Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 157 Arriving at the Moon

Get off me! Ming burst out with terrifying pressure. This low-level species actually dared to look down at him from above his head. Just at this point, this Ice Winged Dragon King would die. .

hold head high!

Feeling the pressure of fear, the Ice Wing Dragon King felt suffocated, but it also had the majesty of a king. It directly resisted the suffocating pressure and spit out dangerous ice breath from the huge dragon mouth again.

Humph~~ Just deal with the group of weak creatures outside! Mingjiang covered his whole body with cell armor, and let the ice breath of the Ice Wing Dragon King blow all over his body. He did not suffer any damage. It was not at all A hierarchical level.

But then, after the Ice Wing Dragon King finished exhaling, Ming Ze clenched his fists, Come and feel the taste of death!


An extremely heavy punch, and as Ming jumped forward, the thousand-meter-large ice-winged dragon had no chance to escape and was directly attacked by Ming's terrifying attack.

I saw the Ice Wing Dragon King's body constantly breaking apart like a frozen mirror.

After the death of the Ice Winged Dragon King, the countless Ice Winged Dragons outside naturally felt the birth of a new king and began to follow Ming's orders.

So Alice and the other elves, directly under Ming's arrangement, rode the Ice Winged Dragon to the top of the Ice Peak.

Hey, it's right here. This ice cave should have been dug by our elves using magic, and there are many magic runes left in it. Alice looked around the cave, touched it casually, and felt it all at once. Go back to the scene they built here thousands of years ago.

Where is the magic altar? Ming asked Alice with a smile, because he came in but did not see any teleportation altar.

It's right at our feet, but I just learned about this teleportation altar. There are some conditions required to enable its operation. After all, when we set up the altar here, we made special settings, so that even if an alien civilization discovers the teleportation altar, it will not Without special activation, it is impossible to teleport. Elf Alice said after thinking for a while.

What special conditions? Ming asked. Although he didn't know much about altar teleportation, special opening conditions were mentioned everywhere.

Well, remember our special setting at that time required the blood of ten different ferocious beasts on this planet. Each one only requires one drop of blood, but it must be the blood of the king.

This is easy to do!

When he meditated, wasn't there a large group of ferocious beasts locked up in his own space? They were all swallowed up before, so Ming put his consciousness into his portable space, searched for it in the dark space, and found nine kinds of king's blood in it.

Here, here are the blood of nine different kings and ferocious beasts. As for the last one, let's use the Ice Winged Dragon King on the ground. Ming gave it to Alice in a small bottle, and then treated the dead Ice Winged Dragon King on the ground. blood extraction.

After a while, Alice dropped ten drops of blood on her feet. Suddenly, the space was full of time, and a simple teleportation altar appeared directly.

When are you leaving? I can start teleportation at any time, but these ten drops of blood can only keep the teleportation altar alive for a week. After one week, it will be hidden again. Alice thought of the dark tyrant who was still training in this world.

Four days from now, the dark tyrant's training is still in progress! Ming nodded and said, We'll just stay here for a few days, no problem?

Of course, and I can also learn the settings of these teleportation altars. Alice said. After all, she was not involved in the altar here, but it is still worth learning!

In this way, Ming and several lovely elves waited quietly in this cave for a few days.

Five days later, the dark tyrant descended on this icy and snowy land. Now its ability to shuttle through the void has become more and more proficient, and its size has grown to ten miles. However, it is only one percent away from its true self, so it still has to It requires hard work and constant fighting, killing, and devouring.

Go, kill all the Ice Winged Dragons here. Ming directly ordered the dark tyrant outside through consciousness transmission.

At the same time, as the king of the Ice Winged Dragons, Ming also ordered all the Ice Winged Dragons outside to attack his dark tyrant.

Finally, after more than half a day, the dark tyrant fought hard, killed all the ice winged dragons, and swallowed most of the ice winged dragons. He couldn't wait any longer, so he let the darkness quickly end the battle and swallow them all. After all, there are still many unknown planets waiting for them to arrive on the journey forward. Isn't it up to him to decide the life and death of the lives there?

Okay, Alice, we can enter the next planet with a teleportation altar! Ming temporarily put the dark tyrant back into his portable space.

Then came Alice and the other two elves, who solemnly injected magical power into the altar. These magical powers were not ordinary magic, but presented different magic energy runes.

After this continued for a few minutes, I saw the simple teleportation altar under my feet began to rotate. Ming thought it was the altar that eventually rotated, but it turned out that was not the case. Instead, after the teleportation altar rotated more than ten times, a dimensional gate appeared in front of it. On the side, it seems that it is not an ordinary teleportation altar.

Finally, Ming and a few cute elves stepped directly into it. After a while, the sky and the earth were spinning and the stars were moving. I don’t know how much time had passed. In short, when Ming and a few elves appeared, they had already arrived at a planet full of gold mines. above.

This planet is a lifeless planet, but it is rich in gold mines. The so-called gold mines are all that kind of gold. On Earth, this kind of gold mine is very valuable.

As for these gold mines, Ming cannot completely destroy them. After all, the teleportation altar is still hidden somewhere, so Ming only devours them on a small scale and accumulates them all in the system, preparing to find a time to open them someday. Choose an evolutionary ability.

Of course, Ming also installed some into the portable space world, and kept them for the Ming Zerg to use as materials in the future. After all, if you use gold to build a palace, it will be truly magnificent, very impressive and beautiful.

During this period, Alice found the teleportation altar that her elves had built on this planet. This time she quickly opened the altar and took Ming away from the planet to teleport to the next planet.

In this way, Ming and several Alice's elves, after passing through more than ten planets, finally came to the sphere of influence of the large insect blade queen.

Because when they landed on the planet, densely packed ground spiders suddenly appeared on the desert-like land, each with a size of more than five meters, and they surrounded Ming one after another.

However, fortunately, Ming's Zerg spiritual power was extremely powerful and frightened them so that they did not dare to attack.

Moreover, as long as Ming moves forward, the surrounding big spiders will retreat a few meters away.

Then several elves followed closely behind Ming, constantly moving towards the location of the teleportation altar.

Under such circumstances, Ming and others found the teleportation altar on this planet, but this altar is now in a huge nest, in which the Spider King and a group of the King's subordinates are living. It's a hundred meters huge.

These spiders can spit out sticky and very tough spider silk from their mouths, and they can also spit out dragnets instantly.

What should I do? I didn't expect these bugs to build their nests on it! Alice didn't know what to do. Was she going to enter a place full of these scary spiders?

Don't worry, as long as I'm here, there won't be any problems if you go in! Ming said calmly, Did you see it? They don't dare to attack us at all. Of course, maybe, as long as we don't hurt them, they shouldn't Will attack.

After all, in Ming's own opinion, he has the Zerg dominance consciousness. Even if these bugs are not under his control, these bugs are naturally afraid and confused towards the creatures with the Zerg dominance consciousness.

It seems so! Alice stuck out her tongue, Then take us in, I'll open the teleportation altar inside, and we'll leave here immediately!

Well, that's of course. After all, this is already the sphere of influence of the Kingdom of God, and I am now doing things in this interstellar area, so I can't have too many conflicts with the rulers here, so we try not to hurt these bugs and leave as soon as possible.

Ming and Alice reminded that you must know that the Zerg masters have Zerg vision and can see everything in their sphere of influence through any insect under their hands. I am afraid that their appearance has been affected by the Zerg masters here. , you can see it clearly, so...

In the end, Ming led a few elves directly into the depths of the lair. The giant earth spider inside still did not attack them and seemed to be in a wait-and-see state.

But just when Ming and a few elves found the specific location of the teleportation altar in the lair, a group of earth spiders brought them good wine and food, very rich ones. They should have treated Ming and others as honored guests. In hospitality.

Seeing the sudden occurrence of this scene, Ming knew that this was not what these spiders meant. They obviously did not have these conscious thoughts, and it must be the order of the Queen of Blades.

So Ming smiled and walked over, picked up the rich food and wine and started eating and drinking.

Alice, you should eat some too, otherwise the queen of this clan will think you are ungrateful! Ming said as he ate.


Alice and the other elves looked at Ming in confusion. Why did he suddenly start eating, and why did he involve the queen again? However, Alice and others didn't think much about it. They just ate whatever Ming told them to eat, and the food seemed to be to their liking, not raw meat.

After eating and drinking, Ming wiped his mouth and said in the language of the Zerg, Tell this to your queen that the Immortal Pluto is passing by here. Thank you for her hospitality and we will meet you tomorrow.

After saying that, Ming asked Alice to open the teleportation altar here. After a dimensional gate appeared, they walked in and disappeared into it.

When they appeared, they still came to the planet of the Queen of Blades' power, but this time, the bugs occupying this planet were a group of thunder beasts. Their huge and muscular bodies seemed to be perfectly integrated with the entire earth's mountains and rivers.

Because these thunder beasts did not cruelly destroy this planet. The mountains, rivers, trees, flowers, grass, and white clouds in the sky were all beautiful. The thunder beasts were lying quietly in the mountains, rivers, or flying in the sky. Between the white clouds, all the beasts looked peaceful.

Tsk, tsk, the management of this Blade Queen is indeed very good. Did you learn resource management when you were a human? Ming couldn't help but admire, obviously the thunder beast is one of those extremely destructive creatures. , or should everywhere we stay be destroyed and destroyed, or even filled with ruins?

Now it seems that the Queen of Blades has great courage and unique mood, and she directly takes care of the thunder beasts as pets in the garden.

In addition, when Ming and the others came to this planet, they were not attacked by the thunder beasts here. They were allowed to move around on this planet. And not long after, Ming and the others were entertained, and the thunder beasts brought rich food and drinks. , and after staying on this planet for two days, abundant food was delivered to them for three meals a day.

Two days later, Ming and Alice found the teleportation altar on this planet, and then went to the next planet. It was also the sphere of influence of the Queen of Blades. Even the next few planets were under the influence of the Queen of Blades. .

When he arrived at the edge of the Queen of Blades' power, Ming V noticed that the stars above his head were somewhat familiar. At this time, Ming knew that he was already within the exploration range of the earth.

But Ming is not in a good mood. It turns out that the interstellar location of the Earth is so dangerous, and there are dangerous beings in all directions. He is really worried about the creatures on the Earth, because the edge of the abyss is also very close to the Earth, and the Blade Zerg are also very far away from the Earth. There are even some advanced civilizations that are very close to the earth.

After teleporting to the altar again, Ming and several elves appeared directly on the moon. How familiar was the uneven surface to him?

Did you see it? That beautiful blue planet is my hometown, and there are several beautiful stars around it. It has always been the object of research by humans on earth! Ming introduced the earth, metal, wood, water, and fire to several elves. Saturn etc.

Yes, we were also deeply attracted by its beauty three thousand years ago. Alice said nostalgically: But it seems that it is not as blue as before. I remember it was much bluer before, and the entire periphery of the planet was scattered. It’s shining with peaceful light!”

Three thousand years has been a long time, okay? Changes are normal. Besides, the civilization of my hometown has progressed very quickly, which will inevitably affect some environmental changes. Ming explained that Ming has never been concerned about environmental changes within the planet. They all maintain a rational attitude.

Huh? Ming, there seems to be something somewhere?

And then, when Alice was looking for the location of the altar, she suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some creature gathering towards them in front of them.

That seems to be...? Ming felt very familiar. Isn't that the so-called alien?

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