The yard was already quiet. No matter how many people in the yard were watching, Zhou Lihua rushed directly to Ye Zhenguo and shouted, "Dad! Do you know what Hua Zhao did?!"

She just wants everyone to hear!

If it weren't for the large yard, she wished the neighbors would hear it.

But it doesn't matter, she will go out and say it later!

"What's the matter?" Ye Zhenguo asked with a sullen face.

He really didn't know.

But looking at Zhou Lihua's appearance, he knew that she must be looking for trouble again!

"She makes up for others! She would rather help others get into a good university! Not for her own sister! Is there someone like her? Ye Jia's surname is Ye! She doesn't think of herself as a member of the Ye family!" She breathed a sigh of relief said.

In her eyes, the cousins ​​are also relatives.

Dear, must be dear!

"What's the matter?" Ye Zhenguo looked at Hua Zhao strangely.

Hua Zhao came over and said, "Yes, I chose 5 students from our class who had poor academic performance but had great potential to make up lessons for them individually. They should all have done well in the exam this year, and they will have no problem going to Qing University and Beijing University."

"Dad! Look! She admitted it herself!" Zhou Lihua really didn't expect her to recognize it so happily.

"Grandpa, is this a good thing?" Hua Zhao asked Ye Zhenguo with a smile.

Ye Zhenguo nodded: "Of course, you have cultivated five pillars for the country, which is of course a good thing."

Zhou Lihua sucked in a breath of cold air and almost didn't make herself angry!

"Dad! What are you talking about?"

"Am I right?" Ye Zhenguo glared: "People who were not good at studying were taught by Hua Zhao, and they could be admitted to Qing University and Beijing University. First, it shows Hua Zhao's ability, and second, it shows that those people are skilled, and they will definitely be in the future. Great talent, isn't it a good thing for the country to get the pillars of the pillar?"

"Dad! You are arguing! I said she would rather teach others! Not Ye Jia! What does she want to do? She doesn't want Ye Jia to be good! She has a bad mind! She is just greedy for my two vases! "Zhou Lihua shouted.

"She doesn't teach Ye Jia, there must be her reasons." Ye Zhenguo said.

For what reason, he doesn't know...

In fact, he felt in his heart that Hua Zhao was doing something inappropriate. Ye Jia's surname was Ye...

But this sentence has to wait until no one is there to say it. In front of outsiders, of course he defends Hua Zhao.

"I think Ye Jia's qualifications are not enough. Even if I teach her with all my heart, she will not be admitted to Beijing University, so it is better to spend time on people who can and cultivate better talents for the country." Hua Zhao said.


Ye Ming smiled and quickly hid it.

Zhou Lihua went mad: "Why do you say Ye Jia's qualifications are not enough! How can you not know enough without teaching her? Who do you think you are? Going to a university will make you arrogant, you..."

"Enough!" Ye Fang shouted.

She came over to her father and said, "Dad, there are some things I didn't want to say before, but since some people didn't count them, I'll tell you."

She turned her head to look at Zhou Lihua: "I don't know how you teach your children, my heart is crooked! Before Ye Jia and Ye Li went to eat at my place, Hua Zhao had to cook for them every day when she went to school, class, and came back at noon with a big belly. Eat!

"In the end, how did they do it? There is no gratitude at all! Hua Zhao cooked such a delicious meal, and they all vomited, saying it was not delicious! Their hearts are crooked like this, how can Hua Zhao teach her?

"It's me and I don't teach her. I'll get angry when I see her! No one can afford to lose the fetal qi again!" Ye Fang said angrily.

No one knew about this, she didn't say it, Hua Zhao didn't say it either.

And Ye Jia and Ye Li only told Zhou Lihua when they got home.

Ye Zhenguo and Ye Ming both looked at Zhou Lihua deeply, and this matter?

Zhou Lihua knew about this matter. She was not in trouble at the time. She was not free. She was busy during that time, and the unit was selecting new leaders.

She wanted to get another liter.

Besides, she understood, Ye Fang was on Hua Zhao's side, and she didn't want to offend Ye Fang.

This little girl looked good-natured and hardly got angry, but it really annoyed her, she knew it was hard to deal with.

But now she is also anxious: "Speaking of this, I have to ask you a good question! Your heart is also in the armpit! You actually helped Hua Zhao to open your eyes and talk nonsense! Did you forget that her surname is Hua? Ye Jia's surname is Ye! Don't turn your elbows out!"

"Hmph, I don't like to hear this." Ye Fang sneered: "Who said that the daughter-in-law is his family? Isn't the daughter? The daughter-in-law gave birth to a child with the father's surname, and the daughter gave birth to a foreign surname? Do you have to be nice to your daughter-in-law?!"

This is what Zhou Lihua said when she was young to run on her.

At that time, Zhou Lihua was the daughter-in-law, and she was the daughter.

Zhou Lihua's face was distorted, and she couldn't find anything to refute.

It is said that Ye Fang is difficult to deal with. She offended her once so many years ago, and she even remembers it to this day!

"What kind of daughter-in-law, we'll talk about it later!" Zhou Lihua instantly changed the point of contradiction: "We're talking about Hua Zhao now, she doesn't teach Ye Jia, she just wants to deceive me about those two vases!"

"Where did I lie? That's what I won righteously." Hua Zhao smiled and said, "I didn't want to win, so you didn't do it."

Said that Zhou Lihua was even more angry, pointed at Hua Zhao and roared: "It's you who deliberately misled me! What you want to deceive me! I have never seen a shameless person like you! You are greedy for money and greedy for your own family! You don't even care about your family. It's gone!"

Ye Ming suddenly laughed and said sarcastically, "Aunt San, this sentence is suitable for anyone, but you say it's not suitable? Those two vases are only worth 2,000 yuan, but you took Hua Zhao..."

There was a yard outside, and he didn't say anything.

But enough people in the house understood.

At the beginning, she took Hua Zhao's 50,000 yuan and refused to pay it back, and she was thrown thousands of miles away.

Now he even said that Hua Zhao was shameless and greedy for money and greed for his own family?

What a big joke.



Does anyone think I haven't updated these days? In fact, the word "update" is not displayed! I update it every day, but I modified the content before and deleted 13 chapters. The updates in the last few days have to be filled in these 13 chapters, and the system misjudged. So the little cuties who think I haven't updated recently can go forward.

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