"It's amazing, Longteng Real Estate is really amazing. I never dreamed that a real estate company would take the initiative to cancel the public pool area. Longteng Real Estate is really good."

  "Haha, I wanted to buy a house last year. When I saw the establishment of Longteng Real Estate, I held back. Haha, fortunately I held back, otherwise I would have lost hundreds of thousands."

  "The public pool area is [-] square meters, and the housing price in the capital is [-] to [-] yuan. This can save hundreds of thousands of dollars. I also have the money to buy a house. Longteng Real Estate, hurry up and build the house. As long as you sell the house, I will buy it right away."

  "Longteng Real Estate is awesome, Su Shen is awesome, I deserve to support Haoyu Group so much, haha."

  "It's right to support Haoyu Group. Su Shen will never let us down. The more we support Hao Yu Group, Su Shen will definitely give our people more benefits."

  "Cancel the area of ​​public pools and put an end to the real estate speculators. The house is for living, not for speculation. This is too true. Buying a house can't be said that it is a waste of resources, a waste, and shameful."

  "Longteng Real Estate's regulations are very good, I like it very much, yes, what if you can't buy a house, I dare to say that the real estate community of Longteng Real Estate will become the center of all cities, without him, because the houses of Longteng Real Estate are all It's full of people, haha."

  "Longteng real estate real estate community will be the most lively community, you can earn it if you buy it."

  "I finally waited for the house of Longteng Real Estate, haha, the Longteng Community of Donghai City has my share."

  "The house with three bedrooms and one living room is 100 square meters, 20 square meters, only [-] square meters, it's too worth it. I went to see the house, it is the same size as the [-] square meters of other real estate companies, and the [-] square meters of public housing I'm so lucky to have the area cancelled like that."

  "I also bought it. I bought a four-bedroom and two-hall, [-] square meters. If it is in other real estate companies, it must be more than [-] square meters, and the house price will be a little more expensive. It directly saves [-] yuan and saves A down payment, haha, Longteng Real Estate is really good."

  "You didn't see the explosion scene of buying a house in Longteng Real Estate today. Many people who didn't win the lottery cried."

  "Can you not cry? There are only so many houses in Longteng Real Estate. I can't buy them in the first phase. The competition in the second phase will be even greater. I will cry even if I don't win the lottery."

  "That's not it, many people must be thinking about how to save enough down payment to buy a house in Longteng Real Estate. Donghai City is a raid this time, so the competition is not fierce. When other cities start selling, the scene must be crowded. Maybe [-] people can only have one person in the lottery.”

  "Haha, it's really possible, anyway, now I'm thinking about how to prepare the down payment."

  Some people who have just bought a house are regretting it.

  "My God, I just bought a house a few days ago. You must know that Longteng Real Estate will cancel the public pool area. I will wait a few days for anything, and I will lose [-] to [-] yuan like this, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

  "Tiansha's Hengda Real Estate, you compensate me two or three hundred thousand, and I will check out tomorrow."

  "What are you thinking, I've never heard of being able to check out. You can only sell it by resell. It's impossible to check out."

  "Yes, Longteng Real Estate is so good, I have to buy a house in Longteng Real Estate. The remaining two or three thousand yuan can buy a good car."

  "That's not it. Not only does it save money to buy a car, but the pressure on housing is not that great, so why not do it."

  "I have the heart to die now. It's just a few days away. I lost [-] to [-] yuan. No, I'll go hang up the house and sell it tomorrow."

  People who just bought a house and regretted it all thought about selling the house and buying a house in Longteng Real Estate.

  Other cities are also selling houses one after another in the past two months, not less than one or two months.

  No, the house I bought now has not been built yet. The house of Longteng Real Estate is bought and can be renovated immediately.Other real estate companies don't know when they will be able to hand over the house, and it may be an unfinished building.

  The house of Longteng Real Estate has been capped and built, and the decoration can be started immediately after buying it, which is much better than other real estate companies.

  Young people who want to buy a wedding house are all staring at Longteng Real Estate, hoping that Longteng Real Estate in their city will start selling houses immediately.

  Many people are also worried that Longteng Real Estate will not be able to withstand the pressure, and that other real estate companies will join forces to denounce Longteng Real Estate.

  Netizens support Longteng Real Estate online, shouting that Longteng Real Estate must withstand the pressure and insist on canceling the public pool area.

  All Chinese people support Longteng Real Estate's cancellation of the public pool area, and they all hope that this will affect the country and make the country have some concerns, not to target Longteng Real Estate.

  As long as the state does not take action, most people still believe that Su Hao can withstand the pressure of other real estate companies.

  This night belongs to Longteng Real Estate.

  Longteng real estate is completely popular all over the country.

  Some radical netizens went to the official website of a company on Hong Kong Island to criticize a certain entrepreneur.

  Without him, just because the public pool area was created by this entrepreneur.

  "Unscrupulous merchants, look at Longteng Real Estate, look at Su Shen, you and Su Shen are like spicy chicken."

  "That's right, if it wasn't for this unscrupulous businessman launching such a pitiful scheme of public pool area, the real estate industry would not have such a pitiful scheme of public pool area. It's all these unscrupulous businesses."

  "Unscrupulous merchants, black-hearted merchants, special meows, the more I think about it, the more angry I will be. I will never use this company's products in the future."

  "How many people have been tricked by this unscrupulous businessman. First, the citizens of Hong Kong Island, and then the people of other cities. It is really unreasonable that such a black-hearted entrepreneur can make the company bigger."

  "Boycott black-hearted entrepreneurs, you must resist."

  "That's right, what the light of the Chinese people, shit, Su Shen is the light of the Dragon Kingdom, and this black-hearted entrepreneur is a spicy chicken."

  "Brothers and sisters, boycott the black-hearted entrepreneur and let him go to hell."

  Driven by these radical netizens, the image of this company in the hearts of netizens instantly fell into the abyss, and they all subconsciously boycotted the company's products.

  Because of this, the company's stock fell sharply, and the limit fell for ten consecutive days, shocking the whole world.

  People all over the world once again saw the strength of the unity of the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

  4 month 3 number.

  The CEOs of the top [-] real estate companies in the country gathered in Beijing to hold a real estate industry conference. Of course, Longteng Real Estate was not invited.

  Just kidding, the theme of this conference is for Longteng Real Estate, how can it be possible to invite Longteng Real Estate.

  It was found that the CEOs of major real estate companies appeared in the capital, and news of the real estate industry conference was exposed online.

  Netizens learned that the national real estate industry held a real estate conference without inviting Longteng Real Estate, and they all realized that it was not good.

  "The real estate conference must be discussing how to deal with Longteng Real Estate. This is absolutely the case. Otherwise, how could Longteng Real Estate not be invited."

  "With the strength of Haoyu Group, how could Longteng Real Estate not be ranked in the top [-] real estate properties? The fact that Longteng Real Estate was excluded from this real estate conference is enough to show that it is aimed at Longteng Real Estate."

  "Nima, does anyone know where the real estate conference is held? Tell me, I am going to make trouble, and they must not be united to deal with Longteng Real Estate."

  "Yes, brothers in Beijing, unite to disrupt the real estate conference, and don't let other real estate companies unite."

  "Be sensible, this is against the law. There are so many bigwigs on the scene. If they make trouble, the consequences will be tragic. We must be rational."

  "That's right, be sensible and sneak into the scene to record videos. If they really target Longteng Real Estate, expose them on the Internet so that people all over the country know their hateful faces."

  There are 300 chapters and [-] words. It is not easy. I hope everyone will support it. Writing a book is not easy, but watch it and cherish it. .

Chapter 301

  "That's right, there's no need to put yourself in, sneak into the venue, and record their hateful faces, haha."

  "It's hard to get in. It's so easy to get in at the National Top [-] Real Estate Company Conference."

  "The bigger the meeting, the easier it is to get in. There are so many people, so you need a waiter. As long as the method is suitable, you can definitely get in."

  "If I were in the capital, I would definitely find a way to get in, but unfortunately I~ I'm not in the capital."

  Netizens have come up with ideas to help netizens in Beijing find ways to infiltrate the real estate business conference.

  When Su Hao learned that the top [-] real estate companies held a real estate company conference, he directly chose to ignore it.

  Discuss to your heart's content, and I'll see what good strategies you can come up with.

  For major real estate companies, Su Hao completely ignores them.

  In a word, I build my house, I sell my house, you don't care.As long as the state does not issue regulations for control, Su Hao is not worried.

  Su Haoba cannot compete with the major real estate companies and Longteng Real Estate.

  As long as major real estate companies compete with Longteng Real Estate, housing prices are destined to drop, which is a good thing for the people of the whole country and what Su Hao wants to see.

  Can the major real estate companies dare to reduce prices to compete?

  Su Hao felt that the major real estate companies would never lower their prices to compete with Longteng Real Estate easily. Until the last resort, until the last step of despair, major real estate companies would not lower their prices to compete with Longteng Real Estate.

  At this stage, the scale of Longteng Real Estate is only so small, and Su Hao does not expect that the production capacity of Longteng Real Estate will really affect the national real estate market.

  At this stage, Longteng Real Estate is just laying a mine in the real estate market. When Longteng Real Estate is fully developed, this mine will be completely detonated, and a war is destined to break out.

  Of course, Su Hao also does not want the major real estate companies to unite.But Su Hao couldn't stop it, so he could only hold a real estate business conference with the major real estate companies.

  Su Hao felt that with so many real estate company bosses getting together, it would be difficult to form a unified opinion in the end.

  Without a big boss who can convince the public, it is difficult to unite all the owners of the real estate company.

  Many netizens in Beijing tried their best to sneak into the venue.

  Not to mention, I really let so few netizens sneak into the venue.

  Visually, there are [-] people in the real estate enterprise conference venue.

  The bosses of the top [-] real estate companies, as well as the assistants of the bosses, plus the on-site staff, there are about [-] people.

  The owners of various real estate companies never thought that anyone would want to sneak into the venue. When the time came, the meeting was officially opened immediately.

  After a simple opening remarks, it officially entered the theme of the meeting.

  The CEO of Country Yuan, one of the four major real estate companies, gave a speech first.

  "It is an honor to speak as a representative."

  "Today we have only one issue, how to treat Longteng Real Estate."

  When the netizens who entered the venue heard the words of Mr. Country Yuan, they immediately turned on the video recording mode on their mobile phones and started recording videos.

  Nima, I really want to discuss targeting Longteng Real Estate, these real estate bosses are really too ruthless.

  Real estate bosses responded one after another.

  "Longteng Real Estate must take back the decision to cancel the public pool area. He wants to sell the house at the top. I have no opinion. He can't change hands within ten years, and I have no opinion on the requirement to move in within two years, but the cancellation of the public pool area must be done. Take it back."

  "That's right, the public pool area is the root of our real estate company. It must not be cancelled. Longteng Real Estate must not be allowed to set this precedent."

  The netizens who sneaked in recorded all the hateful faces of the major bosses, and after recording a paragraph, they uploaded it to the Internet.

  The CEO of Country Yuan said: "Everyone is right. My thoughts are the same as yours. Longteng Real Estate can sell the house after capping it. He can set his rules, but it must not destroy the entire real estate market."

  "The cancellation of the public pool area has seriously affected the entire real estate industry, and we must let Longteng Real Estate take back this decision."

  "It is a foregone conclusion that the Donghai City real estate will cancel the public share area. We can not hold him accountable, but for other urban real estate, Longteng Real Estate must restore the public share area."

  "That's right, you're right, Longteng Real Estate must restore the public pool area. Longteng Real Estate is in complete chaos now, so how can real estate companies make money?"

  "Minus the public pool area, how can we make money? You can sell the house if you have money, but you can't destroy the market and disrupt the market."

  The boss of Country Yuan said: "Everyone is talking about how to get Longteng Real Estate to take back the decision to cancel the public real estate?"

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