"It's just two big supermarkets. It's nothing. Walmart is the real rival. As long as Walmart doesn't get together with them, there's nothing to be afraid of." Su Hao said confidently.

  "You should be more serious, don't despise the enemy." Yuan Xuefei reminded.

  "Of course, didn't I ask you to accompany me to investigate the enemy's situation, hehe." Su Hao smiled.

  Yuan Xuefei said softly, "Well, wait, I'll go home right away."

  More than half an hour later, Su Hao and Yuan Xuefei came to Carrefour supermarket.

  As soon as he arrived at the entrance of Carrefour supermarket, Su Hao heard the deafening advertisement sound.

  Special items, [-]% off items, lottery activities, Nima, almost all the routines of Jiajiafu are copied.

  After walking into the supermarket, Su Hao saw that Carrefour not only has specials for vegetables, but also specials for snacks and daily necessities.

  "This Carrefour is really able to draw inferences from one case. There are special offers for all kinds of products. I really know how to play." Su Hao couldn't help but praise.

  Yuan Xuefei rolled her eyes and said, "You didn't come up with it. Now, let the enemy learn it."

  Su Hao smiled and said, "Haha, this is normal. If it were me, I would also learn routines."

  After shopping around the Carrefour supermarket, Su Hao found that in addition to a lot of specials, other products were also discounted, all of which were more than [-]% off.

  It can be said that the current discount price of Carrefour, plus the lottery, is almost no profit.

  It can be seen from this point that Carrefour is ruthlessly blocking Jiajiafu Supermarket.

  Afterwards, Su Hao and Yuan Xuefei went to the Jashike supermarket.The routines of Jacques and Carrefour are exactly the same.

  Su Hao understands that Carrefour and Jia Shike Supermarket are a joint operation, which is determined to bring Jiajiafu back to his hometown.

  This nationwide effort may not only block family happiness.If you just want to stop Jiajiafu, you can only hold activities in the cities where the new Jiajiafu supermarket has opened. Now the two supermarkets are holding activities together across the country, and the purpose is definitely not simple.

  What Su Hao thought of, other big supermarkets also thought of it.

  Other big supermarkets saw that Carrefour and Jacques supermarkets were carrying out activities across the country, and the activities were also very vigorous, and they were a little confused.

  Nima, when you stop Jiajiafu Supermarket, you stop Jiajiafu Supermarket. Why are you carrying out activities across the country? Are you trying to grab business?

  All major supermarkets hold meetings with only one theme, dealing with Carrefour and Jashike.

  In a word, Carrefour and Jashike cannot be allowed to seize the market.

  "Su Hao, what should we do now?" Yuan Xuefei was even more worried after seeing the activities of Carrefour and Jia Shike.

  Su Hao smiled and said: "No hurry, Carrefour and Jashike do this, we don't need to do it, other big supermarkets will do it."

  "Other big supermarkets will do it?" Yuan Xuefei was puzzled.

  Su Hao smiled and said: "Yes, Carrefour and Jiashike should take the opportunity to seize more market under the guise of blocking our Jiafu supermarket, but other big supermarkets are not fools, they will definitely see Carrefour and Jiashi. Guest conspiracy."

  "We'll wait and if the other big supermarkets don't act, we'll deal with it."

  "It's only a day or two that the profit is lower, it's nothing."

  Yuan Xuefei suddenly realized and said, "This Carrefour and Jashike supermarkets are really insidious. They want to take the opportunity to occupy more of the market and be fools of others. Hmph, it's better that all the big supermarkets besiege them together."

  Su Hao smiled and said, "Hehe, let's watch the play."

  Chen Junyong returned to the East China Sea at noon.

  Su Hao held a short meeting with the senior management of Jiajiafu Supermarket.

  At the meeting, Su Hao told everyone about the investigation of Carrefour and Jashike.

  The high-level officials also know the general situation, but there is no on-site inspection.

  At the same time, Su Hao told the top executives about the guesses in his heart.All the high-level officials were shocked when they learned about the conspiracy of Carrefour and Jashike.

  "This Carrefour and the family have such a big appetite, aren't they afraid of dying?"

  "The other big supermarkets must be made aware of their plot."

  Su Hao said directly: "As for the cities where the [-] new stores are located, continue to carry out activities according to the original plan. Our activities are not profitable. Carrefour and Jashike's activities are stronger than ours, and they will only lose more."

  "Our turnover in the three days of the event is less, and we will only lose less, leaving Carrefour and Jashike to toss around casually."

  "I will spread the conspiracy of Carrefour and Jashike on the Internet. In this way, other big supermarkets will definitely take action. We will see the situation at that time."

  "Okay, Master Su."

  After the meeting, Su Hao and Chen Junyong chatted for a while, so that Chen Junyong didn't have to worry, Jiajiafu Supermarket was backed by Haoyu Group, and all problems were not problems.

  Chen Junyong believed in Su Hao very much.As long as Su Hao puts more effort into Jiajiafu Supermarket, the problems in Jiajiafu Supermarket will definitely be solved.

  Then Su Hao asked the navy to spread the conspiracy theory of Carrefour and Jashike supermarkets.

  "The big foreign supermarkets are blocking the conscientious entrepreneur Jiafu Supermarket, and they are determined to bring Jiajiafu Supermarket back to their hometown in Jiang Province. They also want to be the boss of domestic supermarkets. Carrefour and Jiashike Supermarket really have a good plan."

  "Carrefour and Jashike, the big foreign supermarkets, want to become the leading supermarkets in domestic supermarkets? It's really good to knock down all the other supermarkets."

  "The whole country is vigorously engaged in activities, and the loss of money will also prevent the expansion of Jiajiafu Supermarket. Carrefour and Jiashike Supermarket are really good."

  Netizens were a little confused when they saw these voices.

  "What the hell, foreign supermarkets want to be the leading supermarkets of domestic supermarkets? What about the big domestic supermarkets, watching foreign supermarkets become the boss?"

  "Carrefour and Jia Shike supermarket actually blocked Jiajiafu supermarket, Nima, Jiajiafu supermarket is conscience supermarket, are these two supermarkets afraid of Jiajiafu expansion to seize their market?"

  "That's still a question, I must be scared. No wonder why I said that Carrefour and Jia Shike suddenly engaged in activities. It turned out to be blocking Jiajiafu Supermarket and wanting to be the leader of domestic supermarkets. It's really cruel."

  "Whatever you do, the harder you fight, the better, and the harder you fight, the cheaper things get, haha." Some netizens are also happy to watch the excitement.

  "That's right. Carrefour and Jashike supermarkets are all on sale right now. It's just the beginning. It's already discounted all over the place. If it's more aggressive, wouldn't it be a lower discount?"

  "Haha, do it, the harder you do it, the better."

  "Just gloat over the misfortune here. If you let the big foreign supermarkets seize the entire market, things will become more and more expensive in the future. It's cheap now, and expensive for the rest of your life. Is it worth it?"

  "Shit, how is it possible for a big foreign brand to seize all the market? If a big foreign brand wants to seize all the market, have you asked the 13 billion Chinese?"

  "Anyway, I absolutely support Jiajiafu Supermarket. Jiajiafu Supermarket is a conscience supermarket and must be supported."

  Netizens have different opinions, some are watching the fun, some are hoping to fight more fiercely, some are supporting Jiajiafu Supermarket, and some are thinking of taking advantage.

  Other big supermarkets saw the voices on the Internet, and they were more sure of the conspiracy theory of Jacques and Carrefour, and the business of the supermarket was really bad, so they began to fight back.

  Major supermarkets across the country, including Wal-Mart, have begun to engage in activities.

  People all over the country are very happy when they see that the major supermarkets are holding activities.

  "Haha, I knew it would be like this, let's fight, the harder the fight, the better."

  "This time, the major supermarkets are really showing their magic. I don't know which supermarket can really stand up?"

  "When the big supermarkets fight, those small supermarkets will definitely be unlucky. I don't know how many supermarkets will fall in this supermarket battle.. 0"

  "It's not that serious, isn't it, this activity is not very vigorous, it's not that serious."

  "This is just the beginning. When the blow is broken, you can see if Yan is serious, hehe."

  "Will that Jiafu supermarket collapse?"

  "I shouldn't. Jiajiafu Supermarket is behind Haoyu Group. With Haoyu Group as its backing, Jiajiafu Supermarket should not fall. As for whether it can stand up at this opportunity, it depends on Jiajiafu Supermarket's methods. already."

  People are talking a lot, and the major supermarkets are using various means, and the activities are getting bigger and bigger.

  Carrefour and Jashike two supermarkets saw that the major supermarkets saw through their conspiracy and engaged in activities one after another, which was extremely depressed.

  How was it discovered?How can the pretense of blocking Jiajiafu supermarket be seen through?

  Major supermarkets held events, but Carrefour and Jashike couldn’t stand the pressure at all. The super events in the cities where Jiajiafu’s [-] new stores are located have returned to the same level as the whole country.

  Thirty cities lose tens of millions a day, and they can't stand it.

  Chen Junyong saw that Carrefour and Jashike canceled the super event, and immediately reported to Su Hao.

  "Young Master Su, you are amazing. Carrefour and Jashike supermarkets have canceled their super event, and the turnover of our event has increased on the third day."

  "Haha, all major supermarkets in the country are holding events. If they don't stop their losses as soon as possible, how can they stand it." Su Hao laughed.

  Chen Junyong asked, "Then should we hold two more days of activities to increase our local popularity?"

  Su Hao said: "No, I have a better way to increase my popularity."

  "Tell me about the current store situation of Jiajiafu Supermarket. I will depend on the size of Jiajiafu Supermarket to determine the intensity of the activity."

  Chen Junyong said truthfully: "Shao Su, our Jiafu Supermarket has stores in first-tier cities and prefecture-level cities across the country, plus the stores in Jiang Province, there are a total of 360 stores."

  "There are 300 facades under construction in other county-level cities."

  Su Hao said: "This speed is okay, Manager Chen, you did a good job."

  Chen Junyong looked slightly embarrassed and said, "Young Master Su, I'm not doing well enough."

  Su Hao said with a smile: "Don't be humble, if it weren't for the blocking of the two supermarkets, Jashike and Carrefour, and give you a while, the national supermarket network will be successfully established, and then we will not counsel other big supermarkets at all."

  Chen Junyong said: "Our supermarket has only one storefront in a big city, and it is difficult to compete with other big supermarkets."

  Su Hao said: "It's okay, it's not urgent, just open a few more branches in big cities when the national supermarket network is established."

  "The facades of first-tier cities and prefecture-level cities have been built, and my plan can be implemented, hehe."

  "By the way, how long does it take for the facade of a county-level city to open?"

  Chen Junyong said: "About a month."

  a month?

  Su Hao calculated the time, it was about a month.

  "Manager Chen, 300 county-level city supermarkets will open at the same time on August 8, can it be done?"

  Chen Junyong assured: "There is still more than a month until August 8st, and I promise to open at the same time."

  "Okay, let's play with the major supermarkets first, and when the [-] county-level city supermarkets open, we will become the leading supermarket in domestic supermarkets in one fell swoop." Su Hao was very confident.

  Chen Junyong was extremely curious about Su Hao's plan and couldn't help but ask, "Master Su, what are your plans?"

  "Don't worry, let those big supermarkets fight for a while, let them lose a bit, hehe." Su Hao smiled.

  Chen Junyong worried: "Master Su, don't we hold activities?"

  "Major supermarkets are engaging in activities. If we don't engage in activities, the business of our supermarkets will be very poor."

  Su Hao smiled and said, "Of course we have to do the event, let's do it symbolically, but we can't do it at a loss, you know?"

  Chen Junyong said: "Okay, I know."

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