Zhou Bing had arrived, and successfully found Qin Zhuo and Sun Shang, and handed over the machine to them.

It's just that Qin Zhuo and Sun Shang can only stare at the room of machines.

They are all parts, and these machines are said to be "inappropriate", and they dare not easily find someone to repair and assemble them.

But they are still very excited, because Zhou Bing said that this is something that can make a lot of money.

The two were also very obedient, and without Hua Zhao's words, they started looking for a factory.

The house is easy to find, and they have a lot in their hands!

For more than a year, Qin Zhuo has carried out Hua Zhao's task perfectly, buying a house without doing anything else.

As long as the price is not too outrageous, he will buy it.

Whether it's a city house or a country house.

He bought several popular special district cities that had been rumored before, dozens of locations in each city.

Even Pengcheng, a small village, which had the weakest voice before, had already started.

But at least, there are only a dozen houses.

This makes Qin Zhuo regret now.

After Hua Zhao arrived, he heard that there were more than a dozen places, but he was very happy.

No matter how little, it is also in the Special Economic Zone, where every inch of land is worth an inch, and every place will be a hundred times more valuable in the future.

However, there is no place where I want to build a factory. It is a private residence, which is too small.

She wants to build a big factory.

The three assembly lines are just a preliminary test of the water, and they will continue to buy in the future.

"An industrial park has been built in the north of the city, and we can go there to buy ready-made ones." Qin Zhuo said suddenly.

"Okay." Hua Zhao immediately went to see the room.

At the beginning of the establishment of the special zone, the planning was very good. The commercial area is a commercial area, and the industrial area is an industrial area.

Although it has only been established for a few months at this time, the industrial park is about to be completed.

The speed of Pengcheng is also world-renowned.

Now these factories are sold or leased to the outside world, which has indeed attracted a large number of foreign businessmen.

There are very few of their own.

It has just been opened for more than a year, and my own people are still setting up stalls to accumulate original funds. People like Hua Zhao have accumulated early, after all, they are few.

Hua Zhao fell in love with the largest factory in the industrial park.

"Go, buy it." She said to Qin Zhuo.

"Buy? Too expensive? Is it better to rent." Qin Zhuo subconsciously persuaded.

The size of the factory is 100 acres, and he dare not listen to the price.

Since the establishment of Pengcheng, housing prices have skyrocketed to the point where outsiders dare not listen.

The first piece of land just sold, 400,000 square meters, 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, according to the current exchange rate, it is about 100,000 yuan per mu of land.

Just scared him to death.

"Buy!" Hua Zhao gritted his teeth.

100,000 yuan per mu of land is nothing. In the future, millions of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan per mu of land will be side dishes.

Although the money in the 1980s is valuable, it depends on what you do... If you do anything else, you can't spend it. It's better to invest in land.

She has the money that Yaoji Food Factory has earned in the past two years, doesn't she spend it in the bank and wait for the depreciation?

"Okay! Buy it if you say it!" Qin Zhuo looked at Hua Zhao with bright eyes: "But sister-in-law, you are really rich!"

In the past, although Hua Zhao gave him money every month to buy a house and land, but it was cheap at that time.

He didn't spend much money at all.

He thought that the money was all Hua Zhao had, but he didn't expect that it was 10 million when he opened his mouth.

Sun Shang also looked sideways.

Didn't Hua Zhao go to study abroad? Why does he feel like he's robbing a bank?

10 million, he believes that your Ye family doesn't have it either! It must have been earned by Hua Zhao himself.


"Sister-in-law, I'll be with you for the rest of my life!" Qin Zhuo immediately expressed his loyalty.

"Mmmm, teacher, I will follow you for the rest of my life!" Sun Shang also said.

When he arrived in Pengcheng, seeing the rapid development here day by day, he became very confident in the future of his motherland and his own.

The whole person is the same day by day, gaining weight like blowing up a balloon, and now he looks like a normal person.

"Work hard, everyone will make a fortune together in the future." Hua Zhao smiled.


Qin Zhuo and Sun Shang started to run the formalities, and things went smoothly at first.

The largest factories are the hardest to sell, and renting is hard.

Too few people are needed and the price is too high.

The arrival of Qin Zhuo is simply a savior.

But when Qin Zhuo ran half of the procedure, it suddenly didn't go well.

The people above began to push three and four, and did not proceed to the next step.

"What happened?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I'm confused too." Qin Zhuo said.

"Did someone cut the beard? Or a foreign businessman?" Sun Shang guessed.

After all, they are local people and are not as competitive as foreign businessmen. Many policies are open to foreign businessmen and not open to them.

"Go and ask." Hua Zhao said to Liu Ming.

To inquire about the news, Liu Ming and the others are reliable.

Indeed, Liu Ming brought back a piece of news that surprised Hua Zhao the next day.

"Someone cut the beard, but not a foreign businessman, but also a Chinese." Liu Ming said.

"Then what competitiveness does he have? Who can earn me, Young Master Qin?" Qin Zhuo immediately shouted.

He is not stubborn and knows how to use his identity to do things.

Anyway, he didn't do anything illegal, don't be afraid!

As Qin Xiangdong's only son and Ye Zhenguo's pro-grandson, he was given the green light before.

Liu Ming looked at Hua Zhao and said, "This time, it's the little devil who is difficult to deal with. The businessman is not eager to get that factory area, but someone who encouraged him."

"Who? Is it related to me?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Well, that person's name is Li Feng, a native of Shanghai. It is said that he wanted to embarrass you because you offended his mother and drove her to the street." Liu Ming said.

Li Feng didn't hide it, and it was even known to everyone.

He wants people to know that those who offend him will not end well!

Of course, in his mouth, his mother was a lonely and pitiful old lady, and Hua Zhao was an unreasonable bully.

Not only did his frail mother get a heart attack from anger, but also drove her to the street, leaving her homeless.

It was his friend who knew the news and kindly took in his mother, otherwise in the winter, his mother would freeze to death!

He and Hua Zhao are inseparable!

Let him say this, the colleagues in the unit are all in the same hatred, and without him asking anyone, they began to boycott Hua Zhao collectively and embarrass her.

At first, Qin Zhuo was not embarrassed because they thought Qin Zhuo was the buyer, but they signed a contract of intent and saw that the buyer was Hua Zhao.

It happened to be seen by Li Feng, who was in charge of this matter.

This name is rare, and he has been thinking about it a lot recently, and he immediately thought of who it was.

Such a rich Hua Zhao, don't think second person.

But even if it's not, it doesn't matter if she accidentally hurts, who asked her to have the same name as the person she hates?

Hua Zhao blinked. He really didn't expect to meet Mrs. Li's son here.

But it is reasonable for an unreasonable mother to give birth to an unreasonable son.

"What's the situation?" Qin Zhuo and Sun Shang both asked curiously.

What is Hua Zhao doing to drive an old lady out of nothing? It must have been something the other party did!

Hua Zhao told the two about the Yao family's old house.

Sure enough, the other party was wrong.

"But reasoning is useless." Qin Zhuo asked, "What should I do now?"

"What should I do?" Hua Zhao said vulgarly, "Fuck him!"

She likes people who don't follow the right path the most, because there is no psychological burden to do it.

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