"Brother Ma, what Lao Chen said is right. Counterfeit products are a breakthrough. There are so many counterfeit products in China. As long as we let them go, there will be no less sellers than Taotao.com."

  "Brother Ma, now we only have this way to go, so don't think about it."

  All the capable generals persuaded Malaysia one after another.

  Malaysia thought for a while and said, "Okay, I agree to this matter, but we must not openly say that we support merchants selling fake goods. Our attitude must be neither support nor opposition."

  "If we don't make an announcement, how can we let those counterfeit products know that we have allowed them to settle in Tubao.com?" asked the general of the marketing department.

  Dama said: "I think of a way, by the way, I can also test whether Taotao.com is true or not. One loses ten."

  Malaysia quickly said the solution, and all the competent officials praised Malaysia after hearing it.

  "Brother Ma, your trick is great, so those fake products will definitely flock to our digbao.com."

  "Brother Ma, you are still amazing, don't worry, I will definitely do a good job in TV advertising in the past two days. When the counterfeit merchants settle in, plus the effect of TV advertising, we will definitely get better slowly."

Chapter 198

  3 month 19 number.

  Su Hao came to Huaxin Electric.

  Lai Youbin, manager of Huaxin Electric, greeted Su Hao with a smile on his face.

  "Young Master Su, you are really amazing. The day before yesterday, our Huaxin Electrical Appliances online store sold [-] million yuan, and it sold [-] million yuan in one day. It's really amazing."

  Su Hao smiled and said, "[-] million is not much. If it weren't for the lack of stock, I would let you sell at [-]% off instead of [-]% off, and our sales would definitely be higher."

  "Young Master Su, don't worry, the factory is rapidly expanding. As long as the production line is completed, new employees will be employed immediately. In the next month or two, our production capacity will increase rapidly." Lai Youbin assured.

  "Well, well done."

  After leaving Huaxin Electric, Su Hao went to Huaxin Computer.

  Huaxin Computer has not opened an online store and has been stocking up.According to Su Hao's words, if there is no one million inventory, don't even think about selling it.

  The same is true for Huaxin mobile phones, everything is being set up nervously.

  "This batch of mobile phones cannot be labeled with the Huaxin label. Just stick a brand. The first generation of Huaxin mobile phones will not be copycats." After the mobile phone manager of Huaxin asked, Su Hao gave the answer.

  What a joke, the first generation of Huaxin mobile phones is naturally reserved for the first generation of smart phones.

  Then Su Hao went to Jiajiafu supermarket.

  Under the leadership of Chen Junyong, Jiajiafu Supermarket is developing very well, and ten new stores will open soon.

  Ding Min has completely taken over the personnel work, and the personnel arrangements are in good order.

  Next, Su Hao went to Dongfeng Express.

  The development of Dongfeng Express is extremely rapid, and Wang Chan is fully qualified for Dongfeng Express.

  Although it was very hard and tired, Wang Chan's face was full of confident smiles, she was full of energy, and she couldn't see a trace of fatigue at all.

  "Wang Chan, how is the construction of the Dongfeng Express outlet?" Su Hao asked Wang Chan.

  Wang Chan answered truthfully: "Mr. Su, the construction of the outlets is progressing very quickly. Now all the first-, second- and third-tier cities have our Dongfeng Express outlets, and the fourth- and fifth-tier cities are under construction. The construction of all the fourth- and fifth-tier cities can be completed this month. ."

  "From now on, we will intensify our efforts. Our competitor Tubao.com has appeared. We must make our Dongfeng Express outlets available in all cities and counties across the country as soon as possible." Su Hao said solemnly.

  "Okay, Master Su, I will speed up the progress, but the funds in the courier company's account are almost gone." Wang Chan said the problem of insufficient funds.

  Su Hao said directly: "I have no money to find Zhou Xue, and Taotao.com made a lot of money the day before yesterday. Let Zhou Xue use all the money from Taotao.com to Dongfeng Express."

  The reason why Su Hao is so anxious to develop Dongfeng Express is that he is really afraid that Malaysia will fool other express companies to join forces against Taotao.

  As long as Dongfeng Express outlets are all over the country, Taotao.com will not be afraid even if other express companies join forces.

  The next stop, Su Hao, came to Haoyu Game Company.

  What makes Su Hao happy is that Li Hong did a good job of letting Li Hong go to Bangzi Country to win the game agency. He successfully won the agency rights of several games, and also acquired the parent company of two games.

  Other games also won the agency rights without sharing, and the price paid is within the acceptable range.

  "Manager Li, well done, I will reward you when I look back." Su Hao smiled happily.

  Li Hong smiled and said, "Thank you Su Shao."

  Su Hao said: "Dungeon and Warriors don't need to be in a hurry. First, localize several games from Bangzi Kingdom, and then launch them. These games are cash cows and must be launched as soon as possible."

  Li Hongdao: "Okay, Master Su, I have already asked the staff to work on it, and several games will be available soon."

  "Well, employees must be paid enough overtime pay, you know?" Su Hao reminded.

  "Young Master Su, don't worry, I will make arrangements." Li Hong assured.

  The last battle is the research institute.

  Everyone in the research institute is improving the 3G network. According to the current progress, it can be completed in less than a month.

  In this way, Su Hao only has one month left to raise money.

  The 3G network is being built nationwide, and the first phase of the project will start at at least [-] billion. Thinking of so much money, Su Hao has a headache.

  When all the companies walked down, it was already night, and Su Hao was about to faint.

  It’s not good to have too many companies. It seems that conglomeration has to be put on the agenda.

  Back at Villa 20 in the evening, Su Hao and the three daughters of Yuan Xuefei discussed the issue of grouping all the companies.

  "You have so many companies because the group has become a group, which is also convenient for management." Yuan Xuefei said softly.

  "That's right, it's long overdue to become a group, otherwise you would be too tired to run like this every day." Du Ruomeng and Zhang Mengqi echoed.

  "The group must first have a headquarters. Where do you think the group headquarters should be?" Su Hao asked.

  "The headquarters of the group? Donghai is not a big first-tier city, so it's not very suitable, why don't we go to the magic capital or the capital?" Yuan Xuefei expressed her thoughts.

  "The capital is too far away, so it's more appropriate for the magic capital to be closer to us." Du Ruomeng likes the magic capital.

  "I also think Magic City is good, but will the leaders of Donghai City let us leave easily?" Zhang Mengqi asked.

  Su Hao said: "We all study in the East China Sea. If the headquarters is located in the magic capital, it will be very troublesome for us. So I decided to set the headquarters in the East China Sea."

  "Donghai is not a first-tier city now, but I can make Donghai a first-tier city." Su Hao said domineeringly.

  The three girls were all infected by Su Hao's domineering, and looked at Su Hao stupidly.

  "Su Hao, I believe you can do it. You are right. Let's make Donghai a first-tier city together, not only a first-tier city, but also an international metropolis, hehe." Du Ruomeng laughed softly.

  Su Hao smiled and said, "Ruo Meng, you can blow more than me, hehe."

  "No way, they don't have your success at all." Du Ruomeng said coquettishly.

  "We can't wait for the company to become a group, otherwise it will become more troublesome if there are more companies under it in the future." Su Hao said: "I will find a professional to talk to and start grouping in the past few days."

  "Will the group headquarters building be rented or built?" Du Ruomeng said, "Su Hao, let's build a headquarters building with a landmark in the East China Sea."

  "Wake up, Ruo Meng, how can we have money?" Su Hao said with a wry smile: "The next 3G network construction requires money, I have a headache now, don't think about the headquarters building for the time being, I will talk about it later when I have money."

  "Yes, we'll talk about it later." Du Ruomeng was slightly disappointed.

  "Don't worry, Ruo Meng, when I have the money, I will definitely build a landmark in the East China Sea. No, I will build a national landmark as the headquarters of our group." Su Hao assured.

  If there is enough money now, Su Hao will not hesitate to start building the group headquarters now.

  Unfortunately, the money for 3G network construction is not enough, and temporarily there is no money to build the group headquarters building.

  In a word, it is still a question of money.

  Thank you [Holy Night] for the reminder of the ticket, I am very grateful, thank you! .

Chapter 199

  3 month 20 number.

  Su Hao went to Haoyu Network Technology Company to find Zhou Xue, and asked Zhou Xue about the grouping of the company.

  According to Su Hao's thoughts, Zhou Xue is highly cultured and should understand many details of group formation better.

  "Su Hao, I'm not very professional about the company's grouping, but I have some understanding." Zhou Xue said truthfully: "But so many companies in your hands should be grouped, so as to facilitate management."

  "Grouping, setting up a headquarters as the parent company, and forming other subsidiaries together. You have to choose the members of the headquarters. The most important point, grouping, cannot be your own independent shareholding, so you have to divide the shares. Go out and let your parents have it so you can start a group."

  "Do you want to keep the group's share holders confidential? If you want to keep it confidential, you can register an offshore group. If there are many details about the groupization, you should find a professional to discuss it in detail. I don't know much about it."

  Su Hao was taken aback for a while.He didn't hear Zhou Xue talking about offshore registration, and Su Hao didn't think of it. It seemed that he really had to consult a professional.

  "That's fine." Su Hao smiled and said, "The 3G network is ready to be built. You have to work hard to help me make money."

  "Didn't I keep trying to help you make money?" Zhou Xue glared at Su Hao and said, "I'm so busy every day now, do you want me to stay in the company 24 hours a day?"

  "Beauty, behave well, if you perform well, the dividends will be a little more." Su Hao threw out the temptation and said, "The company will be completed soon. The better you perform during this period, the more dividends you will receive, hehe."

  "Really? Will you give me the shares if I want them?" Zhou Xue asked rhetorically.

  "Looking at your performance, if your performance makes me satisfied, it's not impossible." Su Hao smiled.

  Seeing Su Hao's inappropriate smile, Zhou Xue recovered his cold face and said, "I'm too lazy to talk to you, you should keep your shares for your girlfriend, I have no luck."

  "You can be my girlfriend too, hehe." Su Hao said directly.

  Zhou Xue said coldly, "Dreaming."

  "Haha." Su Hao smiled shyly and did not continue the topic.

  "In the past few days, I will let Sister Concubine count the financial situation of all the companies. Please cooperate with me."

  "Well, don't worry, I will cooperate well." Zhou Xue said, "I also want to see how beautiful your beautiful girlfriend is."

  "Haha, after the company becomes a group, you will see each other often." Su Hao said with a smile.

  Statistics on the financial situation are not only for the group, but also for the construction of the 3G network. Knowing the financial situation of all companies, Su Hao is more confident.

  Su Hao felt a little depressed when he remembered that the system's third stock opportunity had not come yet.

  It's time to come. After a while, I won't have any money to play when you come. . .

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