Su Hao smiled and said, "It's over, we will fly back to the East China Sea later."

  "Well, we'll go back to the East China Sea immediately." Li Rongrong can't wait to return to the East China Sea immediately.. 0

  At this moment, Li Rongrong can't wait to have a few more super bodyguards around her. With tens of billions of funds, she and Su Hao are the only ones. It's really unsafe.

  The extra millions of fractions paid for handling fees and promised red envelopes, and the 85 billion leveraged funds were removed. In the end, Su Hao's 15 billion became 405 billion, making a crazy profit of 390 billion.

  Zhuang Hua was also confused when he saw that Su Hao's [-] billion became [-] billion in two days.

  It was not until Su Hao left for a long time that Zhuang Hua came back to his senses.

  "Young Master Su is a god. What kind of god is not worth mentioning in front of Young Master Su."

  "Manager Zhuang, Master Su said that as long as we keep it a secret, next time you have a chance to play with us, I hope you don't reveal it." The five traders all reminded Zhuang Hua.

  "This matter can't be hidden. It's useless for us to keep it a secret. The boss will definitely tell it." Zhuang Hua said with emotion.

  "I know Su Shao's worries, hide it for a while, and we won't blame us when the news spreads after he returns to the East China Sea safely."

  Su Hao and Li Rongrong left Daoheng Securities, returned to the hotel to pack up and rushed to the airport.

  At nine o'clock in the evening, Su Hao and Li Rongrong arrived in the East China Sea.

  That night, the legend that Su Hao made 15 billion in two days with 100 billion capital and [-] billion in leveraged operation spread on Hong Kong Island.

  "My God, the little gods appeared again, and they made [-] billion in two days. This is amazing."

  "What little stock god, please remove the small print, earn [-] billion in two days, a well-deserved stock god."

  Families and business leaders on Hong Kong Island are all inquiring about Su Hao's identity. Unfortunately, Daoheng Securities did not disclose Su Hao's real name in line with professional ethics.

  Yuan Xuefei was already waiting for Su Hao at the airport gate.

  Seeing Su Hao, Yuan Xuefei hurried up to meet him.Su Hao gave Yuan Xuefei a big hug regardless of Li Rongrong next to her.

  "Did it go well?" Yuan Xuefei asked softly.

  "Of course, I made [-] billion." Su Hao said truthfully.

  Yuan Xuefei was stunned on the spot.

  Su Hao smiled and said, "Let's go home."

  Li Rongrong watched Su Hao and Yuan Xuefei hug each other, and a trace of envy for Yuan Xuefei rose in her heart.

  Su Hao sent Li Rongrong back to Zhou Xue's house before returning home with Yuan Xuefei.

  Zhou Xue naturally questioned Li Rongrong.Li Rongrong told Zhou Xue about her experience in the past two days.

  Zhou Xue was stunned on the spot when she learned that Su Hao had made [-] billion in two days, just like Yuan Xuefei. .

Chapter 213

  Earn [-] billion in two days?

  What is this concept?

  Zhou Xue felt that her mind was a little out of her mind.

  [-] billion is not [-] yuan, nor is it [-] million, but [-] billion, which is terrifying.

  "Rongrong, Su Hao really made [-] billion?" Zhou Xue asked blankly.

  Li Rongrong confirmed incomparably: "Yes, you heard it right, it is [-] billion. I witnessed the whole process, Su Hao is a god."

  "I completely understand why you would convince Su Hao. Su Hao is so powerful, it's hard to disagree. I admire him very much now."

  In front of Zhou Xue, Li Rongrong spoke her heart out.

  Seeing Li Rongrong's extremely serious appearance, Zhou Xue completely believed that Su Hao was earning [-] billion yuan.

  In fact, Zhou Xue knew that Li Rongrong would not lie to her, but she just couldn't get over it.

  Afterwards, Zhou Xue and Li Rongrong chatted a lot, all of them talking about Su Hao. This night, Su Hao's impression in the hearts of the two girls was even more profound and indelible.

  After Su Hao and Yuan Xuefei returned home, Zhang Mengqi and Du Ruomeng were both waiting in the hall.

  Su Hao gave the two girls a big hug.

20 Then Su Hao briefly told Yuan Xuefei's three daughters about the trip to Hong Kong Island in the past two days.

  After Zhang Mengqi's three daughters learned that Su Hao really made [-] billion, they were all stunned, and it took a long time to recover.

  "Su Hao, you are too good. Now we don't lack money to build a 3G network, haha." Du Ruomeng smiled proudly.

  Zhang Mengqi and Yuan Xuefei both looked at Su Hao very affectionately and were proud of Su Hao.

  "Hehe, not only the 3G network construction, but also the headquarters building has the money to build." Su Hao smiled.

  "Well, [-] billion, unless the group makes a big move in the future, the group will never be short of money." Yuan Xuefei said softly.

  "Anyway, there will be no shortage for the time being, hehe."

  The three girls were extremely happy and excited.

  That night, Su Hao got what he wanted.

  4 month 4 number.

  Su Hao injected [-] billion funds into the group for the development of the group.Su Hao left [-] billion for his use.

  Yuan Xuefei didn't ask the reason for Su Hao's [-] billion leftovers, the group's [-] billion was enough.

  Zhou Xue saw Su Hao, her eyes were slightly resentful.

  Su Hao understood in seconds, and said, "Beauty, why are you looking at me, I didn't give up on you."

  "I don't want to talk to you now." Zhou Xue said coldly.

  Although she was happy that Su Hao made [-] billion, she was dissatisfied with Su Hao taking risks without telling her.

  "Hehe, are you angry?" Su Hao asked with a smile.

  Zhou Xue did not speak with a cold face.

  "It seems that you really fell in love with me, I'm very happy, hehe." Su Hao teased with a smile.

  "Who fell in love with you, don't talk nonsense." Zhou Xue gave Su Hao a hard look.

  "Okay, let's not talk about this, you already know about the Hong Kong Island group. I don't want to say more, the result is good, we won't worry about money in the future." Su Hao smiled slightly and asked: "The two days have a lot of money. What action?"

  "No, there is no abnormal action after is connected to Alipay." Zhou Xue answered truthfully.

  Su Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It seems that is brewing some big move, so that people will continue to stare at"


  Ali's father.

  Malaysia said very seriously: "Today will be a very important day for our Whether our can become popular on the whole network depends on today."

  "Brother Ma, don't worry, everything is ready, we will be able to do it today." All the competent officers agreed.

  Malaysia said in high spirits: "Action."

  At [-]:[-], the entire network is full of advertisements for activities.

  Malaysia felt that the navy charges were too expensive, so they did not seek the navy.

  The [-]% discount on the entire platform bombed the entire network, and netizens were a little confused when they saw the [-]% discount on the entire platform of

  "Come again, are you doing a routine again?"

  "Probably not. has already learned a lesson and will never dare to play routines again. If dares to play routines again, it will definitely die miserably."

  "In this way, this time it is really [-]% off the whole network."

  "It should be true. The advertisements on have been very fierce recently. Mango Channel can see advertisements on every day."

  "You won't know if you go to see it. [-]% off should be quite cheap."

  "Go and see, to see how cheap it is for [-]% off."

  Many netizens were attracted by the [-]% off price and flocked to

  Wang Chan and Zhou Xue told Su Hao immediately after they learned about the [-]% discount on the entire platform of

  Su Hao saw that the Internet was full of advertisements for's activities, and said: "I knew that was brewing a big move. It seems that is letting merchants stock up these days, and the whole network is [-]% off. I really know how to play. ."

  "Many netizens said that they should go to to see the [-]% discount." Wang Chan said with emotion.

  "Normal, cheap is king." Su Hao smiled slightly and said, "Unfortunately, Duobaowang doesn't follow the right path. If Dubaowang starts to follow the right path, I really can't help him."

  "Can you talk about your solution now?" Zhou Xue asked.

  Su Hao said: "I'm not sure about the time, so I still can't tell you."

  Zhou Xue was speechless, "I don't know at this time. Could it be that I just watched the development of"

  Su Hao said: "How is it possible, let be proud of it for a while. Later, I will let the Navy spread the news that is all fake, and then I will see the reactions of netizens."

  "You arrange it, I'm too lazy to take care of it." Zhou Xue was too lazy to take care of it, and now it's not her in charge of, but Wang Chan, who is only temporarily assisting.

  After the whole network advertising.The traffic of has soared rapidly.

  Netizens who poured into were excited to see the ultra-low prices.

  "This price is really cheap. When did have so many more merchants, and it's still so cheap?"

  "It seems that Dad Ali is quite capable. It's okay to develop so many businesses in just half a month."

  "This event is cheaper than's event, don't care, buy it first."

  "It doesn't seem to be a routine, I bought it, I bought it."

  "Oh, it's so cheap, you have to buy it if you don't buy it." orders increased rapidly.

  Seeing the rapid increase in orders, the smiles on Malaysia's face are getting better and better.

  "Brother Ma, according to this trend, today's event must be very successful." The capable generals were also extremely happy.

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