Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 158 Three-Eyed Alien

Ming's eyesight and eyesight were naturally unmistakable. Even though the moon's light was dim and as dark as the soil on the ground at the end of the month, Ming believed that he had seen it right. They were a group of aliens studied by Chinese humans. Three Creatures of the eye family.

At this moment, there are not many aliens in this group, only about a hundred. It seems that they are holding something in their hands, which seems to be the kind of equipment worn by astronauts.

Could it be that the aliens that the earth has been looking for are these guys? Could it be that astronauts from a certain country in a certain continent were harmed by these aliens while exploring the moon in the universe?

Huh! You're just looking for death!

Thinking of this, Ming snorted coldly. No matter what, any creature that threatens the civilization of the earth must be subject to his wrath. After all, the earth is not only the place where he was born, but also his parents and relatives in his previous life lived in it, and even The people there are very knowledgeable, and I admired them very much.

So Ming took a few elves and quickly walked towards the group of three-eyed aliens approaching to see what was possible. If he really killed the aviation people on the earth, he would slap him in the face. Damn these guys.

Soon, Ming and aliens met.

Giligula, quack quack... However, when the alien saw Ming, he was mumbling in some language, but Ming couldn't understand the meaning at all.

What the hell are you talking about? Ming scolded them in authentic earth language.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the three-eyed alien in front of him suddenly started to speak the language of Earth. He probably thought that Ming was a civilization outside the earth at first, but now he noticed that Ming knew the language of Earth. It seemed that he was a like-minded stranger.

Friends, are you also here to observe the earth, or are you here to invade the earth?

But now that the Earth has been designated as a target for invasion by our Three-Eyed Civilization, you should also look for other planets for strategic invasion.

When Ming heard this, he realized that these three-eyed aliens had come to invade the earth, and he felt angry.

I'm here to protect the earth, and what are you holding in your hands? At this time, Ming was already furious. They were holding spacesuits in their hands. Spacesuits are the most advanced technology in the earth.

Protect the Earth? Don't be ridiculous. Our three-eyed civilization is an advanced civilization in the universe. What kind of civilization are you? Have you heard of us? One of the three-eyed aliens suddenly extended his hand as he spoke. After a while, he grabbed a few elves behind Xiang Ming. It seemed that the elves, a race of life, made them marvel at the magic of the Creator.

They are really desperate. Do you dare to touch them? Ming suddenly released terrifying mental pressure, directly intimidating them. Moreover, this group of aliens are so reckless and stupid. What kind of Nascent Soul allowed them to plan? To invade the earth? Is he really a ruler with a brain problem?

A group of aliens suddenly felt weak all over, as if there was an extremely heavy force pressing down on their entire bodies.

As for the alien who grabbed Alice, his long hand stayed in a vacuum, and a magic fire cast by the elf burned blazingly on his entire arm.

Hmph! If you want to do anything again, don't blame me for being rude. Alice raised her lips, disgusting these three-eyed aliens. Besides, you are so overestimating your abilities. God-level civilization in the interstellar world. , they don’t dare to touch us, and they even send rich food all the way, and this blue planet is his hometown, you’d better give up the idea of ​​invading, otherwise your entire race civilization will be extinct.”

Alice said this out of kindness in her heart, wanting to give these aliens a chance and remind them not to seek death.

God-level civilization? How come we haven't heard of there being a god-level civilization in this universe? Within the scope of our exploration, there are only advanced civilizations! But there is a three-eyed alien. Although he is under extreme mental pressure, he He still seemed to be at ease and said ridiculously, I think you are all ignorant and low-level civilizations, right?

As he spoke, the guy opened his third eye, and a red energy light suddenly shot out from that eye, sneaking towards Ming's heart.

Ming felt the threat from it and immediately dodged like a displacement, but still could not escape the opponent's attack. He saw that his body was directly pierced by the blue beam, but it did not hit the center of the heart.

What a powerful attacking light. It seems that your technological civilization and biological civilization are not low? Ming not only experienced the power of biology from their third eye, but also the power of technology.

Your eyesight and perception are the strongest among the creatures we have seen. It has surpassed the creatures on the earth. Why did she still say that the blue earth is your hometown? Isn't this a ridiculous statement? ? The three-eyed aliens did not deny Ming's view of them. Originally, their third eyes possessed the power of biology and technology.

Are you qualified to interrogate me? Mingze sneered. These aliens underestimated him. Didn't they just have their bodies pierced? He started questioning him in an interrogative tone, and he really couldn't help but shoot them to death on the spot!

Of course! And we give you a new opportunity. If we want to kill you, we can launch a fatal attack on you at any time.

I really don't believe it! Ming sneered: Use whatever means you can, I will make you feel powerless and desperate.

As he spoke, Ming directly covered his whole body with black cell armor. With the existence of cell armor, the defense would be terrifying. Moreover, even if the body was penetrated, it would now be destroyed quickly in a very short period of time. Get restored.

Huh? Your body is indeed very powerful. No wonder you have enough capital to say that. But no matter how powerful your body is, it has its limits. You still can't face our electronic eye attack, right?

Suddenly, as this guy finished speaking, countless secret numbing red light spots suddenly appeared on Ming's body. One light spot meant that it could penetrate his body, and now he had cellular armor. Ming seemed to find it difficult, after all, there were at least tens of thousands of these light point attacks.

Ah! Ming, look, what is that? Is it a bug?

Along with it, it seemed that the entire surface of the moon was crawling with some kind of mechanical electronic dog creatures. These electronic dogs were equipped with an electronic eye, which was very similar to the third eye of this group of aliens. At the same time, it was these electronic eyes. A red light fell on Ming's body.

Haha, I see, but you still can't shock me! Ming is still strong. No matter how many electronic attacks there are, can they destroy him? At most, it can only temporarily damage his body.

Then come and taste destruction.

But at this moment, Ming directly took several elves and disappeared from the place out of thin air. All the attacks failed to hit the target.

Huh? What happened?

This group of three-eyed aliens were surprised. What kind of power was used. They could disappear without a trace in just an instant under their lock. It seemed that the enemy was indeed not simple.

However, just when these three-eyed aliens were shocked and looking for targets, Ming appeared behind them. The Demonic Bone Sword in his hand immediately cut a crack across the abyss, killing these three-eyed aliens. All people were devoured and exiled to the abyss. When they appeared, they might have been exiled to the edge of the universe. That endless dark depth.

At this time, Ming directly stepped on the surface of the moon, and a powerful force radiated directly. At this moment, countless electronic eye dogs were directly destroyed or seriously disturbed.

If you dare to threaten the civilization of the earth, I don't care what race you are, I will destroy you! Ming said coldly, deciding to find some time to conquer or destroy all threatening civilizations around the earth. After falling, I left this interstellar place.

Finally, Ming found several dead astronauts on the moon. These people were all foreigners. They seemed to have been captured for human experiments. Their bodies had been soaked in some kind of potion.

Before going to the earth, Ming will destroy the entire laboratory. Perhaps soon, the alien civilization behind him will notice that there is a problem here and will definitely send more aliens. Of course, Ming will be happy Lure the snake out!

Okay. Now you can go to the earth and have a look. Ming said to a few elves, I don't want to show off our special abilities too much and fly directly to the earth to attract the attention of humans on the earth, especially Those news reports, so I still take you on the Great Relocation.

Well, we'll disguise it!

Disguise? Do you have a good way to disguise yourself? But after Ming heard about disguise, he felt that the elf must have a better way to disguise than him. In short, if he disguised himself, he would put on a big black windbreaker to cover his whole body. After all, he looks very scary, a human-shaped insect.

Of course, we are directly disguising ourselves as humans from Earth. We have seen what Earthlings look like before! As the elf Alice said this, she directly cast magic on herself and transformed into a grass clothed in linen. Like a doll.

Do you want to laugh me to death? Ming Que laughed, The way you dress up will be regarded as a guy with a brain problem by the people on earth.

Because the humans Alice met when she came to Earth thousands of years ago were all ancient humans and had no idea about today's human technology, civilization and clothing.

How is that possible? How do we change it? Our elves have pointed ears, wings, and their skin color is obviously green. If we don't change, it won't work.

I will send you a consciousness map. If you change according to the consciousness map I gave you, there will be no problem! Ming said lightly, Of course, you don't want to prevent my consciousness from entering your spiritual sea, but you Don’t worry, I won’t do anything else, my character must be the best among the Zerg!”

The elves nodded and believed in Ming, and naturally they would not put up any resistance, so Ming easily transferred the consciousness map to their spiritual sea.

So that's it, that long, lace skirt is a skirt, it looks pretty good! After receiving Ming's consciousness map, the elves seemed to be very infected by the clothing culture of the 21st century on Earth. She looks like she likes it very much and can’t wait to do it.

Soon, the elves changed the clothing styles of Mingzhi, and they also changed the colors at will when wearing them.

This pink color looks good? I think it looks so beautiful! Elf Alice asked Ming happily.

You're pretty good-looking. You elves were originally in good shape, but you've changed and become a bit shorter. Ming felt that this group of elves still lacked something.

By the way, you also need a pair of beautiful high-heeled shoes. So Ming once again transmitted the consciousness map to them, and used his consciousness to transmit the appearance and clothes he wanted to change to Elf Alice.

Wow, it's really beautiful!

However, just when Alice was still saying that the shoes were nice and beautiful, she took a small step, sprained her foot, and fell to the ground. However, these minor injuries were not a big deal to them elves. It heals quickly in just a few minutes.

Haha, just learn to walk a few more steps. Now also cast some magic on me to change my appearance. I will definitely scare them if I continue like this!

Finally, under Ming's request and urging, Alice remembered that Ming had not changed, so she cast magic on Ming, and Ming returned directly to the time when she had just graduated, a handsome, tall, and good-looking young man.

Okay, now you can show your face and go back openly. Suiming directly took three beautiful beauties and carried out a great movement in the void.

Ming directly located the location during the shuttle. Ming is still very familiar with the geographical information of the earth. Although it has been many years since he turned into a bug now, when he came to the earth, it all seemed like yesterday. Just as familiar.

Ming's hometown is in a second-tier city in the land of Sichuan and Sichuan, so soon, Ming came to this city with three beautiful beauties.

First of all, Ming inquired about the year and found out that he had died and been reborn for more than 20 years. What was originally a so-called second-tier city has become a rapidly developing first-tier city. The previous buildings have long been transformed into high-rise buildings. There is no one, one, or one. The houses and streets looked familiar.

Ming, there are so many people here. It has changed so much from the earth we have been to before. Facing all the scenes in front of them, the elves were curious. For example, what is a car that can fly in the sky?

It's a big change, and I haven't adapted to it yet. Facing the rapid development of modern cities, Ming has indeed not adapted to it. All the memories in his mind are still from twenty years ago. At that time, where could anyone A car flying in the sky? How can there be any high-rise buildings showing off in mid-air? There are even too many electronic products that have replaced human labor.

It seems that I have to find a place to exchange some money first, otherwise I really can't move forward? Ming was going to find a place to exchange money. After all, on earth, money is everything. If you don't have money, you don't want to expose yourself. With a special ability, that is absolutely impossible.

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