Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 645: why did you choose us

"Hey!" Sun Shang sighed, and when he saw Hua Zhao at first glance, he knew that she was the one he was looking for... The one who helped him go to college!

He saw that Hua Zhao was dressed in plain clothes, and seemed to be poor and happy. He thought that he could pay a lot of money to buy it.

As a result, he is embarrassed to talk about those so-called heavy gold.

Sun Shang glanced sideways at the big ticking clock in the corner. The hands were made of gold, the numerals were made of precious stones, the craftsmanship was Swiss, and it was made more than 200 years ago.

He can't afford it.

"Hey!" He sighed again: "It seems that my life can't go back."

Being robbed of places and taking away the qualifications of college students is his lifelong regret.

College students, what a glorious existence!

He could have been one of them!

As a result, it was occupied by a villain! Now he can only watch the other party walk the way he should have walked, enjoying the spring breeze!

He is not reconciled!

Hua Zhao felt that if this happened to her, she would definitely hate her to death, and then she would do everything possible to get revenge.

"I understand your feelings, but I don't agree with your approach. You didn't get it by your own ability, so it's not justifiable. What's the point of that." Hua Zhao said.

"I also want to be admitted to Beijing University justifiably, but I can't do it!" Sun Shang said helplessly.

He estimated his real grades. The 4 subjects added up to less than 100 points, and politics accounted for half of them... Among the hundreds of people preparing to take the college entrance examination in the entire Sixth Middle School, they belonged to the 100th.

Where is it in the country?

Beijing University? Think about it when you are dreaming.

"Actually, I think you can." Hua Zhao said.

Sun Shang thought she was kindly comforting him, and squeezed out an ugly smile: "Thank you."

He stood up: "You refused, forget it, but I hope you can keep it a secret for me... Especially to my cousin! If he knows..."

Sun Shang pinched his neck with both hands: "I will die!"

Hua Zhao smiled and continued: "I'm serious, I think you can do it. You didn't do well in the test because your foundation was poor and you forgot all your junior high school knowledge. How can you do high school questions?

"But I found that you have a strong learning ability, a good memory, and a strong understanding ability. Once you know a question, you will never do it wrong again, and as long as you explain the knowledge you use, you can understand it once. There are very few people with your abilities."

Sun Shang was her tablemate, and it was hard for her not to find out.

Sun Shang's eyes lit up and looked at her brightly: "So...?"

"So I can be your tutor and give you systematic and professional guidance." Hua Zhao said, "I can't guarantee that you will be admitted to Beijing University, but if you are admitted to a university, as long as you work hard, you should be fine."

"Deal!" Sun Shang immediately shouted with a flushed face.

Hua Zhao smiled and said, "What are you going to make a deal with me?"

Sun Shang was suddenly embarrassed: " said, what do you want? As long as I have it, I will give it to you! If I don't have it now, I will definitely give it to you in the future!"

"Just remember this favor, and return it to me later." Hua Zhao said.

Want a tutoring fee now? Hundreds of thousands of dollars?

not worth it.

It is better to ask for the favor of a future college student.

And she is willing to help, one is sympathy for his experience, and the other is to find that this kid has a good brain and a talent.

She needs talent.

'77 is coming to an end, '79 is coming soon, and she can show off her talents!

But she is lazy.... She just wants to hide behind the scenes and bring her children to grow flowers, but she also wants money and freedom of wealth.

Then someone needs to help her make money, or try not to switch jobs and not betray the kind of subordinates.

She wanted to try Sun Shang or not.

OK, she'll make it.

No, she should waste her time, and it's not much, just over a month.

"This favor, I will remember you for the rest of my life! What do you want me to do in the future, just a word!" Sun Shang said excitedly.

"Okay, you have to remember what you can say now." Hua Zhao said.

"I swear!" Sun Shang said with red eyes.

He also didn't think he was too stupid, but it wasn't long before the college entrance examination, he couldn't trust himself.... But Hua Zhao trusted him! And he trusted Hua Zhao.

She can do everything and get 100 points in everything (except politics). She is better than the teacher. He actually worships her and is superstitious.

"When do we start?" Sun Shang asked immediately.

"Let's start now, and pay close attention to every minute." Hua Zhao said, "But I have to find some classmates for you."

Only teach Sun Shang alone? She didn't dare to imagine what could be spread outside. So we have to pull a few more people together, and there are more women than men.

And the candidate, she also has some eyebrows in her heart.

The idea of ​​finding a subordinate didn't come from today. It's been there since the day she first crossed over to give birth to bean sprouts. Recently, she's also been observing the classmates around her and looking for a few.

Go ask them tomorrow if they have any intentions.

But today, let's make Sun Shang's arrangements clear.

Hua Zhao entered the room and took out a stack of books, and pulled out a notebook from the middle.

"Here are the main points of mathematics knowledge in elementary and junior high schools. Take a look at it first. Ask me if you don't understand, and I will give you some practice questions."

These were all sorted out for herself before. To be honest, she also forgot about this knowledge, and she also wanted to see what the current students are learning.

"Okay, okay!" Sun Shang held the book respectfully and reverently, as if he had obtained the secrets of martial arts.

Hua Zhao was right, he was really smart. It's not that he didn't know the key points of knowledge, he just forgot. Now it's written clearly and clearly in the book. understood.

There is nothing to ask.

At half past eight, the study was over, and Sun Shang left in high spirits.

He also thinks he can do it!

Who is willing to take a crooked path for something that can be obtained with integrity?

The next day, Hua Zhao went to school, and then secretly contacted a few classmates between classes and expressed a little bit of meaning.

She didn't dare to say it outright, so everyone in the grade would have to come to her... She couldn't teach it.

She is selfish, she doesn't want to make selfless dedication, and the topics in class are all to prove to herself. Solo coaching is just trying to expand my network.

After school in the afternoon, five people followed her and went home together.

3 women and 2 men.

These people, she chose very carefully.

She didn't choose to study very well. People who are very good can get into the university by themselves, and they are not grateful to her after being tutored by her.

She was almost the same as Sun Shang, smart, but with poor foundation, she would never have been able to pass the exam without her help.

She didn't want them to go to a school like Beijing Qing University, and they would be very grateful to her if they could be admitted to a university.

And she also considered the characters of these five people.

That day, she yelled that she cheated, but she didn't choose.

These people were chosen by her among those rare silent crowds.

Of the five people, except for Sun Shang, everyone else entered Hua Zhao's house with excitement and anxiety.

Seeing the style of Hua Zhao's family, everyone fell silent.

After sitting down in the room, another boy immediately asked, "Why did you choose us?"

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