Chapter 210

  Communication operation company, Su Hao named Huaxin Communication.

  Su Hao wants to build the Huaxin brand into a well-known international brand.

  At 4:1 a.m. on April [-], Huaxin Communications opened in a low-key manner in Donghai City.

  Huaxin Communication is a real low-key opening, there is no business hall, just simply set up various departments, and most of the employees are senior students of Tunghai University.

  Su Hao came to the scene and said a few words to encourage employees, and then held the first meeting of CEFC.

  At the meeting, Su Hao announced the operating philosophy of CEFC.

  Let the 3G network spread to every corner of the country, overtake the three major operators within a year, and become the dominant domestic communication operator.

  CEFC will give priority to the three major operators to build 3G networks across the country, which is an advantage that Su Hao has won for CEFC.

  When everyone heard Su Hao's lofty words, they were extremely excited and full of energy.

  Huaxin Communications has gone from zero to nothing, and surpassed the three major operators within one year. What a magnificent goal.When Huaxin Communications became the overlord of communication operators, all of them here are heroes.

  The premise of Huaxin Communication is to invest one billion yuan, and the follow-up will continue to inject capital one after another.

  Huaxin Communications has policy support and is giving the green light all the way. The first 3G network base station is built in Donghai City.

  After the signal effect of the test base station is perfect, Huaxin Communication will let go of its hands and feet to build 3G network base stations across the country. At that time, the three major operators will also join in.

  "If you dream, the first 3G network base station can't be wrong. You have to keep an eye on it for the next few days. Call me anytime if you have anything." Su Hao urged.

  Du Ruomeng nodded and said, "Well, I see."

  Then Su Hao left CEFC.

  Another billion was spent, but fortunately, several hundred million have been received in the past few days, otherwise the money is really not enough.

  Su Hao came to the group headquarters.

  "Su Hao, have you made up your mind about the headquarters building? When will the construction begin?" Li Rongrong has asked this question several times.

  Su Hao said: "I don't have the money, so I'll put it on hold for the time being, but you can make a design first. It must be a landmark in Donghai City, preferably a national landmark."

  "National landmark?" Li Rongrong reminded: "Su Hao, it is impossible for a national landmark to not have one or two billion. Do you have that much money?"

  "Not yet." Su Hao said confidently: "But this building can't be built in a day. It will take two years for a national landmark. I am confident that I will earn [-] billion in two years, or even more."

  "So, let's collect design drawings from all over the world first, take it step by step, this can't be rushed."

  "Global collection of design drawings?" A look of surprise flashed across Li Rongrong's face, do you want to play so big?

  Su Hao said: "Of course, for landmarks in the country, we don't need to collect design drawings from all over the world. Is it possible to find a construction company that can have good design drawings?"

  "Directly announce to the world and hold a national landmark design competition. The first prize will be [-] million yuan. Naturally, there will be famous architects flocking here."

  "You really know how to play." Li Rongrong completely convinced Su Hao.

  As her, she couldn't think of such a powerful method or such a powerful trick.

  "Where is this, just hold a press conference and spread the news." Su Hao smiled.

  When Li Rongrong left, Su Hao secretly had a headache.

  Lack of money, it's hard to do.

  According to the current situation, even with the design drawings, it is difficult to quickly enter the construction of the headquarters building. After all, 3G network construction requires such a large amount of money, and the process cannot be delayed.

  If the process is slower and falls behind the three major operators, it is impossible for Huaxin Communication to catch up with the three major operators.

  Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in Su Hao's mind.

  'Ding, the third stock futures appeared, oil futures. . . '

  The following is the accurate information of oil futures from April 4nd to April 2rd.

  The evaluation given by the system is that the highest investment is [-] billion, and the highest income is five times.

  My God, five times the income, can't the investment of [-] billion turn into [-] billion? This is simply huge profit.

  More than just huge profits, banks can't print money so fast.

  But how can there be ten billion principal?

  Su Hao had even more fake headaches.

  Obviously there is a broad road in front of you, but there is no capital, it feels really painful.

  There seems to be a lever operation. . .

  Su Hao suddenly thought of this, and immediately found Li Rongrong.

  Li Rongrong was slightly taken aback when she heard Su Hao asking about the leverage operation of stocks.

  "Su Hao, do you play stocks?"

  "I've played it a few times and made a lot of money." Su Hao said truthfully.

  Li Rongrong didn't think much, and explained: "Yes, the stock futures market is leveraged, usually between one and ten times. If you want high leverage, you have to show strength."

  "One to ten times? Enough." A smile appeared on Su Hao's face.

  "Enough of what, you want to trade in stocks?" Li Rongrong's expression changed slightly.

  For the stock futures market, Li Rongrong has always stayed away, especially futures, the risk is too high, one careless, instantly ruined.

  Su Hao said lightly: "Furture futures."

  Li Rongrong advised: "Su Hao, the futures market is very risky. Haoyu Group is developing very well now. You don't need to take risks at all. If you don't have the money to build the headquarters building, you can wait until you have the money to build it. You don't have to rush it."

  Li Rongrong subconsciously thought that Su Hao wanted to go to the futures market for the money to build the headquarters building.

  Su Hao said lightly: "Li Rongrong, you don't need to persuade me, you just know about it, don't tell others."

  "Are you determined to speculate on futures?" Li Rongrong asked very seriously.

  "Of course." Su Hao nodded.

  "Then how much are you going to invest?" Li Rongrong continued to ask.

  "Ten billion." Su Hao reported a number directly.

  "Are you crazy?" Li Rongrong's voice increased by dozens of decibels.

  Fortunately, the two were in the office, otherwise it would definitely attract all the employees to watch.

  "Li Rongrong, calm down." Su Hao said solemnly, "I've already explained so much to you, it's already very good for you, don't go too far, don't forget that I'm the boss."

  "Also, I made almost a billion in the first two stocks."

  Li Rongrong was scolded for the first time and was completely stunned.

  Su Hao directly ignored Li Rongrong and turned to Yuan Xuefei.

  Yuan Xuefei believed in Su Hao unconditionally, but only told Su Hao not to be under too much pressure.

  "Sister Fei, you are the best." Su Hao hugged Yuan Xuefei tightly and said affectionately.

  "You, sometimes I really think that you have nothing and that we just live an ordinary life." Yuan Xuefei rolled her eyes at Su Hao.

  "Sister Concubine, your wish is destined to not come true, hehe."

  Su Hao took 15 billion from the group's account and decided to fly to Hong Kong Island in the afternoon.

  After Li Rongrong came back to her senses, she saw that Su Hao had withdrawn 15 billion, and she was extremely persistent in following Su Hao to Hong Kong Island, which meant to stare at Su Hao and not let Su Hao mess around.

  Su Hao couldn't beat Li Rongrong, so he had to let Li Rongrong follow.

  In this way, Su Hao's second trip to Hong Kong Island was accompanied by super beauty Li Rongrong. .

Chapter 211

  Su Hao and Li Rongrong set off quietly, only Yuan Xuefei, Du Ruomeng, and Zhang Mengqi knew that Su Hao had already flown to Hong Kong Island.

  Zhou Xue and other high-level officials, Su Hao didn't tell them at all.Su Hao was too lazy to explain, it was only two days and it was easy to hide it.

  On the plane, Li Rongrong kept staring at Su Hao, her eyes seemed to say, won't you give me an explanation and an apology?

  Thinking of the vicious appearance of Su Hao scolding her, Li Rongrong felt very aggrieved.

  I kindly persuade you, for your own good, you actually murdered me, not the slightest gentleman.

  If it's not for Grandpa Su's face, I'll take care of your life and death, and it doesn't matter if you go bankrupt - it's none of my business.

  Li Rongrong even regretted following Su Hao to Hong Kong Island.After all, her relationship with Su Hao is just a subordinate relationship, there is no need to care about Su Hao so much.

  At that time, Li Rongrong thought that Su Hao didn't even know how to operate leverage, and was very worried about Su Hao's chaos, so she insisted on following Su Hao to Hong Kong Island.

  "Li Rongrong, please put away your sad eyes, you will make people misunderstand me as a heartless person." Su Hao said half-jokingly.

  Li Rongrong stared, "It doesn't matter. I have never been murdered since I was a child. You murdered me like that, which is different from a heartless man."

  Su Hao was speechless, the eldest miss is worthy of being the eldest miss, it's really hard to mess with.

  Su Hao decided not to be accustomed to Li Rongrong. Like Li Rongrong's temperament, the more you used to her, the better she would be.

  "Li Rongrong, I'm your boss, you did something wrong, what's wrong with me scolding you?" Su Hao asked very seriously: "Can't the boss teach a wrong employee a lesson?"

  Li Rongrong was speechless.

  Su Hao continued: "Li Rongrong, your ability is good, but you need to change your temper. If you want to work hard, please put away your eldest temperament. Otherwise, you will directly reveal your identity, and I guarantee that there will be a lot of money in Donghai City. People want to flatter you, but with me, I won't."

  "If you want me to flatter you, in a word, I can't do it. If you're not happy, you can leave. I can't serve a young lady like you. If you really want to temper yourself, then you can do it well. With me, I only look at ability, and I don't care about anything else."

  "If you do something wrong, I will punish you severely. If you do it right, I will reward you well. It's that simple, you know?"

  Li Rongrong bit her red lips lightly, staring at Su Hao.

  Su Hao is not afraid of offending Li Rongrong. At most, there will be no intersection in the future. With the support of Grandpa Su, he is not afraid that Li Rongrong will play tricks behind his back.

  Besides, Su Hao knew through the system that Li Rongrong was not that kind of person, so he dared to speak of Li Rongrong so harshly.

  "Don't stare at me all the time, I don't owe you anything." Su Hao said lightly, closing his eyes and resting.

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