Zhou Xue nodded lightly and agreed, "Well, I'm too impatient."

  "Everything is too late, and many things can't be rushed, understand?" Su Hao asked seriously.

  Zhou Xue was taught, "Understood, thank you for the pointer."

  "You're welcome." Su Hao said with a smile: "Wait, with the current situation of Duobao.com, the next operation will be extremely difficult. If he keeps operating conservatively, it will be fine. If he operates aggressively, he will definitely make mistakes, just wait. "

  "Well, I will always pay attention to the treasure net." Zhou Xue obeyed obediently.

  "You're so cute all of a sudden, I'm not used to it, hehe." Su Hao laughed.

  "What's so cute, I'm learning something from the leader." Zhou Xue glared at Su Hao.

  "That's right, it's very beautiful, I stare at it a few more times, I like it, hehe." Su Hao laughed proudly.

  Zhou Xue immediately returned to her cold face.

  This night is a carnival night for all netizens.Netizens cheered for the explosion of Tubao.com to find the place. After the carnival, they naturally did not forget to enter Taotao.com to buy and buy.

  The whole platform of Taotao.com has discounts, and the opportunity is rare. If you need it, you will buy one or two things.

  After [-]:[-], it is the carnival of Taotao shopkeepers.

  On the day of March 3, Taotao.com's entire platform sales exceeded 17 billion, and many stores saw a surge in orders, making a lot of money.

  Taotao.com does not announce sales, and the news that merchants make big profits is only spread within the scope of Taotao.com stores.

  Zhou Xue also thought about whether to announce the sales. Later, after thinking about it, there was no event. Besides, the sales did not break the previous record, and finally decided not to disclose it.

  3 month 18 number.

  At eight o'clock in the morning, Duobao.com reopened.

  The traffic is very poor, only about a thousand netizens visit, and there are not ten orders for half a day.

  Seeing this, Malaysia almost collapsed.

  With millions of registered users, with so little traffic, there are no ten orders for half a day. Does this digbao.com still have meaning?

  The big brands on Taobao.com saw that they had no orders for most of the day, and they were extremely confused.

  "Do you have an order?"

  "No, I haven't had a single order for a long time."

  "Last night, the impact of the whole network's crusade against Tubao.com was too great. We have to find another way. The traffic of Tuobao.com is too bad. No matter how much the benefits are, it will be in vain without traffic and sales."

  "That's right, Duobao.com is now a street rat that everyone shouts and beats. We can't stay on Duobao.com any longer. Continuing to stay in Duobao.com will affect our brand reputation."

  "Although Taotao.com doesn't promise benefits, but Taotao.com has traffic, have you heard that yesterday's Taotao.com merchants made big profits."

  "I heard that choosing to enter Taobao.com is really a bad move. I decided to quit. After sending yesterday's order, I immediately settled in Taotao.com, and I gave up on Taobao.com."

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  "We have to give up. If we continue like this, we will all be caught up by the small brands below."

  Many big brands have opted out of Taobao.com and switched to Taotao.com.

  Big brands think so, let alone small retailers.

  Seeing that Taobao has no traffic and no orders, many stores think of Taotao.

  On this day, there were three or four hundred big brands in the background of Taotao.com applying to settle in.

  After Zhou Xue learned of this situation, he asked Su Hao.

  "Don't think about it, I agree directly. Both sides are fine. We don't limit this. Without comparison, there is no harm. Only with comparison can we make Taotao.com better." These are Su Hao's original words.

...... ......

  Then two or three hundred applications were approved, and Taotao.com suddenly had three or four hundred big brands.

  Taotao.com users were stunned when they discovered the new big brands.

  "Aren't these big brands on Taobao.com? Why did they come to Taotao.com? Isn't it fake?"

  "What are you thinking, didn't you see the four words on Taotao.com, you pay ten if you fake it, how could it be a fake? It must be that those big brands have no orders on Taobao.com, so they came to Taotao.com."

  "After the riot last night, Duobao.com will still have traffic. If there is no traffic, there will be people buying things. Those big brands are not fools.

  "That's right, that's fine. There are so many big brands on Taotao.com. If you want to buy big brands in the future, you can buy them on Taotao.com. If you leave a fake one, you will lose ten, and you can return it for seven days without any reason. How cool."

  The merchants who ran from Tuobao.com to Taotao.com also broke the news that Tuobao.com had no traffic and no orders for most of the day.

  For a time, the whole network was laughing at Dibao.com.

  "Pretty, let you cheat our netizens, let's see how you can continue."

  "Have you heard? The entire platform of Taobao.com has not had a single order for a long time. It really made me laugh, haha."

  "This is the end of cheating consumers. Anyway, I will never go to Taobao.com to buy things."

  "That's right, I've been tricked once. Who would go to Baobao to buy something? Isn't it stupid?"

  Ahri's father's Malaysia fainted from anger when he learned that the big brand was leaving.Ten thousand.

Chapter 197

  The news that Malaysia was stunned was accidentally leaked when the customer service of Duobao.com answered the phone, and then netizens spread it online, and then it went viral.

  Netizens were overjoyed to learn that Malaysia was dazed.

  "My God, it's so funny, I'm actually dizzy, haha, I really want to laugh to death."

  "Let you pit us, you're light when you get dizzy, haha."

  "How old is Ahri's father's horse, is he so unhappy? Haha."

  "Let's just say a few words less, if Dad Ali's big horse is mad, then we will be held responsible."

  "I don't blame him. I didn't blame him in front of him. It was he who deceived consumers first. This kind of unscrupulous boss should be taught a lesson and punished."

  "Yes, such unscrupulous bosses should be taught a lesson. We should not go to the treasure net. Whoever goes to the five-five-three treasure net is a traitor."

  "Absolutely not a traitor, digging treasure nets to deceive consumers, whoever goes will be unlucky."

  Many netizens hated the people who said Taobao.com, and some netizens who had not been to Taobao.com immediately did not want to go after seeing these remarks.

  In this way, the popularity of Duobao.com is even colder. At night, there are still only a few cats and dogs, and the order volume is still pitiful.

  After waking up, Malaysia has been paying attention to the data of Tuobao.com. Seeing that the data of Tuobao.com has not come back to life at all, it is still lifeless and his face is extremely ugly.

  It was not until eight o'clock in the evening that Malaysia gave up completely.

  "Don't look at it, the millions of users of Tuobao.com are gone. It's all a joke, and everything has to start from scratch." Da Ma sighed.

  All the able-bodied officers are silent.

  This result was not what they expected. They thought it had a good and perfect start with millions of users and sales of over [-] billion, and finally ushered in a major reversal.

  The website was blown up by netizens that night and had to close the site. After the site opened the next day, its popularity fell to the abyss, and it can even be said to be the website with the worst traffic on the entire network.

  The hundreds of thousands of visiting users are still here to urge the delivery. If it weren't for these urging users, I am afraid that the popularity of Duobao.com would be zero.

  This is simply a miracle. It is a miracle that others break through [-] million users. It is an impossible miracle that they have zero traffic on the treasure net.

  "Are there any merchants applying to settle in?" Da Ma asked quietly.

  The general of the marketing department replied: "Only a few merchants have applied to settle in."

  Da Ma continued to ask, "What about the one who ran away?"

  The marketing general said with a wry smile: "Many, those big brands didn't quit immediately, but I took a look at Taotao.com. There are three or four hundred more big brands on Taotao. , these [-] or [-] big brands will withdraw from Taobao.com.”

  "What about those small shops on Yigo.com?" Malaysia's voice contained a hint of despair.

  "Many small stores have directly removed the products from the shelves." The general manager of the marketing department replied truthfully.

  Malaysia was silent, everyone was silent.

  If there are no stores, no users, and no popularity, how can Tubao.com continue to operate?

  After a long time, Dama said quietly: "I didn't expect that we lost so badly in the first battle. We told those small shops and big brand businesses that lost money that if they quit Taobao.com, they promised to make up for the difference without a cent."

  "Brother Ma, those small stores can not make up, because we have not signed a contract. But we have signed a contract for those big brands, so we have to make up, otherwise we will be riddled with lawsuits." The general of the legal department said.

  "Does the contract stipulate that those big brands cannot withdraw from Tubao.com?" Malaysia asked with a hint of anticipation.

  The general of the legal department replied: "No, in order to win over those big brands, we gave very favorable conditions, and there are no restrictions in this regard."

  Malaysia is desperate.

  "In a word, everything is equal to zero at the treasure net now." Da Ma glanced at the capable generals and said, "Let's talk about it, what should we do next?"

  "Should we continue to operate Duobao.com, or just shut it down?"

  "Brother Ma, don't turn it off. We put so much effort into Taobao.com. With the success of Taotao.com ahead, we absolutely cannot close the station. Temporary failures are nothing, as long as we work together, Taobao.com It will definitely rise, and our Taobao.com can also be as brilliant as Taotao.com."

  "Yes, Brother Ma, we can't be defeated by failure, we must make Baobaowang."

  All the competent officers heard Guanzhan express their disapproval.

  Dama said: "You are all unwilling to close the station, then tell me how to operate next?"

  The general of the propaganda department said: "Brother Ma, we have treated it coldly these days. After this incident, we will advertise on the TV station. The TV advertisement will definitely attract a wave of traffic.. 0"

  "What if there is traffic? Is it useful to have buyers without sellers?" Malaysia asked a key question.

  Everyone is silent.

  Yes, it is useless to have buyers, there must be sellers.

  The general of the marketing department suddenly thought of something and said, "Brother Ma, can't Taotao.com sell fakes? Can we do something about fakes?"

  "There are so many counterfeit products in China. Those hawkers who make counterfeit products must also want to open online stores. They are not allowed to sell on Taotao. Cheaper than Taotao.com.”

  "Selling fakes?" Dama frowned, subconsciously rejecting this method.

  If Taobao.com sells fake goods, its reputation is abruptly lower than that of Taotao.com.

  But now the reputation of Duobao.com is not much better. . .

  For a time, Malaysia was confused.

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