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Tsk tsk...

Suddenly, a giant giant hundreds of miles away appeared and took them across the universe. The Hulk, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Pancake Man...all the aliens who had surrendered to the underworld felt like they were How terrifying and incredible is the object of surrender.

This should be similar to the dragon in Western legends! But this dragon is simply the biggest among giants. They have seen it hundreds of miles away, and they have seen it several thousand meters in size in the universe. But when it comes to the giant dragon hundreds of miles in size, they have seen it except today. , I’m afraid I’ll have to wait another hundred years? That shouldn't be seen either.

But from this point of view, Ming is a powerful existence in the universe, and perhaps there is a terrifying civilization behind him. They are glad that they can surrender to such a strong man.

Hold on tight, you all. The void space is extremely dangerous, and with the speed of my dark tyrant, I will probably knock you off my body. The corners of Ming's mouth turned up slightly, thinking to himself, who is this dark tyrant? I can also take out the black void dragon that is thousands of miles away, which can subvert your current world view in minutes.

Yes, sir! The alien response from a group of ability users was a rare reminder from an adult.

Soon, there was a space fluctuation in the sky above Mars, and the dark tyrant led a group of people to the sky above Mars.

Mars is a terrestrial planet, one of the eight planets in the solar system. Its mass is only 11% of the Earth's, its volume is only 15% of the Earth's, and its diameter is only 53% of the Earth's diameter. The entire planet Mars is The fire color in his eyes is not because there is an endless fire domain on Mars, but because Mars is covered with hematite, a red mineral.

Once on Mars, the air here is very thin and extremely cold, with low temperatures reaching more than 50 degrees below zero.

Collect intelligence and look for signs of other lives. No matter who it is, kill without mercy! When Ming came to Mars, he directly issued the highest order to the surrenders around him.

My lord! All the surrenders disappeared before Ming's eyes and began to explore everything about Mars.

Ming, it seems that the internal energy of this planet is almost extinguished. Alice looked around and immediately said with certainty, Soon, this planet will be completely reduced to dust and smoke in the universe.

The energy of this planet is indeed disappearing. There are almost no plants. Even the flame landscape in the north is completely dead. It seems that the aliens we are looking for may still be making small moves inside Mars to steal Mars energy. Ming said calmly, but the people who did these things were even worse than his Zerg tribe. They all completely absorbed the energy of the planet for their own use?


At this moment, suddenly, there was a plateau landscape to the east, but there was no vegetation, and the whole city was covered with cold frozen soil.

But now there was movement over there, and even the ground began to shake violently.

Huh? It seems like something has been discovered over there!

Ming immediately sensed that it was one of his surrenders. The lava giant was fighting a group of three-eyed aliens.

Let's go over and take a look. We must find the three-eyed alien's lair this time. As he said that, Ming rushed over immediately, with the three elves following closely behind.

Soon Ming came to the battlefield, and sure enough, a group of aliens discovered the lava giants. After all, the lava giants can flow out of magma flames from their bodies. In order to search for these aliens, the lava giants transformed into magma and flowed in the frozen soil. , to his surprise, it was not him who found the aliens, but the aliens directly found the lava giant and immediately attacked the lava giant.

Sir, these three-eyed aliens have a huge base down here.

When Ming came to the battlefield, the lava giant immediately broke away from the battle, came to Ming, and immediately reported the situation here.

Very well, fight with all your heart, I will keep you safe! Ming said calmly, as if he was dominating the world.

Follow your orders. The lava giant ordered and became even crazier.

I saw lava all over my body shooting everywhere, and soon, a hundred miles around turned into a piece of lava, just like the sea of ​​​​fire in hell. The air that was originally low in temperature suddenly heated up at this moment.

Who are you? Why did you come to Mars to disturb us? A group of three-eyed aliens emerged from the permafrost filled with flowing lava and rode a prototype flying saucer. Three-eyed aliens came from the flying saucer. Starman's language and questioning.

Haha, we are here to eliminate your existence. The lava giant sneered. On Mars, he could finally show off his abilities. When he was on Earth, his power burst could only be controlled at about 30%, because more than 100% At thirty, the beautiful earth will suffer terrible trauma, which is not what he wants to see.

But things are different now. This is Mars, which is already a dead planet. Even if it is completely exploded and destroyed, it doesn't matter, and there are still people who guarantee his life safety, so fight as much as you want and be fearless. .

You are really overestimating your capabilities. You are all going to die today. The aliens in the flying saucer were very angry after hearing this. And there were only a few enemies. How could they be the opponents of their three-eyed civilization? Moreover, there are many scientific and technological powers of their three-eyed civilization in this Mars. If they were all used, it would probably be easy to teach them how to behave in minutes.

Stop talking nonsense, take my move first. The lava giant's body suddenly became huge, and his whole body was composed of flowing lava.

Lava explosion!

At this time, the lava giant's body was left, and it suddenly shot out countless lava cannonballs. Each one was very huge, and its power was terrifying. It seemed that it could easily destroy a thousand-meter flying saucer in the sky.

Ray of Light.

I saw that when the flying saucer faced countless lava shells launched by the lava giant, many weapon holes suddenly appeared on the thousand-meter flying saucer. There were terrible energy pipelines in the holes that were emitted in the form of lasers, and they were also designed to be positioned. The device directly attacks countless lava shells.

Cancel it? Ming looked at the attack method displayed by the three-eyed alien this time. It seemed to be much more powerful than the one on the moon. However, Ming found it more and more interesting. He didn't know if he would take action in the end. What about opportunities?

Destroy it directly, don't fight like they are playing house, okay? However, Ming still wants to provoke the lava giant. Obviously, the real strength of the lava giant has not yet exploded. What does this mean? When the lava giant was filming blockbusters on Earth, the power this guy showed was more than this, right?

As ordered, destroy it immediately.

The lava giant is actually very depressed. It seems that he hasn't exploded for a long time?

Boom boom!!!

I saw the lava giant immediately releasing a large amount of lava. Like a volcano erupting, it rose into the sky, probably more than a thousand meters high. In an instant, it was like a big wave covering it with a roar, directly towards the thousand-meter-large flying saucer. The attack roll crushed away.

At this time, it was impossible for the flying saucer to let the lava covering them attack them, so the flying saucer began to escape quickly.

If you want to leave, there is no chance.

At this moment, in the magma flowing on the ground, there were countless magma ropes made of magma. They immediately flew into the sky at a very fast speed, like flying fireballs. In a short time, they were directly a thousand meters tall. The flying saucers are entangled in layers.

At this moment, the lava giant that seemed to be everywhere emerged from the lava rope and appeared directly on top of the flying saucer.

Lava blast punch!

A huge fist of lava fire appeared above the flying saucer.


There was a huge explosion, a huge mushroom cloud appeared in the sky thousands of miles away, and a terrifying heat wave was released on the spot.

Moreover, the temperature of this heat wave is at least thousands of degrees Celsius, making the thin air in Mars explode.

At this time, the thousand-meter-long flying saucer had been torn apart, and hundreds of three-eyed aliens in fire-resistant suits ran out of it. They fell onto the ground full of high-temperature lava and wanted to escape, but There is lava everywhere around them, and there is no safe place unless they drill into the ground, but the ground is now full of lava.

It seems that this group of three-eyed aliens are going to summon the dragon.

Sure enough, at the next moment, these three-eyed aliens used some mysterious method. The ground was covered with lava. Suddenly, there was a violent tremor. Several huge gaps opened in the lava ground, and there were countless electrons in the gaps. Various types of flying insects kept flying out.

Hey, Ming, do you think these things look like some kind of bugs from your Zerg tribe? Could they also self-destruct? Alice was surprised. This is somewhat similar to the cannon bugs and self-destruction bugs of the Zerg tribe.

No, self-destruction is impossible, but I feel the cold energy from the material of these mechanical electronic insects. Ming explained. It seems that these aliens want to cool down this lava land so that they can fight. .

Lava, you have to be careful, these mechanical bugs have cold power specifically aimed at you. Ming reminded the lava giant.

Thank you, sir, for reminding me!

However, at this moment, Lava Jueren was still frozen by the ice released by countless mechanical bugs. The flowing magma was covered with a thick layer of ice, and for a time, it erupted thousands of miles away. It turned into a world of ice and snow, and the icy air reached thousands of degrees below zero. That kind of terrible cold could freeze the bone marrow of all living things.

It's really cold! Ming and several elves were also frozen in an instant. A layer of ice was frozen on their bodies, but soon, this layer of ice disappeared from Ming and several elves. , after all, there are a few elves in Styx. But they are all strong, and this cold temperature cannot have a big impact on them.

Want to leave? How about trying this trick again?

Unexpectedly, at this time, the group of three-eyed aliens below set their target on the elves of Styx. Seeing the elves of Styx retreating, these aliens directly launched an active attack.

Haha, what an interesting group of civilizations! Ming smiled and looked at the elves beside him, I wonder if you have the kind of means that can directly subvert their proud cognitive means?

Well, yes, let me do it. One of the elves' eyes suddenly lit up and said first, Let me do it. I can teach them what the power of ice is in one step.

And at this moment, the countless small mechanical and electronic bugs suddenly gathered together and merged into a large electronic bug in an instant. It contained a terrifying and large amount of cold power. It seemed that once it broke out, the whole world was filled with energy. It can burst out in an instant.

But at this time, Ming was optimistic about the elf, because from the eyes of the elf, Ming could feel what it meant to be trivial. It seemed to say that this little burst of ice could only be regarded as a small trick in front of them.

Ice magic, the secret of ice!

Soon, the ice element emerged from the body of this elf. It was an ice symbol. It seemed that this symbol represented the coldest thing in the universe. All other ice powers, in front of this ice symbol, An existence that cannot be shocked.

At the same time, as the magic of this elf was released, the power of jealous cold was generated in the ice element symbol, which froze the giant electronic insect on the spot. Even the next moment, the ice suddenly shattered into pieces. Ice powder.

What? This, this is impossible?

At this time, these three-eyed aliens felt fear. What kind of power is this? It was easy to crush and destroy their means.

Okay, let's give the rest to the lava giant. Ming said gently.

While Ming was talking, the lava giant that was already under the ice seemed to suddenly awaken. The frozen lava suddenly glowed and broke through the thick ice, and the temperature of the surrounding space instantly increased.

Five hundred degrees Celsius…

One thousand degrees Celsius…

Two thousand degrees Celsius…

Three thousand degrees Celsius…

Five thousand degrees Celsius…

Eight thousand degrees Celsius…

When the low temperature reaches this point, it seems to have reached the limit of the lava giant, but this terrifying high temperature is enough to destroy the three-eyed aliens within the range. Even if they wear high-temperature-resistant clothing, they can only withstand four Thousands of degrees Celsius heat.

Even Ming felt his skin burning at this moment. Fortunately, the elf next to Alice cast an ice cover, so they were safe and sound.

But for the three-eyed alien creatures within the range, their high-temperature-resistant clothing burned directly, and their bodies even melted rapidly, turning into some kind of green liquid viscosity.

At this time, the lava giant had condensed a fireball-like body from the extremely hot lava. It seemed like the burning material just separated from the sun, directly lighting up half of the surface of Mars.

This move directly attracted the attention of earth scientists. They don’t know what happened to Mars, but relevant explorers from various countries, with the support of the country, decided to risk their lives and go to Mars. Although in recent years, aerospace Most of the members have never come back, but this still cannot stop them from exploring the universe.

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