All the real estate executives were talking about it one after another, and the scenes were recorded and posted online by netizens who sneaked in.

  There has been a hurricane on the Internet.

  Netizens were extremely angry when they saw that the real estate executives were discussing how to get Longteng Real Estate to take back the decision to cancel the public pool area.

  "It's so funny, Longteng Real Estate's cancellation of the public pool area is for the benefit of the people of the whole country. These black-hearted real estate bosses are actually conspiring to make Longteng Real Estate take back the decision to cancel the public pool area. These bosses are simply not human."

  "If you don't make money, how can you not make money? Longteng Real Estate can make money with such a low house price. How can they not make money with such a high house price? These black-hearted merchants have no assholes when they give birth to their sons."

  "Come on, I curse all these black-hearted merchants to become eunuchs, and they won't do anything."

  "I knew that other real estate companies would not watch Longteng Real Estate cancel the public pool area. This real estate company conference is to discuss Longteng Real Estate. I really guessed it right. These black-hearted businesses are like an entrepreneur on Hong Kong Island. , they are all unscrupulous merchants, special meow, don't let me see you, I will fight you every time I see you."

  All the bosses at the scene expressed their opinions one after another.

  After all, it is all about uniting to put pressure on Longteng Real Estate to make Longteng Real Estate succumb. There is no other better way.

  One of the four major real estate managers, Kewan, stood up and said: "It is very difficult to make Longteng Real Estate yield. Instead of putting pressure on Longteng Real Estate, it is better to put pressure on the country together. Suggest."

  "Said to the country that Longteng Real Estate's cancellation of the public pool area is completely disrupting the market, and it makes our major real estate companies unable to do it at all."

  "As long as we are united, I am sure the country will take our advice seriously."

  After the boss of Kewan Real Estate finished speaking, the boss immediately responded, "That's right, let's unite, don't believe that the state doesn't take it seriously."

  "The country definitely hopes that the real estate industry will be in chaos. If too many real estate companies collapse, there will definitely be many unfinished buildings. The country definitely doesn't want to see such a situation."

  Almost all CEOs agree with the CEO of Kewan Real Estate.

  The CEO of Hengda Real Estate stood up and said, "You think things are too simple."

  "Do you think that based on the relationship between Su Hao and the second elder, Su Hao will not communicate with the second elder first?"

  Everyone is silent.

  Indeed, with the relationship between Su Hao and the second elder, Su Hao will definitely communicate with the second elder for such a major decision.

  Now that the second elder knows, Longteng Real Estate dares to announce the cancellation of the public pool area, which shows that the second elder tacitly approves the practice of Longteng Real Estate.

  The acquiescence of the second elders represents the attitude of the country. The country acquiesces to the practice of Longteng Real Estate, and it is useless for them to make suggestions to the country.

  The boss of Evergrande Real Estate continued: "I believe you have also thought of it. I think Su Hao will definitely talk to the second elder about the cancellation of the public pool area."

  "The second elder acquiesced to this matter. What's the use of us making suggestions to the country?"

  "To put it a bit harsher, Longteng Real Estate is a private company, and Longteng Real Estate can sell houses how they want. As long as Longteng Real Estate does not violate national laws, the state will not control Longteng Real Estate."

  "Not to mention the cancellation of the public pool area, even if Longteng Real Estate sells houses at ultra-low prices, the state can't control it."

  "Don't say anything to disrupt the market. Those words are all nonsense. There are too many disrupting the market. There is no national legal requirement for the public pool area, so this country will never come forward."

  "Not to mention that the cancellation of the public pool area is good for the people of the whole country. Do you think the country will do the right thing with the people of the whole country?"

  "Impossible, wake up, no matter how much pressure we put on it, we can't let Longteng Real Estate cancel the public pool area."

  "Like Su Hao said, he did real estate not to make money, but to give more people a warm home."

  "Longteng Real Estate is supported by Haoyu Group. He can't help but make money, but what about us?"

  "We can't, we want to make money."

  "We can't let Longteng Real Estate take back the decision to cancel the public pool area, but we can let him play alone. As long as our national real estate companies are united, they will not follow Longteng Real Estate."

  "It's just that a real estate company in Longteng Real Estate cancelled the public pool area. We don't have to worry about it at all."

  "How many houses a company of Longteng Real Estate can build, no matter how Longteng Real Estate expands and develops, it is impossible to meet the needs of the people of the whole country."

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  "People will still buy our houses after Longteng Real Estate's houses are sold out."

  "As long as we are united and real estate companies across the country refuse to abolish pool space, then there is hope for us."

  "As long as a company follows the example of Longteng Real Estate to cancel the public pool area, the real estate industry will suffer a disaster."

  "Only if we unite and never cancel the public pool area, can we continue to survive and continue to make money."

  When the boss of Hengda Real Estate finished speaking, some real estate bosses raised objections.

  "If Longteng Real Estate grows bigger and bigger, the strength of Haoyu Group is there, and it is very simple for Longteng Real Estate to grow. After Longteng Real Estate grows, where should we go?"

  The CEO of Evergrande Real Estate said: "Then we will make him unable to grow."

  "Let's unite and try not to let Longteng Real Estate acquire the land, so that Longteng Real Estate will not be able to grow."

  "Yes, as long as Longteng Real Estate can't get the land, Longteng Real Estate can't grow." A real estate boss immediately echoed.

  "Longteng Real Estate is no better than us. Although Haoyu Group has a big business, it can't stand the torment of selling the house after Longteng Real Estate is capped. As long as they join forces to attack Longteng Real Estate to acquire land, Longteng Real Estate will definitely not be able to grow and develop."

  These voices spread to the Internet, and netizens were even more angry.

  "Mow, who is that? Is that the boss of Hengda Real Estate? He's just an old fox."

  "It's really cunning and cunning, this old guy is really bad."

...... 0

  "This unscrupulous businessman is smart. The CEO of Hengda Real Estate is right. If only Longteng Real Estate cancels the common area, other real estate companies do not cancel it. Those who can't buy Longteng Real Estate houses in the end still have to buy their houses. ."

  "This is not the most hateful thing. The most hateful thing is that they actually want to unite to block Longteng Real Estate, not to let Longteng Real Estate acquire the land, and prevent Longteng Real Estate from developing and growing. They are afraid that the growth of Longteng Real Estate will seriously affect their market. "

  "Black-hearted merchants, unscrupulous merchants, do you think it's bragging? These guys are desperately trying to keep their market. If Longteng Real Estate can't grow, only Longteng Real Estate can cancel the public pool area. We really can't do anything about them. "

  "I'm so angry, I hope they don't unite."

  "Yes, now I can only pray that some conscientious bosses at the scene will refuse to join forces with them."

  "As long as the public pool area is cancelled, even if it is slightly more expensive than the price of Longteng Real Estate, I am willing to buy it."

  "That's right, Longteng Real Estate's housing price is less profitable, so you can buy it a little more expensive, and it's okay to sell it for a few hundred and one square meters. In short, you have to cancel the common area."

  "The real estate companies should unite, and the people of our country should also unite. As long as we don't buy houses from other real estate companies, there will definitely be real estate companies that can't resist canceling the public pool area."

  "Yes, this is not a war between Longteng Real Estate and other real estate companies, it is a war between the people of the whole country and those real estate companies. As long as the people of the whole country are united, I don't believe that those real estate companies will not yield."

  "Unity is strength, brothers and sisters, let's unite once again and fight against the national real estate company to the end."

  "As long as we are united, no difficulties will come to us. If Longteng Real Estate can't get the land, we will help him get the land. I don't believe that the people of our country can't do those real estate companies."

  "The power of the masses is infinite. Brothers and sisters, for our future, for us to live in better and cheaper houses, and for us not to be slaves in the future, we must unite and fight those real estate companies to the end."

  "As long as they don't cancel the pool area for one day, we will fight against them for one day."

  "They all have bank loans. They can't repay the money. The interest can make them collapse, let alone the money. As long as we are united, we can definitely win."

  The netizens analyzed everything in a straightforward manner, analyzing all the possibilities.

  In a word, as long as the people of the whole country unite and do not buy houses from other real estate companies for the time being, there will definitely be real estate companies that cannot stand it.

  As long as the real estate company can't stand it, they will definitely cancel the public pool area and sell the house.

  Only if there are real estate companies that follow Longteng Real Estate to cancel the public pool area, more and more real estate companies will cancel the public pool area. By then, the public pool area will become history and disappear completely.Ten thousand.

Chapter 302

  Netizens are calling on people across the country to unite and resolutely not buy houses from other real estate companies until they cancel the public pool area.

  This topic rushed directly to the hot search list.

  The top executives of various real estate companies called their bosses one after another when they saw the news on the Internet.

  Bosses at the meeting were furious when they learned that their meeting had been exposed online.

  The meeting was immediately suspended.

  The netizens who sneaked in saw that the situation was wrong and immediately ran away.

  Before leaving, he still remembered the wonderful expressions of the real estate bosses after the video of the meeting was exposed on the Internet.

  "It's very dangerous, I was almost caught, but luckily I slipped fast."

  "I was almost discovered. I saw the situation was wrong and ran away immediately. If they caught me, I would be miserable."

  "Thanks to the brothers upstairs for making the video, you are good."

  "Expose unscrupulous merchants, expose unscrupulous merchants, you are the best."

  "Dude, hurry up and don't linger on the scene. It's enough to have these videos. Now the whole Internet knows their ugly faces."

  "Yes, the buddies who sneaked into the scene quickly flash people, don't linger on the scene, these videos are enough, if you want to stop Longteng Real Estate, we people all over the country stop them first."

  The meeting site was chaotic, and many real estate company executives couldn't help cursing.

  This kind of important meeting is broadcast live, and they don't know it, it's too passive.

  The boss of Hengda Real Estate said: "Everyone, be quiet. Since the incident has already happened, no matter how much you scold it, it will not help. I believe that the person who took the candid photo has also left the scene, and we will continue the meeting."

  "We can't hide the matter about Longteng Real Estate, and it's okay to expose it earlier."

  "We continue to discuss."

  The CEO of Country Real Estate said: "Wait, the whole network is calling for a boycott of us, I suggest everyone to take a look."

  What?The whole network boycotts, what's the situation?

  The bosses took out their phones to see what was going on.

  The assistant to the CEO of Country Yuan Real Estate said loudly: "You can see it by looking at the second most popular search on Weibo."

  All real estate executives are looking at hot topics.

  Seeing the whole network calling for a united not to buy their houses, but only to buy houses of Longteng Real Estate, the people of the whole country want to unite and fight against them, they are all in a circle.

  The more and more real estate executives looked, the more frightened they became.

  If the people of the whole country really unite and resolutely do not buy their houses, there will be many companies present that will collapse within half a year.

  Especially the real estate companies with a lot of debt, if their houses can't be sold, let alone repay the loan, they can't pay the interest.

  At this moment, the major real estate executives on the scene had different thoughts.

  I was thinking of resolutely rejecting the public pool. The bosses are in a very complicated mood at this moment, and I don't know what to do.

  "Don't worry, everyone, it is impossible for the people of the whole country to unite, it is absolutely impossible, you can rest assured." Hengda Real Estate saw that all the bosses were grimacing, realized that it was not good, and immediately persuaded.

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