Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 615: Don't even think about entering

The next morning, when Hua Zhao got up, Ye Shen was no longer in the room.

She got up with aches and pains, looked at the two sleeping babies, and went to wash up.

Looking at the bruises on her neck in the mirror, Hua Zhao rolled her eyes, it was a hot day and she was forced to wear high-necked clothes! I don't know where he got so much "fire".

The person in the mirror winked like silk, obviously it was a white eye, but it threw out a different taste.

Hua Zhao suddenly giggled, and threw a few more winks at the mirror, it's pretty good~ Practice it well, and show it to Ye Shen at night!

After washing up, I went to the kitchen and found that the porridge and eggs were ready and steaming in the pot.

Hua Zhao's heart was suddenly warm, and he didn't dislike it at all, because Ye Shen would do this.

And if he can have this heart, it is already very good.

After eating breakfast happily, the babies woke up, packed their food and drinks, and had to go to the yard to serve the new cuties.

Hua Zhao was so busy that her feet didn't touch the ground, but the smile on her face never disappeared.

It was not until Su Yue appeared at the door holding the child that her smile stopped.

But it's time for the kids to eat solid food and do more.

Hua Zhao opened the door, Su Yue walked in shyly, and exchanged a few words with Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao placed them in the old place, under the eaves.

It seems that we have to build a gazebo in the yard, set up a table, open up a rest area, and build a slide, a swing or something.

After making the complementary food and serving it, Su Yue had something to say.

"Sister Ye, when are you entering the city?"

"Not sure, what's wrong?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Oh, I just want to hitch a ride today and go to the post office in the city. It's time to send money to my hometown." Su Yue said.

Hua Zhao remembered that the salary was paid yesterday.

Really is.....

She didn't answer the question, but asked, "How much is your brother's salary a month? How much do you mail to your family?"

Thanks to living a life without privacy now, the question cannot be overstated.

Su Yue didn't think it was too much, and said directly: "My brother is more than 130 yuan a month, and he mails 110 yuan to his home."

Hua Zhao was speechless and left 20 yuan for 3 people to live? What a big dude!

Understanding Hua Zhao's expression, Su Yue explained: "My family is in trouble, my parents are not healthy, I take medicine all the year round, and I have to eat delicious supplements. My elder brother has a broken leg and can't work. My sister-in-law has to work alone. Taking care of a large family, serving the elderly, elder brother, and children, there is no time to go out to earn work points.

"There is also my second brother's family, which is also difficult. When there are 6 boys in the family, all of them can eat. My second sister-in-law is not in good health and cannot work. My second brother can't support the whole family by himself.

"And my eldest sister, who has hurt her body when giving birth, has to take traditional Chinese medicine all the year round. And my third brother, when it comes to marrying a wife, the family has to build a house for him.

"My second sister's life is not easy. My second brother-in-law is lazy, lazy, greedy, drunk and beaten... If the family has no money, just let my second sister want it. If my second sister can't get it, he will beat him to death. My second sister has no choice but to go home and borrow it."

Hua Zhao listened silently, it was really a bad debt for the family. It seems to be really difficult, no matter what, but Su Qiang should take care of it alone, isn't it wrong?

But this is someone else's business, she can't control it, just listen to it.

"And my brother doesn't pay for food and drink here. Haohao and I, 20 yuan is enough." Su Yue said.

Su Qiang hardly ever goes home to eat, and if he eats in the cafeteria, he doesn't spend any money.

At 20 a month, she can save some as a dowry for herself!

Hua Zhao also understood her expression, and suddenly didn't want to talk to her. From tomorrow, she won't even want to enter this door!

"I'm not free today, take the shuttle bus to the city." Hua Zhao said.

Su Yue's expression froze, but she said yes with a smile.

Ye Shen pushed open the door and came in.

"Why are you back now?" Hua Zhao asked in surprise.

He doesn't come back at noon, he only comes back after get off work in the evening, and sometimes he comes back in the middle of the night when there is a training camp in the evening.

"I'm injured and have 10 days off." Ye Shen said.

10 days! Hua Zhao was suddenly surprised. But thinking about the hideous wound last night, without her, 10 days would not be enough to heal.

It's really hard.

"Brother Ye is injured?" Su Yue suddenly said.

Ye Shen frowned and looked at her, he didn't like anyone other than Hua Zhao calling him "Brother Ye".

Of course, Hua Zhao can't call him that now. He likes to hear her sweetly call him "good brother".

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