Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 156 Ice Winged Dragon King

Soon afterwards, Ming and several elves left this place. After all, the purpose of their trip was to find the teleportation altar left before, and then go to the next planet correctly.

Where did you build the teleportation altar?

At this moment, Ming is flying in the sky with several elves. Now Ming still doesn't know where to look for the altar.

Well, I have forgotten the specifics. I need to find a place to build a small induction array, and then I can determine where the altar built thousands of years ago is! Elf Alice said after thinking for a while. : Just down there, in a hidden jungle, I can successfully build the induction array.

Okay, just below. I see there are a lot of fruits in the tall woods. If you are hungry, you can find some to satisfy your hunger.

As he spoke, Ming and several elves immediately fell downwards. Below was a tall forest. There were many dinosaurs living in the forest. Of course, there were also other giant beasts, which should be able to compete with some dinosaurs. High or low, otherwise they wouldn't be able to live in the age of dinosaurs.

After entering the forest, Ming immediately released a terrifying aura to deter some ferocious beasts in the forest, hoping that those ferocious beasts without eyes would not disturb them.

Okay, what do I need to prepare for you now? Ming looked at Elf Alice and said, What materials do you want to talk about? If you have something about me, just ask.

You don't need any special materials to build the induction array. You can just use magic symbols. And I can build it alone. Just don't be disturbed when building it! As Alice said, she started to After getting ready, I saw her carving and leaving a few magic symbols on several trees around. Ming couldn't understand those things anyway.

Not long after this, the elf Alice chose a middle position, and a magic group appeared in her hand. Then she saw more than ten rays of light emitting from the magic group, each of which corresponded to the runes carved on a giant tree. .

After the link is completed, a twelve-ray induction array unfolds, each of which is cross-connected to each other.

Suddenly, a white light shot out from the induction array and shot straight into the sky.

Let's go up and see which direction it points. Elf Alice said immediately, and immediately rushed out of the woods and flew high above the clouds.

That's the North!

Then he saw the white light rushing into the sky, suddenly changing its direction and shooting towards the north.

Well, it's over there. Now as long as we have the direction, we can quickly find the teleportation altar that was built before! Alice added: And it seems that at this moment, I think a lot about the establishment of the altar here. That's right. , it should be on a sea, there is an iceberg on the sea, and the altar should be on the top of the iceberg.

Okay, let's go to the north now. By the way, do you want to eat some food to replenish energy first? Ming is worried that they have been consuming and have replenished energy. How will they open the altar when they reach the iceberg?

I need to eat something. I worked hard just now and consumed a lot of magic and physical strength! Alice nodded, looked at several companion elves and said, Sisters, follow me down to find some fruits to replenish your physical strength.

No matter how tall the forest is, the elves' advantage is clear and delicate. The surrounding plants are under their magic, and everything can be controlled by them. Therefore, the search for the fruit went very smoothly, and no ferocious beasts attacked them and succeeded. !

Not long after this, they began to search for the northernmost point. Of course, they were always flying above the clouds. Although there were many flying dinosaurs in the sky, they chased after them and gave up their target. After all, their speed was no longer high. It is fast, not as fast as the Hades and Elves, and can throw them away in seconds.

During the flight, Ming and the others saw the dark tyrant frantically fighting countless dinosaurs, constantly devouring them, constantly growing, and even fighting from the ground to the sky, from the sky to the sea.

Although the Dark Tyrant's body is covered in scars, it has the pride and coercion of a true dragon. Compared to countless sub-dragons, the Dark Tyrant's coercion puts them under an invisible suppression.

Moreover, the Dark Tyrant's recovery power is extremely strong. Even if the body is scarred, it will recover in a very short time. At the same time, as the Dark Tyrant continues to devour it, its power becomes more powerful and its size becomes more terrifying. Therefore, it kills almost everywhere it passes, and no dinosaur of that kind can stop its progress.

Strange, how come that dinosaur is so similar to the Void Dragon Warrior you once fought? It's just that the size is different, and I also felt a wonderful aura on it, as if it came from our elf world. Where are the creatures! Alice was flying above the clouds, looking at the dark tyrant flying into the sky, biting with a group of flying pterosaurs.

Oh, actually that is the dark tyrant of my Insect tribe, I released it to fight, haha. Ming smiled, As for the feelings you mentioned, they are all true. It should be because of this black giant The dragon is the giant void dragon warrior that is thousands of miles away. He swallowed the only holy water of your elves, causing him to become pregnant and give birth to this black dragon.

Ah, the Void Dragon Warrior gave birth to it? Alice felt so surprised and miraculous after hearing this. I didn't expect that dragons can become pregnant after drinking our holy water. Then whoever drinks it will give birth to someone else?

Haha, it probably means the same thing. Elves drink to give birth to elves, dragons drink to give birth to dragons, and insects drink to give birth to insects... Ming said with a smile, it can be regarded as an entertaining topic during the flight!

While chatting and laughing like this, Ming and several elves suddenly came to the extremely cold area in the north.

However, even if I didn't fall on the glacier, I still felt extremely cold above the high clouds. It was even cold to the bones. I couldn't help but want to fall to the ground quickly. After all, during the high-speed flight, The cold snap created was particularly terrifying.

It's so cold, shall we go down, and I feel like my physical strength is exhausted too fast. Elf Alice's face turned purple, and even if she used magic to create a warm current and send it to her whole body, she couldn't resist this strange cold current. .

Well, let's go down! If you are too cold, I will find a way to get you some mink coats to keep you warm, but it depends on your luck. I don't know if there are any furry creatures here?

Ming also felt that the cold here had exceeded the normal limit. If they were not all capable creatures, they would not be able to persist in flying at high speed, and even if they could persist, their physical strength would be consumed very quickly.

When it fell to the ground, the snow was very thick, and underneath the snow was a glacier. Everything in front of me was completely white, and the surroundings were very quiet. There didn't seem to be a single snow creature? Or glacier creatures? In short, Ming can't sense the existence of other creatures.

After landing, Ming and the elves had a hard time walking because the snow was deep.

Wait a minute, let me see if there are any substitutes on my body. Ming felt that the speed of advancement was too slow, and seeing several elves almost burying most of their bodies in, Yu couldn't bear it.


As Ming put his consciousness into the world of space on his body, there were still some souls of creatures in it. In the world of Kuiba, the gods and all things there called them pulse beasts.

Finally, Ming found a vein beast snow leopard inside. There was no fur or flesh on its body, only a physical body formed by energy.

Come up, we should be able to sit on it together without any problem! The pulse beast Snow Leopard is more than ten meters long and five meters high. It can still carry Minghe and several petite elves.

Wow, is this the first time I've seen such a strange thing? It feels like there is no flesh and blood in the whole body, but it is full of energy? Alice was very curious.

It has no flesh and blood! As he said this, Ming had already ordered the pulse beast Snow Leopard to run twenty meters per second on the snow.

Just like that, after a while, we encountered danger. Unexpectedly, there was some kind of ice dragon hidden under the deep snow. Its whole body was covered with ice crystal-like flesh and blood, but there was nothing special about them. ability, but possesses extremely fast speed in the deep snow.

Of course, what other abilities these snow ice dragons have is their cold resistance. They don't have any fur on their bodies, and they are not afraid of the cold at all.

Moreover, Ming is an insect-like creature. When he sensed these ice dragons, he found that these ice dragons were cold-blooded animals. There was no temperature in their bodies. Their body temperatures were terrifyingly low, at least around 100 degrees below zero!

Therefore, their bodies also appeared to be extremely hard. Ming Fei stood up and punched a snow ice dragon. The opponent's body seemed to be harder than steel, but it was knocked away.

It's really troublesome. I should have brought some troops with me! It's rare for the underworld to deal with these obstructive snow ice dragons. They are obviously very weak, but they insist on hindering their progress!

Space condensation!

So Ming once again exhausted his energy and froze the entire space with a radius of thousands of miles, while he and a few elves dug out a narrow passage in the condensed space, just enough for them to move forward!

This move of Ming's was quite expensive, so Ming grabbed a dinosaur from his pocket and started eating it while walking. In the eyes of the elves, the scene of Ming's eating was quite bloody.

After eating a few pieces of dinosaur meat, Ming felt that his physical strength and consumed energy had recovered a lot. Even if he walked out of the condensed space, he could continue to use the power of such advanced magic.

But not long after, they arrived at their final destination, which was a huge ice peak with countless Ice Winged Dragons hovering above it.

The Teleportation Altar is right above. I didn't expect it to be the habitat of these creatures. Elf Alice said: I don't know if the magic altar has been destroyed, but if they don't have special abilities, they shouldn't have any impact on the altar. !”

You guys wait for me here. I'll find the King's Dragon among them and conquer it. Otherwise, it will be very stressful to go up! Ming said lightly. After all, there are too many of these ice-winged dragons, and they have different bodies. They are tens of meters large and extremely destructive. Even if they are powerful ability users, they cannot resist the unlimited attacks of these ice winged dragons.

Of course, the best thing is to find the king among thousands of ice winged dragons and control the king. The other ice winged dragons will be obedient and let them stroll up to the top of the ice peak.

Well, then be careful! Alice reminded with concern. After all, in her opinion, Ming is quite good!

There's nothing to worry about. I just don't think it's worth enlarging it. At the same time, I'm afraid that the teleportation altar here will be destroyed. Otherwise, no matter how many of these things there are, they will just be cannon fodder for my attack! Ming is very crazy, but there is indeed something crazy about it. Capital, after all, is the king creature that lives in the interstellar world, so these creatures that cannot leave the planet cannot pose a threat to him at all. At most, they are endless obstacles.

Ming will not fight fearlessly, hitting the King Ice Dragon one by one. Instead, the moment he flies into the sky, he directly releases the powerful power of the Zerg spirit. This time is different from before. This time Ming can carry out Mobilize the spiritual power of all the insects of the Hades from a long distance to release the blessing of spiritual power.

Suddenly, an invisible force appeared like a peaceful two-dimensional world. In this world, all creatures within tens of thousands of miles could not escape his visual and mental impact, and in terms of the feeling of the underworld, all creatures within thousands of miles could not escape. The flying speed of creatures has become extremely slow.

At the same time, Ming can sense the resistance level of each dragon through the spiritual power he releases. Of course, these dragons are not very intelligent. It is obvious that through fighting, whoever has higher combat power will be the king.

Therefore, Ming quickly discovered the location of the King's Dragon. As expected, it was in an ice cave on the top of the giant peak.

After determining the target, Ming launched a rapid attack and rushed directly to the top of the giant peak. If there was an ice winged dragon blocking the way, it would be directly hit and destroyed. No matter how hard their bodies were, they were not as hard as his body.

Soon Ming rushed to the top of the peak and saw a giant hole of ice. Looking at the moving structure of the ice, there seemed to be magic runes flashing. It was obvious that the cave entrance was dug out again by the elves in the past, but thousands of years had passed. , the ice pterosaurs of this planet occupied this place and it became the place where they breathed.

Ming just looked at it and then turned into a black phantom and entered the huge cave.

Huh? As soon as Ming entered the huge cave, he discovered that there was a different cave inside, and the space inside was very huge.

hold head high!!

But as Ming entered, the Ice Winged Dragon King inside let out a huge roar. What was even more strange was that this king's dragon was somewhat extraordinary. Its level had surpassed all the Ice Winged Dragons. It could actually breathe out ice, and The power of the ice breath was not small, and Jing Ran forcibly stopped Ming's progress.

Hmph! It's a pity that you met me today. I hate that you were born at the wrong time! Ming sneered at this and looked at a huge ice-winged dragon flying over one thousand meters above his head.

As for the special ability of this Ice Winged Dragon King, it is obviously the remaining magical power here that makes this Ice Winged Dragon King much more powerful.

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