Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 14: Watching for a hunt, a bug that farts from its tail

The fire burned the dense forest boundary for hundreds of miles and would not be extinguished for fifteen days.

Ming believed that during this period, no creature would dare to ignore the fire and invade his place.

In this way, his ground base construction and the second-level incubating artillery units will be successfully completed and hatched during this period of time.

How is the completion of the third-level incubation pool? After Ming made arrangements on the ground, he left the ground and came to the underground palace where the third-level incubation pool was located.

The application of the third-level hatching pool is related to the hatching of his new artillery. These bugs will be greatly improved in power and durability.

Therefore, this time the enhanced version of the insect hatched, Ming was very interested in it. To put it bluntly, this was directly related to his subsequent conquest.

Because the current mother worm has not evolved into the king worm mother body, and the number of eggs laid each time is not large, causing the number of bugs to increase too slowly, he can only try his best to make the following bugs into terrifying weapon bugs. The more powerful they are, the more powerful they will be. good.

Return to the noble Pluto, it will be officially put into use for incubation in five days. The engineering construction insect in charge of the third-level incubation pool reported with great surrender.

Five more days?

Ming thought for a while, time was still very tight. Because he has to capture another genetic species and perform multiple genetic combinations before these new batch of capable bugs hatch!

Have you put the mountain beetle in?

Yes, it has been soaked independently in the incubation tank.

Where are the octopus-like tentacles?


Very good, but I now ask you to set up an independent gene repository in the pool.

This is absolutely fine, please don't worry Pluto!

The construction bugs did not feel embarrassed, because it will take five days to completely complete the use of this large hive-style three-level incubation pool. Now they are still closely involved in each small nest where the eggs are placed, and the internal genes. Propose connections between species.

Soon Ming left the palace area where the third-level incubation pool was located and came all the way to the insect barracks.

Currently, as his base continues to expand and his insect units increase, his insects gradually adopt a strict hierarchy and other distribution systems.

The insect barracks here are where most of the idle bugs eat and live, and the bugs in the caves here have a very strict hierarchy.

The hole nests that have not undergone any processing are ordinary hole nests, which are the place where ordinary worker insects and farmers collectively eat and live. The hole nests that have been simply decorated are high-end hole nests, which are the place where ordinary army insects eat and live collectively.

The cave nests with certain architectural patterns are the first-level palace nests, which are the places where the new red ant special forces eat and live. The cave nests with relatively complete architectural patterns are the second-level palace nests, which are currently the places where the weapon bugs eat and live.

Of course, the four mother insects like him and Minghe are symbols of supreme authority. They all have independent palaces, very clean and luxurious ones!

After Ming arrived at the insect barracks, he went to the first-level palace and found hundreds of fire ant special forces. Then he went to the ordinary cave nest to find a few bees and insect soldiers with outstanding detection capabilities, and brought them all outside the door of his palace.

You will first stand guard at the entrance of my king's palace and listen to my king's arrangements at any time.

As you command!

And Ming entered his hall alone.

In the main hall, the human woman's injuries seemed to have improved, and her face turned from white to red.

You...what are you going to do?

The woman suddenly opened her eyes, stood up and took a few steps back. She looked nervously and fearfully at the big insect crawling in.

In her memory, the insect in front of her was very powerful. It could control the size of its body at any time. Anyway, it should be a king-level insect.

Ming was speechless at this woman's reaction, thinking that this was his palace, couldn't he come in and stay? If he could communicate with her directly, Ming would really swear.

Mmp, what do you want to do? I have nothing to do now, why can't I go back to the palace and take a rest?

But Ming could only try to use his hands and feet, and barely scratched a few large characters on the stone floor.

You can really leave, I won't send you away!

I don’t know if the other party can understand his Chinese characters.

Unexpectedly, the woman was curious at first, not knowing what the insect in front of her was doing on the ground!


Ming never thought that the culture of Chinese characters was so long-standing, profound, and great that the woman in front of him could actually understand it.

Leave? You... she said in surprise.

Obviously she was extremely shocked at this moment. Did this insect king-level insect in front of her mother become a demon? Can you also write human-specific languages?

How is that possible? Doesn't it mean that the insect beasts here stay in the primitive stage forever? Did it come from that place? For a time, she had thousands of thoughts in her mind, and she even felt that she should have thought of it long ago. these questions.

Are you going to fucking leave? If you don't leave, I will eat you on the spot! Ming continued to write on the ground.

Ah...thank you!!!

Naturally, the woman was thinking about leaving here all the time, but before leaving, Ming Ming was surprised to hear a thank you.

But this woman behaved very strangely. She actually turned around after taking three steps, looking at Ming with extremely hot eyes, as if she saw him as a rare treasure!

Ming was shocked on the spot. What was this human being thinking? But Ming Hui didn't realize that the human woman in front of him was so greedy for him and wanted to keep him as her pet.

In response to her strangeness, Ming still ordered a few bugs to lead the way for her, allowing her to leave the base smoothly.

When the woman came to the ground, she didn't expect that there were fires hundreds of miles away. She even wondered why these insects were in the middle of the fire. Could this fire have anything to do with them?

But the woman didn't think much about this issue. She only knew that this situation would help her leave this ghost place, so she flew high into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

Follow up and take a look!

Seeing this, Ming arranged for a few long-distance reconnaissance bugs to see where the other party was going to go out.

A few hours later, the scout bug returned safely from the sky.

what's the situation?

Returning to the noble Pluto, that human being left this place and went directly to the sky above the Desert of Death, and suddenly disappeared somewhere. We have not found any trace of this human being for a long time!

Disappeared? Ming knew something in his mind. It seemed that the entrance was over the Death Desert. Maybe it had something to do with the last meteorite landing.

I already know this in my mind, but now you have to go hunting with me!

General Hades had previously summoned hundreds of red ant special soldier bugs and several scout bugs, intending to take them with him to find a magical bug, and then extract some magical gene from it.

Ming had seen this magical bug once in the Black Queen's underground kingdom. Even this bug's status in the Zerg tribe was not low. It was a general-level bug officer because it could emit a yellow smoke from its tail. Non-toxic, but can interfere with the enemy's vision.

Now, in order to obtain a sample of this insect and extract genes from it, Ming decided to risk a trip to the Abyss of Death, which is near the Black Queen's lair - in the vast grassy wilderness.

Because these general-level bugs are vegetarians and only have a special liking for grass, they exist wherever there is a lot of grass.

ps:, thank you! Today I will tell you that I wrote more than 3,000 words early in the morning and suddenly disappeared. Then I went to the cloud to look for it. I found that the cloud was not logged in when I was unlucky. Then I went to the c drive to look for it, but I couldn't find it after searching for an hour. Then I was so miserable that I could only write. Hey, I was so broken!

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