from the Queen of Blades?

They haven't come back yet. Could it be that the mission failed? Impossible. They can disguise themselves very well. They should have the Queen of Blades by their side. It's hard to find an opportunity to attack. Well... I'll just wait a little longer. Yes. The mistress ate the big eyeballs with great interest, while muttering to herself and saying passionately.

What a joke, Ming left the Queen of Blades a long time ago and was being chased by a hammer. He traveled all the way and never encountered any enemies to intercept him. He was just sucked into the abyss on his own initiative before a crack in the abyss. In the crack, we need to see what kind of terrifying creature it is.

Mother, it's not good!

But at this moment, the demon general she had just guessed ran up to her in a panic.

whats the matter?

The mistress dropped her big eyes and smacked at the demon general because she felt that something bad had happened again. Apparently the demon general was so panicked. It seemed that the task she had given him had not been completed.

We have been executing your orders, but the guy's speed is too fast, and we can't catch up immediately. But when we can catch up, we arrive at the legendary abyss crack. The Dark Lord who has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years seems to have awakened...

The demon general spoke tremblingly, telling the great mistress all his feelings and experiences at that time.


The eldest mistress felt incredible and immediately sat up from her seat. She didn't expect that the rumors of the Dark Lord were true?

It is said that the Dark Lord is more than 500 levels below the abyss. He thought he was going to fight the abyss lord, but he was injured in the fight with the abyss lord at a lower level, and he had to escape to the second level of the abyss.

Rumors even say that at that time, all the abyss lords above the 500th level of the abyss blocked the Dark Lord and did not allow him to enter their jurisdiction at the abyss level. At the same time, this was also under the order of a certain abyss lord at the bottom. It can be said that A great abyss lord who is related to the abyss lord.

But the Dark Lord who was wanted and stopped, even though he was seriously injured, still fought against the lords of the abyss alone. What was particularly vicious was that the Dark Lord was a super pervert.

As long as there is a female abyss lord in the abyss layer above, he will try his best to hit her, and he doesn't know why.

But this was a story tens of thousands of years ago, otherwise her eldest mistress would not be able to escape from the Dark Lord's crotch. If she was crushed, she might give birth to a bunch of little mistresses.

Then the mistress slowly sat down and said, Where is that insect?

Back to the mistress, it was suspected that the Dark Lord had swallowed her into the cave. We were nearby because the bug stayed nearby for a long time.

Haha, then he definitely has no way to survive. Although we can't kill him with bare hands, there is nothing we can do if he dies in the hands of the Dark Lord. The Mistress whispered, but the Dark Lord's awakening, The shadow left in her heart was very terrifying, and she didn't know what to do.

But after a while.

Hahaha... What am I afraid of? The worst I can do is give up my position as Lord of the Abyss and follow him. After all, this Dark Lord is an Abyss Lord who has fought under the abyss for five hundred times.

And he is lustful by nature, and he will take all the girls. As long as I seduce him a little, what danger can there be, other than being... but that's not bad, after all, only such a male can be worthy of a woman like me. ah!

At this time, the Demon General below was watching the Great Mistress suddenly start giggling to herself, and said these words. It all made him shiver involuntarily, and he felt extremely sick in his heart.

I thought to myself, you stinky bitch still wants to be fucked by someone, and doesn't even look at how disgusting you are. Although you are a devil, you attach great importance to aesthetics, and then destroy it. How is it possible for such an ugly woman? If you are attracted by the Dark Lord, huh, just wait to die, bitch.

Huh? Why haven't you backed down yet?

Suddenly, the Great Mistress noticed that the Great Demon General had not exited the hall yet, and felt a little angry.

court death!

So, she stretched out her hand and grabbed the demon general's eyes in the air.

Ah, please forgive me, Mistress, I was wrong!

The Demon General broke out in a cold sweat, thinking that his thoughts were known to the Great Mistress, and he was punished by having his eyes taken away from him.


After taking away the demon general's eyeballs, the Grand Mistress waved her hand, and the demon general immediately bled out and destroyed the hall without a trace.

Then there was a sound of plasma, and the plasma in the eyeballs flowed from the mouth of the great mistress.

Alas, it is still a powerful creature, and the eyeballs are extremely delicious to eat. The great mistress was so addicted to this delicious food that she became temporarily paralyzed.

After an unknown amount of time, a voice suddenly woke her up.

Mistress, mistress, mistress...

Several fish elves walked in. Under their bodies was a black Kunpeng fish, which seemed to be large or small and could stay at will in the void.

After changing the name of the mistress three times, the big mistress woke up and saw that it was the fish elf she had just ordered her men to call.

You guys are really a little late, but I have enough time to enjoy myself, so I don't blame you.

Thank you, Mistress.

Although these fish elves didn't know what the mistress was up to, they still pretended to be guilty and thanked the mistress for her kind observation.

I want you to lead your race and kill someone.

I would like to ask the mistress for your instructions, but I don't know who it is? There was an old fish elf among them, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Queen of Blades, you have fought her before, and now she has made a comeback. You should fight with all your strength. What I want is to see the Queen of Blades suffer heavy losses. The Great Mistress said calmly, but like that, it can happen at any time. Possible sneered, which really made this group of fish elves tangled.


But the old fish elf hesitated a little. Last time, the Queen of Blades came alone. This time, judging from the words of the Great Mistress, she should have come with a huge military force, right?

I thought to myself, letting the fish elves do this would not lead them to destruction. Even if they were not destroyed, they would probably be killed by the Great Mistress.

Why, you want to refuse? The Great Mistress sneered, I think you dare not listen, but I have a good news for you. The Dark Lord has awakened. You should understand that I am the lord of these five levels of abyss. You Just my people.”

What, the Dark Lord has awakened?

This damn guy!

The ancestor of our fish elf family was killed by him. He didn't even let the ancestor go. He was taken directly into the invincible abyss crack and never came back.

Who would have thought that when the mistress heard this, she almost didn't lie down on her throne, thinking she was scaring herself? Is the Dark Lord that exaggerated? Rumor has it that he is not an abyss lord who only has sex with women, and has never killed a woman.

Oh, are you telling the truth? Is there any evidence? Then, the mistress pretended to be calm and asked, always trying to rule out whether these guys were threatening her. After all, the Dark Lord had awakened, and it was possible that their The ancestors will not die, so what’s the point?

No, this happened tens of thousands of years ago. There is no way to verify it. It is just a rumor circulating among our clan.

The fish elves didn't dare to threaten them too much, they just wanted the mistress to stop being so cruel to their clan.

Forget it if you don't, but you must participate in the exhibition, otherwise there will be no discussion on this matter!

Yes! The fish elves, who finally didn't need to mobilize their entire clan, readily agreed.

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