Li Rongrong kept looking at Su Hao like this, her face gradually softened.

  At this moment, Li Rongrong's mind was extremely complicated.

  Li Rongrong was very upset about Su Hao training her, but Su Hao was right, and Su Hao was the first person to discipline her without color, which made Li Rongrong have a special feeling.

  Humph, doesn't it depend on ability?I remember, I must let you know how powerful Miss Ben is, and I must apologize to me convincingly at that time.

  At four o'clock in the afternoon, Su Hao and Li Rongrong arrived on Hong Kong Island.

  Su Hao chose the five-star hotel presidential suite near Dao Heng Securities.

  This time, Su Hao still chose Daoheng Securities.If it wasn't for leverage, Su Hao would not choose Dao Heng Securities.

  But this time, leverage is needed, and Su Hao can only choose Daoheng Securities, which he has dealt with.

  After entering the hotel, Su Hao immediately rushed to Daoheng Securities.

  When Zhuang Hua learned that Su Hao was coming, he happily received him.

  After negotiation, after Su Hao showed his trump card of YY payment pass, Daoheng Securities agreed to Su Hao's requirement of six times more leverage of 15 billion capital and entered the futures market with 100 billion capital.

  Li Rongrong has been watching silently, seeing Su Hao and Zhuang Hua negotiating quickly and reaching a cooperation quickly, she has to admire Su Hao's decisiveness.

  Really [-] billion, what kind of futures does this guy want to speculate, cotton, soybeans, or oil?

  This time, like the last time, five extreme traders helped Su Hao trade. For the next two days, Daoheng Securities will keep all Su Hao's actions secret.

  Zhuang Hua was extremely curious about what kind of futures Su Hao wanted to speculate, but in the end he didn't ask.

  With [-] billion entering the market, what miracle will Su Hao create this time?

  After discussing the cooperation, Su Hao and Li Rongrong returned to the hotel.

  "Only one presidential suite?" Li Rongrong was slightly taken aback when she saw that there was only one presidential suite.

  Su Hao smiled and said, "There is more than one room in the presidential suite. You can choose which one you want to sleep in."

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  "Don't worry, I can't afford to offend you, Miss."

  Li Rongrong rolled her eyes at Su Hao and said nothing.

  As Su Hao said, there are three or four rooms in the presidential suite, and each room has its own bathroom, so it doesn't matter at all.

  But this is also considered to be alone in the same room with a man and a woman. It was the first time that he was in the same room with a boy and it was gone?

  Li Rongrong felt a little lost.

  Su Hao was too lazy to talk to Li Rongrong, and said, "I'm tired. I have to fight tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I'll rest first, you can do it yourself."

  After speaking, Su Hao walked directly into his room.

  Li Rongrong saw that Su Hao's door was tightly closed, and a hint of depression flashed on her face.

  You are still not a man, a beautiful woman like me is in the same room with you, yet you go to bed so early. . .


  At this moment, Li Rongrong doubted her own charm.Then she thought that Su Hao had three girlfriends, and Li Rongrong spat secretly.

  Scumbag, must be pretending.

  On April 4, Su Hao got up early.

  Su Hao didn't want Li Rongrong to follow, but Li Rongrong insisted, so Su Hao had to come to Daoheng Securities with Li Rongrong.

  "Young Master Su, everything is ready." Zhuang Hua said to Su Hao.

  Su Hao smiled and said, "Excuse me, Manager Zhuang."

  Zhuang Hua said: "No trouble, this is what I should do, I hope I can witness miracles again."

  "Haha." Su Hao smiled and didn't say much.

  Su Hao and Li Rongrong entered the operating room, and the five extreme traders were already waiting.The five extreme traders were the last five, and the five were excited when they saw Su Hao.

  "Su Shaohao."

  "Hello, I have to work hard for you again this time. In a word, concentrate on your work, and you will be rewarded afterward." Su Hao smiled.

  "Yes, Master Su." The five were even more excited.

  Li Rongrong looked at the excited five people, a look of surprise flashed on her face.

  Su Hao reminded Li Rongrong again and said, "Li Rongrong, you just watch, don't talk, don't disturb us, you know?"

  Li Rongrong was very upset, but she nodded obediently.

  Well, I'd like to see how good you are.

  When the time was up, Su Hao immediately instructed five extreme traders to operate according to the system data.Ten thousand.

Chapter 212

  The five traders were already accustomed to Su Hao's instructions, and when Su Hao gave the order, they immediately operated quickly.

  Buy, sell, sometimes buy less than ten minutes to sell immediately, sometimes buy half an hour and sell.The price of oil goes up after every buy, and it goes down after every sell-off.

  Such a miraculous scene shocked Li Rongrong.

  This, this, is this guy Su Hao a stock god?

  This operation is even better than a real stock god.

  How could he see so accurately?It goes up after every buy and goes down after every sell, it's amazing.

  At this moment, Li Rongrong really wanted to open Su Hao's head to see what Su Hao's brain did, how could it be so powerful.

  This can no longer be described as a genius, only the evildoer can be worthy of Su Hao.

  Li Rongrong always thought that her ability was good, but in front of Su Hao, she was a little ashamed.

  At this moment, Li Rongrong finally understood why Zhou Xue admired Su Hao so much, and why she was convinced and obeyed Su Hao.

  Who wouldn't be convinced to run into such a monstrous boss!

  Several times Li Rongrong wanted to ask questions, but seeing Su Hao and the five traders looking extremely serious, remembering Su Hao's reminder, she forcibly held back her words.

  After half a day, the [-] billion on Su Hao's account became [-] billion.

  Seeing that [-] billion became [-] billion, Li Rongrong was even more shocked.

  My God, I only made [-] billion in half a day, twice the profit, which is more than a god.

  Not only Li Rongrong was shocked, but the five traders were even more shocked.

  The last time I made a small profit of a few hundred million, this time I have made [-] billion in half a day. This young master Su is simply too good. The god of stock is a fart in front of young master Su.

  When Zhuang Hua delivered the meal, he saw Li Rongrong and the five traders looking extremely shocked, and guessed that Su Hao must have made a lot of money.

  After a good meal, the fight continues.

  Li Rongrong was numb to Su Hao's quick instructions to the trader.

  One day passed, the futures market was closed, and the money on Su Hao's account became more than [-] billion.

  "It is temporarily wronged that the five rest here tonight, and continue fighting for a day to complete the work tomorrow." Su Hao said to the five traders.

  "Young Master Su is polite, there is nothing wronged, we have become accustomed to this situation." The five traders said very respectfully.

  Earning [-] billion a day, if this is spread out, Su Hao will definitely be sought after by people all over Hong Kong Island and even all over the world.

  "Well, after tomorrow is over, I will give you a big red envelope." Su Hao assured.

  "Thank you Su Shao."

  Su Hao turned to Li Rongrong and said, "Li Rongrong, you can go back to the hotel to rest, I'm here tonight."

  Su Hao naturally stayed to supervise the five traders.Before the battle was over, Su Hao didn't want the news to leak out.

  If the whole of Hong Kong Island knows that he has made [-] billion in the futures market, it is a question whether he can leave Dao Heng Securities tomorrow.

  "I'm not going back, I'm here to accompany you." Li Rongrong rejected Su Hao's kindness.

  "Li Rongrong, you'd better go back to the hotel, the hotel will be more comfortable to sleep in." Su Hao advised.

  "You don't need to persuade, I'll be here with you." Li Rongrong insisted.

  Su Hao no longer persuades him.

  Silent all night.

  On April 4, the fighting continued.

  Seeing that the money in the account has increased rapidly, and has exceeded [-] billion, Li Rongrong really wanted to persuade Su Hao to stop.

  But Li Rongrong did not dare to speak.

  During lunch, Li Rongrong couldn't help but say, "Su Hao, it's more than [-] billion, don't you plan to stop?"

  "So much money is enough to build the 3G network and the headquarters building."

  Su Hao smiled and said, "No hurry, there is still half a day in the afternoon."

  "You..." Li Rongrong wanted to say that Su Hao was greedy, but in the end she couldn't.

  Yesterday and this morning, witnessing that [-] billion became [-] billion, Li Rongrong really didn't have the courage to say that Su Hao was greedy.

  In the afternoon, the fighting continued.

  By the time the market was closed, the funds in Su Hao's account had become [-] billion, a billion less than [-] billion.

  Funds of [-] billion, in two days in the futures market, turned into over [-] billion, [-] times the profit, this is simply a miracle.

  Li Rongrong saw [-] billion, and she couldn't come back to her senses for a long time.

  "I have worked hard for the five in the past two days. I will give you a big red envelope later. I hope you will keep this secret. Next time I have a chance, I can show you." Su Hao said to the five traders.

  The five traders were extremely excited: "Young Master Su, rest assured, we will definitely keep it a secret."

  Su Hao actually said that taking them to play next time, this is a proper opportunity to make money, provided they keep secrets.In this case, they will naturally swear to keep the secret.

  Li Rongrong came back to her senses and said, "Su Hao, is it over?"

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