Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 175 Red Lotus Karma Fire, Questioning the Heart

ps: No typos or incorrect sentences have been corrected

Oh no, my brother is awesome. We really have hope!

The strong men became excited. You can really devour this layer of colorless flames. It seems that they have a chance to enter the eighth level of hell, or even the ninth level of hell.

You know, among these powerful people, there are only a few who can reach the seventh level, and even if they are as powerful as the Queen of Blades, they only go to the eighth level and then have to go back.

Let's go, it's okay now!

Ming suddenly said, although the evil flames of hell cannot be seen with the naked eye, they can all feel that the colorless flames coming up will either be swallowed up, avoid them, or disappear out of thin air.

Moreover, Ming's heart has become more and more confident. He originally just gave it a try, but he didn't expect to have reached the seventh level. It seems that in their eyes, this hell that is extremely difficult to pass is simply a piece of cake in Ming's eyes.

Okay, we really don't know how to thank you, but if you need any help in the future, I will come right away!

This group of strong men was extremely excited. After all, they were able to pass through hell so easily. They were very happy in their hearts. At the same time, they really wanted to thank Ming.

Okay, even if you say this, I will definitely hold on and keep you safe in the next two levels of hell. You can reach the abyss without much effort.

After Ming heard this, he was naturally happy. If this group of powerful people could help him once in the future, his status in the interstellar world would be able to rise very high at once. He would also have a certain confidence in facing other god-level civilizations. .

You know, these strong men are all immortal, and they are not known to be masters in the hidden plane in the interstellar world.

Absolutely. As strong men, we always say the same thing. You can rest assured!

There was a strong man among them, who said very loyally, Besides, because you helped us, this hell is a terrifying level. Without you, we don't know how long we would have been stuck.

Yes, I have been stuck on the seventh level for more than a thousand years. I am really grateful to meet a strong man like you today.

It's nothing to you. I've been stuck on the fifth level for more than two thousand years. I'm ready to give up and go back to my own plane and find a place to wait for death. A strong man with only a short time left. The reporter spoke, as if to say, do you think you can compare with him again? If he hadn't been able to enter the abyss, he felt that he wouldn't be able to find the key to continue his life, but now that he was better, he finally had a chance.

Haha, I understand all this. Don't worry, just follow me. Don't you rely on your friends when you go out? You're welcome.

Ming said politely, anyway, doing such a thing is just a piece of cake for him.

Soon after, the powerful men followed Ming and walked carefully to the eighth level of hell passage.

The expectation, the expectation of everyone, is we finally going to enter the eighth level of hell?

At the same time, Ming is also looking forward to it very much. The Queen of Blades once said that the flame on the eighth level is the fire of Ming Yan, a terrifying flame from the Nine Netherworld.

Ming's Nether Flame Wings are transformed into the form of the Nine Nether Flames. If he wants to evolve again, the Nether Flame Wings must absorb endless Nether Flame Fire before he can evolve to a higher level.

Therefore, this is like a huge opportunity for Ming.

The Queen of Blades is also looking forward to it at this moment.

Finally...entered this level of hell again? And Ming's wings are the attributes of Ming Yan's fire. I don't know what he needs to do next.

The Queen of Blades thought about it for a while, and she was really looking forward to it. As a being of the Zerg race, she was quite concerned about the opponent's strength.

Everyone stepped into the eighth level of hell with a look of anticipation.

As soon as I entered, the hell world here was filled with endless dark fires. These were the fires of the underworld. They were all over the sky and everywhere.

Is this the Nine Nether Fire?

It's too scary. Without your protection, we might not have been able to hold on for a moment before we would have been forced out of this hell.

Yes, I heard that this thing is the most terrifying flame in the world. Even the chaotic creatures at the beginning of the world are incomparable to the existence of this kind of flame.

The most terrifying flame in the world? However, at this time, the Queen of Blades looked at this strong man and felt very funny. The most powerful flame in the world is the fire of the underworld, so what is the unknown ninth layer of flame?

Each level of hell is filled with flames, and each level is more terrifying than the previous. Obviously, the flames on the ninth level are quite terrifying, much more terrifying than the Nine Nether Fire on the eighth level...isn't it?

This... hehe... I really forgot. Legend has it that there are nine layers of flames in hell. We are only on the eighth layer. It seems that the ninth layer is the most terrifying flame.

This strong man felt particularly embarrassed when the Queen of Blades said this. He thought to himself, this is all for nothing. Isn't this really a slap in the face?

At this time, Ming did not immediately activate the system's devouring ability, but instead suddenly stretched out a pair of Ming Yan wings from his back.

Damn it, all the powerful men took a look and saw that the flame behind you has the same properties as the flames on the eighth level of hell, but it does not have the burning heat that threatens them. It seems that it is under your control, otherwise it will be directed at them. If you release it, you will definitely get hurt, right?

Your Excellency is really hiding it. I didn't expect to have such an ability and control a pair of wings of dark flames.

Everyone nodded. It was okay to flatter him at this time. After all, the next step was the ninth floor. He must not make the other party feel unhappy.

You all stay behind me, don't run around.

Ming, however, reminded him that after all, he was going to use the Ming Yan Wings on his back to devour the endless flames in this hell in order to upgrade the Ming Yan Wings to a higher level.

Yes! The strong men nodded. As long as they don't cheat them, they can do anything now.

Then, Ming's Mingyan wings suddenly spread out, and at the same time Minghai used the energy of the Titan insect body, and the entire body size directly doubled ten times. The Mingyan wings behind Ming naturally increased to several hundred meters, and the double wings covered hundreds of meters. The place of hell space of meters.

At this time, the eyes of all the powerful men lit up. This ability appeared again. They could feel Ming's changes at this moment. It seemed that his strength suddenly increased by more than ten times at this moment.

Feeling this terrifying improvement, the hearts of the strong men were not calm. If they could control this ability, they would be invincible. You must understand that this is a tenfold increase in overall combat power.

But they just thought about it, but they didn't dare to mess around in this hell world, otherwise they would suffer in the end. You must know that this layer of flames cannot be easily resisted.

And they are not belittling themselves. They are sure that none of you here, except Ming, will be able to stay on the eighth level of hell, or even have no power to resist the flames of the eighth level.

Of course, their suspicions are all right. Except for Ming, no one can stay here. If Ming hadn't resisted all the power of the flames, they would have been forced back to the seventh level of hell.


Suddenly, Ming's Mingyan wings swayed in the air, and a powerful devouring force was frantically devouring the entire hell's Mingyan flames.

The strong men naturally guessed that this might be tempering the wings, or even causing them to mutate and become more powerful.

In the dark hell space, countless fires of the underworld were swallowed up by the wings of the underworld.

Not long after, the Ming Yan wings behind Ming really changed.

Huh? What kind of wings are these?

Some powerful people were shocked. The Ming Yan wings behind Ming turned into two, and two turned into three, as if three gave birth to all things.

It has six wings on a single wing and twelve wings on two wings. Its flying speed has reached its extreme. I am afraid no one will be able to catch up with it in time.

At this time, there was a powerful bird creature with a pair of golden wings behind him. At this moment, when he saw the changes in the wings behind Ming, he immediately thought of something.

Because in his previous world, there was an ancient record of a bird whose wings transformed into three and whose wings transformed into six. From then on, they dominated the existence of their world just by relying on their unreachable speed. Achieve supreme status.

But he didn't expect that at this moment, he could actually see this kind of thing happening with his own eyes, and what's even more incredible is that one wing turned into six wings, and two wings turned into twelve wings. If the legend is true, I'm afraid that the person in front of me The speed is already the fastest in the world.


After many powerful people heard this, they didn't quite understand what these twelve wings represented, but they couldn't help but feel envious and jealous in their hearts. In any case, this was a great opportunity, but it was a pity that it was not their opportunity. The most deplorable thing is that , I don’t know when their opportunity will come up.

Not enough, not enough!

And not long after, Ming suddenly spoke.

He must move forward now, and he can only take the initiative to devour those dark flames, because as he continues to absorb, the endless dark flames attacking him have become less and less. Flames with spiritual existence are not fools, so what? Thinking about being devoured?

Let's go, let's follow quickly!

So, when a group of strong men saw Ming start to walk forward, they quickly followed him. They were very worried that they were far away from Ming, and the flames in this hell space surged up.

In this way, Ming Zai walked in front while absorbing endless dark flames to evolve the Ming Flame Wings behind him, while a group of strong men followed them casually, chatting and laughing with each other as if they wanted to see the scenery.

Soon, when the last passage of hell appeared in front of their eyes, they seemed to remember, what the hell were they and others doing? Why are you so carefree?

Oh... By the way, I and others were protected by a strong man, so they were able to reach the eighth floor like this. They even walked up to the entrance and looked at the entrance of the ninth floor passage as if in a dream.

Seeing this, all the powerful men looked towards Ming and saw that Ming had almost completed it. It seemed that it was possible to enter the ninth level passage at any time.

Okay, it's ready!

At this time, Ming withdrew his twelve wings and looked at the last passage of hell in front of him.

go in!

As he spoke, Ming strode into the ninth floor passage.

What kind of flame is this?

The flames here are screaming, as if they are torturing countless sinners, and from time to time, terrifying fireballs fall from the sky.

This is Karma Fire, the strongest flame. The Queen of Blades said very nervously, This kind of flame is like the voice of the heart and is immortal. If you want to successfully reach the end, I am afraid it depends on your own character.


Hearing such words, a group of strong men were also extremely nervous.

What is karma fire?

A strong man asked. After all, he had never seen such a rare flame.

If you have sins in your heart, you will suffer from the fire of karma. The fire of karma is the fire of sin in hell. All sinful people cannot live under the fire of karma and will suffer endless torture. Unless you can eliminate the sin in your heart, the fire of karma There is nothing to be afraid of, but the more serious the sins in your heart, the pain of karma fire you will endure will be so terrifying that even strong people like us will not be able to endure the torture of karma fire for three seconds.

This is the explanation and understanding of the Queen of Blades. It can be said that the explanation is very accurate and clear.

Yes, your Excellency is right. I was once a member of the Buddhist sect. The fire of karma in Buddhism was specially used to purify one's own sins in order to seek the true Buddha in my heart.

A bald monk suddenly spoke, but judging from his face and expression, he seemed to be confident in dealing with it. It seemed that he had already experienced the horror of karma fire.

Sin in the heart?

Upon hearing such words, many strong men felt extremely horrified. They had so many sins in their hearts. Who could have reached this point? Whose hands would not be filled with rivers of blood and mountains of bones?

Ah! Save me, save me quickly!

At this time, a terrifying scene suddenly came. Among the strong men, one strong man suddenly burst into flames, and the flames on his body all had forms, and they were all red lotus karma fires.

Seeing such a scene, he rushed to support him and fired a mysterious force into it, hoping to extinguish the flames on his body, but there was no sign of it being extinguished.

I come!

At this time, Ming took action directly, activated the ability of system devouring, and stretched out a hand directly in front of the strong man, thinking of devouring the red lotus karma fire on his body.

It's useless. There is evil in his heart. If the evil does not go away, the fire of karma will not die unless he dies! The Buddhist monk said, and reminded: Everyone, this level depends on your own intention. As long as Guard your original intention and achieve a sinless heart, so that you will not let the fire of karma take advantage of you.

After hearing such words, many strong men quickly sat down cross-legged and entered a meditative state, but in fact they were questioning their innocence.

And Ming looked at the Queen of Blades and said calmly, Would you like to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk?

Why not? The Queen of Blades was fearless and sat directly face to face with Ming.

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