Ming just gave him a warning, and did not intend to give him a serious memory, such as leaving a symbolic warning, breaking off an arm or a leg or something.

Afterwards, Ming drove away in a luxury car and drove directly to the slums based on the terrain electronic chip map given by the professional job search company.

I didn't expect you were still in the ghetto after so long?

On the way, Ming was a little hard to understand. Twenty years ago, the family's situation was pretty good. They owned more than twenty acres of land in this second-tier city. With the process of modernization, sooner or later, the second generation would be conquered. With money and capital, could it be that Not enough to turn over?

I really don't understand what my brother is doing? And thinking about it, when he died, wasn't it when he was taking the Ph.D. exam? Could it be that you didn’t pass the exam? But even if he didn't pass the exam because of his sudden departure, wouldn't he still be a graduate student?

There are many poor people in poverty-stricken areas, but in general, the population is too dense. Even with the building construction and the beauty of the environment, the beauty is good, but because the population is too dense, I always feel that the slums are really a mess. .

When Ming drove his luxury car to the slums, it immediately attracted a lot of people. Just like when a superstar appears, the crowd swarms over.

But Ming was driving in the air, and people who ran out or were on the balcony could only look up or take photos.

But for other people, driving a luxury car worth hundreds of billions will not just stay in the slums. They think it is a waste of the car. But for people like Ming, money has no concept, and no matter how good the car is, it will be fast. Scrap iron.

So when many people wanted to watch from a close distance, Ming directly parked the car in an old community, satisfying the crowd's wishes.

There is a security guard in this community, but he is not very competent. Maybe he thinks the salary is too low. He does not miss his job all day long and even grills and eats skewers in front of the security guard. Maybe this is the slum area today.

And knowing that such a luxurious car was parked in a certain community, countless people, especially young and beautiful women, and of course innocent and carefree children, all gathered around to watch it immediately. Arriving at this old community.

Wow, this car is so beautiful!

You don't know? This is the most luxurious car in the world, with a limited edition of ten!

I'm so envious. Why do you think such a super rich man drove his car to our slums? And he parked it in such a dilapidated neighborhood!

I really envy women in luxury cars. They can even get such a super rich man!

In short, a group of men and women began to envy, envy, and hate each other. They wished that the woman in the car was them, and they wished that the man in the car was them.

Look, the car door is open!

Hey! Those three women aren't that good either. Although their faces are well-kept, how can they be so tall that they are not eye-catching?

Old Wang, do you think that young man looks like the same person?

Like who?

What do you think? Lao Li in this community, doesn't his eldest son's photo always hang at home? Last time I heard that someone came from the second-tier area and wanted to burn Lao Li's things. We all went in to see what was going on. , just don’t let that glass photo be burned, have you forgotten?”

Oh, you said that and I remembered it, hey! Don't tell me, that young man is exactly the same as the one in the photo!

Ming didn't listen to a word of the messy words around him, and left directly for the elevator with a few elves disguised as humans.

Zhou Baoan, are you watching the excitement? Don't you want to follow me and have a look? You are useless as a security guard.

What am I going to see? How can I dare to offend such a rich person again? Zhou Baoan was watching the excitement and eating barbecue with a carefree look on his face. Since he offended the rich man last time, he is now watching here He has to stay in the door forever, otherwise there will be no way for him to survive.

In this way, no one dispersed for a long time. In short, Hao Che was surrounded layer by layer, in various circles of friends, and the Internet instantly spread crazy rumors about Hao Che and the Ming people.

At this time, Ming had already taken the elevator to the twenty-sixth floor, and was standing in a place with the house number 188. For a moment, he felt an inexplicable sadness, rising leisurely for some reason.

What's wrong, what's wrong with me?



It turned out that Ming heard crying in the room, which made him very sad, and the voice was very familiar. Wasn't it his mother's voice?

Bump!! But Ming controlled his emotions and knocked on the door. In short, the doorbell seemed to have been broken for many years.

Bang bang!! After knocking several more times, Ming heard the sound of footsteps moving in the room.

Who are you looking for? After the door opened, a white-haired old man came out. He had obviously cried just now, and his eyes were red and swollen. It was probably not just today.


Ming could no longer bear the feeling in his heart. Although he was dead, he was still not himself after rebirth? Even though he has a dark and scary side, it cannot be denied that he still retains the kindness and consciousness he once had.

Are you? The old man was startled and looked up at Ming from his despair, Son, is it your son?

She yelled and hugged Ming tightly in her arms, refusing to let go for a long time. Perhaps she was afraid that all this was false and her son would disappear from his eyes if he let go.

Ming shed tears for some unknown reason. Even the Alices on the side couldn't believe that the Zerg boss in front of them would shed tears at this moment. Didn't it mean that tears can only be a characteristic of weak creatures? But why is its power so powerful? They were all touched as they looked at it!

But Alice didn't dare to ask or disturb. It was obvious that Ming was very serious and devoted.

Just like that, I don't know how long it took, the old man suddenly let go of his hand and looked up at his son in front of him, tears already streaming down his face.

You haven't disappeared, you're still here, you're still here! The old man was very excited. Is all this true?

But my eldest son has been dead for many years, how could this happen? The old man still couldn't believe it all, always feeling that it was all fake.

Mom, it's me, I'm Li Ming, I came back to see you!

Ming looked at her mother in her previous life and felt pitiful and sad. She had turned a good mother into this. Maybe if she had been more obedient, all this would not have happened!

Ming helped his old mother to the sofa at home, poured a glass of boiling water and handed it into her mother's hand. To be honest, at this time, her mother still couldn't believe that the person who looked like her son in front of her could be his. Son, his eldest son was cremated with her own eyes. Of course, that was more than ten years ago.

Mom, in fact, I am really your eldest son who has been dead for many years. It's just that I was resurrected and came back to see you after traveling thousands of miles! Ming didn't care whether his mother believed it or not, or whether such an incredible thing would be revealed to others. I know, in short, in order to make my mother believe in him more, I don’t care so much!

Did the stone succeed? He successfully resurrected you? The mother suddenly remembered something and excitedly took Ming's hand and looked at it over and over again.

Ming knew who the stone her mother was talking about was his brother's nickname, but why did he say it was his brother who resurrected him?

But no matter what, at this moment, I can see my mother starting to believe in me, and she is very happy. She seems to be more than ten years younger all of a sudden. However, no matter how young she is, she still will not go back to her former self. Now her hair is all white, Zou Wen has crawled all over his face.

Alice, can you do me a favor? I want to start all over again. I have to at least make up for something. I really owe my family so much! Ming immediately turned around and looked at Alice, knowing that their elves must have a way to help. Everything he wanted.

Well, I can help you with anything! Alice nodded hurriedly. It was the first time she saw Ming like this. The helplessness made her sad, so why wouldn't she help him?

I will send you a map of consciousness. Do you know if you do this?

As he spoke, Ming transferred the consciousness map to Alice's mind. It was a beautiful picture of his mother twenty years ago. Now Ming wants to let his mother go back to twenty years ago. He has With this ability, why not do this?

Mom, it's all my fault, but I won't let you suffer so much this time. Ming hugged her pre-rebirth mother tightly.

At this time, Alice had already started to use magic, injecting a life force full of resuscitation of all things, into Ming's mother's body. She saw Ming's mother, her white hair, and Zou Wen's pale face. His face and appearance all disappeared and changed at this moment, and he returned to twenty years ago in the blink of an eye.

Mom, how do you feel now? Ming looked at her mother with concern and found that her mother was still unaware of her own changes. She had returned to twenty years ago, when she was only forty years old!

At this time, my mother seemed to realize that she had changed. Her whole body was full of vitality, her hair was dark and lush, and even her aging hands had returned to what they were twenty years ago. She was making dumplings for the whole family and everyone praised them. Beautiful and delicate, the dumplings are much more delicious!

Of course, these are all changes that the mother can see.

Son, are you, am I dreaming? Although my mother knew that technology has developed in recent years, rich people are already using some unimaginable products, which can really make people stay young forever for a short time.

Mom, all this is true! I will take you to enjoy the happiness now, and I will always accompany you! Ming looked at her mother seriously and said: Really, what else needs to be packed now? I will take you Let’s leave here and go to the richest wealthy area to enjoy ourselves!”

Finally, at Ming's request, her mother simply cleaned up and followed Ming out of the house where she had lived for many years. Of course, her mother would slowly tell Ming some things.

When I took my mother out of the community, I immediately got into a luxury car, flew into the sky, and flew away from this place, leaving behind countless people who were eating melons with expressions of confusion or incomprehension. I felt that things were getting more and more outrageous and sudden.

After leaving, Ming took his mother all the way to the floating city. There were three sets of the most luxurious technological villas, and he could choose one to live in.

Mom, this is where we will live from now on. From now on, you have to be happy all the time. As for my father's matter, I will solve it soon. And my brother, I have been lucky to him for so many years!

On the way, her mother told Mingting that her father had a strange disease and was currently being treated at a private hospital in a wealthy district for several years.

However, Ming felt that this matter was very strange. According to what his mother said, due to his unexpected death, my brother was also very painful and did not even take the doctoral examination in science and engineering. But after all, my brother was a young man and very sensible. He did not want to see his father and mother stay together for a long time. In pain, he made a vow to his father and mother that he would resurrect his brother.

My brother has always been a genius, and is excellent in science, biology, and physics. Ming remembers that when his brother entered college, he asked himself which major he wanted to major in. He casually said, If you can't do anything except liberal arts, just choose anything. If you study in any field, you will succeed.

‘Just math, I think it’s better to be practical. Physics is fantasy. Biology, those are protected animals and there’s no way to experiment with them! ’ That’s what Ming said at the time, and in the end his brother studied science and engineering.

Unexpectedly, a few years after his death, my brother began to make great achievements in biomedicine and began to invest a lot of energy in his resurrection event. However, after the twelfth year, this experiment was inexplicably and forcibly stopped. Originally, this was If the biological experiment is successful, it will make a contribution to the country and should be supported by the country.

After the experiment was stopped, his body was forcibly taken out of the mercury storage and cremated. From then on, my brother's oath was shattered, and he stopped doing any biomedicine or human resurrection experiments.

But just half a year later, his father contracted a strange disease. There was only a heartbeat, but he did not wake up. Then a mysterious person found his brother and asked him to provide him with the best laboratory to continue doing research. What kind of human resurrection experiment, not only can he revive his father, but he can even leave his name in history.

After getting this information, Ming arranged for his mother and left a few elves at home so that he could talk to his mother. Then he asked his mother for his brother's phone number and went out alone.

The number you dialed is not in the service area, please try again later! Today's technology is very advanced, and the iPhone 20 is not worthy at all. Today's communications are all brain chips, which carry out conscious dialing, and they are not expensive. Most people All can afford it.

After he failed to get through, Ming knew that everything would not be so simple. Obviously, his brother was being controlled by someone. Maybe every time he called his mother, he was greeting her within the conditions and telling her not to worry!

But Ming believes that he can find something quickly. There is nothing on earth that cannot be done without money!

So, Ming drove to the information recruitment company.

Ten billion, help me find the person in the photo. This is the number I called recently! Ming didn't talk nonsense and directly offered 10 billion, not believing that they would not accept the order.

The people in the company took a look and saw that it was this super tycoon again. News about him had been everywhere in the past few days, and now that he was paying so much money to find someone, it was hard to imagine how terrifying his financial resources and power were.

The people in the company naturally didn't dare to neglect, they immediately took the order and promised to give a reply as soon as the afternoon.

But in the afternoon, the top person in charge of the company came in person from a certain city and said that this matter was difficult to handle, as if the person he was looking for had already left the earth.

But Ming felt that they still knew something.

Money, I can still increase it, but my patience is limited. Don't blame me for killing your whole family when the time comes! When Ming said this, he directly showed his majesty, showing off a corner of his terrifying strength.

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