Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 163 Destruction and Destruction

Unexpectedly, these seemingly steel-civilized beings with superpowers turned back into their true forms, golden dwarves, when their energy ran out.

The height of these dwarves is completely different from the previous steel bodies. The previous steel bodies were almost two meters tall, but now when they become dwarves, they are less than one meter tall.

Is this your true form?

Ming was unmoved. Although there were still some steel beings who had not turned into dwarves, those who had turned into dwarves seemed to have lost most of their combat power. However, their speed was several times faster than before, and they could even survive. Traveling through steel entities without any restrictions.

Interesting civilization, but even so, you are no match for me.

As he spoke, Ming directly summoned the dark tyrant. There was already a hundred miles of huge dark tyrant. When it came out, it was like blocking the sky and the sun.

Destroy and stop until they surrender. Ming didn't believe it, the dark tyrant was like a disaster, and these steel buildings would also be destroyed under its destruction.

hold head high……!!!

The dark tyrant roared, indicating that he would definitely cause crazy destruction.

As the dark tyrant began to rampage, at the same time, his mouth full of fangs continued to release some kind of terrifying energy. The power produced was very terrifying, and it destroyed the steel building city within dozens of miles on the spot.

What should we do? The ability of this creature has exceeded the limit of our steel building. And now that we are in front of them, we can no longer resist and can only recharge.

Soon, countless steel warriors expressed that they were unable to fight such a behemoth. The opponent's destructive power was too great, and the range of influence was very wide. As a result, as soon as they got close, the energy in their bodies basically began to flow like crazy. Consuming it, otherwise they would not be able to escape alive from the attack range of such a behemoth.

In the destroyed steel building city, many dwarves died. These dwarves were obviously permanent residents of the steel city. They seemed to be very ordinary and did not have any superpowers.

In short, this city continued to suffer damage and destruction, and the blood shed belonged to the golden dwarves.

And Ming broke away from the battle during this period and began to search for his brother everywhere in this steel city, hoping to find something from it.

But the space here is obviously much larger than in the meditation image, and there seems to be special energy in some places that his spirit cannot penetrate. What's incredible is that it is like there is antimatter, and the power of his spirit spreads When in certain places, it will bounce back immediately.

Therefore, Ming realized that places that could not be detected by spiritual power became his blind spot.

So how can we find clues?

Hmph!! It seems that we have to carry out major destruction? Ming became cruel in his heart and decided to completely frighten this steel civilization, and even took the initiative to hand over the person he needed to find.

Therefore, Ming put his consciousness into his own portable space world.

Huh? Dead?

Ming came into the dark space, and the thousands-mile-long black void dragon lay motionless on the ground. There were countless dinosaurs around it in the darkness, but these dinosaurs were so soft that they seemed to be lying on the ground. He was so oppressed by the might of the black dragon that he could not move.

At this moment, the black void dragon opened its huge eyes and spoke feebly.

Don't think that if you put these things in and lock my feet, they can hurt a piece of my blood, haha~~

What? How can you understand it this way? These creatures are just ordinary flesh and blood creatures. Whether it is you or me, they are just delicious food in our mouths. Don't you understand what I mean?

Ming said lightly, looking at the powerless void dragon, the energy in his body must have been almost exhausted, and his stomach must have been starved!

Hmph! Are you still trying to torture me? The Void Dragon was angry. In short, no matter which way, he wanted to mess with his dragon, and the flesh and blood he had given birth to were taken away by this guy. He didn't know whether he was dead or not. live.

Torture? No... no, I never do such immoral things! Ming said lightly, Now I want to give you freedom.

Freedom? I will not surrender to you, even if it means death! The black void dragon still has backbone.

Don't refuse so quickly? You should think better of it, right? If you choose freedom, then you can eat all the food around you in one bite, and you won't stay in this dark place all the time. And the most important thing is, you still have I can see the flesh and blood you gave birth to.

After hearing this, the Void Dragon hesitated a little. Yes, you can see your own flesh and blood when you are free. I don't know how Long Zi is doing now!

How about it? If you are still unwilling to surrender, how about I give you a chance to meet your own flesh and blood?

Are you telling the truth? the black void dragon suddenly asked.

Of course, it is now deep in the battlefield, facing countless enemies. If you go out now, you can still see it. If it is too late, I cannot guarantee whether its life will be seriously threatened. Ming remained calm. As he spoke, it seemed that in his eyes, the so-called flesh and blood of the void dragon, whether life or death, dead or immortal, had no stomach for it.

You, if my dragon son dies, I will definitely make you regret it! The void dragon was very angry. Obviously its dragon son was very dangerous. It let him go out at this moment just to let him fight.

Of course, if you go out to fight, how will it die? Ming said affirmatively, I will take back the restraint on you now. You can eat all the delicious food around you and regain some strength as soon as possible, lest I can't save you. Ryuko, both died together.”

As he spoke, Ming's thoughts moved, and the blood chain wrapped around the giant dragon that was thousands of miles away continued to disappear.

At this moment, the black void dragon was like a male dragon soaring from the shallows. The terrifying aura and coercion swept into the endless darkness. Facing such dragon power, those ferocious beasts and dinosaurs urinated. They were all frightened out.

hold head high……!!!

The black void dragon roared, and its huge mouth opened. A huge devouring force swallowed countless ferocious beasts and dinosaurs around it into the unfathomable mouth.

After devouring a large amount of flesh and blood, the black void dragon's strength was somewhat restored, and it was barely able to fight to its heart's content.

At this time, outside, the steel city was destroyed by the dark tyrant, which aroused the anger of all the people in the steel civilization. They joined the battle crazily, and some charged up and transformed into steel warriors, temporarily possessing super powers. existence to counterattack the dark tyrant.

Dark Tyrant, if you give up some resistance now, I want you to be seriously injured. Do you understand? Ming ordered the Dark Tyrant to withstand the attacks of the Iron Warriors and let them attack without fighting back.

Ming's order was absolute. The dark tyrant immediately stopped attacking and was attacked by countless steel warriors. Many scars began to appear on its body, and its whole body was bloody. It was very pitiful, and it seemed that its life was in danger.

After a while, Mingcai ordered the dark tyrant to launch a counterattack.

hold head high!

The Dark Tyrant let out a dragon roar and seemed to be more violent than before, possibly because these enemies had hurt it.

But at this time, Ming released the huge void dragon that was thousands of miles away in the portable space.

hold head high!

After the void dragon came out, it was called the sky and the sun was covered. The entire steel civilization was immediately in fear of death, and a super monster actually appeared.

As for the giant void dragon that was thousands of miles away, the first thing he saw when he came out was his own flesh and blood, fighting bloody battles, with scars all over his body, so the giant void dragon that was thousands of miles away was completely angry.


The huge void dragon that was thousands of miles away sprayed out a black light of energy from its huge mouth on the spot. The terrible destructive power in it directly caused destruction within thousands of miles. All the steel buildings where the energy passed were destroyed. reduced to ashes.

Longzi, Longzi, daddy is here.

The thousands-mile-long giant void dragon, after activating its destructive power, came to the dark tyrant in a flash. However, everything it passed was shattered and destroyed. Those steel creatures that tried to attack it would be destroyed. Go to complete death at the first opportunity.


The dark tyrant received Ming's instructions and hesitantly called the thousands-mile-long giant void dragon its father.

Yes, I'm your dad. I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to have grown so big. Don't worry, dad will protect you and won't let you get hurt in any way. The huge void dragon thousands of miles away , protecting the dark tyrant in his arms.

Dad, I want to destroy this place, can you help me? They hurt me. The dark tyrant followed Ming's order.

I don't need to tell my son, I will destroy this place too! The giant void dragon that is thousands of miles away will naturally not let these steel creatures go easily. Anyone who dares to hurt its son will accept the destruction of the void dragon.

Then came the giant void dragon that was thousands of miles away, wreaking endless destruction. From the sky to the ground, its huge figure could be seen everywhere. After all, it had the ability to travel through the void. For it, there was no distance or obstacle in space. Word.

Dad, it's okay! the dark tyrant said to the void dragon.

Okay, I will listen to my son! As expected, the giant void dragon that was thousands of miles away stopped its terrible attack.

Very good! At this time, Ming Fei was high in the sky and began to say: Which of you is the leader of the steel civilization, it is best to come out immediately, otherwise the destruction and destruction will continue.

Soon, a golden dwarf, protected by many steel warriors, appeared in Ming's sight.

Oh, are you the leader of the Iron Civilization? Ming asked forcefully.

Yes, I am the leader here. Please don't destroy our civilization! the golden dwarf requested.

Destruction? Where to start? I just taught you a lesson, but do you know what kind of civilization is in the outside world? Ming asked. After all, the existence of these guys, or when they are too powerful, will always threaten human civilization.

Humans on Earth, but we have never harmed them. We have even arranged for people with superpowers to go to the outside world many times to help them! The golden dwarf said seriously, and gave an example: You humans on Earth say we know each other. The Iron Man and many superpowers are all superpowers from our steel city.

At this time, after Ming heard such words, he did not think that everything he said was a lie. After all, in the human civilization on earth, there have been many legends of supermen. Although some were destructive, most of them seemed to have helped them. .

Although some of what you said is true, I can't agree with everything you say. Isn't it because the supermen of your steel civilization are sent out to control and understand more of the earth's civilization? Who can guarantee that you will not occupy human land in the future? ? Ming said coldly.

The leader of the golden dwarves was silent for a moment. He had nothing to say. After all, the creatures in front of him came from the earth, so what could they do if they were to regress civilization? After all, they did not expect that humans on the surface of the earth would still hide such terrifying existences. .

Have nothing to say? Ming said calmly, Even so, I won't let you go easily.

Sir, we have really done nothing to harm humans on the surface of the earth. Our steel civilization has lived in the interior of the earth for generations and has always been very peaceful here. The golden dwarf commander was a little anxious. Is the other party going to destroy them?

Don't know? You caught a human here and it must be something, right? Ming didn't think that these dwarves didn't know, and even if they didn't know, it was probably these dwarves who had colluded with aliens outside the earth.

Caught a human? We have never done anything like this. The golden dwarf leader immediately defended, Sir, please believe us, our dwarves are all very honest beings.

Hmph! You may not know, but what about your people and your subordinates? Don't any of them know? If you continue to argue, you are trying to challenge my patience, so that your entire civilization may be destroyed by me. !”


After hearing such words, the golden dwarf leader was silent. Is this really the case?

Could it be that those villains did something good?

Thinking of this, the golden dwarves became angry. After all, in their country of steel civilization, there are still villains. They also heard that they had colluded with outside creatures some time ago. Could it be that they brought humans into their steel civilization.

Why, have you thought of it? Ming sneered: I tell you, if I don't see that human being within an hour, you will accept my greatest anger.

Yes, yes... Don't worry, sir. We will do it right away. I hope you won't be angry. We dwarfs really cannot bear such destruction.

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