Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 644: The trajectory of life has been changed

In the afternoon, Hua Zhao happily returned to school and became a teacher for half the afternoon.

Although a little tired, she did not complain.

It was just a quiz, and everyone was accused of cheating. If she had not fully proved her strength recently, after the college entrance examination was over, someone would definitely write an anonymous letter to report her.

Although her innocence can definitely be proved afterwards, the twists and turns are also embarrassing, and more things are worse than less things.

The efforts were not in vain, and after a few days, Hua Zhao's voice of cheating completely disappeared.

Now some classmates finally mustered up the courage to ask her a question, and no matter what the question is, she will, and finally there is no voice of doubt.

Those few people who were dissatisfied with her didn't dare to show it, or they would immediately be called jealous and narrow-minded.

Another afternoon after school, Hua Zhao met an acquaintance at the intersection.

The acquaintance was obviously waiting for her.

"Find a place to talk." Sun Shang said quickly when he passed by her.

It's like an agent connection.

Hua Zhao was speechless: "It's inappropriate, if you have something to say at school tomorrow."

Sun Shang was already 2 meters away from her. He turned around and said, "School is not suitable either."

"Then there is no way." Hua Zhao said, "I don't seem to have anything to talk to you about."

Sun Shang looked around. After school, there were many students on the way. Now many people know Hua Zhao and watch it.

He didn't dare to get too close to Hua Zhao and talk too much. And what he wants to say can't be said in public at all.

"Forget it, I'll go to your house to find you at night." Sun Shang hurriedly left.

Hua Zhao was taken aback, did he know where she lived?

At 7 o'clock in the evening, she had just finished eating when someone knocked on the door.

"How do you know my address?" Hua Zhao asked while standing at the door, not intending to let Sun Shang in.

This is a courtyard house, not Ye Mao's house.

"Mr. Gao is my cousin, I can ask him." Sun Shang said.

Hua Zhao was speechless and couldn't say anything yet. At this time, the student's address was not private.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

"I have something I want to talk to you about." Sun Shang looked left and right. Fortunately, there are few residents and people in this alley, so it is very quiet now.

"You look so sneaky, I don't worry about letting you in." Hua Zhao said.

Sun Shang choked, but didn't say a word. He was a little sneaky when he wanted to do something...

Hua Zhao looked at him again, but turned to invite him in.

No matter what happened to him, it's good to say it.

Sun Shang breathed a sigh of relief and entered the door, followed her into the yard all the way, and when he reached the main room, he was already wilted: "Your family is so big."

Although he knew when he got the address that this was not a large courtyard, and when he knocked on the door, he knew that this house might be wealthy, but he was still frightened when he came in.

"What is your expression? Very disappointed?" Hua Zhao said.

"I'm a little disappointed." Sun Shang sighed: "No, I'm so disappointed! I thought you were very poor... even if you were poor!" As a result, he was richer than his family, and it seemed that what he asked for was out of the question.

Zhang Guilan strolled over with the child and looked at Sun Shang curiously: "Who is this?"

"My classmate. This is my mother." Hua Zhao introduced them to the two.

Sun Shang immediately stood up and greeted respectfully, then stared at the child in Zhang Guilan's arms, it was a boy, he didn't look like Hua Zhao, that was his father.

This small appearance is spirited, and at a glance, you know that his father is not bad.

The sourness went down within two seconds, no matter how good or bad others looked, he didn't play.

Zhang Guilan didn't leave, just sat in the room with the child and watched the two talk.

She had to help her daughter avoid suspicion.

"What's the matter with you looking for me?" Hua Zhao asked.

Sun Shang looked at Zhang Guilan and knew that she would not and could not go away. He lowered his head and gritted his teeth, blushing a little: "I said, can you promise that today's affairs will be kept secret and will never be leaked?"

Hua Zhao thought for a while, then shook his head: "It depends on what you say. If it is something that harms the public interest, you'd better not speak."

Sun Shang suddenly covered his face, feeling that he shouldn't have come. However, he is not reconciled if he does not come!

"I did copy you that day." Sun Shang said suddenly.

Hua Zhao nodded: "I know."

He was telling the truth that day, he kept staring at her...Occasionally glanced at her papers, she saw it all.

However, cheating in quizzes is usually a matter of self-deception. She doesn't care about this kind of thing, just copy it.

"Actually, my academic performance is not good at all. I really let me take the test myself. If I can get 10 points in the test, it's not bad, but I'm still confused." He laughed at himself.

"But I want to get into a good university! I want to go to Beijing University!" Sun Shang's expression changed, with pain and hatred in his firmness.

"Two years ago, I could have gone back to the city and went to Beijing University! But my place was robbed by a villain..." Since Sun Shang decided to say something, he didn't hide it and said it all in one breath.

He went to the countryside before, not far away, in the countryside on the outskirts of the capital, because his family is somewhat capable.

At that time, he was only 18 years old, and he went down with his childhood sweetheart, but the two were divided into two production teams, but not far away, next to each other.

Four years later, he thought that everything was the same as before, and he just waited for the family to fish out the two and they could get married and start a family.

His family is indeed very capable, and he got a place for a worker, peasant and soldier student at Beijing University, and he was overjoyed to share it with his girlfriend.

Just when he was packing up and preparing to go to school, he was suddenly reported to have stolen things from the production team, misbehaving, and was disqualified as a college student.

He did steal it. When he was too hungry in the middle of the night, he went to the field and stole a few ears of corn... He didn't even dare to bake it, he ate it raw.

He didn't tell anyone about this, except for his girlfriend, he secretly left a few spikes for her.

It turned out that it was his girlfriend who reported him, and she got that spot.

But instead of going to school by herself, she handed over her place to a man in her production team!

And she went back to the city privately, regardless of the policy, and married that man.

Sun Shang's eyes were blood red, if his ex-girlfriend was just cheating on him, he would have recognized it! He would even forgive her, after all, childhood sweetheart relationship... But she turned out to be for a man!

Tolerable or unbearable?

"I want to go to Beijing University! I want to take back everything that belongs to me!" Sun Shang said word by word.

Hua Zhao sighed after listening, but was stunned by the last sentence: "You want to get your ex-girlfriend back? Marry her?"

Sun Shang paused and immediately said: "That's not true, I just said, I should have gone to Beijing University, and the place in Beijing University is mine! The trajectory of my life was changed by them, and I want to change it now. As for her ."

He sneered: "I don't care!"

Hua Zhao nodded, if he was rare, she would look down on him.

"So, what are you doing with me?" Hua Zhao asked.

Sun Shang's face suddenly turned red again, and he whispered: "What, my family can arrange, let us two be in the same exam room... next to each other... Then, you will drag your paper to one side. chant..."

Hua Zhao......

She really didn't expect that he actually came to her to do this!

What else is there to think about?

She said without hesitation, "No."

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