Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 775: something happened

Wu Nan put down the book in his hand, which turned out to be a camera.

"A series of shots, every action is recorded, it's very clear!" Wu Nan touched the camera indifferently: "This foreign product is good for use."

This is the tool Hua Zhao gave them.

Zhang Liang also touched it infrequently: "Didn't you take a picture of my face? My sister-in-law said that we can't show our faces, and there are still people looking for us over there."

"Don't worry, I clapped your hand." Wu Nan asked again, "What about the recording? Did you record it?"

"Of course!" Zhang Liang patted the tape recorder in his pocket and checked it at a low volume.

It was all recorded, and it was very clear.

What if Li Feng said he was borrowing money when there were only photos?

So he had to add a recording, so he spoke so clearly.

"Okay, let's go." Wu Nan urged: "Quickly wash the film and hand in the task!"

And now it has only been 2 days since Hua Zhao handed them the task.

Hua Zhao didn't expect them to go so smoothly: "This Li Feng is really bold, he dares to bite if it is a hook, and dare to eat it if it is meat."

Generally prudent people will not accept money from strangers, let alone accept it in public, for fear of being a trap.

Of course, it will be many years later to use this kind of thing as a trick. People today are still very "simple" and have never seen this kind of routine.

Hua Zhao opened their eyes to them~

"What's the next step?" Qin Zhuo said excitedly, looking at the evidence.

"Of course I'm going to report him and let him get out." Hua Zhao said.

If you can't solve the problem, you can solve the people who create the problem...

Of course, this task is more suitable for Young Master Qin to come forward. If he takes action, others will not dare to bully him in turn.

Of course, it is better for Hua Zhao to come forward, after all, she is the daughter-in-law of the Ye family, and her relationship is closer.

But Hua Zhao is hanging out now, and plans not to mention the Ye family when it is not necessary, otherwise it will not be conducive to her developing her network.

She wants outsiders to see her first, recognize her, and then discover the backer behind her.

Qin Zhuo put the report letter and evidence directly in front of the boss of Pengcheng.

Is this still great?

At this time, Pengcheng is in the early stage of development. When the system is established, everything must be fair and just! Otherwise the foundation will be rotten.

"Take it seriously!" The boss said.

Li Feng was instantly imprisoned.

Qin Zhuo can continue to go through the follow-up procedures again.

No one dared to make trouble this time.

After three days, all the formalities were completed, and the factory was basically built, and the machines could be entered.

Hua Zhao called Yao An and asked him to order more than a dozen production lines.

Who dares to cut the beard this time?

Qin Zhuo found a mechanical expert through a relationship and assembled the machine under Hua Zhao's translation.

Trial production was carried out under the guidance of Zhang Liang and Wu Nan.

Everything is going smooth.

Once more workers are recruited, production can begin.

As for the follow-up sales, she can just mention a few words.

At this time, it is still a seller's market. As long as there is something, as long as the thing is good, there is no need to worry about selling it.

Unlike later generations, where competition is fierce, sellers have to find ways to sell their stuff.

No need now, just sit at home and wait to count the money.

So, this is a golden age.

As for the factory, she gave Sun Shang full responsibility for it.

Qin Zhuo is a little jealous.... I feel that my sister-in-law is not kissing him anymore!

Among so many people, Hua Zhao is his sister-in-law! Everyone else needs to step aside!

It was him who stood aside.

"You still have more important things to do. Continue to buy your land. I want to set up a real estate company. When the time comes, you can learn some things and try to open a company yourself." Hua Zhao said, "If the money is not enough, I will borrow it. for you."

Qin Zhuo was stunned and said in horror: "sister-in-law, you don't want me anymore?! No, you dumped me?... No! I mean, you won't take me to play?"

Hua Zhao smiled and said, "You're such an old man, you can play by yourself in the future."

Qin Zhuo was still worried.

"Men, you have to have your own business. It's useless to be an executive under me. And if you want to maintain the vitality of a company, executives need to change frequently..."

Hua Zhao paused: "Forget it, you don't understand what I'm telling you now. In short, I hope that when you go out in the future, others will respect you as President Qin, not Manager Qin.

"I hope we can watch and help each other in the future, instead of you taking orders from me."

"I hope...."

Hua Zhao managed to beat the chicken blood, and Qin Zhuo was immediately excited.

He hopes to become President Qin, and he hopes to have his own career.

This has always been the ideal in his heart, but he has been so busy for 2 years that he almost forgot.

"You wrote me a plan at the beginning. Two years later, it is estimated that your plan has changed again. You can write another one now, and I will invest as appropriate." Hua Zhaodao.

"Okay!" Qin Zhuo said with a serious face.

His sister-in-law really understands him.

Two years ago, he just wanted to flip something and make a quick buck.

But 2 years later, his mind has indeed changed. He wants to do a career that can last for a lifetime.

"It's the same with you." Hua Zhao turned to look at the few people standing beside them as quiet as chickens.

"Everyone is not an easy-going person. You will always have a day when you can stand on your own. I look forward to that day, and I hope that after that day, we will still be friends and partners, and everyone can help each other."

Hua Zhao poured down a bowl of chicken soup to hide her true thoughts.

A company really can't use an executive for 10, 20, or even 5 years.

Otherwise, the enterprise will remain static and have no vitality.

What's more, it's not your business, but his.

Those who have worked in a company for a lifetime, and finally get big, feel that they have no credit and hard work.

A little credit, I feel that I have worked hard!

What does the business end up being like? Just look at the fallen state-owned enterprises.

And no one is the same for a lifetime, a lifetime of energy is abundant, and a lifetime of decisions are correct.

So she doesn't need the whole life of these people.

She just needs them to give her a ride.

When they think they can, they can leave completely, she doesn't stop her.

Even, when they don't want to leave, she has to drive people away...

She doesn't want to raise the uncle.

Therefore, it is necessary to speak a little bit better and say it ahead of time.

Hua Zhao boiled chicken soup with his own hands, it must be delicious!

Everyone was startled when they heard that Hua Zhaohui didn't take them to play, but when a bowl of chicken soup went down, they were instantly warm and full of energy!

Hua Zhao helps them grow, and they must be worthy of Hua Zhao's training!

Looking at the energetic people, Hua Zhao left with confidence. After being out for so long, she felt homesick.

But she still has to transfer to the Shanghai stock market and pick up Yao Lin to go home together.

By the way, take a look at that street, how is Yao Lin's acquisition?

Now that the house can be bought and sold normally, Yao Lin has money, and if there is someone who wants to sell the house, he will take the initiative to find him.

There are also some public-owned shops, which are not well managed and deal with the trouble. They also plan to sell them for some money to pay workers wages, or severance pay or something.

In the 1980s, some small state-owned enterprises went bankrupt.

Therefore, Yao Lin was very busy in the Shanghai market, and he had no time to go to Pengcheng to see it.

But Hua Zhao arrived at the hotel where they stayed before and waited for a day, but saw no one.

After inquiring with the front desk, Yao Lin didn't check out. He still lived here yesterday, but he didn't come back after he left in the morning.

Hua Zhao waited all night and Yao Lin didn't come back, so she knew that something had happened.

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