Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 178 The Queen of Blades’ Power of the Insect Sea

Eh? How could this happen?

At this time, this group of strong men with sharp eyes began to realize that there was a terrible problem in them. The huge magic mountain falling from the sky directly blocked all their ways forward.

And the magic mountain couldn't fly.

If you want to move forward, you must enter this magic mountain, but you no longer have the ability to fly within the magic mountain. You can only fight to the death with those ancient creatures, but it is a fist-to-flesh battle.

You can't fly, what should you do now? If this continues, if we fight in, we will definitely lose any advantage.

The strong man was extremely worried, and said analytically, after all, those creatures were powerful ancient creatures, and none of them could be easily killed, so after losing the ability to fly.

They can't beat them again and again. They will definitely suffer a loss as soon as they enter. Maybe they will fall to this point. What should they do?

But if we don’t move forward, can we only go back the way we came? But this makes people very unwilling!

Although they talk about fighting against the sky, changing their fate against the sky, but at the point where they are, the stronger they are, the more they are afraid of death and falling.

But it seems that they can solve the black dragon of the abyss. Can't more than sixty strong men kill a dragon easily? Look at the existence of the insect queen of Styx. They are not just following someone to pick up the slack, right?

Your Excellency, you can go with peace of mind. There is no problem in leaving this abyss dragon here to us. We will definitely kill it and not let it threaten your battle!

So there was a strong man who spoke without blushing and without a beating heart, without any sense of selfishness at all.

That's the case. Then this Abyss Demonic Dragon will be left to you?

Ming turned around and looked at these cunning strong men, but he didn't expect them to be so afraid of death.

He originally thought that these strong men would go to the magic mountain with him to kill a dozen ancient strong men. Now it seems that even if he forces them to follow him, I am afraid that they will only give away their flesh and blood and strength. exist.

But if they chose this way, then he didn't have to take out the black void dragon in the portable space to fight. Originally, he wanted to fight the two dragons to see what kind of destructive scene it would be, but now it seems that he can only Change the plan again.

Then you have to be careful. If you can kill it, it's okay. If you can't kill it, you can't help me. I guess it will be difficult for you to make any progress. This magic mountain still exists.

Ming said calmly, fully explaining this to them, lest these guys really think that the twelve powerful ancient warriors in the Creation Demon Mountain and Kill Demon Mountain should know that if they cannot be killed, they can all be killed. Don't even think about getting any benefit from it.

After all, if the strong ones in the magic mountain are not eliminated, who can move forward? You can't fly, even the void is forcibly blocked, so you can only walk through it step by step.

Don't worry, sir, we will come to support you as soon as possible!

Some strong men seemed to suddenly realize and asked, feeling that what Ming said was not unreasonable. They could not rely too much on others. If they really wanted to move forward, they must seize the time to fight.

Therefore, he acted very seriously and sincerely.

Yes, Your Excellency, we will kill the dark dragon in minutes, head to the magic mountain, and kill the enemy together.

Then some strong men expressed their opinions and said that even though this was already the case, he still needed to express his position in order to avoid being looked down upon. His false claims of being a strong man were found out by others. In short, he should still have some face.

In this way, Ming agreed with the strong men here and came to the Queen of Blades.

Right now, what do you think? The group of strong men over there are not very willing to fight in the front line, but the dark magic dragon will be solved by them, and maybe if our side has the upper hand, or the pressure is not too great, I think The group of strong men will rush forward to help.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that they took advantage of the fact that we were fighting, and fished in troubled waters to avoid the pursuit of the group of strong men, and took advantage of this to move forward and enter the abyss at the rear.

Huh, those strong men? I don't expect them to be able to do anything at all? It's best to find a chance to kill them all, lest I feel upset when I see them.

The Queen of Blades and Hades conveyed the unique spiritual power of the Zerg, so those strong men could not figure out what they were talking about.

Oh? Are you sure you can defeat these enemies in front of you? And the group of strong men on our side are not very weak either! Ming's spirit fluctuated and he replied.

Are you still underestimating my hundreds of billions of Zerg? Not to mention the magic mountain in front of you, even ten of them can destroy it. The real power of the Zerg is invincible destruction. It seems like this On top, you are still too far behind and have not understood the true power of the Zerg!

As she spoke, the Queen of Blades continued to call her Ming. I don’t know if it was because of her intention. Maybe it was because of the Zerg at the same time? Do you feel it is necessary to let Ming go further on the road of the Zerg, or do you feel sad that Ming is a member of the Zerg's medical team?

As for the creatures you said on our side, they are all very strong, but I feel that for an imperial legion like mine, which has a huge number, they are just a boat in the sea. It is said that there are some oars. The strength is okay, but it doesn’t matter if the sea doesn’t require rowing.”

This is the powerful will of the Queen of Blades, the powerful side shown to Ming. Perhaps this is the true power, the true elegance and the courage to dominate everything in the world.

Perhaps what you said is right. Indeed, the gap between you and me is too great, and I still cannot understand your true will and the extremely powerful Zerg strength.

Ming earnestly conveyed the thoughts of the Zerg to the Queen of Blades in front of him, but in the short exchange, Ming seemed to have opened the door to a new world and gained a new understanding of the Zerg.

It turns out that this may be the rhetoric of the Zerg being powerful, but his Zerg relies too much on external forces, such as conquering some foreign races, but does not spend a lot of time on the genes of the Zerg itself, such as working hard to research biological power, such as allowing The endless death and endless rebirth of insects are like an endless cycle to create more powerful insects.

Of course, after realizing this, Ming Ziran felt that his leadership had also made a mistake. He had always cared too much about the death of bugs, but he did not realize that bugs are inanimate things. They are like machines that have been repeatedly produced. .

Their flesh and blood has long been imprinted with the most primitive wildness, that is, endless killing rage and destruction, devouring and fighting, etc. They are not afraid of death at all, and often cruel fighting and death are, for insects, , they are excited, and they will think that this is a new life, a new way for them to become powerful, because they live by the genetic sequence.

I see, I already understand what Zerg is, thank you for your guidance...

In the end, Ming thanked the Queen of Blades and said, otherwise, if he guided and developed the Zerg like he did, it would be difficult to reach a new level of the Zerg, and he would never even be as powerful as the Zerg led by the Queen of Blades.

Oh, you have understood some of its meanings so quickly. It seems that you still have hope to compete with this queen for world domination, but I will not destroy you and your bugs. I will wait until you grow up. That day, I will have a fair fight with you. The Queen of Blades said very domineeringly, as if she was talking about a trivial matter of great importance.

I really hope that day can come early and have a good communication with you!

Ming also said bluntly, if you are afraid of fighting and powerful men, then it goes against the development history of the Zerg race.

Don't worry, I've been waiting for you to fight this whole day!

As she spoke, the Queen of Blades launched a sea-of-worms attack on all the bugs under her control. Hundreds of billions of terrifying bugs, regardless of size, all appeared in this abyss. More and more, out of thin air. Appear under this space.

These insects emerged crazily, attacking the magic mountain falling from the sky like a sea of ​​insects.

This kind of terror is simply a powerful and terrifying destruction, because it is like this world is about to be squeezed out, let alone the magic mountain in front of you.

Therefore, in just a moment, under the crushing power of the sea of ​​​​insects, the devilish mountain with overwhelming demonic energy was directly submerged in the sea of ​​​​insects, and the ancient strong man in the magic mountain was in the endless pile of insects. , carry out killing rage and crazy killing rage.

And the dark dragon was also affected by the insect sea mode initiated by the Queen of Blades.

Even if it is as powerful as the dark dragon, facing the endless insects, there is no excessive resistance at all, and it is directly submerged under this terrifying sea of ​​​​insects.

This scene directly allowed Ming to witness what is the true power of the Zerg, what is destruction and rebirth.

And Ming also saw that even if countless bugs died in the process, the number of bugs would not decrease, but would become more and more. In other words, once the bug sea mode is activated, it will be endless. Existence will never run out of meaning.

In response, after a while, the powerful dark dragon and the huge army it brought from the dark abyss directly became the food of the insects. It can be said that everything under the sea of ​​insects, There was no grass and no life, fully demonstrating the terrible destruction.

This... this is too scary. It turns out that she exists even more than we imagined.

At this time, the strong men had no chance to show off their skills. They saw the Queen of Blades launching a powerful insect force. They saw with their own eyes that the powerful dark dragon and its endless subordinates were directly submerged in the sea of ​​​​insects. Under it, not even a trace of bone was preserved, and everything was eaten by insects from nowhere.

The strong men were shocked and frightened in their hearts. They swallowed a mouthful of dry water one after another, and even began to be afraid. They were walking with such a powerful person. Is this right? Can they survive in this sea of ​​​​insects?

With extremely worried eyes, they all looked at the Queen of Blades and Ming.

But they found that the Queen of Blades was looking at their group of people with a sneer on her face. For a moment, the fear was like when death came.

Yes, if you already have such powerful power, why do you need someone as cunning as them? It turned out that she had already prepared to eliminate herself and others.

No, leave quickly!

This group of strong men made a prompt decision and began to flee crazily. They knew that the Queen of Blades was going to kill them. Maybe she had already given them a chance, hoping that they would be of some use, but they themselves and others kept shrinking and did not show any signs of disturbing her. Satisfying existential practices.


Help, please let us go!

However, at some point, they were already surrounded by a sea of ​​insects, and even the sky was densely packed with layers of darkness.

Therefore, in the blink of an eye, they were submerged by the endless sea of ​​insects. Although they, like the group of strong men in the magic mountain, were still resisting desperately, there was a layer of power passport around their bodies to protect them. But facing the sea of ​​insects, their power shield was being depleted crazily. It was estimated that even their bodies would be devoured by countless insects in just a short time.

And Ming didn't think about them living. After all, he had seen their value before, but who knew they were all so cunning. It would be better to die like this. Becoming nourishment for endless bugs can be regarded as a reflection of their ultimate value.



At this time, a self-destruction phenomenon occurred under the sea of ​​​​insects in the magic mountain. Through induction, it turned out to be the group of ancient strong men who chose to self-destruct when facing the powerful sea of ​​​​insects, destroying endless insects.

These strong men self-destruct one after another, which is very terrifying and terrible, and the impression range is enough to destroy tens of billions of bugs.

But even in the face of such huge destruction, the insect sea remains unchanged and exists forever. What's even more terrifying is that if tens of billions of insect lives die on the spot, the number of insects in the insect sea will increase every minute. Tens of billions of new bugs join the Sea of ​​Bugs model.

Do you want to keep moving forward? If you still want to move forward, I can keep you alive.

At this time, the Queen of Blades came to Ming's eyes, looked at Ming seriously and said.

Of course, we still have to move forward. I have just arrived here. Although I am not as powerful as you, and I cannot control the power of the world in my hands and mobilize the Zerg in the interstellar at will, I still have the ability to protect myself here.

Ming naturally wouldn't be arranged to go back for no reason. He was escorted by such a powerful Queen of Blades. Everywhere he passed was covered by a sea of ​​​​insects. It was basically an existence that pushed across the abyss, but it depends on the level of the abyss that can be pushed across. among.

In the past, Mingguo had heard that although it was an endless and invincible world, information still spread out. So far, more than 600 layers of the abyss have been developed, which is more than 600 worlds.

These worlds are occupied and ruled by powerful and unknown beings.

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