Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 164 Clearing the Earth of Aliens

An hour later, the leader of the golden dwarves finally found the culprit. Sure enough, it was the villainous dwarves who had contact with alien creatures outside the earth and reached some kind of deal.

Therefore, the villains asked the life outside the earth to imprison the human beings on the surface in the steel civilization, and promised to provide a space to support the human beings to conduct an incredible experiment.

But now, the intervention of the golden dwarf leader has forcibly stopped this transaction. If the human being is not sent back to the earth, then their entire dwarf race will suffer catastrophe.

The villains originally wanted to retort, but the aliens they traded with had already run away when they felt that the enemy was so powerful, which meant that all the consequences would be borne by the dwarves.

Although as the villains of their clan, they were at best politically dissatisfied or dissatisfied with the rulers, they were never so ambitious and cruel as to ruin the entire clan.

Therefore, when the golden dwarf leader found them, they did not make any resistance, and when they argued with the aliens, they forcibly kept the human behind, so that the hateful aliens did not take away the human.

Sir, we are really wronged. It is the aliens who deceived the minds of my people and were deceived by them.

The golden dwarf commander asked all the villain dwarves to kneel down and admit their mistakes to the adults. If the adults can forgive him, he as the commander can not kill them, but the consequences must be fulfilled. Who asked them to provide space for those aliens, otherwise The dwarves will not suffer such a disaster.

Yes, sir, those aliens asked us to provide them with a space, otherwise they would kill us. We have no choice but to do it, but we have always been friendly to humans on the earth. Today's aliens The aliens knew trouble was coming and we stopped them from taking away humanity from this Earth.

Hmph, we'll talk about the aliens later. Now I just want to know where the person I'm looking for is? Ming hasn't seen his brother after so long. What's this thing?

Sir, you don't know something. That human is still doing experiments without sleep or food. We asked him to come out, but he didn't respond. We said that important people were looking for him outside, and he said he didn't want to see anyone. A dwarf said very Said innocently.

take me!

Ming knows that my brother has now fallen into a crazy experiment. It is either a human resurrection experiment, or he is experimenting with how to revive his father? But it was really hard on him. I'm afraid he is no longer the young man he was back then, but has become a middle-aged man with a beard!

Yes, sir, please come this way!

Therefore, countless dwarves dare not neglect. You must know that there is a monster that is hundreds of miles in size, and there is also a super monster that is thousands of miles in size. A slight movement of the body can cause a lot of damage to their steel civilization. Now it is really injurious. Get up.

Moreover, the current disaster has caused the overall strength of their dwarves to regress for more than a hundred years. They don't know when they will be able to be glorious and move forward.

Therefore, Ming followed the dwarf to a laboratory in a steel building. There was a technology laboratory inside. The dwarf said that some of these experimental equipment came from the products of humans on earth, and some came from products provided by alien civilizations themselves, but The dwarves didn't have any involvement, they just provided a space environment for them to conduct experiments.

After Ming walked in, the dwarves did not follow him. They knew how to be polite and knew that some words and things were not something they could see or hear.

When Ming entered, he saw a middle-aged man doing something. They were surrounded by experimental equipment and various advanced technical equipment. He was so engrossed that he didn't notice that anyone had come in.


But Ming accidentally knocked an experimental instrument that fell on the ground.

Didn't I say that? My experiment will be successful soon, don't disturb me? The middle-aged man spoke, acting very angry and impatient, as if the alarm just now disturbed his experiment. Thoughts.

You are very busy?

Ming answered the words, but he didn't expect that his brother had already invested himself to such an extent. If this continued, it would be extremely harmful to an ordinary human being.

But the middle-aged man did not continue to speak, but began to work on the operations in his hands, directly choosing to ignore the people who came in. Perhaps in his eyes, he hated and hated the group of aliens, so he couldn't see them. Be better!

Are you so serious? You don't even know who I am? Ming was helpless. Maybe he was under too much pressure.

But after a long time, the middle-aged man still didn't answer and chose to ignore it. That's right. Ming had disappeared for twenty years. He had probably forgotten most of the familiar feeling. How could he not see it with his own eyes? Under the circumstances, do you know who you are?

Brother, don't you really want to see your brother? Ming smiled, Xiao Shi, you really don't want to see who I am?


Now the middle-aged man was finally touched. The sound of Little Stone sounded very familiar, just like what his brother often called him.

Soon, the middle-aged man stopped what he was doing, raised his haggard face, and looked at the person who had already appeared in front of him. For some reason, he burst into tears as soon as he raised his head.

Are you my brother? Are you really my brother?

After a long time, he asked hesitantly, indicating that he still had his own correct consciousness. After all, he saw his brother being cremated and died, and he also failed to realize the human resurrection plan. How could his brother be resurrected? ?

What do you think is unbelievable in this world? Ming said with a smile, You believe and accept it faster than your father and mother, right?

The younger brother nodded. Indeed, he had no choice but to admit that the person in front of him was not his older brother. He could only say that the universe was very magical, and it was simply an existence that humans could not imagine. The secrets of it have not yet been confirmed, and perhaps they can only be found in some Seen in fantasy novels.

Are you going to say that you were reborn and resurrected like in the novel! Only now you found the earth?

I'm afraid you won't believe me. I didn't expect you to be so accurate. I was indeed reborn. It's a pity that I haven't come back until twenty years later. Maybe it's too late. I really feel guilty and sorry for you. Ming couldn't help but walked forward and held his brother in his arms.

It's all over. I will give you a new life, even go back to the beginning and live a new life. I didn't want to break your current life, but please forgive me for my selfishness.

In the end, the middle-aged man chose to hug his brother. Who has no choice in some things? Just like this universe, he has come into contact with too many things, such as civilizations inside the earth, aliens outside the earth, and aliens even took him out of the earth.

Let's go. I'll take you back now. It's better not to come to these places for the time being.

In the end, Ming's brother nodded. If he wasn't forced to do anything, who would be willing to live so tiredly?

Sir, do you think we...? The leader of the golden dwarves finally saw the adults coming out and wondered if he would let them go.

Don't worry, today is just a small lesson, but don't go back to human life for a hundred years, otherwise, you will be destroyed by me.

Ming warned them that after all, they are very capable and have superpowers that humans cannot yet shock. They must give humans on earth some time, and by then humans will no longer be afraid of them.

Of course, if humans discover your world, I don't think they will harm you, so don't worry about this! Ming Ye assured them.

Yes, thank you, sir. The golden dwarf leader was grateful and watched this terrifying human leave their dwarf world.

The giant void dragon that was thousands of miles away originally wanted to take its dragon son away, but the dragon son refused to obey. At the same time, Ming was determined that as long as it dared to take the dragon son away, it would die immediately at his thought. !

Under such circumstances, the thousands-mile-long giant void dragon had no choice but to return to Ming's space world obediently. Of course, Ming made a condition to him. If he wants to come up with it next time, he must do things for him to ensure that Seeing its biological flesh and blood, at the same time, its biological flesh and blood will not be harmed in any way.

So, Ming took his brother back home, but when Ming asked him to go back twenty years ago and start his life anew, his brother solemnly refused. He said that in the past twenty years, although he was very tired, , but full of meetings.

Although Ming heard what his brother said and felt it made sense, how could Ming not know? I'm really tired. Who wants to go back twenty years ago and start over?

Therefore, Ming did not force him to be twenty years younger, but decided to fulfill his dream.

Brother, I know you still have dreams. Although I have been resurrected and my father has also woken up, you should still want to continue with your human body being resurrected. I support you. I can help you pay for all the expenses. You can do whatever you want. Do what you want to do, I am here on earth and no one can stop you.

Brother, I understand, I will, thank you! The brother was very touched. He could see his family reunited and his father and mother full of smiles. It felt like everything was worth it. He didn't have to stress too much. Be a useful person for the rest of your life and fully realize your dreams. It will be beneficial to yourself and the human world, right?

Well, just understand! Ming nodded.

Next, after Ming stayed at home with his family for a few days, he began to go out and do what he had to do. After all, there were countless aliens hidden in the earth, and the power of all the countries in the world could not shock them.

Therefore, before Ming Zai left the earth, he decided to kill all the aliens on the earth, and then eliminate the hidden crises in the galaxies around the earth, so that he could leave with peace of mind, and he did not know how many years he would leave. to come back again.

But Ming believes that as long as he can come back again, it will be his time to rule the universe.

Sir, you are finally here, sit down quickly!

Ming appeared in Fatty's mansion. Fatty was personally serving the beautiful Alice. After all, men like Fatty can't change their habit of eating shit. They like beautiful women and are attracted by beautiful women, so they naturally become attentive.

Alice, are you still used to it these days? Isn't this guy unruly? Mingze asked Alice with a smile, ignoring the fat man with a big belly.

It's okay. I prepared a lot of delicious food for me. I found that the food on your earth is so good. Do you think I can take him away from the earth? And then prepare delicious food for me, okay? Alice said simply. With.

Huh? Ming looked at Fatty, could this be Fatty's attention?

Sir, I don't have it. I swear, it's just because this fairy likes to eat the delicacies I prepared! You know, my body looks like it was eaten by a foodie! The fat man saw Ming's eyes were a little cold, and he was immediately frightened. He broke out in a cold sweat. It felt like he was in hell, although he didn't know what hell looked like.

It's good to know! Ming said coldly, What did I ask you to check?

It has been checked. There are more than 10,000 people with superpowers in the world. We have already grasped their specific locations, but their whereabouts are difficult to find. If we cannot determine a rough range, it is 100% Seventy percent certainty. Fatty used the brain chip to display all the detailed information and pictures in the void so that Ming could see them clearly.

Very well, prepare a brain chip for me and inject all this information into it.

Okay sir.

In the end, Ming let Alice stay here to prevent Fatty from being killed. After all, Fatty would need to collect further information later.

Ming's first target is the Hulk. This guy has made many blockbusters, but in Ming's view, this guy is an informant sent to Earth by aliens who wants to attract the fans of humans on Earth, so he keeps filming like this. route.

Finally, Ming found it in a big city in the United States, but when the Hulk saw Ming for the first time, he started to run away crazily. It seemed that they already knew that Ming was their biggest enemy when they came to the earth, and they wanted to kill them. Clear.

Don't run away. There's no way you can escape my grasp. I have to say that your acting skills are very good. I've seen some of your blockbuster movies. You're really powerful. I don't know if you can resist my punch. Woolen cloth?

Ming chased the Hulk into the primeval jungle of the Amazon. Although the guy's skin color blended well with the environment here, for the enemies that had been marked by Ming, he did not need to use his eyes at all. He directly used his perception and spirit to defeat the Hulk. There will be no escape.

Why do you want to kill me? I have never harmed humans on earth, and I have been trying to integrate into humans. I am very yearning for human life. Shouldn't I be given a chance? You humans don't often say that all corners of the world are one family? More What's more, I live among humans and have helped many humans. Isn't this true? Hulk said in secret.

Haha, but they are aliens after all. Don't you know that humans have a saying? Those who are different must be punished!

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