Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 174 Chapter 176: Seven Kills in a Row

The expressions of the group of strong men on the opposite side who looked like Erha at this moment were particularly wonderful, as if they were saying, What? In the end, we still have to look at the weakest one in the middle? It's like a tiger suddenly becomes confused, stupid? Wu Song was drunk again?

Oh, what are your expressions?? The strong men behind Ming saw that the other group of strong men looked down on Ming in front of them so much, and they suddenly began to feel unfair for Ming.

Haha, no wonder you are still here so far. It's not our fault. Who among you here can compare to this Your Excellency?

It's just that you are a bunch of dogs who look down on others. You don't even know how you so-called strong men got to this point.

To tell you the truth, the so-called air within seconds is nothing. When you are desperate, you can witness what is the most powerful existence.

This Your Excellency is actually very well-hidden, and his power is so powerful that when it is turned on, it can swallow the heavens, earth, and hell. As long as you obtain the consent of this Excellency, you can also walk through the streets like us. Whether your heart walks in hell, or even horizontally or vertically, is your own business!

The strong men behind Ming seemed to have always been pretentious. They picked up the halo belonging to Ming and began to shamelessly and endlessly pretend to be pretentious. The key is that this pretense was successful.

Look at the excited expressions on the faces of the idiots opposite, right?

They use various expressions to please Ming, hoping that Ming can look at them, or make a conversation about their eyes, and let them get in. Who doesn't have a few treasures on his body?

If they can enter the fifth floor through this, then it will be worth the money. Of course, as for the sixth floor, they don't dare to think about it easily yet. After all, the danger behind it, listening to the strong men from all walks of life who returned, Ni Ma's hair stood on end after hearing this, and she felt like she wouldn't be able to go there in a short time.

Well, if you want to follow me and get my protection, it depends on your sincerity. If I am satisfied, you will be lucky today. I will directly let you go to the last level of hell to meet the market. And there are Why not?

I'm not bragging, I can come and go to hell and abyss at any time. Don't ask me why I'm still here today, but you can understand that I am willful, I have a black heart, and I am here to deceive you of your treasure!

Your Excellency, we have many treasures. As long as you can help us move forward, I don't care what treasures I have. As long as you like them, they are all yours!

Yes, it's too lonely. Only a place like this can satisfy my current life. But if I can't get in, it's like being poisoned. If I can't get rid of it, my life will be worse every day.

Yes, we strong people have stayed in the outside world for too long. Loneliness will always be our greatest emptiness. If it is not treated, it seems that kidney deficiency will occur. Once kidney deficiency occurs, I will have no love in life. What do you mean by asking for these treasures? use?

At this time, the sincere words of these strong men to Ming, regardless of whether they were bragging or not, Ming liked to hear them anyway.

Haha, okay, you all bring your things to me and I will take a few pieces from each of you. You must know that it is impossible to lie to you. You must have seen the army behind me. They won't lie to you, right? Ming said with a smile, thinking that these strong men have big treasures in their bodies, so it wouldn't be too bad to give him a few of them each.

That's, that's...

A group of strong men answered Ming flatteringly, and quickly took out some treasures from their bodies that they thought Ming could like, and let Ming Yiyi take a look.

Well, it's all good. If you can accept my speech, how about you hurry up and line up, follow me, and take you to the fifth level of hell?

Hearing Ming's words, this group of strong men like Erha finally felt relieved. They quickly took pictures behind the team and followed them into the fifth level of hell.

After seeing this, Ming calmly walked in front and stepped into the passage of the fifth level of hell in one step. A group of strong men behind him quickly followed.


In the golden world, the fifth floor is a world full of golden flames. The terrifying burning sensation is more than a hundred times that of the fourth floor, not to mention the golden liquid-like goods, which are everywhere. Witness When Ming and others came in, the ocean-like character flames rushed over to them like a group of creatures.

Sure enough, it's not covered, it's so hot! Some strong people only feel hot all over. Although they have the ability to cool down their bodies, if they are allowed to keep going to the end of this level, it will probably be a huge consumption, and no one can Dare to take risks easily.

Of course, there must be stronger ones among them, who are still able to fear the flames of this level, such as the Queen of Blades, but she is a being who has set foot in the eighth level of hell, so she may be the one who has the power of the fifth level of hell flames. Face it easily.

Don't panic, use some strength to resist the heat first, and I will deal with it immediately. At this time, Ming reminded, after all, it was agreed upon, right?

As Ming activated the devouring power of the system, the flame power of this layer of hell devoured endlessly. When the flames of this layer of hell were devoured, these golden flames, like a tide, began to Retreat far away from the surroundings, not daring to enter the devouring range of the underworld. After all, these hell flames already possess high spiritual intelligence, so creatures with spiritual intelligence must be afraid of death and destruction, right?

As for the group of strong men behind Ming, their blood was boiling with excitement. They really wanted to reach out and squeeze the balls of themselves or their teammates to feel so good.


With everyone in such excitement, Ming gave an order, and they followed Ming one after another, walking in the fifth level of hell. The feeling was simply wonderful.

At the end of the fifth level of hell, there was also a group of people who were hesitating whether to enter the sixth level of the abyss. At this time, they saw a large group of strong men walking so calmly in the fifth level of hell and enjoying themselves leisurely. Walking towards the abyss gate on the sixth floor.

Look, what kind of creatures are those? Why are they so powerful? A strong man screamed out in surprise. Damn it, there is such a powerful lineup in hell? One can still understand that there are no less than a hundred people who are crazy about you.

I don't know. Are we dazzled?

I think it's the will of this hell that has caused the evil. Take me to kill them with a sword. A strong man really didn't believe in that evil. He directly picked up the weapon and wrapped it in energy to resist the erosion of the hell's flames. Approach them, and then slash towards Ming and the others with a sword.

A red light of energy suddenly flew out of the sword, and its power should not be underestimated. It seemed that it could destroy a star no smaller than the earth with one sword.

Huh? There's an idiot attacking me?

Hmph, looking for death!

Brothers, come on, kill them all together!

At this time, the strong men behind Ming were in groups. They were not happy to be attacked by the strong man on the opposite side, but they did not want more strong men to join in. After all, they also understood the principle of more dogs and less meat!

One less competitor means more opportunities, right?

For a moment, the strong men behind Ming rushed towards the group of strong men on the opposite side like a group of crazy teddy bears.

The group on the other side was instantly confused!

Oh my gosh, it's not a hallucination, it's a real person.

What do they want?

You are stupid, they are going to kill us!

Hmph! Who cares, we must be in too deep, we will break through immediately!

A group of strong men always have no reason to reject their own mistakes in judgment. This killing makes it even more obvious that the opposite side is the will of hell, and everything is an illusion born from the heart.


So, this group of strong men also rushed forward to kill them.

Battles between strong men are always shattering and bloody. Those who have the ability to persevere until the end are so passionate that they want to squeeze an egg and continue to feel good.

Is this good?

Watching the strong men fighting in front of him, Ming Xian asked himself, those strong men could all be the targets of his search. Will the current killings affect his interests?

But let's forget about it for now. In this boring hell, it is already empty and lonely...

Although in the eyes of these powerful people, Ming is simply doing one thing, but Ming feels that this feeling of being dominated by the system makes it feel like his days are like years. He hopes to turn off the system in a very short time, but It is impossible to turn off, otherwise it would be impossible to move forward like this.

Perhaps after using the system for a long time, Ming will have the craziest ideas in his mind, and one day he will eventually crack and conquer the system in his body.

But at some point, Ming must have felt in his heart that when he reached the divine system, he should be able to reverse the system. After all, the system in the body now reaches the divine system but cannot analyze the existence of the divine system. This shows that the system's The level of authority is not as high as that of the divine system. Therefore, in the divine system, there is an opportunity to analyze and crack the system in the body, and even completely become a power that one can control at will.

They are almost dead, I think you can make them stop! This is where the Queen of Blades suddenly said. Business matters, we can't control so much of them, right?

The Queen of Blades naturally found it boring. She originally thought that when they were in the first level of hell, just let Ming use the power of communicating with the abyss, and then they would step directly into the hell.

But this guy got addicted to devouring it, and then met a group of strong men who hacked some treasures. The addiction seemed to have turned into a drug addiction, and he just came to the fifth level. And based on the current situation, the Queen of Blades believes that Ming should still be there. In terms of interest, I guess I won’t be able to stop until I break the record of passing the Nine Hells.

Haha, that's right, there are many more layers to come! Ming smiled, but Ming didn't expect that much, nor did he figure out the Queen of Blades' thoughts.

Hey, don't block my way forward. If you don't want to move forward, everything is easy. Ming yelled like this.

After hearing this, a group of strong men gave up the fight cleanly, and then suddenly returned to Ming's side, for fear of angering Ming, otherwise who would take the blame and vent their anger?

So Mingzai once again stepped into the sixth level of hell.

In the sixth level of hell, it is a world full of green, but this green is so scary, who dares to let go of it?

Yes, the green flames of this hell are said to be able to poison all life in the world, but as the strong men behind the underworld, they can still transcend here to resist these green poisonous fires. erosion.

Faced with the attack and erosion of poisonous fire, these strong men immediately understood the horror of poisonous fire. If they stay in this flame environment for a long time, even super strong men will lose their minds. , and even became possessed by fire, directly becoming a devil in hell and becoming a minions of hell.

At this time, countless strong men were sweating in their hearts for Ming. My dear, can you still absorb this flame? Will he be unable to resist and become obsessed with it?

Everything is ready!

However, Ming's voice suddenly said, although it was full of pretentiousness, Ming said this with real toughness, as if to say, haha, these are just trivial matters, poisonous fire can still be absorbed.

So Ming activated the system ability. As long as this layer of flames attacked him, it would be devoured in an instant and then completely disappear into Ming's body.

Under the surprise of many strong men, Ming completed it again, directly achieving six consecutive kills. He was worthy of being a real super monster.

Let's go! Let's take you to the seventh floor and have fun!

Then Ming saw that the poisonous fire around him had forced him back, so he walked in front step by step. How could those green poisonous fires dare to attack? Perseverance became like a vanguard team, and Ming's appearance suddenly became a mess, not to mention how majestic the strong men who followed behind were.

You know, in hell, who is as majestic as they are now? Walking in hell like this, and this is still the sixth level, not the first or second level.

Then a group of strong men followed closely behind Ming, and as Ming entered the seventh level of hell, the fire here turned out to be a colorless flame. No flames could be seen at all, and they could only feel the incomparable terror with their bodies. The scorching heat directly caused countless strong men's treasured clothes around Ming to burn in an instant.

There were even some relatively weak people whose bodies began to melt. The appearance of this scene frightened countless strong people around Ming on the spot. Moreover, the flame also had a kind of power against flexibility. Once it entered, the soul He was burned by this invisible flame.

And Ming naturally didn't dare to use his body to resist without turning on the system's devouring power. After all, apart from the system's ability, he was the weakest creature among this group of strong men.

When the Queen of Blades entered the seventh level, she could no longer remain calm. After all, the flames could attack their fragile souls, so she became extra cautious and nervous.

Naturally, Ming did not delay, and started to devour the flames of this hell as soon as he entered. In the end, no doubt unexpectedly, he completed seven consecutive kills.

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