Su Hao said: "Ruo Meng, are you underestimating your man? Don't you know how powerful I am?"

  "Come on." Du Ruomeng rolled her eyes at Su Hao and said, "Whether you are Sister Xue or Sister Hong, you can chase after you if you want. I have no problem with you. Just don't bring any random women to your house."

  "That's definitely not the case. If there are other women, I must have asked your opinions before taking them home, hehe." Su Hao laughed.

  "I knew you had thoughts about Sister Xue and Sister Hong, but you said no, man, hehe." Du Ruomeng hehe directly.

  Su Hao gently squeezed Du Ruomeng's small hand, smiled slightly, and did not answer.

  In the evening, Su Hao and Du Ruomeng arrived in the East China Sea.

  Yuan Xuefei picked up the plane.

  After returning to Villa 20, Du Ruomeng thoroughly realized Su Hao's powerful ability.

  In the past two days, netizens have been discussing Huaxin Communications and smartphones.

  Users have received smartphones one after another, especially users in Jiang Province who received smartphones on the 14th.

  Get the smart phone, get the mobile phone card, and then follow the instructions to fully explore the operation.

  People who have experienced the magic of smartphones love smartphones.

  Show off to friends, show off online, in a word, I have a smartphone, I'm proud, I'm honored, haha.

  More and more photos and sounds of smartphones are posted online.

  "Smartphones are really easy to use. Are you still standing in front of the computer to steal food? I'm sorry, I just used my phone to steal food, haha."

  "Are you still sitting in front of your computer playing Plants vs. Zombies? I'm sorry, but I can play while lying in bed, haha."

  "It's so cool to chat with YY on a smartphone. It's so cool to hide in the bed and send voice and video to my girlfriend. I don't have to worry about my mother finding out that I'm secretly dating a girlfriend, haha."

  "I never dreamed that I would one day watch TV with my phone. Smartphones are really good. I love them so much."

  "Nima, please don't show off, I can't stand this excitement."

  "Haha, I saw someone selling [-] before, and I almost couldn't help selling it. Fortunately, I didn't sell it, otherwise I would regret it to the point of crying. Smartphones are really fun, I won't sell them for [-] or [-]. "

  "Whoever sells it is stupid. Smartphones are simply magic tools to seduce girls. As soon as I sit in the classroom, I take out my smartphone to watch TV, and a group of female classmates gather next to me immediately. It feels so cool, haha."

  There are local tyrants who can't stand the stimulation at all and shout higher prices.

  "I'll pay [-] yuan, has anyone changed hands?"

  "[-] yuan, you can earn [-] immediately if you change hands. Does anyone want to sell it?"

  "Does anyone want to sell a smartphone? The price is negotiable. If so, please contact me. It's not bad."

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  "Nima, it's more than [-] yuan. If I was really moved before, it's a pity. Now I can't sell how much you pay. I'm still counting on my smartphone to find a girlfriend, haha."

  The scalpers were overjoyed to see many local tyrants offering high prices.

  Some scalpers have sent private letters to the local tyrants who are selling.

  In the past two days, the highest transaction price of scalpers reached [-], and they made a profit of [-]. It was a huge profit.

  The scalpers can't wait to grab tens of thousands of units, so that they can all become billionaires.

  Local tyrants who bought scalper smartphones showed off.

  "Haha, I finally have a smartphone, the price of [-] is not expensive, not expensive."

  "You're only [-], I'm [-]..."

  "I am just in case."

  "I am ten thousand."

  Netizens couldn't help but scold the street when they saw the local tyrants showing off.

  "Nima, buy a [-] smartphone for more than [-] yuan. You are really rich."

  "You are fueling those scalpers. The scalpers have money to make. They will definitely grab the next batch of goods more ruthlessly. You are too hateful."

  "That's it, why buy those scalper smartphones and wait for the next batch? Damn it."

  "Special meow, these damn scalpers, Huaxin mobile phones, please set a user to buy one smartly, please introduce more stringent measures to restrict those scalpers from snapping up."

  "Stop shouting, don't care if the scalper is not a scalper. Some people buy Huaxin mobile phones to make money. Do you still want to keep Huaxin mobile phones and not make money?"

  "We will buy it without scalpers. As long as we appeal together, conscientious companies like Huaxin will make restrictions."


  "Yes, we have to unite, and we must not let those scalpers run wild."

  Netizens once again united and called on CEFC Mobile to introduce more severe measures to crack down on scalpers.

  The scalper party saw that the whole network was shouting against the scalpers, and they were completely confused.

  "Nima, when did the scalper become a street rat that everyone shouts and beats, the netizens are too united now."

  "It's too difficult for me. Fortunately, no one knows that I'm a scalper. Otherwise, I might be beaten badly when I go out."

  Wang Chan immediately notified Su Hao when she saw the appeal of users and netizens.

  Su Hao was also stunned when he learned that the entire network called for boycotts against scalpers.

  This session of netizens is really united.

  Since you are going to strike, then take the opportunity to do something.

  "Scalpers are really hateful. We only earn two thousand, and they earn eight thousand, so they must be attacked." Su Hao thought for a while and said, "Well, just buy one smartly according to what netizens said."

  "Also, take this opportunity to conduct real-name authentication."

  "Real-name authentication?" Wang Chan couldn't understand for a while.

  Su Hao smiled and said, "That's right. Real-name authentication means that users bind their ID number. To buy a smartphone, you must be a user who has real-name authentication."

  "This can also prevent underage students from buying mobile phones without the knowledge of their family members, which can prevent many problems."

  Wang Chan nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make an announcement right away." released an announcement.

  According to the announcement, in response to the appeal of netizens, adopted real-name authentication measures to restrict scalpers.

  As soon as the announcement came out, the whole network cheered.

  "Haha, great. A user intelligently snaps up a mobile phone and needs real-name authentication. I don't believe those scalpers can find thousands of identities for real-name authentication. If that's the case, I'll admit it."

  "Haha, is awesome, Haoyu Group is awesome, I support you in fighting the scalpers."

  "Haha, we did it. The unity of our netizens is strength. It is everyone's responsibility to crack down on the scalpers. I advise everyone not to buy a smartphone from the scalpers. It's not worth it."

  Huaxin mobile phone also sent a warm reminder.

  "The daily production capacity of smartphones has been increased to [-] units, and it is still increasing. Starting from next month, the business hall of Huaxin Communications will also sell smartphones one after another. I advise everyone not to buy products from scalpers. Those thousands of dollars aren't worth it."

  Netizens were even more ecstatic when they saw the prompt of Huaxin mobile phone.

  "Haha, the daily output is [-], and [-] million mobile phones a month. The Huaxin Communication Business Office will also sell smartphones next month. It's only half a month. I can afford it, scalpers, go to hell. , I will never sell scalpers' mobile phones."

  "Huaxin's mobile phone is powerful and domineering, haha, scalpers, see if you are crazy."

  "Huaxin mobile phone is awesome, haha, scalpers, go to hell."

  20th this day.

  Su Hao received a call from Chen Junyong, manager of Jiajiafu Supermarket.

  "Shao Su, there are big brand supermarkets blocking our Jiafu supermarket." Wan.

Chapter 232

  Hearing this, Su Hao frowned slightly.

  It has only been more than half a year since Jiajiafu Supermarket has been expanding outwards, but there are big brand supermarkets blocking it. This is not giving Jiajiafu time to develop.

  "Which supermarket is there?"

  If it is a foreign big supermarket brand, Su Hao doesn't think there is anything, but if it is a domestic big supermarket brand, Su Hao will be extremely depressed.

  Chen Jun replied, "It's Jia Shi Ke and Carrefour."

  Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

  Cage and Carrefour are both big brand supermarkets abroad.

  Su Hao thought of Walmart and asked, "Didn't Walmart stop us?"

  Chen Junyong replied: "We haven't found Walmart blocking us for now, only Jashike and Carrefour."

  Su Hao continued to ask, "What about domestic supermarkets?"

  Chen Junyong replied: "The big supermarkets in China didn't stop us. I guess they are all looking to see if we can compete with Jia Shike and Carrefour."

  Su Hao said: "I see, where are you now?"

  Chen Junyong said: "I am in the magic capital."

  Su Hao asked, "Is the situation serious now?"

  Chen Junyong: "Yesterday, the turnover of new stores in [-] cities was not optimistic. Jashike and Carrefour blocked together, which was even stronger than our activities, so the turnover of [-] new stores was very poor."

  Su Hao asked, "Jashike and Carrefour are only targeting new stores, or are they nationwide?"

  Chen Junyong said: "Yesterday was the new store, today is the whole country. I see that something is wrong and I will report to you immediately."

  Su Hao frowned slightly and said, "Okay, I'll go to those two supermarkets. You can go back to the East China Sea. When you return to the East China Sea, we'll have a good discussion."

  "Okay, Master Su."

  After finishing the call with Chen Junyong, Su Hao thought about it and called Yuan Xuefei.

  Yuan Xuefei was extremely worried after knowing that the Jiafu supermarket was blocked.

  "Sister Concubine, don't worry, I called you because I wanted you to accompany me to the two supermarkets. It's too boring to go alone." Su Hao smiled.

  "You are still in the mood to laugh. You can still laugh when the two big supermarkets block us together." Yuan Xuefei said angrily.

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