"Don't worry, when my plan starts, those big supermarkets won't be able to fight us at all. Now I want them to really fight first, and it should be to give benefits to the Chinese people." Su Hao said confidently.

  Chen Junyong was even more curious about Su Hao's so-called plan, but if Su Hao didn't say it, he couldn't help it.

  In the next few days, the major supermarkets fought more fiercely, no longer [-]% off.Jacquard and Carrefour are the first to cut prices, [-]% off.

  Other big supermarkets have followed suit.

  The price of supermarket goods is almost one price per day.

  [-]% off, [-]% off, the price is getting lower and lower, the Chinese people are ecstatic.

  "Haha, I know the price will get lower and lower, fight it, fight as much as you can, the harder you fight, the harder the price will drop.".

Chapter 233

  "I knew it would be like this. The National Supermarket War is so exciting, haha, it's only [-]% off, and it will definitely be [-]% off in a few days, or even [-]% off, haha."

  "The National Supermarket War is so exciting. You will hear deafening advertisements at the entrance of every supermarket, all of which are offering discounts. It's really exciting."

  The people of the whole country are extremely ecstatic, just as Su Hao said, this is equivalent to welfare, the welfare that the people of the whole country can enjoy.

  Netizens' voices are more ruthless.

  "This discount is the same as Taotao.com's activities, haha, it's too cola."

  "These supermarkets don't want to kill Taotao.com, haha."

  "TaoTao.com must have the least orders in the past few days, haha, Taotao.com, I will ask you if you are in a hurry."

  "Are you going to laugh at me? This is a supermarket war. Why is Taotao.com involved? Will this affect Taotao.com? After the war is over, Taotao.com's orders will be restored immediately."

  "Why can't Taotao.com be involved? If the supermarket war lasts for three years and five years, will Taotao.com not be affected?"

  "Three years and five years, what do you think? It's good to be able to fight for one or two months. In three years and five years, three and five years, all the bosses of the big supermarkets will go bankrupt."

  "Haha, are you trying to laugh at me? I really convinced you."

  "Why do you say so much? Carrefour and Jashike supermarkets are already [-]% off, and it's estimated to be [-]% off tomorrow, haha."

  "Carrefour and Jashike are the leaders. The battle has started, and they cannot be allowed to retreat. At this time, whoever retreats will fall."

  "This time is the time to look at the capital of the bosses behind the major supermarkets. If I have the capital to persist until the end, I will definitely become the final winner. If I don't have the capital, I can only admit that I am unlucky and become the cannon fodder in this supermarket war."

  "Carrefour and Jashike are both big foreign supermarkets. Can domestic supermarkets beat them?"

  "When it comes to capital, Walmart should be ranked first. The ultimate winner this time should be Walmart. The two supermarkets Carrefour and Cashike are destined to use Walmart as their wedding dress."

  Netizens are discussing with enthusiasm.

  There are also many netizens who have discovered the speciality of Jiajiafu Supermarket.

  "Didn't you find the speciality of Jiajia 20Fu Supermarket? It seems that Jiajiafu Supermarket has not been affected by the supermarket war at all. It is still a [-]% discount event, there is no [-]% discount, [-]% discount, let alone [-]% discount."

  "I thought I was the only one who found it, but some brothers saw it. I just came back from Jiajiafu Supermarket. The price of Jiajiafu Supermarket has only dropped a little, not like other big supermarkets. [-]% off, [-]% off, [-]% off fold."

  "Really? Let me see, aren't all the big supermarkets [-]% off? Carrefour and Jia Shike are both [-]% off. It's impossible for Jiajiafu supermarket not to cut prices, not to cut prices, Jiajiafu supermarket How to live?"

  "How could Jiajiafu Supermarket not cut prices? I don't believe it. I'll go check it out too."

  "Let's go and see, haha."

  Many netizens ran to Jiajiafu supermarket to take a look.

  After seeing that Jiajiafu Supermarket really did not cut prices, everyone was a little confused. They thought that other supermarkets might have restored their prices, so they went to other supermarkets to take a look.

  Seeing that the prices in other supermarkets are [-]% off, and even some supermarkets have changed it to [-]% off, people are a little confused.

  "Really, I saw that the Jiajiafu supermarket is still [-]% off. Like the first day's event, there is no further price reduction. Other supermarkets are [-]% off or even [-]% off."

  "My God, what is Jiajiafu Supermarket doing? Is it self-destruction?"

  "I made a special observation. Many people who entered the Jiajiafu supermarket just walked around and didn't buy anything at all."

  "Nonsense, Jiajiafu Supermarket is [-]% off, and other supermarkets are [-]% off. Who would buy it at Jiajiafu Supermarket? It's not a fool."

  "What on earth is Jiajiafu going to do? Other supermarkets are cutting prices, but Jiajiafu is not cutting prices. It won't take a few days for Jiajiafu to lose money."

  "This supermarket battle started because of Jiajiafu, but in the end Jiajiafu didn't join the fight. It's so strange, it's so abnormal."

  "It may be that Jiajiafu Supermarket can't afford it. There are quite a few battles that don't sell fresh fruits and vegetables, and there is no sales. It's just a loss of profits during this period, at least it doesn't need to be repaid."

  "That's not what I said. Other supermarkets cut prices to seize the market. If you don't cut prices, people will subconsciously forget about your supermarket. After other supermarkets have seized the market, what will Jiajiafu do to compete with those big supermarkets?"

  "It may also be that Jiajiafu Supermarket does not have the capital to fight this battle. After all, 3G network construction requires so much money, and it is normal for Haoyu Group to have no money."

  "That said, it's possible, but it's not right. Huaxin computers and Huaxin mobile phones should be able to make a lot of money. Haoyu Group will not be out of money, right?"

  "Haoyu Group has no money. Just kidding, didn't you see that Haoyu Group is soliciting design drafts for the headquarters building? Haoyu Group wants to build the headquarters building into a national landmark. You said that Haoyu Group has no money. Is this possible?"

  "Since Haoyu Group is rich, why don't Jiajiafu Supermarket join the supermarket battle? Jiajiafu Supermarket can't possibly want to give up the supermarket business, right?"

  "Impossible. My Jiajiafu supermarket is still under renovation. How can I give up."

  "Me too, Jiajiafu Supermarket is under renovation. Depending on the renovation, it will open soon."

  "Me too."

  Many netizens in county-level cities say that the local Jiajiafu supermarket is under renovation.Now netizens don't understand what Jiajiafu Supermarket is doing?

  Not only netizens can't understand it, but other big supermarkets can't understand it.

  The major supermarkets were a little confused when they learned that Jiajiafu did not cut prices and did not join the supermarket war.

  After thinking about it for a long time and unable to think of the reason, the major supermarkets simply did not bother to take care of Jiafu supermarket.

  In the eyes of major supermarkets, Jiajiafu Supermarket is just a rising star, not a real threat at all.

  It is a good thing for the major supermarkets to give up the competition directly by Jiajiafu Supermarket. After they seize all the market, Jiajiafu Supermarket will definitely not survive.

  In this way, the supermarket war continued for a week.

  The prices of major supermarkets have been reduced to [-]%, and even many products have been reduced to [-]%, while Jiajiafu Supermarket is still [-]% off.

  As a result, the business of Jiajiafu Supermarket is extremely bleak, and the turnover is so poor that it can almost be ignored.

  Chen Junyong and the top executives of the supermarket are all worried.

  Chen Junyong couldn't help but ask Su Hao.

  "Master Su, when will your plan be implemented?"

  Su Hao smiled and said: "July 7nd. Manager Chen, calm down, this situation is good for us now. We only lose a little profit, those big supermarkets lose tens of millions a day, they are not in a hurry. , what are we in a hurry for?"

  "I'm worried that people's hearts are scattered." Chen Junyong expressed his worries.

  Su Hao said: "Don't worry, we can't keep those who want to leave. Those who are ours are ours after all, and those who are not us are never ours."

  "Well, Master Su, I believe you, but I still have to appease the people below." Chen Junyong said.

  "You figure it out, hehe." Su Hao smiled.

  It's September 7st.

  This day is the day that the whole network is watching, because today is the time for the second batch of mobile phones to be snapped up.

  In the past two weeks, smart phones have won the favor of people all over the country and even people all over the world.

  In the past two weeks, all kinds of magic of smart phones have spread abroad. Many rich people in foreign countries like smart phones very much. They are asking when mobile phone manufacturers in their respective countries will be able to produce smart phones?

  Unfortunately, those mobile phone manufacturers can not give an answer.

  Major mobile phone manufacturers spend tens of thousands of dollars to get a smartphone, and they all shake their heads and sigh after dismantling it.There are many technologies in smartphones that they cannot break through for the time being.

  Even if there is a prototype in front of them, major mobile phones cannot quickly replicate.

  And many patents are in the hands of Huaxin mobile phones. If you want to bypass the patents of Huaxin mobile phones and develop a new generation of smart phones, you will not be able to do it in two or three years.

  If you want to produce a smartphone within one year, you must obtain the authorization of the Huaxin mobile phone patent, otherwise it is impossible to produce a smartphone in a short time.

  Help Huaxin mobile phone?

  The major manufacturers simply can't put down their stature to speak, and they can't put down their face to ask for help from the weak Huaxin mobile phone.For a time, the major mobile phone manufacturers had to spend heavily on research and development, trying to develop new smartphones with the help of Huaxin mobile phone prototypes.

  Seeing that the major mobile phone manufacturers have not responded, people abroad who are chasing smart phones have called for Huaxin Mobile to release an English version and sell smart phones in countries all over the world.

  When domestic netizens see the shouting of foreign netizens, they all despise it.

  "What are you thinking? Our people are in short supply, and we still want to supply you. What are you thinking about? After the smart phones meet the supply of the Chinese people, it will be your turn."

  "That's right, hum, why didn't you have new products sold in our country right away in the past, and now you can taste the frustration of not being able to buy advanced smart products, haha."

  "Huaxin mobile phone wins glory for the motherland, it's awesome, haha."

  "It's still the Huaxin mobile phone. I have never seen any electronic product in China that is so popular among foreign netizens. The smartphone is really awesome, the Huaxin mobile phone is awesome, and the Haoyu Group is awesome."

  There are also netizens who think that Huaxin mobile phone would be very good if it can sell smartphones abroad.

  "Actually, smartphones are also sold very well abroad, which shows that Huaxin mobile phones can make money from foreigners, hehe."

  "Yeah, foreigners have always made our people's money, and we should also let us make theirs."

  "Speaking of this, I'm really depressed. Selling 3000 cellphones in foreign countries will cost [-] to [-] yuan in our country. It's really ugly. Thinking about it, I feel hateful."

  "What can be done, who told us that we don't have advanced products, so we can only buy it with the scalp."

  "I didn't have it before, but now I have it. Smartphones should be used to make money from foreigners. You have to learn from them. You can sell [-] domestically and [-] overseas to find a way for us."

  "Many of our domestic products are cheaper overseas than in China. Sometimes I really don't understand what's going on. I hope Huaxin mobile phones can be different."

  "That's for sure, Huaxin Mobile is a conscientious company, a patriotic company, and it will not be the same as those black-hearted businesses. I am sure that the price of smartphones abroad is definitely higher than that in China."

  "That's necessary. If you don't take the opportunity to fight for a breath, I'm too sorry for the people of the country."

  "What's the use of saying these, there is a shortage of domestic supply now, and people from abroad can wait."

  When it comes to Haoyu Group, netizens can't help but talk about Jiajiafu Supermarket.

  "Hey, Huaxin's mobile phones are awesome, but the Jiajiafu supermarket of Haoyu Group is getting cold. I went to the Jiajiafu supermarket yesterday and there was no one there. The business is too bleak."

  "Then what can be done, other supermarkets will cut prices, but Jiajiafu will not cut prices. I want to support Jiajiafu, but I can't go to Jiajiafu to buy expensive ones. If Jiajiafu and other supermarkets If the price is the same, I will definitely go to Jiajiafu Supermarket.”

  "Me too, if Jiajiafu has the same price as other supermarkets, I will definitely go to Jiajiafu to shop."

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