"If, I mean, if the people of the whole country are really united, we can also take advantage of the real estate speculators."

  "As long as we use it properly, the real estate speculators will definitely buy a lot of bargains, and we don't have to worry about not being able to sell the house."

  "What's more, can the people of the whole country really unite?"

  "There are only so many houses in Longteng Real Estate. Can the just-needed people continue to wait if they can't buy a house in Longteng Real Estate?"

  "Impossible. The newlyweds who are about to get married can't wait, so it is impossible for the people of the whole country to unite. Don't worry."

  When the CEO of Hengda Real Estate said this, the worries of the CEOs dissipated a little.

  The CEO of Hengda Real Estate saw everyone's expressions and continued: "We must not be influenced by online voices or other factors. Only by uniting can we make the cancellation of the public pool area completely unaffected by the real estate market."

  "I still say that, as long as a few real estate companies follow Longteng Real Estate to cancel the public pool area, it will be difficult for everyone to make money in the future."

  "That's right, we have to be united, we must not cancel the pool area."

  All the bosses agreed with the statement of the boss of Hengda Real Estate.

  The CEO of Country Real Estate said: "We must not only unite in rejecting the cancellation of the public space, but also make suggestions to the country. We have to show a posture to let the country see our determination."

  "Longteng Real Estate should also put pressure on us. We have to do these things. If we don't do it, Longteng Real Estate will not take us seriously."

  "We must unite to prevent the acquisition of land by Longteng Real Estate. What are ordinary people fighting with us? As long as we are united, Longteng Real Estate will not be able to grow and develop."

  The CEO of Hengda Real Estate said: "The same sentence, all real estate companies must unite, and we must win this battle."

  All real estate executives agree to unite, but only verbally.

  It is impossible for this matter to be bound by a contract, and a verbal agreement is already very good.

  Evergrande Real Estate looked at all the real estate bosses who had left, and his face was full of worry.

  Hope everything goes well.

  After the real estate company conference ended, several real estate executives got together and chatted for a long time.

  All unity is false, and everything depends on whether the people of the whole country can really unite.

  They know their own affairs, and if the house can't be sold, they can't stand it at all.

  The real estate company conference is over, but the hot discussion on the Internet has not ended, but has become more and more intense.

  All netizens are voluntarily calling on everyone to unite against the national real estate company.

  Only buy houses from Longteng Real Estate, and other real estate companies will buy them when they cancel the common pool area. Before other real estate companies do not cancel the common pool area, they will never buy their houses.

  This is related to the interests of the people of the whole country and the interests of future generations. People all agree with each other, and they are determined to fight against the national real estate company to the end.

  One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, after one night, the people of the whole country know this.

  The people of the whole country are united as never before.

  October 4th.

  None of the nation's real estate companies sold a single home, with zero sales.

  The sales departments of major real estate companies have no customers at all, only employees.

  The bosses of various real estate companies learned that no one came to buy a house, and their mood was very broken.

  It is said that it is impossible for the people of the whole country to be united. Is this disunity?

  Enthusiastic netizens took pictures of deserted and deserted sales offices of major real estate companies and posted them online.

  Netizens cheered and celebrated.

  "Today is the first day, and we won. I spent a day in the sales department of Hengda Real Estate, and I can guarantee that no one walked into the sales department of Hengda Real Estate, only those who came to watch the fun and did not come to buy a house at all. people."

  "The same is true for the sales department of Bigan Real Estate in Beijing. There is not one person buying a house, but there are more than a dozen people who join in the fun."

  "I am here too. I took a look at it. There is no one in the sales department."

  "This is our victory. We must persevere. As long as half a year, there are absolutely no real estate companies that can't stand it. We only need to persevere for half a year. Brothers and sisters, we must persevere."

  "Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as we are united, we will definitely let the real estate company cancel the public pool area."

  "That's a must, there must be solidarity."

  Netizens cheered and celebrated the victory on the first day.

  The real estate executives are extremely painful.

  On April 4, the sales departments of major real estate companies were still deserted.

  The house has not been sold for two consecutive days, and all the real estate executives are anxious.

  If it continues like this, they won't be able to last for half a year or three months.

  Even some real estate companies can't repay their loans next month.

  The CEO of Hengda Real Estate did not expect that the people of the whole country could really unite and insist on not buying a house for two days.

  The CEO of Hengda Real Estate called several major real estate companies, and then set up a YY group, pulling real estate managers from all over the country into the group.

  Mr. Hengda felt that it was necessary to stabilize the military's morale. If the military's mentality was unstable, there must be some real estate companies who could not bear to follow Longteng Real Estate to cancel the public pool area.

  All real estate executives across the country were pulled into the group by their peers.

  The CEO of Hengda Real Estate directly @ all members.

  Don't panic, everyone, I'm surprised that people can last for two days, but they definitely won't last long.

  But we can't just sit still, tomorrow we have to get people coming and going from the sales department.No one we can pay for people, we must let the masses think that our house is selling very well.

  Especially in Donghai City, the first phase of Longteng Real Estate's houses in Donghai City have been sold out. We must let the people of the whole country know that the people of Donghai City can not buy the houses of Longteng Real Estate, so they will buy our houses.

  As long as we do well, we can easily disintegrate people's unity.

  In the past two days, I will also come up with a way to let the real estate speculators enter the pit. Everyone stick to it. As long as the real estate speculators take action, the people of the whole country will not be able to fight us.

  Seeing the information of the CEOs of Hengda Real Estate, all the real estate managers breathed a sigh of relief.. 0

  They were really panicked these past two days.

  Some real estate executives have already begun to consider whether to cancel the public pool area.

  If Hengda Real Estate does not stand up and stabilize the army, there will definitely be real estate companies unable to take the initiative to cancel the public pool area within a week.

  Now with the words of the CEO of Hengda Real Estate, everyone's confidence has been restored.

  "Everyone will act tomorrow, as long as the unity of the people in the whole country is disintegrated, this is not a problem at all."

  "Okay, it's too easy to hire someone."

  All real estate companies are already familiar with this method.

  4 month 6 number.

  The major real estate sales departments are no longer deserted, but extremely hot.

  People who came to join in the fun at the door were a little confused when they saw people coming and going in the sales department.

  what's going on?Why are so many people buying houses?

  What about unity?What exactly is going on?

  This phenomenon spread to the Internet, and netizens were shocked.

  "Why are so many people buying houses? What the hell is going on?"

  "Ask your relatives and friends to see who is going to buy a house, and tell them not to buy it. They all hold on for me. It's only the third day, so I have to hold on."

  Netizens are very puzzled.

  It stands to reason that even if some people can't help it, there can't be so many people.

  Netizens took the initiative to walk into the sales department to investigate the situation.

  Not waiting for netizens to investigate the situation clearly, netizens have feedback on the results of the inquiry.

  "No, my relatives and friends said they didn't go to the sales department."

  "My friends too, all of them support the fight against those real estate companies, and they all said they didn't go at all."

  "Then what's going on?"

  Soon some netizens investigated the situation.

  "Come on, I found out the reason. Those people were hired by the real estate company with money. They didn't really want to buy a house at all. It was the real estate company that paid people to create a phenomenon of many people buying houses, intending to deceive us."

  "I'll go. Those real estate businessmen are so black-hearted that they actually pay people to hire people. I'll just say, how could so many people buy houses. It turned out that they were paying people to hire people."

  At this time, someone took the initiative to reveal the news.

  "Everyone, don't believe that the real estate company is full of people. These are all people hired by the real estate company. I am one of them. In order to make a living, I had to agree to be an actor. I hope you don't take offense."

  "That's right, the real estate company paid a lot of money to invite a lot of people. One person is fifty yuan a day, so I came here. No one really wants to buy a house. Don't worry."

  Netizens were overjoyed when they saw the actor's active revelation.

  "Dude, fifty yuan a day is very good money. If there is any tomorrow, I'll go too. Anyway, I'm watching at the door. I still have fifty yuan to get it when I go in, so why not do it? "

  "Yes, if you remember to introduce me, I will go tomorrow too."

  "These real estate companies are so disgusting. They actually paid people to hire people. I almost believed them. It scared me to death."

  "No matter what tricks the real estate companies use, as long as we stand together, we can win."

  "Brothers and sisters across the country, don't be deceived by the real estate company. No matter what the real estate company does next, it's all a routine. We must not believe that we can only relax on the day when they cancel the public pool area."

  Major real estate companies are also always paying attention to the voices on the Internet.After seeing the matter of paying people to be exposed on the Internet, all real estate executives were depressed.

  Damn it, paying someone to hire someone is completely useless.The trick of paying people to hire people has been exposed, and it is completely unworkable.

  The CEO of Hengda Real Estate also made suggestions in the group.

  "Tomorrow, you can try to introduce benefits and publicize them on the street. I don't believe they are not interested."

  "I've already figured out how to get the real estate speculators into the pit. Don't worry."

  All the real estate executives are now completely based on the CEO of Hengda Real Estate, and they are looking forward to the so-called method of the CEO of Hengda Real Estate to let the real estate speculators enter the pit.

  Su Hao also always pays attention to the news on the Internet.

  Su Hao was surprised by the unity of the people across the country.

  Su Hao was dumbfounded about the tricks of the major real estate companies.

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