It doesn't matter if you can't catch Ma Daqiang. The backer behind Ma Daqiang is Ma Daqiang, and he can't run.

The Ye family immediately started targeting Ma Dashuai, and after a series of tactics, Ma Dashuai immediately complained.

He also hated it so much that when Ma Daqiang did that, he didn't notify him in advance! He doesn't know anything.

But when something went wrong, he still had to take care of them. He couldn't tell who made them brothers. Now the Ye family hates him and refuses to explain.

But he can't stay like this all the time, he just doesn't move.

After thinking about it, Ma Dashuai called Ma Guoqing over...

In this level of competition, Hua Zhao will not participate, nor will he be able to participate.

She drove home, and it was time for Ye Shen's mission to end.

The car drove smoothly into the compound and stopped at the door of his house, which immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Seeing Hua Zhao get down from the cab, everyone was even more shocked.

"Fuck Yunfei, you can drive?" Sister Wang said in surprise.

"Yeah, I just learned." Hua Zhao replied with a smile.

"Oh, you are really amazing!" Sister Wang boasted. She didn't talk about driving, she was dizzy when she was in the car. Fortunately, she didn't have to go to the city to buy groceries often, otherwise she would have a headache just thinking about it.

Su Yue stood in the crowd holding her child with a stiff smile on her face.

Hua Zhao didn't seem to notice her, and was busy cleaning up the things in the car.

Miao Lanzhi prepared a lot of clothes, toys and food for the children.

Hua Zhao also bought some must-have pets at home: chickens, ducks, geese, and two little pigs.

Miao Lanzhi was shocked when she saw these things. She really couldn't associate Hua Zhao with pig raising, even if she knew that she was from a rural area and had been raising pigs in the past.

In fact, Hua Zhao didn't want to raise them either. After raising them, their lives would not be refined.... But in order to eat, she still endured it.

The pork raised by myself is countless times better than the one bought from outside. After eating it once, it is no longer fragrant.

Hua Zhao was busy, pretending not to see Su Yue.

But this obviously couldn't stop Su Yue's footsteps, she followed Hua Zhao and entered the yard.

A few sisters-in-law winked around.

It seems that Su Yue is staring at Hua Zhao. Also, the family members in this hospital, except for her, Hua Zhao is young and easy to bully.

However, they didn't have much to say about this matter. They said it as if they couldn't see Su Hao.

Su Yue entered the yard and "played with the children".

Hua Zhao looked at Su Hao who was lying on his back, sighed inwardly, and went to make complementary food.

The carrot puree and egg custard that I made today, the two little guys enjoyed it, Su Hao devoured it again.

"Sister Ye, how did you meet my brother Ye?" Su Yue suddenly said.

Hua Zhao was stunned, the cold hairs on the back of his neck stood up immediately, "My big brother Ye"?

"I'm a baby relative to 'You Big Brother Ye'." Hua Zhao said. She aggravated her tone on your big brother Ye.

Su Yue seemed to have heard it, and her face was a little red, but she did not explain, and continued to ask: "Baby kiss? Are you not from the countryside? ... Isn't Brother Ye from the city?"

"My grandfather and his grandfather know each other." Hua Zhao said.

"Oh." Su Yue was embarrassed to ask how the two met, but Hua Zhao didn't seem to want to say it.

It's not that she doesn't know how to look at her face.

But after a few seconds, she asked again: "It was Brother Ye's brother who always came before? How many brothers are they?"

Hua Zhao blinked at her and didn't answer her question: "What do you want to know?"

Su Yue immediately said, "Ah? I don't want to know anything, I'm just chatting casually!" After speaking, he didn't dare to look at Hua Zhao, but feeding Su Hao all at once would choked him.

It's not hard to guess what she's thinking, it's all on her face. Moreover, a 17-year-old girl can't help but think more when she sees a handsome guy.

She was fine, it was Brother Ye Shen's idea.

"They are just two brothers. Ye Shen has an older sister and no younger brother." Hua Zhao said.

There are a few cousins, but she didn't want to say it, she said, she'll be thinking about it.

She doesn't protect the media, not to mention that the other party is Su Yue.

Su Yue's face suddenly turned red to the point of bleeding.

She didn't want to ask, acting so reserved, but she seemed to have no other way.

In the past two days, she has been asking her brother about the situation at Ye Shen's house, but if she asks too much, her brother will be alerted, and she will be reprimanded not to inquire!

It seemed that he knew, but would not tell her.

Su Yue knew what was going on. He felt that Hua Zhao's words made him lose face that day, and he didn't want to deal with Ye Shen and Hua Zhao anymore.

That's what her brother is like, to die for face!

She has no face, no one is planning for her future, she has to plan for herself.

It's a pity that Ye Shen doesn't have a younger brother, and his older brother must have married at his age.

Su Yue completely shut up after that. After Su Hao finished eating, he left with the child in his arms.

"Hey, hey!" As soon as Su Yue left, Sister Wang leaned on the wall and greeted Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao walked over, and Mrs. Wang asked in a low voice, "What is she doing here?"

Hua Zhao smiled and said, "It's nothing, she just came... to visit."

Sister-in-law Wang pouted, "She's staring at you again. She was staring at Gao Xiuying upstairs. She brings her children to the house every day. Every day, Su Hao needs Gao Xiuying to help her."

Although she didn't want to take care of it, Sister Wang couldn't help but tell Hua Zhao the truth, so that she wouldn't know if she was cheated on.

"I see, thank you sister-in-law." Hua Zhao sighed helplessly and said, "Isn't this also a pity for the child. And now that I can drive, I guess I will always run to the city during the day, and go home to see my mother-in-law, she is here. I'm not here either."

Hua Zhao really planned this. Ye Shen was not at home during the day, so she might as well go to the city to find her family to play with, and Su Yue would not be able to catch her a few times in the future.

If it wasn't for Su Hao being too young, she looked really pitiful, she wouldn't even be able to get in.

Knowing that Hua Zhao understood, and there are countermeasures, not just being taken advantage of, Mrs. Wang was relieved and chatted with her about the two pigs she bought.

"You actually raise pigs..." She looked at pigs, and then at Hua Zhao, but couldn't associate her with pigs: "Do you know how to raise them?"

"My family raises pigs every year." Hua Zhao smiled.

"It's really a rural person." Sister-in-law Wang sighed.

Since the car came back, Hua Zhao revealed that her grandfather was a veteran, and her rural identity was questioned again.

This time it's done, people will raise pigs, proper rural people.

"I want to keep it too, but unfortunately my man won't let me." Sister Wang regretted.

How good is it to raise a pig, and how much money do you save selling meat a year? And eat a lot!

Like their family members, they only send meat once a week, a pound or two. For a large family, one person and one chopstick are gone, just enough to stick between the teeth.

"Your man can make it?" Sister Wang suddenly looked at Hua Zhao with gossip: "Didn't you decide for yourself while he's not at home? He can't kill them and eat meat when he comes back?"

"No." Hua Zhao said to himself.

After chatting a few more words with Sister Wang, she was busy.

She bought a lot of chickens, ducks and geese, especially chickens. She bought 20 chickens, some of them large and some small, some were going to eat meat, and some were kept for laying eggs.

There are 5 ducks, this one keeps the salted duck eggs.

There are only two geese, and they are for household use. She could not see the snakes, worms, rats and ants in the yard, which scared the children.

These little guys are here, and she has to arrange a place to live.

Poultry is good, just put a fence in the corner of the backyard. For pigs, she has to build a circle with bricks.

Hua Zhao was quick-witted and busy, and he was done in two or three hours.

Sister-in-law Wang stood in the yard again and praised her.

The few sisters-in-law around who thought that Hua Zhao was not the same as them calmed down again, being so capable, they were really not the same. When they were in the countryside, all the work was done by the fathers and brothers at home, and very few women would build pigsties!

In fact, Hua Zhao doesn't either. She just relies on the pigs she raises to be obedient, so she can just make a fool of herself.

In the evening, Ye Shen came back in the middle of the night with a **** smell.

Hua Zhao woke up instantly.

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