Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 159 Money is not a problem

Soon, Ming found a large bank, which seemed to be a private bank.

Ming directly requested to exchange a large amount of gold, because private companies are different from state-owned enterprises. They do not require customers to show identification, etc., and can directly exchange cash according to the gold ratio.

Exchange them all for me, thank you! When Ming and the others came here, they prepared several large boxes filled with gold.

Okay, no problem. Do you need to register your identity as a VIP? Or do you need to keep it confidential? The banker inside said very politely. It was obvious that these customers today were all wealthy.

Keep it secret, and use a gold card to save money... Ming said calmly, believing that the earth's current technology can meet his requirements.

OK, just a second!

Not long after this, a gold card appeared in front of Ming's eyes.

Sir, this is your gold card. The density of the gold you provided is ten times that of ordinary gold, so a total of 10 billion personal coins have been exchanged.

Thank you, I'll come back to you when I get the chance! Ming took the gold card, turned around and left. I don't know if it's more than 10 billion, but I'll use it first. If it's not enough, I can exchange it here.

What are we going to do now?

Elves have no idea about money, and they don't know how important money is on the earth.

Well... If you want to stay on Earth for a while, you have to give yourself an identity, and the richer you are, the more identity you have. That way it will be convenient for us to do anything on Earth. Ming said calmly, Let's first Let’s go see a high-end villa.”

But before that, we must buy a car. We can no longer fly casually, appear somewhere and suddenly disappear. This will cause panic to humans on the earth.

Yeah, we're following you anyway, you just have to make arrangements. Alice didn't quite understand some of the information Ming was talking about now. In short, she always seemed confused, and she was becoming more and more patient!

So Ming, Alice and others came to the 10S Luxury Car Exhibition City. There were all kinds of unexpected good cars. The configurations were all made in China. The reason was very simple. China was already number one in the world in all aspects. The so-called U.S. dollar , are not as valuable as the RMB.

Sir, beauties, do you need any help? The code name is Zero Zero Seven, I will provide you with nanny-style services. A very beautiful girl seemed to have received professional training, but after a closer look, she turned out to be not a real person, but A very perfect robot, just like the silly girl I once saw on TV!

watch cars!

Sir, beautiful lady, please come over here. Let's sit down and watch the car while drinking tea. I guarantee you will be satisfied!

Then this beautiful robot took Ming and the others to a very luxurious leisure room, and immediately performed a 10D projection, showing all the luxury cars, as if they really appeared in Ming's vision!

Very good, but I have plenty of money, so I will buy the most expensive car here! Ming couldn't help but praise the earth's current technology. This damn car selling place has such high technology, it really made him want to Just show off your strength.

Sir, what do you think of this one? This is the most expensive newly designed luxury car in our 10s Auto City. It can do anything in the sky or on the earth. It can go down to the sea and turn into a submarine, go up into the sky and turn into a rocket, and even fly out. On the surface of the earth, go to space to see the to ten units worldwide.

How much does it cost? Ming was very satisfied. Driving this kind of car is called status, and he suddenly became one of the top ten most status people in the world.

One hundred billion yuan, if you buy it in U.S. dollars, it would cost one trillion yuan!

I bought it!

As soon as Ming said he wanted to buy it, the top person in charge came to Ming's eyes.

Sir, are you sure you want to buy this luxury car? The person in charge is a middle-aged man with glasses. He seems to be in disbelief that today's young people are so rich? Or are you really young and promising?

Of course, 100 billion is no problem for someone like me who is suddenly rich! Ming said calmly, waving Er Huang's legs.

Also, leave me an account number, and the money will be sent to you later. There is a deposit of 10 billion!

That's no problem. We will take care of all the procedures for you, and we will even give you a luxury car set worth one billion. The top person in charge said with a smile.

Stop talking nonsense and get the car sorted out. I'm going to take the beautiful woman around me for a ride! Still short of money to buy a house or something? In Ming's portable space, some is gold and some is money!

Okay, okay, we'll make arrangements right away, please wait a moment! At this time, the top person in charge went to handle the matter in person. In his opinion, it was obvious that the person in front of him was the young master of a big shot in a certain group. He was probably the only son. He was really rich.

Soon, Ming drove this most prestigious car, with three beautiful beauties sitting in it, and drove past in the sky. I don't know how many young handsome men and beauties were envious of her.

Wow! So handsome!

Look, that car is so beautiful!

I really don't know, but the woman in the car belongs to that family. It's so annoying! She accidentally snatched away our super rich son-in-law.

Hehe, dear, we bought this car for tens of billions after all. Besides, there is only one person like that kind of super wealthy son-in-law in this city. Don't envy others, just play with me.

Facing such a high-status person, even some rich and young rich people have to lower their heads and have no temper. Although they are envious, they still have to continue their life, happiness and picking up girls.

Although Ming heard it, he didn't feel anything. In his eyes now, even if the whole earth belongs to him, he has no interest. Moreover, everything he does now is just to cater to the needs of society.

After all, after luxury cars are manufactured, someone has to drive and buy them to realize their value, right?

This is also called rational use of resources. Are luxury cars worth hundreds of billions always parked in the garage? In this way, people who sell cars will be stuck with money, and the country will lose a huge amount of tax revenue. Now it's good. The company has sold the car and has money to develop new industries and promote social development and technological progress. If this new product comes out, it may be okay to fly directly to Mars to see the scenery.

Soon, Ming drove a global limited edition luxury car directly to the bank where gold was exchanged.

As soon as the luxury car stopped, it immediately attracted everyone in the bank. They ran out one after another, gathered around to take pictures and post them on WeChat, and then kept them as souvenirs. At the same time, there were hundreds of emotions in their eyes, including envy, jealousy, and hate!

And Ming took several beauties and entered the door of the bank with everyone looking at her like this.

Sir, how much money do you need to exchange this time? It's still the beauty who served last time.

Let's exchange hundreds of billions first. The gold is all in the car. You arrange for people to carry it, and then just put the exchanged money directly into the card! Ming said with his eyes closed to rest, not afraid of killing anyone without accompanying him. Life?

I saw that the beautiful woman who served me fainted on the spot when she heard this. It seemed that this was too scary. How about exchanging hundreds of billions first?

Maybe that's right. If you are rich, who doesn't know about the kind of luxury cars out there? Even if you can afford to drive this car, it’s really a piece of cake for hundreds of billions, but after all, this customer has already fainted.

But in the eyes of the people around him, it has another meaning. They think that this man is really a rich young man, and he is a prodigal son of who knows which family. He probably emptied the gold that I have collected for many years, and he is always there. With hundreds of billions in exchange, and seeing how many beauties are always around him, you can tell how wild life is!

But soon, someone carried the fainted service beauty down, and immediately another super beauty came up.

Sir, I am the person in charge of this bank. We are processing your gold exchange. Please wait a moment.

Thank you! Ming still closed his eyes to rest.

And when this beauty saw that Ming didn't open her eyes to look at her, she felt a little disappointed in her eyes. For such a rich gentleman, even if he didn't have her, it would be nice to get to know him. If the bank has any difficulties in the future, he might ask for some help. I'm afraid it's just a matter of one sentence, and they just throw money at it.

After a while, a gold card was delivered to Ming's hand.

Sir, this is your gold card. Your gold has been exchanged for a total of 300 billion yuan! the person in charge of the bank said with a smile.

Well, help me transfer 90 billion to this account, thank you. I will patronize your bank for a long time in the future! Ming said lightly, and how many people can be as courageous as him? Bring hundreds of billions of gold directly with you.

Okay, okay! The person in charge of the bank suddenly became happy when he heard that he was a long-term patron. Is this considered a big sum of money?

In the end, Ming got his gold card back and drove away in a luxury car. He still had 200 billion in money. He thought he should buy a private residence, of course one of those artificial floating cities with super mansions built inside.

Because technology has developed now, human beings have been able to use technology to create floating land and become floating cities. The people who live there are called rich and have status.

However, the existence of these technological areas has led to the division of what are called super rich areas, what are called rich areas, and what are called slum areas.

Ming drove a luxury car to the headquarters of a super large company called the Floating City Company. This company united more than a hundred companies to jointly develop the floating city and further invested in building various high-tech mansions inside.

As soon as the luxury car stopped, there were service personnel in the company, with professional smiles on their faces, and they came forward to serve him with all kinds of flattery. After all, he was able to sell a set of Floating City, not to mention making him a rich man with commissions, at least he became a man worthy of his name. The little rich man should have no problem, right?

How many other unsold ones do you have here? Ming said as he walked, I'm going to buy a few sets, how many will you choose for me?

This... When the service staff heard this, he almost fainted from fright. He thought to himself, Damn, he is indeed a super wealthy person. He does a lot of things as soon as he opens his mouth. Damn, he is going to make crazy money!

Yes, yes, sir, please come inside and we will take you to see the villa area in the Floating City immediately.

Finally, under the reception and arrangements of the service staff, Ming sat on the rocket to the floating city thousands of meters above the ground, and had an all-round overlook.

Sir, please see, this is an all-round villa overlooking the sky. Now, hundreds of large villa areas have been built in the sky. The equipment inside is all the latest and highest technology equipment, which is directly researched and developed by our company. Yes, the quality is 100% up to standard.”

Well, I'm quite satisfied, but there's nothing good to see. My request is very simple. The most expensive and best one will be fine. Money is not an issue! Ming said calmly. To put it bluntly, what is not a money issue? He has plenty of money and wants the best!

Okay! Sir, how many sets are you sure you want?

Let's prepare three apartments first. Although I can only live in the upper apartment, I like to make friends and I am very generous with my money!

Okay sir, we will arrange it for you as soon as possible. When the service staff heard this, what else could he say? Money means being willful!

Then, Ming did not ask to go inside and was sent directly back to the ten-star reception room, waiting for the staff to arrange the procedures. As for the money, he was always well prepared in his good car. By the way, there was a Hundreds of billions are out of the question.

Sir, we have selected three sets of floating city villas for you, each worth 200 billion, totaling 600 billion. Soon, the receptionist completed the formalities and then gave them to Ming Ming. signature.

Okay, gold can be used as payment instead?


Then arrange for someone to move it to the car. If there is any missing money, I will swipe my card!

Sir, you have successfully paid 560 billion, and you still need 40 billion!

Take it and brush it!

In the end, Ming successfully bought three super luxury houses in the floating city, and did not stay here for long. He drove away with the beauties.

Well, it's good to have money, but when did such a super wealthy person come to this city? When Ming left, a staff member looked at the shadow of the luxury car disappearing into the sky and murmured to himself.

After Ming drove away, he directly found a first-class information company, wrote out the person he needed to find for them, and asked them to find the person he was looking for in the shortest possible time. Naturally, the money given was very Rich, ten million.

Remember, do some things as you should, and don't do some things as you shouldn't, otherwise the consequences will be serious! But before Ming left, he reminded them in particular. After all, Ming had disappeared for twenty years, and suddenly When something appears, it will always be unearthed, and then various reports will come out.

A few days later, news came from the information company. After Ming found out, he immediately drove there.

Mr. Li?

Oh, no, sir, the person you asked us to find has been found and locked to a certain house number in a certain district. A person in charge of this matter broke out in a cold sweat as he spoke.

Hmph! Are you really not afraid of death? Have you investigated my identity? Ming said coldly, with a look that made the man opposite him feel weak all over and break out in cold sweat.

I'm sorry, sir. We just discovered this accidentally from this information clue. It was just a slip of the tongue and it didn't mean anything else. Please rest assured, sir, we understand the rules in this industry! the service staff explained directly.

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