Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 162 Steel Civilization

After settling his father down, Ming spent the night with his father and mother at home and talked a lot.

The next day, Ming came to the information recruitment company because the time limit given to them by the company was only one day.

Have you found it? Ming asked the person in charge of the company, a beautiful middle-aged woman.

However, hundreds of people in the company were speechless, with bitter expressions on their faces, as if they had been collectively scolded by their boss.

Humph, I knew you guys! Ming became very cold and angry, thinking that even if he didn't find it, would he still want a reply? Or make a statement?

Sir, we have been working hard on this matter, but it is indeed difficult to find clues. It seems that all the clues have been cut off. It is really impossible to find the person you need to find.

In the end, the acting person in charge of this company really had no choice but to offend the super wealthy people in front of them, otherwise their lives would be difficult.

Then you can really go home and retire. You actually work for an information company, and you can't solve any difficult situations, hum!

Now I want your top person in charge to tell me! In the end, Ming didn't intend to embarrass them, but he might not spare the big fat man. It was obvious that the guy knew something from the beginning, but he just didn't want to take the risk of saying it.

Yes, we will contact you immediately!

Soon, people from the company used the alarm chip to contact the top person in charge of the company.

It's okay, Fatty, but how dare you ignore my warning? It's been more than a day, why didn't you take the initiative to contact me? Do you want me to make a trip in person? Ming said directly to the Fatty on the other end.

Sir, this, I, I really can't find any information, how about I pay you double the money? The fat man on the other end was obviously very nervous, because he had seen the horror of the underworld, and it was obviously not ordinary. There is no way he can offend people.

Hmph, I have plenty of money, I don't need to double it. Now you must give me clues, otherwise don't blame me for coming to kill you right away! Ming said to him without fear of threats. In short, there is no place he can't go in the Great Void Movement.

Sir, please let me go. In fact, I really can't say it, otherwise I will be killed! After the fat man on the other end heard Ming's words, he felt helpless and painful. He really didn't know what to do. , I can only hope that Ming can let him go.

Didn't I tell you? I will ensure your safety. If you don't tell me, I'm afraid you won't survive tonight. Even if you take good safety measures, you should understand!

After a while, the fat man's voice came from the other end, but this time the fat man seemed to have thought clearly, or put his life on Ming's side to bet on life and death. After all, the people over there were not easy to mess with, maybe. I really have to be prepared to assassinate him at any time.

Then you must help me, and I will provide you with everything you want to know.

Very well, tell me your address and I will come soon to talk to you in detail while ensuring your safety.

Finally, Fatty secretly told Ming his geographical location. Ming walked out of the company, flew into the sky and temporarily put the luxury car into his personal space. Then he performed a large space move and disappeared somewhere in the void.

In a certain city, there is also a floating city floating in the sky. There are also technological fields in the city. Although it is inaccessible to ordinary people, for Minglai, there is no need for any identity fingerprint verification at all. They can directly shuttle through the void space. Once you have determined your positioning, you can reach your destination very quickly.

You are quite honest!

Soon Ming came to Fatty's technological wilderness. There were many robots outside, and these robots were protecting Fatty with the combat power of one to ten humans.


The fat man had just turned off the alarm chip when he heard someone talking to him behind him. He was so frightened that Dang Xing broke out in a cold sweat. In his first reaction, he turned around and shot Ming.

Haha, these weapons can't kill me! Ming sneered. The fat man was so cowardly and fearful that he actually shot in his own home.

It's you, why are you so fast? After the fat man saw clearly the monster coming, he felt a little more relaxed, and the person in front of him was really a monster.

What's wrong with your injury?

At the same time, seeing Ming being shot by him and recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, my God, is this an immortal?

Don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask. Now tell me everything you know! Ming didn't want to talk nonsense with the fat man. She had to get information about his brother from him first.

Yes! But you must ensure my safety. I feel like someone is always watching me today. I don't dare to go out anywhere now. The fat man said hurriedly, fearing that Ming would lie to him, and after saying it, Just ignore him, or even more terrifying, kill him to silence him to avoid future trouble? Isn’t this how TV plots all work?

Tell me, no one here can kill anyone I want to protect. Ming assured him.

Actually, the information about the people you asked me to find has been found from the beginning, but those people are not something I can afford to offend. It can be said that even if the country knows about their existence, there is nothing they can do to arrest them and hold them accountable.


Ming knew that this matter was not that simple. It was obviously capable aliens who were doing things secretly. But what puzzled Ming was why he wanted to capture his brother and use his family to threaten him? Is it just because my brother is very accomplished in biomedicine and can complete the research on biological resurrection?

The location of that group of people is under our earth, but the specific location is hidden. Even the entire world today cannot decipher their entrance to the ground. However, scientists from various countries have conducted research and unanimously stated that there is , there is indeed another world, which is new life on earth.

I also know this. Does it mean that the person I am looking for is very likely to be under the earth? He said after thinking for a while. Ming naturally knew something about the fat man's remarks. As early as decades ago, there was Scientists have studied the interior of the earth and boldly stated that there may be a new civilization inside the earth. However, they did not expect that twenty years later, this bold speculation would finally be confirmed.

But only a few people must know about things like this. After all, the relevant national departments will block the matter to ensure the normal activities of human beings on the entire earth.

It's not very possible, but it is definitely inside the earth. We have actually collected clues about these things. The person you asked me to investigate must be involved in matters related to the internal civilization, so I am 100% sure.

The fat man affirmed again, There must be nothing wrong, believe me, otherwise I wouldn't be so afraid, right?

Now my life is entirely in your hands. As long as you ensure my safety, I can provide you with more information. My company has offices all over the city, whether it is within the country or in the underworld, in short There is no place on the surface of the formation where I don't have eyeliner.

Since you said so, please give me detailed information. I want to know how many people with special abilities exist in the earth today. I think you should be able to do something about this, right? If you can't do this, Then I think you are better off alive than dead.

No problem, I, Fatty Three, can definitely handle this kind of thing. Fatty patted his chest with certainty. In fact, the company already had detailed information about the people with special abilities that Ming mentioned.

Very good. You'd better not run around during this period. Although the safety of this floating city is very good, if you don't have strong people to protect you, you won't be able to live, so I will keep you alive.

As he spoke, Ming disappeared directly, performed a great movement in the void, shuttled back to his city, and then quickly drove his luxury car back home.

Alice, how about helping me protect someone?


A person who helped me collect information. However, my matter has put him in crisis, but I promised him to ensure his life safety. Ming said simply, after all, Alice is not his subordinate. , you still need to let the other party know some things, and then see if she is willing to help.

Okay, no problem! After hearing this, Alice readily agreed, You only need me?

Yes, who else can kill him with you here? Ming smiled, Your sisters have to stay at home to talk to my parents, but don't worry, there are many good things about that guy. You ask him to prepare food for you, and I promise to serve you like he serves grandma!

Finally, Ming took Alice to Fatty's technology villa.

Just ask this fat man to arrange whatever you want to eat. Ming looked at Alice and said, pointing at the fat man.

Yes, grandma, I have whatever you want to eat here! the fat man replied quickly. Apparently he could see from the adults' eyes that the grandma in front of him held a heavy weight in the hearts of the adults. She was not just a subordinate or a hard-working servant. Maybe adults still ask others to protect him.

After making arrangements, Ming left alone and came to a deserted mountain. As the terrifying mental power was released, in just a few minutes, countless insects gathered densely from the ground. Or flying from the sky.

There are various types of ants, bees, snakes, locusts, etc., which took over this barren mountain and forest in the blink of an eye.

As Ming directly gave them orders, asking them to sneak into various parts of the city.

Ming lets these bugs act as his Zerg vision, so that he can fully control all variables and respond immediately. After all, there are a lot of human life on the earth, and Ming cannot use great power, which can only harm them.

As a result, all kinds of bugs spread to countless surrounding cities. Although the high-end wealthy areas in each city are very clean against mosquitoes, there are always some rich people who keep cats and dogs. The existence of these animals can Give countless bugs a chance.

After Ming made these arrangements, he randomly found a place and traveled to the interior of the earth. He encountered multiple layers of magma on the way, but none of these could cause any harm to him. If Ming was willing, he could also transport the matter inside the earth. Energy is absorbed cleanly, such as ores, magma, etc.

And Ming didn't know how long he had traveled. It seemed that the earth was very deep and could not be explored to the bottom. However, Ming believed that there was nothing he could not do. Even if there was an underground civilization that had done something in the strata, it would only be able to intercept the outer layer of the earth. Humans on the planet conduct in-depth research and even use technological means to enter the interior of the earth, but they are able to ignore all this.

Therefore, Ming felt that he had dived deep enough, but was still unable to reach his destination, so Ming released his energy and impacted the depths of the earth. However, Ming's power was well controlled, and humans outside the surface I only felt a slight vibration. Of course, this slight vibration was not in a certain area, but in every corner of the entire earth.

what's going on?

Deep underground, the impact of Ming's power finally alarmed the civilization inside.

It is suspected that extraterrestrial creatures are breaking our boundaries.

Break the wall? Haha, that's ridiculous. Let him continue. I'll see if he can get in. Of course, if he can get in, we will let him stay completely!

Yes, but there are already cracks in our wall, but a large number of troops are rushing over, and they want to fight the enemy to the death.

What? How could it be possible? Our wall world was destroyed so easily?

Yes, and the enemy is very powerful. He broke our wall with just one strike!

On Ming's side, after one blow, many cracks appeared in the ground, and light came out of the cracks.

Has it finally appeared? Ming looked at the cracks. It was obvious that the underground world had appeared.

Therefore, Ming immediately carried out a great shift in the void and entered the underground world.

Welcome to the underground civilization!

However, Ming has appeared, and there are countless armies waiting for his appearance. It seems that these steel creatures have the ability to fluctuate their positioning.

Iron civilization? Robot? Ming Ming doesn't quite understand why it is different from the imagined underground creatures? The urban buildings here are completely steel buildings, and the life here is also steel-like, not like flesh and blood at all. Why?


However, the other party did not give Ming any time to react and directly launched a terrifying and devastating attack on him.

Huh? They all have super powers?

Ming saw that these guys were extremely powerful and had a strong ability to withstand beatings. Even if he hit them with a punch, the opponent's body would be unharmed and they would just smash countless steel buildings. They would still be able to stand up and continue fighting the next moment.


Soon, thousands of Iron Men wrapped Ming in their attack range, but Ming didn't believe that they couldn't destroy them, so he directly transformed into the Titan insect body, and his combat effectiveness increased tenfold in all directions.

Finally, the bodies of these iron men could not withstand Ming's tenfold increase in explosive power, and they directly punched one to pieces.

And some Iron Man suddenly gave a warning, something seemed to be ringing in their bodies.

Low energy?

At this moment, Ming saw the iron men who were alarming in their bodies, and suddenly there were strange changes. The steel on their bodies continued to disappear, and began to transform into another kind of creature.

Golden Dwarves?

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