While the people around him were in disbelief, the owner of a chain pancake restaurant was actually invited out. Seeing the boss's well-behaved appearance, everyone around him was puzzled.

What is the background of this super rich man? Is he not only rich but also a second-generation official? But now that we have entered rapid modernization, how dare a descendant of the second generation of officials dare to be so arrogant? Isn’t this the rhythm of looking for layoffs?

Anyway, the big boss of the pancake shop turned around and personally made pancakes for the super wealthy man.

Just like that, after a while, the owner of the chain pancake restaurant served a full set meal, which included two pancakes and fruits for two people. It looked very delicious and delicious.

Both of you, please!

The pancake boss placed the prepared pancakes on Ming and Alice's table and spoke politely.

Okay, I hope it's delicious... Ming Hua said thoughtfully, and directly took it into his mouth and started eating it with big mouthfuls.

Wow, it's so delicious! Alice immediately exclaimed excitedly. Her easy-to-satisfy smile captivated countless boys and girls on the spot, even uncles and aunts.

Well, not bad!

After Ming took a few mouthfuls, he felt that the taste was not very good. He was probably used to eating raw flesh and blood after turning into a bug. However, seeing how happy Alice was eating, Ming Ze said lightly, after all, the Pancake Man is here On the earth, I have never done anything harmful to nature. The only thing is that I like to make money.

Yes, what do you think? The pancake boss, also known as the pancake man, was waiting for Ming's final decision.

Give you a few days, I will keep you informed! Ming said calmly, and the other party knew his intention. Some words did not need to be said directly. It just depends on how much the other party can understand, but there was less understanding, but Will die!

Yes! Pancake Man nodded hastily.

Haha, then help me cook a few more points. Look at the beautiful woman next to me, eating very happily. Ming smiled.

Finally, Ming took a few pieces of pancake fruit and disappeared into the sea of ​​people under the puzzled eyes of everyone.

But since that day, all pancake restaurants around the world have been closed down under the orders of the pancake owners. It is still unknown how long they will open again.

When Ming Lin left, he sent the packed fruits home as quickly as possible for his parents to eat as snacks. Now the two elders are living a happy life. Seeing that they no longer have anything to worry about, Ming Ming It can be considered that he has gained a lot of understanding in his mind. Once his mind has become clear, his strength seems to have improved a lot. As his strength improves, Ming Ze feels that he is getting darker and darker. What the hell is this?

Ming knew that he didn't have much time left. He estimated that after the things on the earth were over, he would return to his true self in this life, and his ideology would no longer be troubled and hindered by the previous life.

After returning home briefly, Mingjiu and Alice arrived at the bottom of Mount Everest.

Sure enough, there is a problem here!

Ming and Alice came to the bottom of Mount Everest and found that there was a passage below, which was obviously dug by aliens, but no trace of aliens was found below.

Alice, do you feel anything? So Ming asked Alice. After all, the feeling of one is not absolute. Maybe in the seriousness and vision of love, there will be a different scene here. Woolen cloth?

Spatial fluctuations, there seems to be a space channel here, just above one of these channels! Alice said seriously.

Well, let me just say it's not that simple. Otherwise, why didn't my spiritual perception feel it before? You know, Mingqian met the group of surrenderers at the top of the peak. If there are other aliens down here, Why couldn't Ming discover Tao immediately, unless there was special shielding.

But even if it's very hidden, it's not difficult for me, Alice. I can find the correct hidden passage with my troops! Alice said some willfully, Ming, I found it for you. You have to prepare a lot of delicious food for me when you get back, you know?

If it's just eating, then there's definitely no problem. Ming nodded seriously, saying that they would be leaving here soon.

After all, although his own racial civilization is developing rapidly and the area of ​​​​interstellar power is also constantly expanding, as these things happen, it will naturally attract the attention of more other civilizations and even initiate wars. As a Zerg race, he will Masters sometimes have to go to the battlefield in person to establish cosmic prestige and the myth of being undefeated.

Then it's settled! Alice was very happy after hearing Ming's answer. After all, there were a lot of delicious food.

This is it. There is a hidden space passage. I still don't know where this space passage leads to, but I can feel that the place it leads to is very familiar, as if it is our first time to this interstellar place. ,

First time? Isn't that the moon? After meditating here, it felt really possible. The last time they came to this star, they met the aliens of the three-eyed clan on the moon. At that time, those idiots launched an attack on them, but unfortunately, they were killed by him instantly.

It's very possible, but I'll destroy the space barrier they set up now, and then we'll go to the end and have a look. It shouldn't matter, right? Alice said seriously.

No problem, I will ensure your safety! Ming nodded.

Finally, Alice used a mysterious magic method to suddenly change the passage in front of her, revealing its true appearance. It was an entrance to space, which seemed to be very long.

After seeing this, Ming took the lead to walk into this space passage, while Alice followed closely.

Soon Ming and Alice all appeared in a dim environment. There were some remaining corpses around the dim environment, but they were all dead. It seemed that they had been attacked by something and the whole army was wiped out.

Ming, what place do you think this is? I feel that the atmosphere is very familiar, but I can't tell if it is. Alice was very confused. There was obviously a smell of the first time they came here, so why was the surrounding space environment so different? Can't believe it and confirm it?

Well, this is also the moon, but it's just the back side. The place we went to before was the front side of the moon. The back side is dim, and the earth can't be seen. Ming explained, but from this point of view , these aliens are really very stealthy. They are hiding on the back of the moon. Even if the earth conducts scientific and technological observations, it will be difficult to find their traces... isn't it?

Oh, that has changed too much. Even the ground is pitch black. I remember the last time we faced each other, the whole space was not dark, and the uneven surface was silver-gray. Alice recalled said.

Yes, but we should return to Earth first. It seems that this place has been completely destroyed and there is no value for exploration. At this time, Ming turned around and walked into the space passage.

Not long after this, Ming and Alice returned home. Ming felt that during this period, he could spend a few days at home and spend more time with his parents. Secondly, he wanted to let the three elves have fun in today's earth. Play, after all, I will leave soon.

Son, why haven't you been busy these days? A few days later, the mother seemed to feel something was wrong, as if her son was leaving her.

Mom, aren't you busy these days? Besides, I have to take time to accompany you, don't I? Ming looked at his mother in the previous life and said, not knowing whether to tell them the truth or not. He was about to leave, and he didn't know what the next time would be. How long will it take to come back?

Actually, it's nothing. Your father and I both know what your brother told us. We actually don't blame you. As parents, as long as we know that you are still alive and living a fulfilling life every day, even if you Your father and I will understand if you leave us. Unexpectedly, the next moment, my mother said these words to Ming. It seemed that both mother and father were mentally prepared.

Mom, I'm sorry, I am indeed about to leave, but there are some things that I can't tell you. I just want you to live a good life. Ming looked at his father and mother in front of him, and his eyes turned red at this moment. Who didn't? I know that when they say this, they are actually very sad and reluctant in their hearts.

Son, you have to be well outside. Listen to your brother, you are going to a place far, far away. That is a place that we humans today cannot reach. I am really proud of you. You go In front of all human beings, father and mother only have this wish. When you have time, you should go home and visit more, you know? Father said seriously, although on the inside he has a firm side to being a man, In fact, the heart is very fragile, and the underworld knows it.

Well, I will. I will come back to visit you when I have time. Ming assured them.

After a while, the father and mother will go to cook for Ming. After all, there are very few opportunities to cook for their son in person. Maybe the son will suddenly disappear tomorrow, so they cherish every minute and second in front of them. I hope to give as much maternal love and fatherly love to my son as possible.

Ming found his brother and chatted with him for a long time.

If you want to succeed, I will support you. I will leave you a huge wealth after I leave. You can make good use of it. I don't care what you do, but you can't do it against your own will. At the same time, I I wish you success. Ming said to his brother seriously. It can be said that everything he did when he came to the earth was for the earth, so some of the processes could be prepared for his family.

You've been gone for a long time? Can't you stay a little longer? My father and mother have only been happy for a few days. The younger brother didn't seem to listen to Ming's words, and only hoped that Ming could stay a little longer.

Just for these few days, I will give the earth a hundred-year period of stability. In the next hundred years, the earth will not be invaded by any civilization. If you still want to see me, then my brother, I hope You can achieve great things, and by then, maybe we can meet in the splendid universe.

What Ming said was very profound, but Ming felt that it was stimulating and encouraging his brother. After all, his brother was a talented person, and maybe he would still be alive in a hundred years. Moreover, the wealth that Ming left for him must be those who have surrendered to his abilities. He believes that with their secret protection, no one can stop his brother. I believe that there are more incredible biotechnologies than the resurrection of the human body after death. I will try it out in my brother's hands.

I don't understand what you are saying, but I will try my best. Seeing your appearance makes me understand that there are really incredible things in the world, so what is impossible? The brother seemed to understand a lot. , at least in front of other human beings, he has obtained the truth of certain things, has a certain goal, and will not waste time in the process to question anything. Is this possible?

It doesn't matter, you will always understand! Ming said with a smile.

Soon, their father and mother started asking them to go out to eat. The table was full of delicious food, but although it wasn't big fish or meat, it was home-cooked food that tasted very good.

In this way, after staying at home for a good week, Ming suddenly left with three elves, as well as all the aliens who surrendered to him. Of course, these aliens only temporarily accompanied him to conquer the civilizations around the earth. , they will still be ordered by Ming to return to the earth and protect the earth. At the same time, the orders given to them by the Ming family are Ming's will, and they cannot violate or resist.

Ming left suddenly, and Ming's family in his previous life soon knew that they could only silently pray that Ming would be safe forever and be happy wherever he was in the endless distance.

And Ming and the others came to the moon first.

Now search the entire moon with all your strength. If you find any clues, report them to me immediately. Ming immediately ordered.

Yes, my lord!

Hulk, please stay, I still have questions to ask you!

Sir, what else do you want? Hulk stayed and replied very respectfully.

You said before that you fought alien creatures on Mars. Are the enemies extinct? Ming asked.

Sir, the enemy did not refuse, he was just lurking temporarily, and it was just an alien creature that threatened the earth. Hulk replied.

But soon, I surrendered and came to Ming. I saw that all useful information on the moon had been deliberately destroyed. It seemed that the aliens knew that they were coming and had destroyed important information.

Well, let's not worry about it for now. Let's go to Mars and destroy all life on Mars! As he said that, Ming directly asked the dark tyrant to come out of the portable space. Many people who surrendered to Ming Only under this arrangement did he dare to carry such a terrifying life on his back.

Carry out space teleportation.

Then Ming directly issued orders to the dark tyrant. Now the dark tyrant's void shuttle ability has become more and more proficient and terrifying. It seems that in the portable space, the black void dragon cares about its own flesh and blood.

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