Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 165 Eliminate monsters and Ultraman are not human?

At this time, a vampire finally realized the problem. What kind of human beings are there? I am afraid that other alien creatures have also come to the earth.

Are you going too far by doing this? We are not in conflict with each other. You'd better retreat quickly and we won't make things difficult for each other. How about that?

No, I came here specially to eat you. On Earth, perhaps only flesh and blood like yours can satisfy my appetite. Ming refused. What is a joke?

Hades represents the earth, and to eliminate these heretical enemies, the earth does not need these people who eat people and drink blood to continue to exist. Otherwise, it will be very dangerous. Just like now, this group of vampires has almost developed and occupied a city. , who can guarantee that in some time, all of Europe will be their kingdom?

At this time, some of the vampires who had been injured by Ming had completely recovered from their injuries, and some self-righteous guys became arrogant.

Even if you are very powerful, we have strong recovery ability, and sooner or later we will drain you dry to gain supreme power.

I'm afraid that your teeth have aged and you can't bite an inch of my skin. Ming said coldly. You are really a bunch of bastards. At this time, you are still thinking about sucking his blood. Could it be that the vampire king here is like this? Strong and domineering, don’t know how to measure yourself?

Would you like to know if you try it?

Suddenly, many hungry vampires turned into phantoms, flew in front of Ming, opened their blood-sucking fangs, and bit directly into Ming's body.


However, at this moment, the cell armor on Ming's body suddenly surged out, like a very terrifying filth, turning into black ropes, binding and entangling all the flying vampires.

At this time, these entangled vampires screamed, and they only felt the vicious pain all over their bodies. They did not understand that their bodies had already been mutated, and even if they were exposed to the sun, they would not feel the pain of physical destruction. , but at this moment they really felt that the pain directly caused their bodies to slowly disappear, and they slowly lost all control.


The vampires standing around watching nervously felt shocked and extremely frightened when they saw this scene. After all, they were all vampires. Seeing the painful expressions of their companions, they could already directly feel what kind of pain it was. Make them show such expressions.

At the same time, they also saw their entangled companion being pushed into the body of the monster by those black ropes.

What the hell are you?

At this time, some vampires were angry. After all, these vampires who were trapped by Cangrao had his family members, and of course some of them were the lovers of other companions.

What am I? A master? Or a king? Ming said jokingly, But why do I have to tell you ants?

Hmph! Don't be so arrogant. When our vampire king comes out, we will definitely destroy you!

Oh? That's fine, I won't be busy killing you now and let your vampire king get out of here! As he said this, Ming directly threw away the vampires he had just entangled.

Just like that, Ming waited inside for a long minute. Suddenly, there was a strong wind in the whole hotel. It seemed that there was an evil spirit at work, but in fact, there was a terrifying guy coming.

Hmph, it's just like a child with only an inch or two, nothing to be afraid of. Ming said calmly, standing motionless in the roar of the wind!

Your Excellency, if you have something to say, please tell me. I am the Vampire King. Why should I fight? Amidst the roar of the wind, a rich voice suddenly came out. It seemed that he had some skills, at least several times more powerful than all the vampires before.

Hmph, why are you here now? Are you afraid that you don't want your people anymore? But even though you are here, you can't save your people. Ming's eyes lit up and he looked directly at the source of the roaring wind. It turned out that It's a bald vampire covered in blood.

Oh, I'm going, I'm still bald! Ming couldn't help but want to laugh. This vampire king is really special. Needless to say, he's bald, but he still has a big belly.

Haha, I didn't get off work just now, and you're here right after get off work? The vampire king seemed a bit official, and his words were very assertive. Maybe he was an official from a European country.

Oh? The vampire king also has to go to work? It seems that you really regard the earth as your home? Ming was a little cold, and the other party was really shameless.

We must go. Although we are vampires, we obey the laws and laws of the earth. We have received endless fresh blood to eat and drink, and we will naturally make corresponding contributions to the earth. The vampire king said it very seriously, as if it were real The same.

Of course? Ming said coldly: The foreign civilizations on Earth must survive with my approval. Those that are not approved by me will be eliminated. I don't care whether you have harmed the Earth.

Haha, Your Excellency, you are saying that the earth is your home and you are not an alien creature? The vampire king suddenly sneered. He really talked to the other party properly, but the other party really didn't give him any face, and he was even more outrageous. Even more arrogant, what are the permissions and disallowances? I thought to myself that everyone is an alien creature, so why bother both parties?

Hmph! It's a cosmic creature, so it should know that the strong are respected, and the weak must accept the dominance of the strong. Do you think you vampires have the ability to kill me? mmp, Ming didn't want to explain anything to this guy, In short, the earth was his former home, and now he wanted to completely destroy these vampires.

Sir, do you have to do this? Although you are very powerful, powerful creatures don't always have weaknesses? The bald vampire king seemed to be fearless and controlled Ming's weaknesses.

Oh? What weakness do you think I have? Ming suddenly felt strange, why is this guy so calm, and what weakness does he have?

Now that I have a real weakness, I'm afraid it's only my former family, but with the existence of two elves, how could anything happen? Moreover, outside the floating city, he also arranged many secret bugs to serve as his vision. They can control any sudden information at any time.


The vampire king suddenly clapped his hands. At this moment, Ming knew that something would happen immediately.

I wonder if she is your weakness? You have been too active recently. Although we are far away from China and in Europe, we still have a headache because of your strength.

However, humans on earth have a saying that is very good. There is no end to the road. A few days ago, I found a girl who came to Europe to play. She said she knew you. I don’t know if she really knows you, but from her blood information , I really saw your existence, why is this?

Oh? Such a thing still exists? Could it be...? Ming was really surprised, but after thinking for a while, Ming suddenly realized something? Could it be him?

Is that the girl who fell in love with him so much twenty years ago and served him every day as his first love?

At this moment, a mature girl in her thirties was brought up by several vampires and appeared in Ming's sight.

Sir, if you want to save her, you'd better give up resistance and let me handle it. But don't worry, I won't kill you. After all, your blood is very delicious. I think we vampires will drink your body. The blood in it will be much stronger. The bald vampire king began to threaten Qi Ming, but in his heart he was just taking a gamble, after all, he did not believe it was true from beginning to end.

I took a look, and it seems that there is quite a connection. Now I really want to rescue her from your hands. But I have the ability to rescue her, why should I give up the resistance? Ming was a little confused, It seems that her strength is limited. Your powerful imagination?

Don't mess around. This girl has been forcibly controlled by me. Without my blood, she will become a vampire. The bald king threatened.

A Ming, is that you? At this time, the girl who had been watching carefully for a long time suddenly called out to Ming, and she looked very affectionate with tears in her eyes.

Of course not, but I can rescue you! Ming naturally didn't want her to know this. After all, he is a bug now, and his current appearance is all disguised. Why bother showing his true face to scare others, or in other words, To destroy the beauty that once stayed in her heart?

Impossible, why did my heart beat so fast when I saw you? I just felt that all this was true. The girl was very sad, as if she remembered everything in the past. After all, she was really in love. Ming, and even to this day, I have never fallen in love with anyone else.

Maybe it's because I look too much like the person you're talking about! Ming smiled lightly at her, telling her with her eyes that she didn't have to be afraid, don't worry, and don't be afraid of becoming a vampire.

Ming felt that as long as she was not a congenital vampire, Alice should be able to cure her.

Yes? Maybe!

Now, the girl cried more and more sadly. Yes, the people she liked had been dead for twenty years. Although this one looked exactly the same, she still felt like the first love between Zeng and Jin. But after all, things are people. No, she is already old and has become an old woman of thirty-seven or eighty years old. How can she say these words to the twenty-year-old young girl in front of her? What a shame!


Ming sighed and shook his head. To be honest, the Elf Queen of the Elf Kingdom looked exactly like the girl in front of him. Moreover, he had already made a choice, so he could only ruthlessly make the real her suffer. Maybe this was the right thing for her. Best arrangement.

However, after Ming decided to rescue her, he deleted all the memories about his previous life in her mind. Although these memories were her happiness, they were probably more painful.

Space condensation!

Therefore, Ming directly launched a large area of ​​space. As early as before, in the roar of the strong wind, Ming released an imperceptible power element. At this moment, Ming suddenly launched, and the entire hotel was condensed into a solid body by ice and snow.

Hmph, fight with me, you are a bunch of scum, I want you to die without knowing how. As he said this, Ming directly took the only girl who was not frozen and flew out of the hotel.

When he was outside, Ming used his terrifying devouring power, swallowing the entire snow-condensed hotel into his portable space, and then made food for the Void Dragon inside. After all, the Void Dragon would become a big battle in his hands. force.

As for there are still many vampires in this city, Minghui will try to get rid of them all for the right reasons as soon as possible. However, these matters will not be solved by him personally. It depends on the aliens who surrender to him. work efficiency.

Soon Ming came to Fatty's house with the girl in his hand, and his sudden appearance naturally scared Fatty again.

Alice, come here, let me tell you something! Ming asked Alice to cure the virus on his first love in his previous life, and then eliminate all memories of him in her mind.

In the end, Alice did it. After all, her first love in the previous life was just an ordinary human being, so erasing the memory is really simple and easy for the powerful elf.

Then he sent the girl back to her own residence, and she became like a stranger from then on. There was no longer the pain of the relationship in her mind, and she hoped to start well.

Of course, Ming still asked Alice to return her appearance to the age of twenty. Ming hoped that she could have a perfect love again.

After doing all this, Ming stayed at home with his parents for a few days before going out again, but this time his target was Little Japan. According to the information given by Fatty, there were alien monsters where Little Japan lived. , and there is more than one, there is also the existence of Ultraman.

Therefore, regardless of whether Ultraman is good or bad, he always wants to solve it together. Besides, Ultraman has been saving mankind on the territory of little Japan. If he doesn't come to China to fight monsters, what does this mean?

In the blink of an eye, Ming teleported in the void and arrived at the place where the dwarfs lived. As soon as the spiritual power was released, he felt that there were monsters and some monsters in many places.

Of course, what attracts the most attention is the countless monsters that seem to be sleeping in Mount Fuji.

Hmph, is this the holy mountain that these ignorant dwarfs follow? Damn it, it has become the lair of monsters. It seems that these Ultraman are only doing superficial work, and it shouldn't be anything good. As expected, it's better to kill all things that are different from each other! While Ming was thinking in his mind, he had already entered the interior of Mount Fuji.

The space inside is very large, and there are countless monsters sleeping around, all of which are more than ten or twenty meters tall.

You actually like to sleep, so you can sleep in the darkness forever! Ming used space condensation and sucked them into the portable space. Then Ming continued to move forward. It seemed that he had reached the end, but there was a dimensional gate here.

Is this the entrance to the monsters? Ming looked at it carefully, but felt strange.

Why do I sense a different power from the monsters? Which world does the dimensional gate guarded by these monsters lead to?

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