Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 180 It turns out to be you

The countless orc people who had been abandoned by the Great Mistress had their eyes cruelly taken away. The eyeballs were gone, and it seemed that the whole world was dark, too dark, too scary.

Come on, then come and kill us. We have been abandoned by our beloved lord, and there is no point in living anymore.

Come on, let's fight, even if we die, we must be fearless!

It's all you devils who came to us and destroyed everything we had!

The Great Mistress is angry because of you...

The Great Mistress abandoned us because of you...

Even...because of you, we lost our eyes and everything!

Countless orcs broke out. Some of them gave up and were silent in their hearts, while others were unwilling, angry, and rebellious.

Come on, kill us?

Come on, let's fight!

Looking at the surging thousands of orc lives, the Queen of Blades sneered again and again.

What a group of kind-hearted guys? It's really ridiculous. You are the real demon race. Why do you show such weakness and even give up your identity after becoming losers?

You want to know which creature survives in the abyss, which one is not evil? Is there a trace of kindness in that being’s heart? Now she is pretending to be so innocent, which really makes the Queen of Blades speechless.

I don't know how long I have been living in the abyss, but I still show such innocence with this king. But even so, I will not let you go. The heart of darkness and the blood of darkness are both delicious things.

When the Queen of Blades spoke, her powerful willpower was already covering her.

At this moment, the sea of ​​​​insects surged again and began to swallow and crush the last life.

Under the crushing force of the sea of ​​​​insects, this group of surging orcs cannot be penetrated by needles, and even the smallest wave can float in the sea of ​​​​insects.

Oh, it was so refreshing, Ming Yi was so excited to see it that he almost squeezed his own balls.

Well, Ming can only keep this passion, hoping to show it to his Zerg one day.

Finally, the Queen of Blades and her bugs carried out a large-scale sweep in this abyss, devouring it. It can be said that even the potatoes under the ground were swallowed dozens of meters down.

A few days later, the Queen of Blades and her endless bugs disappeared into the darkness and headed to the second layer of the abyss.

The first layer of the abyss turned into ruins. Many years later, many abyss ruins were formed on this dilapidated ruins, becoming a treasure place for interstellar experts to explore. After all, it was a dark and chaotic place. , it is always easy to breed such strange products. Of course, all of this is indirectly caused by the Queen of Blades.

These strong men found many darkened treasures in the abyss and in it, and even found the remains of some insects, which they regarded as terrifying ancient creatures. They hid them on their bodies like heavy treasures and used them whenever they could. Research is ongoing, because it may be this insect creature that destroyed the originally ordered abyss.

When we reached the second level of the abyss, the Great Mistress seemed to have noticed it.

However, this is easy to understand. After all, according to the mother of the Great Master, she now occupies and manages the entire sixth floor of the abyss, and all the creatures in it are her people.

Now that he does not personally stop the Windward Queen from continuing to invade, it seems that he is preparing to give up all the dark life on the first to fifth levels of the abyss. Of course, if there is a life that can successfully kill... or defeat the Queen of Blades and the powerful force of the Queen of Blades, the Great Matron It will definitely make you happy.

That pair of eyes in the sky has been monitoring our every move. Do you think we should completely destroy it? Ming looked at the magic eye in the sky, which has been monitoring him. He was really angry because Nan Ming didn't like it. The feeling of being watched. The Queen of Blades was secretly watching him before, so forget it.

But this one is different now, it's so powerful, it makes him so angry, and it's too blatant, right? ?

Nothing to be afraid of, but if you don't like it, you can remove it at any time. No one can hurt you in front of me!

The Queen of Blades spoke calmly, but her words seemed very strong.

That's good!

Ming didn't think much about it. The Queen of Blades treated him like this because he had helped her. Maybe one day she would need her help again.

After all, he controls the ability to communicate with the abyss. If the Queen of Blades is too tired from the battle that day, and then finds herself and asks herself to connect her to more layers of the abyss, or if the battle fails and she is hunted down by countless powerful creatures, Will she also find herself, hoping to give her a shortcut out of the abyss?

After Ming replied calmly, he opened his twelve wings and disappeared immediately, and when he appeared, he had already landed on the same spot.

But the magic eye in the sky had disappeared, and surprisingly, it appeared in Ming's palm.

Hey, that thing was not destroyed by you, but taken away by you! Why? The Queen of Blades was a little curious. It was easy to destroy, but she wanted to take away the Demonic Eye of the Great Mistress intact. How could this be done? Arrive?

If there was such a simple thing as Ming, it would be incredible to take away the things controlled by the Great Mistress in less than a second.


Ming smiled.

This is just one of my abilities. Ming Xiao said as he opened his palms, But it already belongs to me.

This... The Queen of Blades was a little surprised when she saw it. It was just like the body of Ming, impeccable!

How did you do it? Although we, the Zerg, can do this with some preparation, we are completely unable to match your incredible speed. The Queen of Blades said very humbly and seriously. After all, this is It's true.

I have gone through countless places and transformed my body. Even every cell has been completely transformed.

If I want, I can assimilate everything that cannot resist me into my body and directly become a part of my body.

Ming made up a story and said, after all, this is the ability of the cell armor, cell assimilation, but he cannot tell the truth to the Queen of Blades, because in general, Ming has a huge secret in his body, saying that he can guarantee that the Queen of Blades in front of him will... He seems to be extremely beautiful, but he doesn't care about this or that. If he falls in love with some of Ming's secrets, he will be in trouble at that moment. The two highly intelligent bugs will probably fight to death on the spot.

The Queen of Blades no longer has to invade any abyss and open up a new Zerg kingdom.

It is estimated that Ming will not need to return to the interstellar world. He will most likely be killed by the Queen of Blades, allowing the queen to take control of the body and conduct various experiments and a series of ability extractions in Ming's body.

I see, but you are really crazier than I thought. It seems that you will eventually become a truly strong man, which is really exciting.

Ming smiled at this. To be honest, she was really worried that Queen Dan Blade would suddenly become interested in this incredible ability and then have the idea of ​​eating herself.

After all, if the Zerg want to gain abilities the fastest, the most direct way is to eat each other and inherit each other's abilities. However, they may fail, but even if they fail, they will not lose.

At this moment, in the sixth level of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Eyes, there was a bloated woman whose whole body was covered with eyes. She was furious at this moment.

Damn it, that abominable insect actually controlled the evil eye I cast without knowing what tricks it used?

This is the Lord of the Abyss, the Great Mistress. She is very confused at this moment. The Queen of Emotions, who is much more powerful, actually placed her in the second layer of the abyss in an instant to monitor their every move. The demon seemed to be under control whenever she moved, and maybe her every move was being monitored through the demon eyes at this moment.

No, I have to prepare before then, and I have to force the magic eye to close. If she spies on me at this time, wouldn't it be too smooth for her to come?

The great mistress suddenly became nervous and cautious. After all, he almost died in her hands back then, and now the Queen of Blades is obviously much stronger.

So next, the Great Mistress tried to close the lost magic eye, but no contact could be made anyway, not even a slight contact induction.

Damn it, what method did that insect use? Even if it is destroyed, I will sense it and even reunite the magic eye.

But no matter what, the Great Mistress cannot become big.

You forced me to do this!

So the Lord made a crazy decision to refine a magic eye, and she was going to observe what was going on in the dark.

In the second abyss level, the Queen of Blades is leading the insects to compete with some powerful enemies in this plane. Of course, this competition is a line term. After all, the Queen of Blades has always crushed the opponent in the competition. exist.

And Ming opened his twelve wings to explore in this abyss level, looking for babies and so on, and even released the black void dragon, letting it devour it to its heart's content and restore its strength.

Originally, this black dragon in the void was angry and insisted on seeing his own flesh and blood as soon as he came out, but when Ming Yi became angry, this guy calmed down, for fear that Ming Yi would be unhappy and kill his own flesh and blood with a single thought.

This is an abyss, with endless dark power. You'd better devour and absorb more. Not only will you restore your own strength, but you must also take advantage of this to grow tremendously. Otherwise, you will never see your son again. It But soon, you will follow me to conquer the world of Azeroth, haha...

Ming laughed crazily. In fact, he would not need the black void dragon anymore. As long as he waited for it to go out and threatened it with Ming's Zerg to the world of Azeroth, whether it was its own flesh and blood, or The black void dragon may die.

If it is immortal, Ming does not need creatures other than the Zerg to become part of the Zerg's combat power. If it affects the Zerg's true development history, it can of course be arranged to protect the earth. It seems to be the only useful use value.

Hmph, you are always like this. Don't blame me for one day breaking away from your control and forcefully saving my flesh and blood from your hands!

The black void dragon is thousands of miles huge and is extremely angry. It can only vent its endless anger into this abyss.

I suck, I eat, I swallow, I devour hard.

This is the only crazy thing the black void dragon does!

But for a long time, America suddenly felt something was wrong. The hair on its body stood on end, and it felt like it was about to be swallowed up.

He was very entangled in his heart. He was so powerful, and there were creatures that could swallow it in one bite?

So it disappeared towards a certain source, and when it appeared it was above the sea of ​​​​insects.

Holy shit, what the hell happened?

The black void dragon was frightened. What was going on with the terrifying number of Zerg? What's going on with this powerful lineup? Could it be an insect from the underworld?

Go wherever you go, it's best not to be the Queen's way!

At this moment, the Queen of Blades took a quick look and knew that this guy was not a creature in the abyss, because it did not have the aura of the abyss, but had some aura of the underworld.

Is it you, the Queen of Blades from the Kingdom of God?

The black void dragon was a little afraid because it recognized the Queen of Blades. It seemed that the Queen of Blades' prestige was quite powerful among the stars. Even in the closed world of Azeroth, there were creatures who knew of her existence.


The Queen of Blades just snorted coldly, and naturally felt more aura from the other party. It was the aura of the world of Azeroth. Although she once wanted to possess the power of the world of Azeroth, she couldn't wait anymore after all, so There is no need for it.

Haha, I'm sorry, my pet ran away and I forgot to tell it that you were doing business here!

Suddenly, Ming appeared from the void, spoke to the Queen of Blades, and then took the black void dragon to devour it elsewhere. Never appear near the sea of ​​​​insects again, otherwise ten dragon lives are guaranteed. Not enough to live.

Then the black void dragon retreated into the distance in fear.

But at this moment, the sky was once again filled with demonic clouds, and countless eyes appeared in the demonic clouds.

Blade, don't think this can stop me from monitoring your every move! Haha...

At this time, countless people of the abyss had their eyes taken away by the Great Mistress, and they all gathered into the magic cloud layer, and then soon formed a new magic eye, and it seemed to be much more powerful than the previous one.

Humph, it's so boring!

The Queen of Blades listened and watched all this and expressed that she was really bored. So what if she was being monitored or not?

However, Ming did have a smile on his face. He just happened to have one hand left without a magic eye. He didn't expect another one to appear so soon.

Then Ming suddenly disappeared on the spot, and in the same instant, the magic eye in the sky disappeared into Ming's hand.

But Ming didn't know that in the dark, the Mistress could see clearly this time.

It turns out that this insect took away my two magic eyes!

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