"What's wrong with you?" Hua Zhaoteng rolled over and sat up.

"It's okay, it's just a little injury, it's all skin trauma." Ye Shen quickly comforted her.

Hua Zhao went down and turned on the light, and saw his appearance clearly.

She carefully unbuttoned him, and found that there was indeed a bandage wrapped around him, and blood was already seeping out.

"Why didn't you get hospitalized and ran back!" Hua Zhao said anxiously, "Go, go to the hospital!"

Ye Shen's mouth curved and pulled her: "It's really nothing, it's all skin trauma. Just after I came out of the hospital, the doctor said that it's enough to go home and keep it, and go to the infirmary every day to change the dressing. Besides... we have better medicine."

Hua Zhao patted his head and hurriedly rummaged through the box to take out the golden essence.

If it is a skin injury, green is actually enough, but for her own man, of course she uses a better one.

Ye Shen sat on the chair and untied the bandage, revealing the hideous wound on his back, with seven or eight criss-crossing knife wounds.

"It's called a minor injury! You didn't have so many scars on your body before!" Hua Zhao was so distressed that she wanted to cry.

Ye Shen turned to look at her and smiled: "As long as he can come back alive, it's all minor injuries."

The enemies this time are different, there are many and powerful, each of them is a beast that grows up by licking blood.

And their mission also required that they must catch the living, so he still took the newcomers to experience, and it was inevitable that he would be seriously injured.

However, it was only more serious in Hua Zhao's eyes, and no bones were injured. It was a serious injury.

He will suffer these injuries, but also because of the intense exercise, which has caused internal injuries in the body.

Ye Shen pressed down on his ribs, and there was a dull pain there. It was the shrapnel left at the beginning that was wandering, which made him always sluggish.

"What's wrong?" Hua Zhao asked while giving him medicine.

Ye Shen didn't want to say, he was afraid that Hua Zhao would be worried.

But Hua Zhao's brain was online this time, and he guessed it.

Those shrapnel have always been a piece of her heart, and she has been putting it in her heart, trying to figure out a way to solve this problem, and she also has eyes and eyes.

Hua Zhao held the cotton wool in his right hand, and walked gently behind him, his fingertips scratched on his intact skin, and the supernatural power quietly penetrated.

Skin, muscles, bones...foreign objects!

You can really see it, and it's very clear, and it's not very far from the wound.

Hua Zhao's left hand reached into his pocket and took out a seed.

This is the seed of a wild vine, slender and tough, and it has been mutated countless times in her hands, and now it has completely changed.

The power of the left hand penetrated into the seed, and the tiny seed slowly pulled out the transparent, slender, almost invisible but extremely tough stems and vines, and went deep along the blade of Ye Shen.

Ye Shen didn't feel anything, the dense pain behind him had blocked his perception of it.

It's just that with Hua Zhao's application of the medicine, the consciousness in the back is recovering, cool and refreshing, crisp and numb.

And it also made him feel the dishonest little hand of his daughter-in-law... I don't know if he "would go into battle with an injury", will she let him?

Hua Zhao focused on guiding the stem to touch a piece of shrapnel. In order to prevent Ye Shen from discovering the abnormality, and in order to see more clearly, her right hand kept scratching his back.

Ye Shen's voice was a little hoarse: "... Okay? Okay, let's go to sleep."

"Where is it? There are so many wounds, it's early! Don't talk." Hua Zhao said.

Ye took a deep breath and said nothing.

The stem slowly wrapped around the piece of shrapnel, and Ye Shen's brows wrinkled and loosened again.

For a moment, the pain was like a needle stick, but it disappeared quickly. This phenomenon is so common that he doesn't care anymore.

The stalks started pulling the shrapnel out.

This is a bit painful, after all, the shrapnel is relatively large, Hua Zhao tried to make it come out with the smallest surface, but Ye Shen still frowned.

In order to hide it, Hua Zhao made the movement of his right hand on his back a little heavier, and at the same time, his left hand moved faster and pulled out the shrapnel.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" Hua Zhao quickly apologized, and at the same time, a large amount of golden essence was rubbed on, penetrated, and repaired the wound inside.

Ye Shen's brows are already stretched out: "It's okay... Is this time okay? Can you sleep?"

"What are you going to sleep for? It's still early." Hua Zhao's right hand continued to pull, looking for the next piece of shrapnel.

This opportunity is rare, and it is only easy to hide it when he is injured.

Feeling the little hand behind him, Ye sighed deeply.

Hua Zhao pulled out another 5 pieces of shrapnel, all of which were relatively close to the wound and were easy to extract.

Others are a bit troublesome, too far, and it is unrealistic to draw all the way, which will destroy a lot of internal organizations.

It seems that the only way to extract is to wait for injuries outside those places in the future.

"Okay." Hua Zhao finally spoke, and took another bandage to wrap him.

But when she saw the wound, she was shocked: "It's broken!"

"What's wrong?" Ye Shen asked.

"The wound is too good..." The ugly centipede that was still bleeding just now has turned into a shallow scar, like an old wound.

Ye Shen smiled. He had long guessed that it would be like this. After so much golden essence was wiped for more than half an hour, he no longer felt the pain, and now he was full of energy.

It's a bit bad to do this, but because of some thoughts, he didn't remind her.

"What do I do now? How do I change the medicine tomorrow?" Hua Zhao asked anxiously.

"Then don't go, tell them to bring the medicine back and replace it with me, the same." Ye Shen said.

That's it, Hua Zhao is relieved.

In this case, on a hot day, there is no need to wrap the bandage.

"You can go to sleep now." Hua Zhao put down the bandage and said. She thought Ye Shen was very tired, and he urged him to sleep seven or eight times just now.

Ye Shen stood up suddenly, put her on the bed in his arms, buried her in her hair, and said hoarsely, "Sleep."

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