Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 15 Sneaking into the Wild Land

Ming took his bugs and flew high in the sky to the grassy land that night.

But Ming did not rush down to catch the insect generals of this group of insects, but first went to find out the reality below.

Go down with a few scout bugs to detect the number of enemy bugs. We must focus on the scouts who detect the enemy bugs and convey their specific locations to me as soon as possible!

Yes! A few shrewd bees took the order and lurked down to the grassland below.

Soon, Ming received information from the scout bug.

There are a lot of enemy bugs below, and most of them are hidden in the deep grass. Some of the flying troops are ten meters low in the sky, and the enemy's reconnaissance bugs are twenty meters low in the sky, monitoring all the movements around them.

The above is probably the information that Ming's reconnaissance bugs conveyed back from a long distance.

Now if Ming wants to take his bugs and sneak them all into the grass below, he must first deal with the scout bugs at a low altitude of twenty meters, then the flying soldier bugs at a low altitude of ten meters, and then Only then can they lurk in the grass, start a fight and find the insect general along the way.

You are always here waiting for my order! Ming looked at the red ant special forces he had selected, and decided to personally go down and eliminate all the reconnaissance bugs at a low altitude of 20 meters within a moment or two.

As you command!

Then the Hades quadruple titans transformed into insect bodies. The main purpose was to increase their speed so that they could be killed quickly, accurately and instantly.

After transforming into a quadruple insect body, Ming's wings of Ming flames expanded to four times. He disappeared in place with a slight shake, as if he was on the verge of possessing some kind of magical power.

The next moment, it seemed like the end of the world was so close, and in the blink of an eye, Ming appeared twenty meters low in the sky.

Based on the information provided by the reconnaissance bugs, he suddenly assassinated the enemy's reconnaissance bugs under the preparatory conditions.

The only trace he left behind was a phantom that blended into the night. In the end, he quickly killed three enemy scouts in just a few blinks.

My king's insects immediately launched an assassination attack on the flying enemy insects ten meters low in the air without any resistance!

At this time, after Ming issued a will command, the hundreds of fire ant special forces staying at high altitude directly launched a swift and violent assassination!

As bugs hatched together with weapon bugs, their combat power, size, and speed surpass those of ordinary Zerg units!

Unsurprisingly, they absolutely suppressed the opponent and successfully assassinated the enemy insects that fell about ten meters low in the air.

When the enemy insects lost the reconnaissance of the reconnaissance insects, they did not notice the enemy troops coming to sneak attack them. Even when they encountered the enemy insects, they had no time to think whether it was an insect of their own family, and they died at the edge of the opponent's sharp blade. Down!

Quick, sneak into the grass quickly!

Soon, hundreds of bugs, under Ming's instructions, smoothly sneaked into the grass a few meters deep, and immediately entered the alert state. Because they have the innate ability, through the cold and heat induction, they have already sensed that the grass is full of dangers. .

The bugs in the grass here, whether they are Ming's bugs or the Black Queen's bugs, they can sense the bugs near the grass through cold and heat, but the other party does not know that Ming's bugs are their enemies, maybe Only after they meet Ming's bugs and then interrogate Ming's bugs can they quickly analyze that this is not a bug from their Zerg clan.

You are born for killing. Just assassinate here and expand the target range. Only when the insect general is found can you notify me! Even the underworld has forced the information of the insect general to his insects with his will. They do not exist. Don’t know what kind of insect the insect will be?

As you command!

Watching hundreds of fire ant special forces disappear nearby, Ming felt a sense of accomplishment. He had finally taken this step. Now he could also master the power of the Zerg to do things for himself.

Nearly a year ago, he defected from this area. At that time, he was a low-level peasant bug of the underground Zerg clan, facing the rule of the Queen and hundreds of millions of bugs. , even if he is a reborn person, he still looks humble and insignificant.

Now in order to strengthen his Zerg tribe, he came to this area again without fear. Even if there are bugs that still remember his appearance and smell, he is not afraid. She is confident that she will kill the opponent before he launches an attack. Kill it instantly!

I should also go and carry out assassinations and enjoy the addiction of being a powerful insect!

So Ming also started killing in this area covered with grass.

Are there dozens of adult insect soldiers ahead?

Ming immediately transformed into a quadruple insect body and killed dozens of bugs in an instant with absolute power. In order to gain storage of power, Ming had the consciousness of being a bug and directly swallowed the corpses of the bugs. .

Is there a lone ground insect ahead? Still a bit bulky?

It doesn't matter, I've transformed into a five-fold Titan insect body.

Ming ignored the surrounding grass and pounced on the huge earth insect. Just before it was about to be killed, the earth insect was frightened and wanted to escape underground, but Ming didn't give it any chance to escape and bit it to death. the other party.

This earth worm is a very juicy insect. It tastes very delicious, and it has little fighting power among the Zerg. It is an important means of transportation for the Zerg. I remember that this earth worm is still kept as a treasure by the underground Zerg, even the black The queen was reluctant to eat, but she didn't expect that he would kill her here.

Hmph, I wonder how the underground worms will go berserk if they know that I have eaten their worms? Ming wiped his mouth and felt that the taste was pretty good, a bit like eating chicken.

Huh? Did you find any bugs?

Suddenly, at this moment, Ming felt insects moving quickly around him.

You came just in time. At worst, you will become food for me here, and I will be too lazy to take the initiative to find you.

Now as long as the scope of alarm is not too large, as long as the Black Queen does not personally dispatch, Ming really is not too worried about what danger he will be in.

Get out of here!

Suddenly, Ming's feet plunged directly into the ground. Unexpectedly, there were insects ambush under his feet?

Suddenly, like a giant tortoise, a huge insect burst out of the ground under Ming's feet. It seemed to be very powerful, and even bit one of Ming's feet immediately, but Ming quickly dodged it.

Hmph, it's just an evolved form of the earth insect. Even if it has a hard body and huge destructive power, does it want to threaten me?

Ming looked at the bug that jumped out of the soil. It was a giant ground beetle. Its whole body was covered with a thick carapace. Although it evolved from the ground bug, it had no fighting power. On the contrary, it had considerable power. Destructive power.

ps: Please you!

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