Su Hao left the company and went to school instead.

  Professionals still have to ask the principal for consultation. The principal is full of peaches and plums all over the world, and he must know the professionals in the grouping of the company.

  It really didn't work, Su Hao could only go to the second elder.The second elder controls the economy of a country, and any one of his subordinates can help Su Hao.

  Su Hao met Principal Xiao Gang in the principal's office.

  "Principal, I'm here to see you." Su Hao brought some good tea.

  "You kid doesn't go to the Three Treasures Palace without anything." Xiao Gang saw through Su Hao's intention at a glance.

  "The principal is still wise." Su Hao flattered the principal.

  "For the sake of your good tea, let's talk about something." Xiao Gang said directly.

  Su Hao asked directly: "Principal, look at the graduation season, can you let my company come to the school to recruit some elites?"

  Su Hao has thought a lot about the company's lack of talents. Going through a headhunting company is one aspect, but it is better to cultivate himself and be more loyal.

  It would be a huge waste to leave so many talented people in such a well-known university as Tunghai University.

  Tunghai University are all top students. As long as they are cultivated, they will definitely become the pillars of the company. The younger the company is also what Su Hao wants to see.

  "This is a good thing, of course." Principal Xiao Gang said: "I didn't expect you to still have this heart. Tell me how many companies you have now. If your company can do it, I agree that your company will enter the school. Recruitment."

  Su Hao said: "I have a lot of companies. The first one is the 985211 tutoring website. Although I don't take a penny from the tutoring website, I still have to run the tutoring website well."

  Su Hao first stated that he would run a good tutoring website before saying: "Other companies include Haoyu Game Company, Alipay Company, Haoyu Network Technology Company, which is engaged in YY and, as well as Dongfeng Express Company, home Jiafu Supermarket, Huaxin Electric Company, Huaxin Mobile Phone Company, Huaxin Computer Company, and scientific research institutes.”

  Principal Xiao Gang was taken aback for a moment.

  "My dear, you already have ten companies, you are really energetic." Xiao Gang knew several companies of Su Hao, but he didn't know about the Huaxin brand company behind him.

  "¨'Yes, no, I'm too busy." Su Hao said with emotion.

  "Then why don't you make it into a group, it's easier to manage." Principal Xiao Gang said casually.

  "Grouping? Principal, what do you say?" Su Hao climbed up the pole.

  Principal Xiao Gang said, "I don't understand this very well either."

  Su Hao said directly: "Principal, do you know any talents in this field? Let me know."

  Principal Xiao Gang noticed Su Hao's strangeness, reacted and said, "I feel like you are here today for this, you are really a little fox."

  "Principal, this is a small matter, recruiting elites in the school is a big deal." Su Hao attacked with a cheeky face.

  "Haha." Principal Xiao Gang laughed loudly and said, "Okay, I agree. The school welcomes your company to recruit in the school."

  "In order to thank you for helping the school students solve their work problems (Li Lihao), I will introduce you to a professional who is a group of companies."

  Su Hao thanked: "Thank you, principal."

  In the afternoon, Su Hao got to know professionals under the introduction of Principal Xiao Gang.

  After chatting with professionals for an hour or two, Su Hao finally figured out the grouping and was full of confidence in the grouping.

  After the professional left, Principal Xiao Gang said to Su Hao: "Su Hao, what Lao Li said is good, you still have to hire a professional to help you organize a group."

  Su Hao nodded and said, "Well, principal, I see."

  For such an important matter, Su Hao was not at ease looking for it through the headhunting company, and finally he sought the second elder.

  After listening to Su Hao's appeal, the second elder said: "You kid actually put your mind on the talent of the country. It's a shame you came up with it. Your company should be grouped. I happen to have a personal choice. You can't convince her that it's all up to you.".

Chapter 200

  3 month 21 number.

  At eleven in the morning, Su Hao arrived at Donghai Airport.

  The person he wants to pick up today is a talent recommended by the second elder, Li Rongrong.

  The second elder did not introduce Li Rongrong more, but said that Li Rongrong can definitely help you get the group organized, provided that you have to convince her to work for you.

  Li Rongrong, listening to this name is a woman.

  Su Hao guessed that the other party was a lady of thirty plus.After all, it was introduced by the second elder, and Su Hao subconsciously thought that the other party would not be a young man.

  Su Hao held a sign that said a big welcome to Ms. Li Rongrong.

  At [-]:[-], the flight from Beijing to the East China Sea arrived.

  Su Hao stood at the gate of the airport silently waiting for Li Rongrong to arrive.

  Su Hao looked at every middle-aged lady approaching, but unfortunately they were not the ones he was waiting for.

  "It's this flight, why don't you see anyone?" Su Hao muttered.

  At this time, a super beautiful woman came in front of her.

  Su Hao glanced at it, and was also amazed by the beautiful woman walking slowly in front of her.

  That super exquisite and perfect figure is even more concave and convex than that of a supermodel. The appearance of Tianxian is comparable to that of Zhou Xuetianxian. From a distance, it looks like a painting.

  Su Hao glanced and looked away.Such a beautiful beauty cannot be the person introduced by the second elder, so she should just wait for someone.

  Soon, Su Hao was stunned.

  The super beauty walked straight towards him, and finally stopped in front of him.

  "Are you Ms. Li Rongrong?" Su Hao reacted and asked blankly.

  Li Rongrong smiled and said, "Hello, Su Hao, I'm Li Rongrong."

  "Hello." Su Hao gently held Li Rongrong's tender and tender hand, with doubts still flashing on his face.

  How could Grandpa Su introduce a young beauty to me?Is it so unreliable?

  Li Rongrong said, "Is it unbelievable that Grandpa Su would introduce someone as young as me?"

  Su Hao let go of his hand and smiled: "To be honest, it's a little bit, but I believe in Grandpa Su. Since Grandpa Su introduced you, I believe in Grandpa Su."

  "In the end, you still don't believe in my ability." Li Rongrong said: "It's okay, if I were you, I wouldn't believe it, but I wouldn't necessarily help you, so I don't care if you believe it or not."

  "Haha." Su Hao smiled shyly.

  "Grandpa Su said that you are very good. Before I came here, I also learned about YY and I have to say that you are very successful in the Internet, but I have to look at the industry." Li Rongrong said directly.

  "No problem, I'll take you to see my company." Su Hao said directly.

  "Let's go then." Li Rongrong didn't hesitate.

  Then Su Hao took Li Rongrong to visit Huaxin Electric, Huaxin Computer, and Huaxin Mobile.

  The three companies are all in the process of rapid expansion, so the whole company is a bit rushed and messy, which makes Li Rongrong frown slightly.

  "If your company is like this, I'm afraid I won't agree to join." Li Rongrong said bluntly.

  "Hehe, Huaxin Electric, Huaxin Computer, and Huaxin Mobile have been founded in less than a month, and they are all in the process of rapid expansion. After a month or two, they will be completely on the right track. When you come back and see, it will definitely be different. A scene." Su Hao said confidently.

  "Forgot to tell you one thing, the Huaxin Electric online store has a sales volume of [-] million a day on a few days ago."

  Li Rongrong was slightly taken aback when she heard the sales of [-] million, and then said, "It's barely enough."

  "Really?" Su Hao said directly: "My goal is to make Huaxin Electric, Huaxin Computer, and Huaxin Mobile into a big domestic brand, and I am very confident to make Huaxin Mobile a big international brand?"

  "A big international brand can't be achieved just by talking about it. It's good to have confidence, but it's difficult to achieve it." Li Rongrong said: "Can you compete with those big mobile phone brands today?"

  Su Hao said disdainfully: "Now those big mobile phone brands will decline in a few years. The future mobile phone era belongs to the era of Huaxin mobile phones."

  When he said the latter sentence, Su Hao burst into a boundless aura.

  Li Rongrong felt the momentum on Su Hao's body and was slightly taken aback.

  Where did this guy get his confidence from?

  Li Rongrong finally didn't ask, she was bragging when she thought Su Hao.

  Then Su Hao took Li Rongrong to visit Jiajiafu Supermarket, Haoyu Game Company, Dongfeng Express, and finally Haoyu Technology Network Company.

  As for the scientific research institute, Su Hao did not expect to bring Li Rongrong there. The scientific research institute is an important place, and it is absolutely impossible to bring strangers in casually.

  Coming to Haoyu Network Technology Company, Su Hao was stunned by the next scene.

  "Rongrong, why are you here?"

  "Xiaoxue, are you working here?"

  As soon as Li Rongrong and Zhou Xue met, the two women had smiles on their faces.

  Li Rongrong and Zhou Xue actually knew each other?Su Hao was completely stunned, the script was wrong.

  At the same time, this was also the first time Su Hao saw Zhou Xue smiling so happily.

  This woman's laugh is so mesmerizing. . .

  For the next few minutes, Li Rongrong and Zhou Xue completely pretended that Su Hao did not exist, and confided their old friendship to each other.

  Looking at the two girls who were chatting hotly, Su Hao gave Li Rongrong an advanced insight technique when he was bored.

  Name: Li Rongrong.

  Age: 24

  Favorability: 65.

  Body: sub-healthy, the car is in good condition.

  Identity background: . . .

  Degree of good and evil: no malicious, kind girl.

  Su Hao was completely attracted by Li Rongrong's identity background.

  Nima, the younger generation of the Li family, how could Grandpa Su introduce such a big Buddha, I can't afford it.

  You must know that the Li family is a big family in China, and both the military and the official have a great say.

  Su Hao really couldn't understand how Grandpa Su would introduce such a big Buddha to him.

  After seeing the following information, Su Hao completely understood.

  It turned out that Li Rongrong wanted to join the second elder's team after graduation, but the second elder naturally would not agree. It happened that Su Hao came to the door, so the second elder pushed Li Rongrong to Su Hao.

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