Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 177 Magic Mountain

The terror of the Zerg race was directly revealed at this moment. The terrifying reproduction speed was like a seed taking root on the ground. What was even more terrifying was that it took root and sprouted in the blink of an eye, and began to bear fruit in the blink of an eye.

It seems that the Zerg controlled by the Queen of Blades are already very advanced beings, at least in terms of biological power, they have shown an incredible side.

Queen, we have thoroughly analyzed that the main fatal weakness of these demons, which are different from those of the past, lies in the mind, but destroying the mind will not kill them with one blow. If you want to kill them as soon as possible, use your best ability, It is to use powerful spiritual power to destroy their remaining consciousness.

After a while, the bugs of the Queen of Blades had analyzed the abilities of the bugs through the flesh and genes of the dead demons, and finally came to a conclusion.

Very good, just hold on for a few minutes and I will be able to completely repair my body!

The Queen of Blades, who was repairing her body, immediately communicated spiritually with her bugs at this moment, and further issued orders from the Master.

After receiving another order from the Lord, the Queen of Blades' bugs became even more ferocious. The endless bugs directly crushed them, killing, devouring, gnawing, and reproducing crazily. The number was increasing.

No one expected that within just a few minutes, new Zerg life forms and tens of thousands of new recruits would join the battlefield against the demons.

This new life is combined with the genes of demons and has a certain amount of dark power. Under the display of this kind of arms, it seems to be demonized. Their combat effectiveness is very high, and they also have physical bodies, even if they are severely damaged. The large-scale destruction will not affect the battle immediately. Only when the body is destroyed to the point of no attack power, this new type of soldier can die.

If Ming pays attention to the battlefield at this moment, he will find that the Queen of Blades' new troops are very similar to zombie bugs, carrying terrible viruses and not dying easily.

But at this time, there was an ancient powerful man, who seemed to be a demon.

When he noticed something, he glanced at the Queen of Blades who was recovering her body, and he immediately shouted loudly.

I kill you!

This guy's hair was disheveled, his demonic aura was overwhelming, and his eyes were bursting with red light, piercing the sky, flying all the way towards the Queen of Blades.

At this time, the Queen of Blades is working hard to repair her body. How long does it take to avoid such a terrible crisis?

But she controls countless bugs, all kinds of bugs, and no creature can easily get close to her.

At this time, countless bugs wrapped the Queen of Blades inside, forming the most terrifying defensive shield. There were also powerful bugs and weird bugs that directly attacked the ancient demon.

The demon's way forward was forcibly blocked. There were endless insects that he could not finish. But he was like a crazy demon. He was not afraid of anyone who came. With a pair of demonic hands covered with insect pulp, he killed thousands and tens of thousands. Bugs, whether they are cannon bugs, diamond bugs, Beamon, Thunder Beasts, mutant bugs, etc., seem to be no match for him.

But no matter how powerful a creature is, terrible things will happen to it when facing a creature of the Zerg family.

Not long after, the demon suddenly vomited out a mouthful of demon blood, swallowing it together with the remains of his intestines, heart and lungs.


The demon suddenly screamed, and his body began to rot, melting away piece by piece.

The hand suddenly broke off, melted into the ground and disappeared.

The other one also fell off and also rotted away.

Then the belly, the legs, and finally the head.

But just when his head was about to disappear, a group of black lumps finally appeared in the void. There seemed to be thousands of lives in it. If you looked at the individuals individually, you would definitely not be able to see their existence.

Only the Zerg can control biological bugs like this, because these are the terrifying nanobugs of the Zerg. It takes a ten thousand times microscope to properly see their body structure.

Moreover, this kind of nano bug is very tenacious. How tenacious is it?

For example, some scientists in biology have proposed that a terrible explosion occurs when atoms collide with each other, and the vitality of these nanobugs must be at least tens of thousands of times greater than this chance to kill them.

The countless flames of hell may not be able to kill them, and all the strong men present may not be able to kill them easily. After all, they are small and pitiful, completely integrated into the entire space-like existence.

Moreover, this kind of rice bug has a terrible reproductive ability. At the same time, despite their small bodies, because there is still a huge space in their bodies, they can almost infinitely decompose everything until the target disappears, and they appear and replace.

However, the demon should not die easily. After all, the physical body is dispensable to the creatures here. It is only for better fighting. Without them, it can still threaten some creatures.

Therefore, at the next moment, countless darkness gathered crazily towards the place where the demon died, as if a terrible creature was about to be born there.

But at this time, the Queen of Blades' physical body had been repaired, and her terrifying eyes opened to look at that location.

Eternal sinking, even if you turn into rotten food, you can't escape my world!

The Queen of Blades actually opened her mouth and sucked all the dark power into her stomach in one breath.

Then she rushed forward, and the terrifying aura was suppressed on the entire battlefield.

This is nothing. You must know that the Queen of Blades controls an insect empire with hundreds of billions. The power of the insect spirit she possesses is something that no creature here can compete with.

Standing in the void, the Queen of Blades looks so majestic, like the first person in time, no one can shock her existence.


A terrifying spiritual power, as if it had turned into substance, actually fell from the sky. It was so oppressive that it was like the whole sky was collapsing.

I, the Queen of Blades, will conquer the abyss in the future. This must be the domain of my Blade clan. Anyone who stops me will be destroyed!

This is the will of the Queen of Blades at this moment. She seems to want to speak with great strength. In short, she will only give up if there are Zerg with her blade in the abyss.

Once the powerful Zerg spirit came in full force, even Ming at this moment, although it was not directed at him, felt terrified. It turned out that the gap between himself and the Queen of Blades was so big. If the power of his Zerg spirit was fully released, When it comes out, it seems that it must have been muddy into the sea, and there can't be any waves to flood it?

Under this terrible situation, the small demons in this abyss kept dying suddenly.


Countless demons, under the power of this powerful Zerg spirit, were horribly destroyed in their minds and muddy souls. Their limits made them unable to bear it, so they could only die.

All this seemed to happen in the blink of an eye, like a survival of the fittest. The strong ones survived, while the weak ones died on a large scale.

At this time, more than a dozen ancient powerful men who were fighting with Ming retreated from the battlefield. Only then did Ming have a chance to relax and look at the Queen of Blades above her head and the situation on the entire battlefield.

Now the battlefield is completely dominated by insects. The release of the Queen of Blades' spiritual power can bless all the insects under her.

And at this time, dozens of strong men who followed with their remaining auras appeared in this abyss level with some trembling fear. They happened to see all of this. Although they were a little timid, they were more... A lot of passion.

Sir, if you need help, just ask!

A group of strong men came out of the cracks in the darkness and came directly to Ming's side, and someone said.

Let's take a look first. The enemy is very powerful. I stood alone with more than a dozen ancient strong men, and I didn't hurt them at all. Ming glanced at the group of strong men behind him, thinking that they were really cunning. They have all come to this abyss level, where can I give orders? Make it seem like this is his fight alone.

Moreover, this is a waste of his opportunity. Don't try to repay the favor easily, okay?

What? Your Excellency, you...

However, after hearing Ming's words, a strong man took a closer look at Ming's body. He was a little shocked and unbelievable. One person fought against more than ten ancient strong men. Although you did not hurt them, you yourself were not injured.

Do you want to be so powerful and terrifying?

Oh, don't get me wrong, it's because I have twelve wings and unimaginable speed that I have been able to escape their terrifying attacks again and again. Ming explained briefly.

Oh I got it!

After hearing this explanation, this group of strong men breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise it would have really scared them.

So next, the group of strong men behind Ming did not go out to fight, but even so, their appearance added huge pressure to the dozen ancient strong men on that side. They could feel the coming of this The group of people are all the strongest through the ages, and they are not so easy to kill.

At the same time, just as the two sides fell into a stalemate, a cool song sounded in the abyss, like the sound of a horn.

When the sound suddenly sounded, Ming and the others immediately became nervous, thinking that a powerful enemy from the abyss was providing support, and that a more terrifying and huge demon army would come to join the battlefield.

But this was not what they expected, because as the song sounded, dozens of strong men on that side retreated behind the darkness, as if they had temporarily retreated, and the remaining demons on the battlefield followed suit. Disappear in place.

We have to keep going!

At this time, the Queen of Blades came directly in front of Ming, looked at this kind of strong man, and then said to Ming.

Okay, no problem. We just fought against those strong men. Although they are very powerful, it seems difficult to kill existences like us with one blow. Ming said seriously.

We are also willing to continue moving forward. If there are enemies coming again, we will go up and fight as soon as possible! Some strong people immediately expressed their stance. After all, they really want to follow Ming and others. There is nothing wrong with this. There is a saying, Brother Xinchun will have eternal life.

If that's the case, let's move on.

So next, the Styx Blade Queen and a group of strong men continued to advance in the abyss. At the same time, the Blade Queen did not take her insects back to the world in her palm. After all, what she was doing was invasion.

If they actually engage in aggression, they must immediately establish Zerg bases wherever they go to form rear assistance in the abyss.

However, this is not suitable for the establishment of a base at present. If this is a level of the abyss, then this must be some corner battlefield, a place that has been abandoned by the creatures here. Places like this have no role, so the blade The queen must move on with the bug.

As they walked, more and more darkness and mist surrounded them, but they still released their spiritual power, radiating around them to sense and predict whether there was any hidden danger.

But they were very lucky. They didn't encounter any dangers along the way, and there weren't too many. After the black fog dissipated, a new world appeared in front of them. The air here was full of the power of the elements, and the land was the same as in the interstellar. The land is the same, with flowers, trees, mountains, rivers, life and buildings.

But the life here is very special. It turns out to be a group of orcs with bull heads and horse faces, living in this abyss.

The arrival of the Styx Blade Queen and a group of powerful men has indeed created endless darkness for the life here.

All the bugs in the Queen of Blades, after seeing this rich abyssal land, they launched a crazy invasion and crazy killing.

However, the lives in this abyss are making crazy resistance. Facing the attack of the new species, they have shown their only power before. Through the sacrifice of their race, they actually contracted to summon the terrifying abyss monster.

It is another kind of demon army in the abyss, the abyss army called by the dark dragon.

At the same time, there are also the dozen or so powerful creatures that Ming had confronted before, and they brought a dark magic mountain and descended here, seeming to want to fight another battle.

Originally, Meditation volunteered and said that it was up to him to fight the dozen strong men, but who knew that the dark magic mountain seemed to have extremely powerful power and could actually prevent all creatures from flying on it.

Because Ming saw the Queen of Blades directing some flying insects to explore the huge magic mountain. Unexpectedly, they fell from the sky when they were near the magic mountain, but after falling, they did not die, nor did they die. He was not injured, but he could only move lying on the ground.

In response, the Queen of Blades asked the bugs to retreat. After retreating some distance from the magic mountain, the bugs could fly again.

Therefore, when he saw this scene, Ming knew that this huge magic mountain was aimed at him. After all, his speed was very fast, which made the group of strong men unable to kill him.

After realizing this, Ming felt a little scared. Fortunately it was discovered immediately.

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