Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 612: behind the scenes

Hua Zhao got out of the car and asked curiously, "Why are you here?"

He Jianning looked at her, and then at the car behind her, a little surprised.

This rural girl has surprised him time and time again, she can drive? It hasn't been two days since the car arrived in her hands? Really talented.

"I'm coming to visit." He Jianning smiled.

See you again... Hua Zhao now feels weird when he hears these two words.

But can't refuse Su Yue, can't refuse him?

She had no friendly relationship with him.

Buying and selling ginseng, that is a transaction.

She didn't forget the things he cheated on her!

"I don't welcome you very much, why don't you walk slowly?" Hua Zhao said.

He Jianning's smile froze, his eyes flashed, this woman...

"Actually, I have something to tell you about the person behind the scenes who stole your child." He Jianning said, "Are you welcome now?"

Hua Zhao knew that he could not be easily driven away.

"Okay, you won." Hua Zhao turned around, took the two children down, opened the door and invited him into the house.

This is the first time He Jianning has seen her two children, and the first time he has discovered that children can be cute.

Also, can a child born to such a beautiful mother not be cute?

He took out two pieces of gold to make a longevity lock and handed it to Hua Zhao: "This is my gift to them."

Hua Zhao immediately refused: "No, this is too precious."

He Jianning smiled: "A few tens of grams of gold, a few hundred dollars, is it valuable to you? Besides, it's just a matter of courtesy. When I have a baby, you can send my baby to me."

Hua Zhao was taken aback, hasn't he been single all the time?

Also, that was because he was ill before, "no", and now he thinks he can do it again? Want to get married and have kids?

Well, it's human nature.

And he was right, it was only a few hundred dollars, and she could afford it.

Hua Zhao didn't push him around at the gate, thanked him for taking the longevity lock, entered the yard, and sent the child to the backyard to let Hua Qiang help him watch, and then came back to greet He Jianning.

"Who is behind the scenes, please tell me." Hua Zhao said.

He Jianning looked at her with a smile, then looked around, the layout was good, very stylish, and much warmer than the last time he came.

It seems that she can live very well.

The fresh scent of flowers in the air also made him feel particularly happy.

"It's noon, let's talk after dinner, shall we?" He Jianning smiled.

Hua Zhao choked.

"Do you think that you are begging me now, or am I begging you?" He Jianning said again.

Hua Zhao looked at him and smiled: "I think we are mutually beneficial. If you tell me the news, I can also meet your request, for example, give you a bottle of medicinal wine or something."

"You are really mean to me, such important news is worth a bottle of medicinal wine?" He Jianning pretended to be sad.

"This, it depends on whether your information is accurate or not, and whether it is valuable." Hua Zhao ignored the discomfort in his heart. Is He Jianning so "skinny"?

But if he really knew, she wouldn't want his news in vain. If there is one sick seedling, it doesn't matter if you give him a few more bottles of medicinal wine.

Hua Zhao suddenly rejoiced that He Jianning's body was born with insufficiency, and it was too late to meet her. It can be said that the medicine stone was useless, and he could only rely on the treasures of heaven and earth to continue his life.

Otherwise, she cured him at once, and there is nothing to negotiate with him.

He Jianning looked at her and smiled, but said, "I want to eat."

He's been missing that smell for a long time...and more and more, he's been losing weight lately!

Hua Zhao.....

Seeing that he was persistent, well, for the sake of the news, she endured it.

Hua Zhao got up and went to the kitchen, and seriously cooked a few dishes.

It's all about the news, it's all about the kids!

He Jianning ate to his heart's content, feeling that his stomach, which he had been clamoring for for months, finally subsided.

No, he had a hunch that it would be louder in the future.

I really hope that time will pass quickly, and He Lanlan will give birth to the child sooner... Then he will have a cook.

Hua Zhao cleaned up the table and made him a cup of fruit tea in person, and then said, "Can we talk now?"

He Jianning was blunt and stopped going around: "Liu Su, that is the master. She and Ma Daqiang's wife were young and separated after middle school. However, the two families have been in contact with each other on and off for so many years, but few people know about it."

Liu Su, Ma Daqiang...

Hua Zhao suddenly realized that the problem was here!

Ma Daqiang either wanted to take revenge on the Ye family for not giving him medicine and alcohol to save his son, and arrested her child for revenge, or he wanted to use the child to coerce them to save Ma successfully.

Knowing who the perpetrator is, it's easy to guess the motive.

She was just surprised that He Jianning dared to tell her about it. Isn't he afraid that they will catch Ma Daqiang, and then Ma Daqiang will spit out what he designed Ye Shen?

He Jianning is not afraid, he has a way to shut up the Ma family.

Before he came, he had already communicated with Ma Dashuai. Even if Ma Daqiang died, he would keep his mouth shut, so he dared to come.

He came to please Hua Zhao, not to offend her.

In the future, when the matter of Helanlan broke out, Hua Zhao would definitely be angry with him, how could he come over to be his cook obediently? Therefore, he needs to save some goodwill now.

He didn't know, Hua Zhao knew everything. This operation just sold Ma Daqiang in vain.

"Okay, I see." Hua Zhao nodded: "The Ye family will check, what do you want?"

I want you to be my cook.

He Jianning smiled and said, "Of course it's medicinal wine. I also want to share a bottle a month."

"This, I said it doesn't matter, let Ye Ming talk to you." Hua Zhao said.

He sold her such a big favor, and he didn't even make a good face. What she said was not a good excuse. He knew that she must have medicinal wine in her hand, and it was not limited, and the effect was better.

For example, the kind that can really save Ye Shen.

He has already obtained a lot of green medicinal wine, and after repeated verification, they are not enough to treat Ye Shen's serious injury.

There must be something better in her hands!

She is like a treasure...

It just doesn't look good to him.

He Jianning touched his nose, Ye Shen's temper was stinky and hard, and he was taciturn. How did she like him in the first place?

face? He really can't compare to this...

Oh, shallow woman.

He Jianning left angrily.

Hua Zhao immediately called Ye Ming.

Ye Ming had just finished the meeting and was hearing from the secretary that there was no call from Hua Zhao. He was about to call when Hua Zhao called and told him what He Jianning said.

Ye Ming took it seriously and acted immediately.

But when they found Ji Province, Ma Daqiang and his wife took Ma successfully, and they were discharged from the hospital one step ahead of schedule and disappeared.

He Jianning just gave them the news to gain favor, but he didn't want them to catch someone.

Instead of believing that Ma Daqiang would keep the secret, it would be safer not to give the Ye family this chance.

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