Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 176 The Fallen Ancient Immortal God

When entering the state of asking one's mind, the ninth level of hell is quiet. Sometimes it becomes terrifyingly quiet suddenly, but sometimes a strong person fails to ask one's mind and immediately ignites spontaneously. There is no way to get rid of the power of the immortal fire of karma. .

While Ming was in a meditative state, Ming felt like he was in darkness.

In this darkness, another self appeared, as well as his family members in the previous life, and even every life he killed, they appeared one after another in the dark world of Ming.

Hmph! Give me back my life!...

Ah, you devil, you destroyed our home...

It's you, it's you who ruined everything for me...

You devil, you have committed a huge crime, you shouldn't be alive...

In Ming's dark world, countless voices and cries appeared one after another. They were angry and madly accusing Ming of his sins, and they wanted Ming to die, preferably in this hell.

Hmph! Guilty? What's the crime?

Ming snorted coldly. It would be a dream for these things to break his heart. Now that he has no weaknesses, what is there to fear?

So, Ming directly attacked, smashing the person who looked exactly like him to pieces, and even opened his mouth to eat him. There was nothing he dared to do without any discomfort.

The strong live and the weak die. The strong eat the weak is the way of heaven and earth. Who is guilty?

As Ming said this, he once again killed a group of weak and noisy mortals. The blood flowed into rivers and corpses were everywhere. However, Ming did not have any pity or any sense of evil. Instead, he felt comfortable, crazy, and excited. He expressed that he still wanted to kill and destroy.

I am a demon, why can't I be destroyed?

The underworld ruthlessly destroyed the beautiful mountains and rivers in front of him, and even the smiling face of a beautiful woman. As a devil, what sin does it have to do what a devil should do?

Father? Mother? Brother? Haha... I no longer owe you anything. I gave you back your youth. You are very happy now. I have arranged money, reputation, and power for you. I am not guilty at all... so……

At this time, in front of Ming, relatives from his previous life appeared. These relatives were accusing him of all kinds of wrongdoings, and even said that he was unfilial, which made his father and mother sad for the rest of his life. As a result, his younger brother's future was ruined. He should have had A beautiful family is indeed lonely for half an old age, shouldering the responsibility of the entire family...

Faced with such accusations, Ming smiled indifferently and smashed them into pieces with each punch. He had made up for the debt in his heart long ago. As for others, he had nothing to do with him. Dao was ruthless, but destroying and killing some lives was not. what is the problem?

How could you do this to me? I have always loved you deeply. I gave you my youth and everything, but you left me quietly. You know that without you, I will live alone. How tired I am, how sad and painful, no one knows...

At this moment, Ming's girlfriend from his previous life appeared in Ming's dark space. The familiar figure looked tired at this moment, and the grievance on his face seemed to want to melt Ming's heart, in order to make Ming Completely fallen, sowing the seeds of sin, and being stained with the karma of guilt.

But I have made up for all this. For a mortal like you, wouldn't it be nice to take away your memory and give you a new youth and a new life? It's like nothing happened. Maybe you have always If you regret falling in love with me, what’s not enough?”

Ming shook his head. Love cannot be forced. In his previous life, he was addicted to games and did not have love at all. Nowadays, how difficult it is to be inseparable. Isn't it better to be ruthless?

Therefore, after Ming took her to express her grievance, she shattered it with a wave of her hand. She had already solved the problem in her heart, so what evil could it bring to him?

What about me? You said that I am very similar to your ex-girlfriend. In order to make up for the regrets in your heart, eliminate your own weaknesses, and make me the object of your pursuit, are you doing this to be fair to me? Isn't it very selfish? Is it true that in your heart Not a trace of sin?

At this time, the Elf Queen of the Elf Clan, Masatia, appeared in the black space of the underworld.

Martia? I never thought this was selfish. I once said that I don't want to force you. I'm just doing what I do in principle. I'm here to make you like me, not to force you to like me. I, does this need to be sinful? And you said we are allies? Isn’t it right for allies to help each other? At the same time, I have never had any feelings to deceive you, right?

So, this is really none of your business, just disappear! Meditation was very clear that not everything could fool him, everything he did from the beginning to the end was correct.

So, Ming turned around directly, not wanting to see Masatia in the darkness.

Huh? What grievances and unwillingness do you have?

Ming turned around and saw a group of more familiar figures. This was a group of creatures that had been released from a sealed place in a plane world.

You treat us as blood providers, why do you still want to imprint spiritual marks privately on our bodies? Is this your original commitment?

Oh, this matter? So what? Of course it's just to see you better. What's the crime in this?

I really met Ming, and all kinds of questions came up.

So Ming directly waved his hand, destroying the figures in front of him one by one, and then forcibly broke the dark space.

Bah, what nonsense are you asking for guilt? I am doing this just to live a better life!

When the darkness was broken, Ming woke up directly from meditation and saw that he had returned to the nine levels of hell. There was no karma burning on his body. It seemed that he had succeeded in questioning his guilt and would not suffer the karma of this level of hell. Fire threat.

Then, Ming looked at the strong men sitting cross-legged around him. For a moment, Ming had the idea to kill them all and then take away their treasures and resources. However, after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. If he were alive, he would You can ask them to help you fight a few times in the future, and they admitted it personally at this moment.

After all, what a strong person says is very true and reliable, and what matters is the original heart, Taoist heart, channel and so on.

It seems that the Queen of Blades is in danger! And Ming looked at the Queen of Blades in front of him and saw that she was sweating profusely and had a look of pain on her face. It seemed that a big problem had arisen during her meditation.

However, Ming did not interfere. If there was any harm, Ming felt that he would help her first. After all, they were both Zerg, so they could unite first. You must know that there are still several terrifying forces in the universe today.

While Ming was waiting, more than a hundred strong men were mostly burned by the fire of karma and died one after another. It was not known whether they could live as ghosts after death.

No, it seems that the Queen of Blades has trouble passing her own sins!

At this moment, Ming noticed that the karmic fire appeared on the Queen of Blades, and even showed signs of spreading. Now Ming felt that if she didn't help, it was estimated that the Queen of Blades' body would be directly destroyed, and even threaten her final life.

At this time, Ming could only think of some way. He felt that if the Queen of Blades was removed from this hell, she would not be questioned or anything, right?

Well, there is really no other way. You have to thank me properly later, because I saved your life.

Ming looked at the Queen of Blades in pain and muttered to herself.

Ming directly took out the Demon Bone Sword and waved it towards the space around him, and immediately saw a dark crack appear. If you pay attention carefully, you will definitely be able to feel the abyss from this dark crack. The breath is a very dark existence.

According to what the Queen of Blades said, you should be able to reach the depths of the abyss by entering this dark crack? Ming looked at the dark crack in front of him and thought for a while, always worried that he would get lost in the endless darkness.

Demon Bone Sword, in this darkness, you should be able to lead the way, right? Ming began to ask what Mo Gujian meant.

Master, don't worry, the power of the Rubik's Cube that I swallowed has everything you said, and with the blood swallowing before, I have mastered the power to fuse many Rubik's Cubes. It turns out that the Rubik's Cube that I swallowed before can communicate with hell, and now I have control of the Rubik's Cube's ability. For the most part, if you enter the abyss, I don’t think you will lose your way.”

A stream of will was immediately transmitted to Ming's mind. After Ming accepted it, he unexpectedly thought that he seemed to be worrying too much.

Okay, now let's enter this darkness immediately. You can point me in the direction. I need to reach the nearest abyss level as quickly as possible.

Yes Master.

At this time, Ming Ye couldn't care so much, and directly held the Queen of Blades in his arms, jumped into the crack, and went directly to an abyss level.

In the nine levels of hell on earth, after an unknown amount of time, some strong men finally defeated the karma fire and succeeded in questioning their guilt.

Huh? Who is your Excellency?

He's gone. Could it be that he failed the test of guilt and died?

Yes, where is the insect queen? She is also gone.

Oh, who cares about them? Even though there is no danger on the ninth floor, I think we should go to the end and open the passage directly!

Wait, what do you think this is?

At this time, someone noticed that there was a dark crack on the side. This crack was constantly expanding. It seemed that as long as there was enough time, it could darken the entire ninth level of hell, that is, swallow it up.

At this time, the eyes of all the powerful men were attracted. They had not seen this dark crack before, and they did not know what happened here during the process of their questioning.

No, there seems to be the aura of this Excellency still lingering in this dark crack. Come over and make sure.

As an attentive strong man said this, all the strong men came closer one after another. When they felt or smelled it, hey, there really was the aura of your Excellency.

Sure enough, it smells like this, and there is also a Zerg Queen. Could it be that they opened this dark crack?

They probably drove it out, but I don't know where it leads to when it reaches the dark crack. Could it be connected to some mysterious place?

The strong men thought for a while, and a bold idea came to their minds.

I have a suggestion. There is no threat to us on the ninth floor now, but the road ahead is still full of unknowns. It is impossible to return the same way. But we have been protected by your Excellency, and we have the opportunity to come here. This is what the monk said.

What on earth do you want to say?

What are you talking about? Your Excellency is so powerful. Why don't we follow in his footsteps? This is better than walking to the front. Who knows whether he will live or die?

Oh, what does this master mean, that we enter this dark crack?

Of course, I'm sure that your Excellency and the Zerg Queen must have entered it. Maybe this dark crack was dug by them unintentionally. As long as we pursue it, there may be opportunities waiting for us. It’s following us!”

Well, it makes sense. I also think that your Excellency is not simple. He did not reach the end of this hell, but directly entered this dark crack. It seems that this dark crack is not simple.

In this way, this group of strong men considered for a moment and decided to enter together. After all, it was better than walking on the unknown road ahead.

When they entered, the noses of these powerful men were very sensitive, and they actually followed Ming's breath and chased him all the way.

And Zaiming had brought the Queen of Blades to a brand new dimension, but here they encountered the demons in the abyss, who turned out to be a group of fallen immortals, all of whom were very powerful.

Kill! Ming was fighting fiercely at this moment. Fortunately, he had upgraded the Ming Flame Wings in the Eight Hells before. When he turned into twelve wings, he could fight against dozens of super strong men at a speed that no one could match.

But these powerful men are all ancient gods, and among them are the fallen Chaos Ones, very powerful beings. Their every move brings destruction, and they can even block space.

The Blade Queen is recovering physically on the ground. Her body was burned by the immortal Karmic Fire. In order to survive, the Blade Queen can only choose to cut off her arms and remove all the flesh burned by the Karmic Fire. Then perform physical recasting and recovery.

Of course, there are many bugs around the Queen of Blades. These bugs come out of the world in her palms, and their number is no less than tens of billions. They protect the Queen of Blades while fighting countless little demons.

The battle scenes are always bloody and terrifying. Countless little demons exist like zombies, fighting with countless bugs.

In just an instant, the ground was covered with mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

But the worms are also very scary. There are bugs analyzing the bodies of these demons, ready to find the demons' physical weaknesses. After all, the demons are too difficult to kill, and it often takes the loss of many bugs to kill the demons.

At the same time, the Queen of Blades' insect reproduction ability is very terrifying. She directly absorbs genes and nutrients from the mountains of corpses and begins to hatch dark insects crazily.

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