"Heart disease is a serious illness, and you can't be careless! If you're not careful, you will die." Hua Zhao stood beside Mrs. Li and said, "You have to let your son know about such a big thing, and let him come back and serve you well."

Hua Zhao has heard that this old lady has only one son.

That's fine.

Mrs. Li narrowed her eyes and said weakly, "My son still has a job, and his work is important..."

"Work can never be done, but there is only one mother. If a person abandons a seriously ill mother just for a few days of work, then he is not a filial person. Unfilial piety is a serious moral flaw. How can human organizations be reused?"

Hua Zhao stared at the old lady, with a warning in his eyes: "If there is such a person, I will report it to the organization in time so that they can investigate and investigate, is this person okay?"

The rent also depends on the house. For a large suite of 60 square meters, the monthly rent is the same as that of a warehouse less than 10 square meters?

Her son must be flawed!

Sure enough, Mrs. Li's eyes flickered, and she slowly sat up from the ground, gritted her teeth and said, "I feel, I'm much better!"

Her son is on the rise, she can't delay his work! Not to cause trouble for him.

Old Mrs. Li stared at Hua Zhao, this person could accomplish Yao Huai's tossing for half a year without getting anything done in a few days.

"It's best if it's nothing." Hua Zhao nodded: "But you're not feeling well, so you can't be busy with the move alone."

She turned around and asked the people in the street office: "Can the street help her move?"

"No problem." Someone immediately agreed.

As mentioned above, let them fully cooperate with Hua Zhao. Moreover, Hua Zhao is generous, and those who help will definitely benefit.

"No!" Mrs. Li pulled her face and refused: "I have to wait for my son to come back before moving!"

"I can't help you." Hua Zhao said, "If you don't move out after 4 days, we will forcefully throw your belongings on the road. At that time, your house will not look good, and if you lose it, I will not be responsible for it. ."

"You!" Mrs. Li stared at Hua Zhao, but her eyes were fixed on the people in the street. She found that they didn't respond and acquiesced.

She was at a loss for a moment.

"I found the house!" A man suddenly ran in outside the gate, shouting as he ran.

The man threw himself on the table and looked at Hua Zhao: "I've found a house, let's move! 1,000 yuan, when will it be given to me?"

Hua Zhao immediately smiled and said: "You pack up your things, and when you leave this gate, I will give it to you immediately, and as the first person to move out, I can also reward you 100 yuan, the second reward 90, the third 80... And so on, a total of 10 people will be rewarded.”

"Okay! It's moving!" The man rushed into the building like a gust of wind.

People in the whole building could hear him shouting: "Boss, go to borrow a car! The second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, pack up with your mother!"

Everyone knows this man, a family of 8 people, living in a stairwell of less than 10 square meters, dark, damp and no sunlight, he wanted to move out a long time ago.

Coincidentally, I was looking at the house in the past few days, and I was optimistic about two places, and I was about to make a final decision.

I was overjoyed to catch up with such a good thing.

When the people around heard that there were additional rewards for the top 10, the women in the family immediately instructed the children to go out and inform their father who was looking for a house, so that they could quickly start.

If it is not suitable, move out first! If it doesn't fit, replace it later. Dozens of dollars, enough for one or two years of rent!

An hour later, the first man walked out of the gate with 1,100 yuan contentedly and walked away without any hesitation.

He really had enough of that stairwell where the clutter was supposed to be kept.

One after another, the second and third families moved out. They are all people with poor living conditions.

Not every house in the mansion is luxurious. There are also many stairwells, babysitters, and storage rooms, all of which are also lived in.

Seeing that Hua Zhao really gave money, a lot of money, other people who were hesitant also quickened their actions.

After all, the surrounding area is prosperous, and there are few good houses for rent, and they only have 3 days, one day later, 500 yuan less!

This money is enough for the family to marry a daughter-in-law.

On the third day, almost everyone moved out, except for Mrs. Li's family.

"I called my son, and he told me to wait for him to come back." Mrs. Li said proudly to Hua Zhao.

"Who is your son? He told you to wait and I let you wait? He let you live here and I'll let you live here for the rest of your life?" Hua Zhao said: "Tomorrow morning, someone will help you move."

"You! Ouch~" Mrs. Li pointed at Hua Zhao and was about to lie down on the ground.

Hua Zhao suddenly turned around and said, "You lie down, I will let your son come back to serve you when you lie down, and let him take you away until he can go back to work, believe it or not?"

Mrs. Li stood up instantly.

Hua Zhao is so rich and has connections, and she dares not gamble on people who can instruct the street to do things for her.

Mrs. Li didn't dare to wait for the next day to ask Hua Zhao to find someone to throw her things on the road. In the afternoon, she found someone to move the house by herself.

She left on the front foot, and Hua Zhao installed the gate to the Yao family's old house on the back foot, blocking the view from the outside.

Yao Lin finally smiled when he looked at the dilapidated house.

"Uncle, do you still remember what this house was like before? Wait a while for the decoration workers to come, and you direct them to restore their original appearance?" Hua Zhao asked.

This house can't be idle, or else it will be tricked again. So we have to move and decorate for a year or two.

After a year or two, opening up has become a foregone conclusion, and no one will dare to openly and openly attack other people's private property ideas.

Yao Lin shook his head: "The way it used to be, it's outdated. This is your house, you can decorate it however you want, and I found that you are very discerning."

Yao Lin has visited several of Hua Zhao's courtyards in the capital. Some are purely Chinese, some are a combination of Chinese and Western styles, and some are purely Western, all of which made his eyes light up.

Hua Zhao shook his head: "This is the Yao family's old house. I'd better give it to my cousin, who remembers the original price and pays me back."

Although this house is good, there are many good houses at this time. There are well-preserved houses by the riverside and the seaside. There is no need for her to rob Yao Kun of other people's ancestral houses.

And the main purpose of her buying the house is to invest. This house is an ancestral house. She is too embarrassed to sell it in her hands. It's tasteless.

Yao Lin was immediately moved: "Then I will let him pay you 10 times the price."

"Haha, no need~" Although Hua Zhao said so, she did not refuse too much. If Yao Kun dared to give it, she dared to accept it.

Without her, the house would not be able to get 1 million in the future. The longer it takes, the tens of millions.

While the two were talking, someone knocked on the door, and the decoration worker Hua Zhao had found arrived.

Yao Lin stayed in the Shanghai market after that, instructing the workers to decorate, and Hua Zhao set off for Pengcheng.

It has been delayed for a few days, and I don't know if Zhou Bing's machine has arrived.

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