Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 161 Looking for someone

The top person in charge of the company broke out in a cold sweat when he saw this. What kind of creature is this? Or what kind of technological power is this? Why did a pair of black flame wings suddenly appear from behind?

And the danger inside is so hot that it seems that if he gets any closer, he will burn completely and even turn into ashes in an instant?

Don't be afraid, you just need to help me find the person I want to find, and I will ensure your safety. I have more financial resources than anyone else, and I think you should know my strength very well!

Ming retracted his Ming Yan wings and walked up to the top person in charge of the company. He casually stretched out his hand and sucked out a few pieces of dinner paper from the nanmu table nearby. He gently wiped the top person in charge of the company. It's a forehead dripping with sweat.

Yes! Yes, I will definitely do it as soon as possible! The top person in charge of the company is a big fat man. How dare he not cooperate at this moment? Obviously, the pressure and danger brought by the people in front of him have exceeded what he has ever faced. Right all dangerous trades.

I don't need you to hurry up, I only give you one day, otherwise you will wait to collect your body! After Ming left these words coldly, he calmly left the company and drove around in a luxury car. And go.

Chief Executive, what's wrong with you!

As soon as Ming left, a tall and beautiful woman walked in enchantingly and sexually harassed the fat man. It seemed that she often did this kind of thing, and this time was no exception, so she was not afraid that the fat man would be unhappy.

You bitches, get out of here! The fat man was furious this time. What is it? His life is almost gone, how can he still have time to play with these women? Don’t these women just want his money?

Someone is coming!

Then the fat man became furious again and issued orders to everyone in the company.

I'll give you half a day. No matter what kind of connections I use, I will definitely find this person. Otherwise, you will all pack up and get out.

As soon as Fatty lost his temper, hundreds of people in the company became nervous. It was obvious that the chairman was serious this time. It seemed that the person they were looking for this time was very important.

Fatty left the city in his private rocket, but don't think it's over. Fatty's information search company has branches in various cities. It can be said that he has a lot of power and informants, so before he goes back On the way, with a phone call, cities around the world started to move.

But as soon as he returned to the headquarters, he began to implement various security measures to protect himself. The security was very strict, but he still felt panic. After all, the people on both sides were very scary this time.

And Ming drove a luxury car out of the city and went to the countryside, forests, mountains and rivers. He felt that he couldn't rely on others to do these things, and he had to take real action himself.

So Ming began to look for his spies, which were all the bugs on the earth. He had to give orders to dominate and ask them to help find his brother.

The bugs on the earth are relatively weak, and the spirit that can withstand Ming is very weak, otherwise it will be easy to die. But even so, Ming still controls most of the bug-type creatures through the spirit, such as common mosquitoes, mice, Xiao Qiang, and even They are nematodes in the water, and of course there are some unknown insects with unknown names. Some of them live in the clouds, and some live very deep underground.

On this day, the entire earth changed. Countless bugs became active and active. Bugs that were originally hidden in the dark, and mice that were originally afraid of pedestrians on the street, began to run around openly, and there were also flying insects in the sky. Mosquitoes, locusts and bees all appear in swarms.

People in various countries thought that there was going to be a major earthquake and prepared for it. But soon, relevant departments around the world immediately reported it.

Frankly speaking, there will not be any major earthquakes, nor are there any panic statements such as the end of the world. In short, if people want to live a normal life, they will quickly deal with it and find out the reasons for its existence.

Son, Shitou has been back for a long time. Have you called his number? He calls me every time. When I call back, he is always not in the service area. As soon as she returned to the technology villa in the floating city, her mother hurried out. , asked about my brother.

It got through. He said it would take a few days for him to come back. Ming said with a smile. Although it was a lie, he couldn't make his mother worry. He had the ability to solve these things. It was just a matter of time.

Is that so? Why didn't he come back first for such an important thing? Mother blamed Shi Shi a little. Now that my brother has been resurrected in an incredible way, why can't he come back soon to see? What job is more important than this?

Mom, it's not what you think. I've been busy with my father's issues lately, and now it's a critical moment, so he really can't leave for a while! Ming lied again.

It smells so good! Mom, did you make my favorite braised fish? In order to change the subject, Ming brought up the food, I'm really hungry, let's eat together!

Well, Mom also made you a lot of your favorite food! As she said that, her mother took Ming to the huge restaurant to eat. There were already robots bringing all the food to the table.

In fact, the cooking of meals can be operated by robots. No matter the taste, color or aroma, they will be cooked well. But the mother just loves to cook, and she wants to cook it for her son herself.

After dinner, Ming stayed with her mother at home for a while, and then prepared to go out again. It had been a few days since she returned to Earth, and she hadn't seen her father yet, so she always missed her so much.

Mom, I'm going to go out. You stay at home, and they both can talk to you to relieve your boredom.

When he was walking, he only asked Alice to go out with him. As for the other two elves, they stayed at home. Firstly, they could talk to their mother and not feel too lonely. Secondly, they could protect their mother's safety. Simple, in order to control my brother, those people may come here, and it is possible that they want to take my mother away!

Where are we going now? Alice didn't feel much as she sat in the car, but she didn't know how many people were envious of her.

Go and see my father. Ming said calmly, By the way, you know how to see a doctor? Just treat the human body?

See a doctor? I don't know about this. You know that we elves are nature's darlings and never suffer from any disease, but I can try.

Yeah! Ming nodded. He didn't believe it at all that his father was infected with a virus. He only thought it might be some monsters and ghosts causing trouble. After all, when he came here, he encountered aliens on the moon. Who can guarantee that some aliens have already sneaked into the earth?

In this case, if aliens use alien methods to keep a human alive but never wake up, it can be easily done.

Naturally, Ming could easily find the hospital where his father was staying. Even though there were many mysterious people waiting outside, Ming still swaggered and drove the car to the entrance of this private hospital from the air.

Hmph, it seems like they are really being monitored?

After Ming came to this hospital, he paid attention to the isolation around him. It was difficult to be affected by the outside world and it was difficult for ordinary people to enter.


With the arrival of Ming and Alice, more than a dozen men in black surrounded them in an instant, all wearing suits and leather shoes, and wearing some kind of new technology weapon in their hands, which seemed to be laser-like equipment.


Without further ado, Ming slapped the man who was speaking on the face, sending him flying hundreds of meters away and never getting up again.

court death!

It took a while for the others to realize that their companions had actually flown out. Of course, at that moment, they felt as if their consciousness had stopped and they had no idea what was going on. , but even if you don’t know, it’s obvious who did it without a companion.


More than a dozen men in black took out their new technological weapons one after another, and saw streaks of red light shooting at Ming at close range.

I didn't want to kill you! Ming stayed still, letting these light weapons penetrate his body. However, the injuries on Ming's body were being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What, can't be killed?

At this time, these men in black felt fear. The weapons they possessed were very powerful cold weapons. They could kill even some monsters. Why was the human in front of them so special?

However, after just a short while, more and more men in black gathered around. After all, the surveillance system in this place is very high-tech. If an accident occurs in one place, the entire hospital can see the situation.

I won't kill you because you are human beings on Earth! Ming saw more and more people surrounding him. He was not afraid of them, but afraid that his father inside would be quickly transferred, so after Ming finished speaking, he took him directly. Then Alice performed a great movement in the void and disappeared from where she was.

When he appeared, he was in front of a hospital bed, but there was no one on the bed. It seemed that he had been moved a moment ago.

Humph, no one will run away from my hunt!

Ming was very angry and decided to kill the man. At the same time, the bed was still warm and his father's breath was still there, so he probably hadn't been taken away yet.

As a result, Ming immediately released his terrifying spirit and sensed a radius of tens of thousands of miles.


Soon Ming locked his target, and there was a creature moving at high speed hundreds of meters underground. It was obviously the person who took away his father.

Where to run? Ming's speed is very fast, who dares to compete with him in front of his spatial movement? Therefore, everything seemed to appear in front of a group of creatures in the blink of an eye.


This group of creatures was very decisive and attacked Ming directly.

The alien creatures that invaded the earth are all enemies of our Insect Tribe! Ming didn't want to talk nonsense with these scum, so he directly used Space Condensation, completely condensing the alien creatures that attacked him on the spot, and then walked step by step to the alien who was carrying his father on his back. in front of living things.

Don't come here, or I'll kill him! This creature began to threaten the person on its back, and at the same time, he showed his true face. Originally, he was disguised as a human, but at this moment, he revealed his disgusting tentacles. creature, and unknown liquid flowed out of it.

Hahaha, nothing has ever left me alive after threatening me! Ming laughed loudly, why did he kill his father? In front of him, what can this weak alien creature do?

As Ming showed his darkest and most terrifying side, he returned directly to his true appearance. Even the terrifying aura surged out crazily, and even the power of darkness surged out of his body. This was the demon bone in his body. The sword releases power when it feels the anger of its master.

What can you do? Ming stepped towards the alien creature carrying his father on his back, Weak ants, in my eyes, can control your life and death.

Under the powerful power of the underworld and the erosion of the dark power, the alien creatures became blind, as if their thoughts and consciousness were in a state of confusion, and they did not know what they were going to do or what they were about to do.

When Ming approached, he tore it into pieces, destroyed it completely, took his father out of the ground, and drove a luxury car back to the floating city.

How about it? Can you perform treatment? Ming looked at Alice and asked.

It can be treated. This is not a virus. From the perspective of us elves, it is an evil force in your father's mind that controls thoughts and consciousness. This control can keep your father in a state of never waking up. Alice said, I will use my own blood for treatment, and I should wake up soon.

Okay, thank you! Ming nodded, naturally believing what Alice said. After all, the elves are more powerful than the holy gods, and the blood in their bodies can naturally deal with some evil forces.

Son, how is your father? Ming did not let her mother go in to see her father, because she was worried that her mother would cry again and again and be in pain.

It's okay. It'll be fine later. Sit down first! Ming helped her mother sit on the sofa and asked her to prepare herself mentally.

Soon, under Alice's treatment, her father finally woke up and his appearance returned to what it was twenty years ago.

Where is this? My father woke up and saw three young girls in front of him, and the environment around the room was obviously not generally wealthy.

Uncle, this is your home. Alice smiled sweetly, Uncle, how do you feel now? Your health was in bad shape before, and I was worried about you!

How could it be? Only then did his father realize the changes in himself.

Dad, I'm back. I've made you suffer all these years! But at this time, Ming had already walked in. Seeing that his father had sat on the bed, he couldn't help but ran over and hugged him tightly. Drilling into my father's arms.

Son, it's my son... The father felt as if he was dreaming. This is not a stone, this is his eldest son!

The father, who has always been a strong man and rarely talks, couldn't help but shed tears at this moment. He seemed to not want to care about the truth or falsehood of all this. As long as he saw his two sons doing well, he would be satisfied and had nothing else to ask for. .

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