Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 13 Burning for Half a Month

After receiving the order, the red worker insect held a piece of cooked wolf meat in its mouth. It quickly crawled in front of the human woman and threw the piece of meat in its mouth in front of the woman.

Ah!!! Don't, don't eat me!

But this woman thought this red bug was going to do something to her, such as eat her alive?

This made her feel extremely frightened at this moment, and she could no longer hide all her disguises. She sat up from where she was, as if paralyzed, and hurriedly moved her body back.

Is this the immortal cultivator in this world? It's too weak... Ming felt that if the immortal cultivators in this world were all such weak and humble humans, he could really fight ten or even a hundred of them!

Although Ming cannot communicate directly with humans here, he can clearly understand the language spoken by this woman!

You all retreat, no one can come in without my order!

Please let me go, I came in accidentally and had no intention of invading your territory...!

As countless bugs quickly exited the hall, the woman was surprised by this, but she now realized that the black bug in the hall was the king here, and even this bug could understand what she said.

Ming didn't give any hint to answer her. He rescued this woman from the sea of ​​​​stone forest out of instinct and first reaction at the time. After all, his memory contained everything about his previous life.

But now he brings this woman into his base because he wants to know where the humans in this world are? Why has no information about humans ever been recorded among the Zerg tribe in this world!

To be honest, before Ming Zai saw this human cultivator, he completely thought that there were only countless bugs and various ferocious creatures in this world.

Now? He knew that the enemies that his Insect race faced in this world were not only insects and beasts, but also a human race hiding in the dark!

It's just that he still has no way of knowing where the human race is, but now that this woman has appeared, he believes that he will know it all soon!


At this time, Ming threw the three-foot long sword that had been inserted into his body in front of the woman and returned the weapon to her.

The woman sitting on the ground was surprised, but she quickly picked up her weapon and pointed at the insect in front of her.

Don't come here, I...I won't hurt you...


Ming was completely speechless at the woman in front of him. Was she an idiot? Or is it that only by choosing to do this can I feel a sense of security? Wouldn’t you use your heart to influence the bug in front of you and have a good communication together?

In fact, Ming's meaning is very obvious. I'll give you your sword. If you don't mind it, I'll eat the meat and then go back and forth! I saved you because you were lucky, so I am not interested in your human flesh!

Then Ming didn't want to see any more ugliness in human beings from this woman, so he turned around and crawled out of his hall.

And after the woman saw that all the bugs in the house had left, she suddenly seemed a little overwhelmed!

Why is this? Don't they want to hurt themselves? But my senior sister and senior brother have already been eaten by those terrible bugs.

Ugh...what should I do?

After Ming left his main hall, he came to the ground.

There is now a large open space on the ground. When he was fighting against the jungle wolf, he showed off his power of dark flames and used a death blast to level hundreds of meters around him.

Now the surrounding open space has been reasonably developed by his bugs, and bug palaces and some base defense forts are being built continuously.

My dear Pluto... A construction worker, a bug, bowed his head to Pluto, expressing his respect and greetings.

How is the progress of the project? How long will it take? Ming Xun took advantage of this and asked.

The foundation used as the fort has been almost completed. As for the construction of other places, it is a bit difficult!


Back to Hades, building Zerg palaces and city walls on the bare ground requires some different building materials, and we don't have any areas of our own here, so it will take a certain amount of time to collect the required material resources!

My own domain?

After some meditation, he realized that he did not have his own territory now. Although he was forced to occupy this primitive forest, this was an owner's territory after all.

The project is almost completed. Soon I will lead you to endless conquests. The land, resources, and food you expect will be all there!

Ming felt that he was doing this as if he was stabilizing the morale of the army, but in fact he knew that these problems were inevitable, but they were just discovered in advance.


By the way, during the three days that I have been out, have there been any enemies harassing me around?

Back to Hades, there is another group of jungle wolves entrenched ten miles away from here, and there have been many blood pythons near our base recently.

Hmph, interesting! Ming probably knew something.

Finally, Ming returned to the base. He went to his main hall first and saw that the cooked meat on the ground was gone, and the human woman was healing her wounds on the spot, but the healing process seemed very difficult and painful.

Ming did not bother him and left as soon as he entered the hall, but he said in his heart that this human woman did not let him down at all. She was not too stupid and knew that only by healing her injuries could she leave this world full of bugs better.

You are secretly monitoring me. If she wants to leave, don't stop any of you. If she repays kindness and destroys our important Zerg base, then she will kill this human being and send her body to the third-level blood pool!

Ming left the palace and used his own Zerg talent through his will to issue absolute orders to the nearest Zerg.

Then Ming issued an order to the fire-breathing insects in the nest, asking them to quickly gather outside the entrance of the base.

Outside the base.

You all listen to me, the task to be completed this time is to set fire to the forest within a radius of three hundred miles, and I want this fire not to be extinguished within half a month. If it is extinguished early... This king will definitely eat your flesh and blood!

As you command!

Then there were five hundred fire-breathing bugs lined up neatly in rows. Every bug was very proud and confident of the abilities that the Zerg tribe had today.

Of course, above all this, they absolutely obey the authority of Pluto. Even between the mother bug and Pluto, they obey Pluto's orders even more, because they are smarter than ordinary bugs and understand that Pluto is the strongest among the Zerg species today. Powerful bug.

Go ahead and start from here!


The five hundred fire-breathing insects immediately dispersed, and the next moment, the giant tree not far away burst into flames.

After a while, raging fires were burning in all directions, and the fires burned everything in their path mercilessly.

As time passed by, the fire here became more and more intense and spread quickly.

In the end, a fire burned on the periphery of the primitive forest, and the ferocious beasts and birds within a few hundred miles began to migrate to other places on a large scale.

ps: Please you...thank you! Thank you to the great book friends for your support, and thank you to the great book friends for your support and rewards! kisses……

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