Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 774: Take another shot

Qin Zhuo and Sun Shang looked at the beautiful, gentle and tender little girl who said such words, and they suddenly sweated.

This contrast is so cute that it caught them off guard.

But think about it carefully, Hua Zhao didn't say anything before, but he didn't do this kind of thing less often...

Counting the people who offended her didn't end well in the end.

Qin Zhuo thought of Zhou Lihua and Wen Jing, and Sun Shang thought of Xie Chuan.

Liu Ming thought about it more, he already knew that Hua Zhao had killed people with his own hands, and many more...

This delicate flower is beautiful, but not weak.

"How to deal with him?" Qin Zhuo asked curiously.

"This person is not right, there must be a chance to take advantage of it." Hua Zhao asked Liu Ming, "Have you heard any rumors?"

Liu Ming shook his head. It had only been a day, and he didn't have time to ask too much: "I'll ask again."

Hua Zhao nodded: "But you can take Zhang Liang and Wu Nan over now, I'll be useful."

"Yes." Liu Ming went out immediately.

An hour later, Zhang Liang and Wu Nan sat in front of Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao introduced them to Qin Zhuo and Sun Shang.

Zhang Liang and Wu Nan were very happy in their hearts that they were not "abandoned" by Hua Zhao. They met Hua Zhao's cronies. Will they also become cronies in the future and have been with her all the time?

The 2 million goods arrived smoothly, and when they saw the machines in the warehouse behind them that should have appeared in the Wenda Food Factory, the two fell in admiration for Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao also remembered and asked the whereabouts of those ham sausages and cans: "Are they all sold?"

"Sold!" Zhang Liang said excitedly: "I didn't expect it to sell so well, and I sold it in 2 days! There are so many rich people here!"

He pushed the big duffel bag that never left him to Hua Zhao's feet: "It's all here, a lot."

But after sending the money out, he and Wu Nan can finally sleep peacefully.

Hua Zhao looked at the bag and nodded: "Thank you for your hard work."

After she finished speaking, she opened the bag and took out two bundles, one bundle of 100,000 yuan, one bundle per person.

Zhang Liang and Wu Nan's breathing stagnated.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law..."

"Take it, this is what you deserve." Hua Zhao said.

These two people helped her cheat the Du family and got 2 million of the goods, but they were also credited with getting the machine back smoothly.

And it's really "disgraceful" to do this, they are also in trouble, and they should get more.

Zhang Liang and Wu Nan refused for a long time, but finally, under Hua Zhao's coercion, they grinned and accepted.

Haha, sure enough, you can make a fortune with your sister-in-law!

100,000, most people will never earn 100,000 in a lifetime!

"What are we doing now? Assembling the machine and reproducing it?" Zhang Liang is now eager to do something for Hua Zhao: "We can't assemble the machine, but how can we produce it!"

At that time, they stared at it every day, and it really was every process.

This is also one of the reasons why Hua Zhao asked them to come to Pengcheng. Having them here can save a lot of trouble.

After all, imported machines are not used by any chef in a food factory.

At the beginning, the Du family had worked hard to find someone and figured it out.

"The production will take a while. We need to solve the problem of the factory now." Hua Zhao said: "I have something to trouble you again."

"No trouble, no trouble!" Zhang Liang said: "This time it's really going up the mountain and going down the sea of ​​fire, I dare to go!"

"Okay, everyone is their own, so don't talk about this." Hua Zhao interrupted him with a smile, and whispered about "business".

Such and such.....

Qin Zhuo and Sun Shang stared at each other, re-acquainting with Hua Zhao in their hearts.

But Zhang Liang and Wu Nan's performance is very normal. Last time Hua Zhao asked them to do it, it was not a "good thing"~

This time, it's the same.

After Hua Zhao finished speaking, he handed them a bag of money and things: "I'll wait for your good news."

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, promise to complete the task!" After Zhang Liang and Wu Nan finished speaking, they walked away majestically.

This time it was much simpler than last time.

"Ok, then we'll wait for the news." Hua Zhao took the list Qin Zhuo handed her and said, "Now, I should go and see these houses, make a good plan, and how to use them."

Some lands can be sold for a high price now, or they can be exchanged.

In some places, it is necessary to wait for a higher price in the future.

In some places, you can't sell it if you kill it, you have to keep it for your own use.

Hua Zhao got busy.


Zhang Liang and Wu Nan were also very busy, looking for Li Feng to eat and give gifts.

"Director Li, we really need that factory area so much, we also ask Director Li to be accommodating." Zhang Liang begged while pouring wine.

Li Feng raised his chin slightly and looked at him sideways: "There are more people in need, and everyone else has already paid."

"But the final procedure is not signed! I know Director Li's energy. Whether he can sign is a matter of your words!" Zhang Liang praised.

The expression on Li Feng's face was very proud.

This is also one of his reasons for embarrassing Hua Zhao.

He has to stand up, he has to let outsiders see how powerful he is.

So as to.....

"It's not easy for me to say something." Li Feng glanced at Zhang Liang's backpack.

"Understood, I understand!" Zhang Liang immediately took out a thick large envelope from his bag, and opened the envelope at will, revealing a few stacks of brand-new RMB inside.

"This is 5,000 yuan, you take it, as long as the matter is done, I will give you 5,000 yuan back!" Zhang Liang said.

Li Feng frowned suddenly, is this person smart or stupid? Can this thing be exposed in public? Can this be said in public?

He quickly looked around.

It's not meal time now, and they are in a teahouse. Although it's not a private room, there are partitions. There is only another young man on this floor far away, reading a thick book.

He was very focused, and he was still talking about it, so obsessed, he didn't look at them.

Li Feng's brows loosened, and he immediately grabbed the envelope and stuffed it into his bag.

"Don't be so rash next time!" he said.

"Yes." Zhang Liang nodded, his eyes were slightly slanted, he met Wu Nan's eyes in the distance, and immediately separated.

"Director Li, what about the factory..." Zhang Liang asked.

Although Zhang Liang was reckless, Li Feng was very satisfied with his estimated income of 10,000 yuan: "Go back and wait for my news."

But he would never say anything to death.

"Okay!" Zhang Liang sent Li Feng away with great gratitude.

Seeing that Li Feng disappeared in the car, he immediately went upstairs to find Wu Nan.

"How is it? Is it filmed?"

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