Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 166 Two Ultramans fighting?

Ming was confused.

Obviously, the sleeping monster in Mount Fuji does not come from this dimensional portal.

Moreover, the countless sleeping monsters that had been swallowed into his own space before had no reaction to wake up, as if they needed some special power to wake up from their slumber.

So, what is the purpose of their existence in Mount Fuji?

Is it to guard the civilization in this portal? Or to prevent the life in this portal from coming to the earth? Or is it to fight against the historical enemy of the civilization in the portal?

Ming thought about it in his heart, but instead of thinking like this, Ming thought it would be better to enter the portal and try it, and then he would understand everything.

So he ignored the situation and entered as soon as the door opened, without any thought of the various consequences.

Here, is this the star?

However, Ming has entered the dimensional portal and feels like he has suddenly returned to the interstellar world. However, it is obvious that this is not the Milky Way. It seems to be another higher-level interstellar, an interstellar higher than the Milky Way.

Also, I feel that my power is constantly growing, as if the elements in the interstellar here can provide me with blessings. Why is this? Ming stayed in an interstellar void, with very large objects on the front, back, left and right. The planet seems to be very far away, but it feels like it can be picked up and picked up.

Is this a place where gods live? Ming began to doubt. This sense of vision and power full of God is like a higher level of interstellar space where only gods can live.

Thinking of this, Ming immediately used the system's ability to perform brain positioning, hoping to find the interstellar coordinates of this star and control more interstellar coordinates.

Well, how could this happen? Could it be that this place cannot even fully penetrate the system? After Ming used this ability, the information that appeared in his mind shocked him.

This star is - the divine system.

Interstellar coordinates - unknown.

The interstellar range is vast – ominous.

Owned civilization - unknown.

The interstellar range where the host is located - the Sinful Star Territory of the God System.

These appeared in Ming's mind in the form of words. You must know the previous Soul River and Milky Way. Ming's interstellar brain positioning ability will give a lot of information, but now it is mostly for unknown reasons. It seems that this divine system is really not a simple existence.

However, from the information obtained, the current place in the Star Territory is called Sin. I don’t know what this Sin means.

But at this moment, Ming suddenly felt a huge fluctuation somewhere in the nearby star field. Ming immediately hid in the interstellar void space, traveled through some spaces, and soon saw an incredible pursuit of time. .

What's happening here?


The law of heaven and earth?

Ming can guarantee that this is the largest Ultraman he has ever seen. It seems to appear directly in the head of this place from a distant light-year away in an interstellar space.

But this is one of them, because there is also a normal-sized Ultraman who seems to be running for his life and does not want to be punished by the huge Ultraman.

However, this normal-sized Ultraman, no matter how he flew among the stars to escape, seemed to be unable to escape from the silver-white beam. When he was illuminated by the beam, it was obvious that this Ultraman, who was more than ten meters tall, was I felt very painful, as if the silvery white light was not a simple beam of light, but some incredible power.

Ming carefully hid in the void and looked at everything in front of him. No one would believe him if he told him. Today, he actually saw two Ultraman fighting. One used some kind of power, and the other kept fighting. Escape.

Hmph! Your sacred power will be taken back by me. As a sinner, your life will not be favored by the light. Evil and ugliness will be your forever, so fall.

The huge Ultraman phantom suddenly spoke, but Ming didn't quite understand what this guy meant. In short, it should be an Ultraman punishing an Ultraman who made a mistake.

Ah!! You actually deprived me of my power without permission, and even forced me to fall...

At this time, Ultraman, who was running away from the gun, suddenly stopped running and went crazy in the interstellar void. It seemed that his whole body was in pain. The skin and shape of his body were constantly mutating, and it seemed that he was about to turn into another kind of... Life form.

...This is, is this what it is?

And this volatile process, Ming could see clearly. Who would have thought that Ultraman would directly turn into a monster, and the monster would become Ultraman?

But obviously, the monsters in the earth cannot be compared with the monsters here. This is not a level existence at all. The power in the monster's body makes the underworld feel fear.

Moreover, the Ultraman in the earth is obviously not comparable to the Ultraman here. Although they both look like that in appearance, there is a huge gap in strength between the two.

But soon, Ming felt that the transformed monster, the ancient power in its body, was passing crazily and dissipating in this star.

Could it be that the monsters in the earth really come from here? However, although the power is flowing crazily, it seems that there is a limit to the flow. It still has terrible destructive power, which seems to be no better than those thousands of miles of huge void giants in the galaxy. The beast is weak in strength.

However, at this moment, Ultraman, who seemed to have merged into an interstellar space, suddenly looked in the direction of Ming, and seemed to have discovered that there was life hidden in the void.

But the other party just glanced at it and the image disappeared. It seemed that this was the limit? Or for some other reason, Ming didn't know, but Ming knew that he had truly escaped a disaster. If the other party really wanted to kill him, Ming felt that the other party could do it easily.

Huh... such a powerful pressure. It seems that the road ahead is still very long. I must continue to become stronger! I was in the empty space, sweating. At that moment, it seemed that I was truly in contact with the gods. Looking at each other.

But now, Ming feels that he can emerge from the void. Although the Ultraman-turned-monster still has very powerful destructive power, Ming feels that he has the power to defeat the opponent, so what is he afraid of? Wouldn't it be very interesting to capture it and study it further?

Hey, big guy, can you still talk?

Then Ming was revealed and appeared in the monster's sight.

Huh? Who are you? asked the ugly monster.

Oh? You can talk? It seems that your consciousness is quite normal? But I am very strange, why did you change from Ultraman to an ugly monster? And what is the secret here? Ming kept asking questions.

You are not a creature of this world! Unexpectedly, the monster discovered that Ming was not a creature of their god system, that is, an alien creature.

Of course, what? What do you want? Ming asked, always feeling that the other party was strange and seemed to have something else to say.

Take me out of here, I don't want to turn into a completely unconscious monster.

A mindless monster? Please make it clear. This is not going to be easy.

You can appear here. You should have seen everything that just happened. I am a god who has been taken away from his sacred power. What is left now is the power of evil. If I stay in the Sin Star Territory, I will Become a walking zombie, losing all original thoughts and consciousness.

If you don't get me out of here, I'm going to kill you.

God? After hearing this, Ming was surprised. He didn't expect that a god really existed?

Kill me? It's ridiculous, can't I run away? Ming sneered, the other party was so tyrannical after doing this.

At this time, I saw that this monster was very angry, and a terrifying aura erupted from its body. This aura was mixed with terrible murderous intent, and this murderous intent had turned into an actual knife. It was really terrifying. , the distance between the station and the underworld is far enough, you can feel the cold.

When he saw this, Ming turned around and started to retreat, hoping to reach the entrance not far from where he came from. Wouldn't this mean that progress can be achieved and retreat can be defended? Isn’t it wonderful? After all, this place is very mysterious. Who knows what terrible creatures will appear later, but how did they get there and escape?

It's impossible to run away!

Seeing this, the monster chased directly towards Ming Ming.

However, at this moment, many iron chains suddenly appeared from all directions, directly locking the monster full of murderous intent, making it unable to move.

Ah!! Damn Sin Realm! The monster seemed unwilling to do so and roared directly in the void. Those black void iron chains came out of the void and forcibly locked it.

Huh? This is it? Ming Ziran felt the change, stopped running, turned his head and looked at the monster behind him.

Why are you locked up? Are you unable to leave this sinful realm? Ming asked in confusion. Obviously, there is a force against monsters in this sinful realm.

Haha, don't worry, I won't kill you, but can you help me? Take me away from here. I know you are not a creature of the divine system. I feel something from your body that does not belong to this star. breath.

The monster was joking, and the terrifying aura and murderous intent on its body all dissipated. At this time, Ming saw countless black chains retreating from its body and shrinking into the void.


Yes, disappeared? When my consciousness is clear, I cannot use power, otherwise these chains of sanctions will bind me. These things will not control me until I lose my complete ideology, but then I was no longer who I was.

You told me this, aren't you afraid that I will kill you? Ming asked. Obviously Ming seemed to be able to attack it, but the monster would not be able to burst out its power to deal with him, otherwise countless black chains would suddenly appear. Sanction it.

Don't be afraid, because these chains will also protect me. If you attack me, those chains will punish you. It is fair in the realm of crime. The monster explained.

So this is what it is, let me think about it!

After a while, Ming continued: I can take you away, but you must surrender to me, how about that?

Submit? Haha, do you know that I am a god of the divine system! The monster seemed a little unwilling. This was a shame for it, and it was reduced to a slave existence?

God? What I saw was just a monster. I didn't want to become a walking corpse. What's wrong with surrendering to me? And if you don't surrender to me, how can I safely take you away? What if you kill me? Although You may not be able to kill me.

Okay, how to surrender? What kind of control is required? I can fully cooperate with you, so that you will not be sanctioned by those iron chains.

It's very simple, let my spirit enter your mind, and you don't have any resistance. I will leave my spirit imprinted in your mind. In this case, if you dissatisfy me, in a single thought I can kill you.

Okay! Come on! You've earned it! The monster was very decisive and gave up directly to resist.

In the end, Ming succeeded in engraving the spiritual imprint of his Zerg race on the monster's mind. At the same time, Ming learned a lot of information about the divine system, and the monster's real name was the God of West Asia.

Okay, Sia, as long as you obey my orders, I will give you freedom and I will not kill you with a single thought!

Yes! But you should leave here now. It's very dangerous here. It's not a place for you to stay. It's best to take me out of here quickly, otherwise we won't be able to take it off.

Of course, you don't need to say this. Your tone needs to change in the future...

Finally, Ming returned to Mount Fuji from a distance. It was really magical to say that there was actually a portal here that led to an interstellar portal that was more advanced than the Milky Way. I don't know if it was good or bad.

After coming out, the monster became very abnormal.

I feel a lot of familiar scents!

Where? Ming asked.

There are even many places around here. They seem to be asleep, and their power is very weak.

Moreover, I also felt the power of another false god.

False God? Ming was a little confused about what Xia meant. Could it be Ultraman from Earth?

Yes, they are guys with certain divine power, but there is a lot of evil power in their bodies. It seems that they want to return to their own appearance.

Well, please don't mess with me in this place. You can't destroy it. But now I ask you to kill all the breath creatures you are familiar with. Is it okay? Of course, it is best to fight on the sea.

Of course there is no problem, but I can control them. Do you think I don't have to kill them? Sia asked.

That's the best thing! Ming heard Xia say that Ultraman could control the monsters on the earth, and Ming had some fantasies in his heart. It seemed that the monster army could no longer be hidden.

Finally, Ming gave Xia a brain chip and asked him to move according to the area in the information. Naturally, Ming didn't want him to come to the east and only appear in Chapo's residential area and sea area.

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